コード例 #1
class Solver(BaseSolver):
    ''' Solver for training'''

    def __init__(self, config, paras, mode):
        super().__init__(config, paras, mode)

        # ToDo : support tr/eval on different corpus
        assert self.config['data']['corpus']['name'] == self.src_config['data']['corpus']['name']
        self.config['data']['corpus']['path'] = self.src_config['data']['corpus']['path']
        self.config['data']['corpus']['bucketing'] = False

        # The follow attribute should be identical to training config
        self.config['data']['audio'] = self.src_config['data']['audio']
        self.config['data']['text'] = self.src_config['data']['text']
        self.config['model'] = self.src_config['model']
        self.config['hparas'] = self.src_config['hparas']

        # Output file
        self.output_file = str(self.ckpdir)+'_{}_{}.csv'

        # Override batch size for beam decoding
        self.greedy = self.config['decode']['beam_size'] == 1
        if not self.greedy:
            self.config['data']['corpus']['batch_size'] = 1
            # ToDo : implement greedy
            raise NotImplementedError

    def load_data(self):
        ''' Load data for training/validation, store tokenizer and input/output shape'''
        self.dv_set, self.tt_set, self.feat_dim, self.vocab_size, self.tokenizer, msg = \
            load_dataset(self.paras.njobs, self.paras.gpu,
                         self.paras.pin_memory, False, **self.config['data'])

    def set_model(self):
        ''' Setup ASR model '''
        # Model
        init_adadelta = self.config['hparas']['optimizer'] == 'Adadelta'
        self.model = ASR(self.feat_dim, self.vocab_size, init_adadelta, **

        # Plug-ins
        if ('emb' in self.config) and (self.config['emb']['enable']) \
                and (self.config['emb']['fuse'] > 0):
            from src.plugin import EmbeddingRegularizer
            self.emb_decoder = EmbeddingRegularizer(
                self.tokenizer, self.model.dec_dim, **self.config['emb'])

        # Load target model in eval mode

        # Beam decoder
        self.decoder = BeamDecoder(
            self.model.cpu(), self.emb_decoder, **self.config['decode'])
        del self.model
        del self.emb_decoder

    def exec(self):
        ''' Testing End-to-end ASR system '''
        for s, ds in zip(['dev', 'test'], [self.dv_set, self.tt_set]):
            # Setup output
            self.cur_output_path = self.output_file.format(s, 'output')
            with open(self.cur_output_path, 'w') as f:

            if self.greedy:
                # Greedy decode
                    'Performing batch-wise greedy decoding on {} set, num of batch = {}.'.format(s, len(ds)))
                self.verbose('Results will be stored at {}'.format(
                # Additional output to store all beams
                self.cur_beam_path = self.output_file.format(s, 'beam')
                with open(self.cur_beam_path, 'w') as f:
                    'Performing instance-wise beam decoding on {} set. (NOTE: use --njobs to speedup)'.format(s))
                # Minimal function to pickle
                beam_decode_func = partial(beam_decode, model=copy.deepcopy(
                    self.decoder), device=self.device)
                # Parallel beam decode
                results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.paras.njobs)(
                    delayed(beam_decode_func)(data) for data in tqdm(ds))
                    'Results/Beams will be stored at {} / {}.'.format(self.cur_output_path, self.cur_beam_path))
                self.write_hyp(results, self.cur_output_path,
        self.verbose('All done !')

    def write_hyp(self, results, best_path, beam_path):
        '''Record decoding results'''
        for name, hyp_seqs, truth in tqdm(results):
            hyp_seqs = [self.tokenizer.decode(hyp) for hyp in hyp_seqs]
            truth = self.tokenizer.decode(truth)
            with open(best_path, 'a') as f:
                f.write('\t'.join([name, hyp_seqs[0], truth])+'\n')
            if not self.greedy:
                with open(beam_path, 'a') as f:
                    for b, hyp in enumerate(hyp_seqs):
                        f.write('\t'.join([name, str(b), hyp, truth])+'\n')
コード例 #2
class Solver(BaseSolver):
    ''' Solver for training'''
    def __init__(self, config, paras, mode):
        super().__init__(config, paras, mode)

        # ToDo : support tr/eval on different corpus
        # assert self.config['data']['corpus']['name'] == self.src_config['data']['corpus']['name']
        # self.config['data']['corpus']['path'] = self.src_config['data']['corpus']['path']
        self.config['data']['corpus']['bucketing'] = False
        # self.config['data']['corpus']['threshold'] = 100

        # The follow attribute should be identical to training config
        self.config['data']['audio'] = self.src_config['data']['audio']
        self.config['data']['text'] = self.src_config['data']['text']
        self.config['model'] = self.src_config['model']

        # Output file
        self.output_file = str(self.ckpdir) + '_{}_{}.csv'

        # Override batch size for beam decoding
        self.greedy = self.config['decode']['beam_size'] == 1
        if not self.greedy:
            self.config['data']['corpus']['batch_size'] = 1

        self.step = 0

    def fetch_data(self, data):
        ''' Move data to device and compute text seq. length'''
        _, feat, feat_len, txt = data
        feat = feat.to(self.device)
        feat_len = feat_len.to(self.device)
        txt = txt.to(self.device)
        txt_len = torch.sum(txt != 0, dim=-1)

        return feat, feat_len, txt, txt_len

    def load_data(self):
        ''' Load data for training/validation, store tokenizer and input/output shape'''
        self.dv_set, self.tt_set, self.feat_dim, self.vocab_size, self.tokenizer, msg = \
                         load_dataset(self.paras.njobs, self.paras.gpu, self.paras.pin_memory, False, **self.config['data'])

    def set_model(self):
        ''' Setup ASR model '''
        # Model

        self.model = ASR(self.feat_dim, self.vocab_size,

        # Plug-ins
        if ('emb' in self.config) and (self.config['emb']['enable']) \
                                  and (self.config['emb']['fuse']>0):
            from src.plugin import EmbeddingRegularizer
            self.emb_decoder = EmbeddingRegularizer(self.tokenizer,

        # Load target model in eval mode

        # self.ctc_only = False
        if self.greedy:
            self.decoder = copy.deepcopy(self.model).to(self.device)
            # Beam decoder
            # TODO: CTC decoding function Hidden by author
            # if not self.model.enable_att or self.config['decode'].get('ctc_weight', 0.0) == 1.0:
            # For CTC only decoding (character level)

            # self.decoder = CTCBeamDecoder(self.model.to(self.device),
            #     range(self.model.vocab_size),
            #     self.config['decode']['beam_size'],
            #     self.config['decode']['vocab_candidate'])
            # self.ctc_only = True
            # else:
            # self.decoder = BeamDecoder(self.model, self.emb_decoder, **self.config['decode'])
            self.decoder = BeamDecoder(self.model, self.emb_decoder,

        del self.model
        del self.emb_decoder
        self.emb_decoder = None

    def greedy_decode(self, dv_set):
        results = []
        for i, data in enumerate(dv_set):
            self.progress('Valid step - {}/{}'.format(i + 1, len(dv_set)))
            # Fetch data
            feat, feat_len, txt, txt_len = self.fetch_data(data)

            # Forward model
            with torch.no_grad():
                ctc_output, encode_len, att_output, att_align, dec_state = \
                    self.decoder( feat, feat_len, int(float(feat_len.max()) * self.config['decode']['max_len_ratio']),
            for j in range(len(txt)):
                idx = j + self.config['data']['corpus']['batch_size'] * i
                if att_output is not None:
                    hyp_seqs = att_output[j].argmax(dim=-1).tolist()
                    hyp_seqs = ctc_output[j].argmax(dim=-1).tolist()
                true_txt = txt[j]
                results.append((str(idx), [hyp_seqs], true_txt))
        return results

    def exec(self):
        ''' Testing End-to-end ASR system '''
        for s, ds in zip(['dev', 'test'], [self.dv_set, self.tt_set]):
            # Setup output
            self.cur_output_path = self.output_file.format(s, 'output')
            with open(self.cur_output_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:

            if self.greedy:
                # Greedy decode
                    'Performing batch-wise greedy decoding on {} set, num of batch = {}.'
                    .format(s, len(ds)))
                results = self.greedy_decode(ds)
                self.verbose('Results will be stored at {}'.format(
                self.write_hyp(results, self.cur_output_path, 'j**z')
            # elif self.ctc_only:
            #     # TODO: CTC decode
            #     self.verbose('Performing instance-wise CTC beam decoding on {} set, num of batch = {}.'.format(s,len(ds)))
            #     # Minimal function to pickle
            #     ctc_beam_decode_func = partial(ctc_beam_decode, model=copy.deepcopy(self.decoder), device=self.device)
            #     # Parallel beam decode
            #     results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.paras.njobs)(delayed(ctc_beam_decode_func)(data) for data in tqdm(ds))
            #     self.verbose('Results will be stored at {}'.format(self.cur_output_path))
            #     self.write_hyp(results, self.cur_output_path, 'j**z')
            #     torch.cuda.empty_cache()
                # Additional output to store all beams
                self.cur_beam_path = self.output_file.format(s, 'beam')
                with open(self.cur_beam_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
                    'Performing instance-wise beam decoding on {} set. (NOTE: use --njobs to speedup)'
                # Minimal function to pickle
                beam_decode_func = partial(beam_decode,
                # Parallel beam decode
                results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.paras.njobs)(
                    delayed(beam_decode_func)(data) for data in tqdm(ds))
                self.verbose('Results/Beams will be stored at {}/{}.'.format(
                    self.cur_output_path, self.cur_beam_path))
                self.write_hyp(results, self.cur_output_path,
        self.verbose('All done !')

    def write_hyp(self, results, best_path, beam_path):
        '''Record decoding results'''
        if self.greedy:
            ignore_repeat = not self.decoder.enable_att
            ignore_repeat = not self.decoder.asr.enable_att
        for name, hyp_seqs, truth in tqdm(results):
            hyp_seqs = [
                self.tokenizer.decode(hyp, ignore_repeat=ignore_repeat)
                for hyp in hyp_seqs
            truth = self.tokenizer.decode(truth)
            with open(best_path, 'a', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
                if type(hyp_seqs[0]) is not str:
                    hyp_seqs[0] = ' '
                if len(hyp_seqs[0]) == 0:
                    hyp_seqs[0] = ' '
                if len(truth) == 0:
                    truth = ' '
                f.write('\t'.join([name, hyp_seqs[0], truth]) + '\n')
            if not self.greedy:
                with open(beam_path, 'a', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
                    for b, hyp in enumerate(hyp_seqs):
                        f.write('\t'.join([name, str(b), hyp, truth]) + '\n')