コード例 #1
def test_get_vertex():
    """Check if vertex can be retrieved from directed graph."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v = g.get_vertex(vertex_id=0)
    assert v is not None
    assert v.id == 0
コード例 #2
def test_get_vertex_ids_graph_with_one_vertex():
    """Test whether method DirectedGraph.get_vertex_ids() works correctly for graph with vertex."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    list_ids = g.get_vertex_ids()
    assert len(list_ids) == 1
    assert v0.id in list_ids
コード例 #3
def test_get_vertices_graph_with_one_vertex():
    """Test whether method DirectedGraph.get_vertices() works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    list_vertices = g.get_vertices()
    assert len(list_vertices) == 1
    assert v0 in list_vertices
コード例 #4
def test_get_vertex_ids():
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    list_ids = g.get_vertex_ids()
    assert len(list_ids) == 2
    assert v0.id in list_ids
    assert v1.id in list_ids
コード例 #5
def test_get_vertices():
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    list_vertices = g.get_vertices()
    assert len(list_vertices) == 2
    assert v0 in list_vertices
    assert v1 in list_vertices
コード例 #6
def test_get_vertex_ids():
    """Test whether method DirectedGraph.get_vertex_ids() works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    list_ids = g.get_vertex_ids()
    assert len(list_ids) == 2
    assert v0.id in list_ids
    assert v1.id in list_ids
コード例 #7
def test_add_edge_between_nonexistent_vertices():
    """Test whether method DirectedGraph.add_edge() works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = Vertex(0, {})
    v1 = Vertex(1, {})

    # neither vertex are put into the directed graph, so it is impossible
    # to add an edge to connect them. ATM the exception thrown by the
    # add_edge method is not very specific, it might need to be improved.
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        g.add_edge(from_id=v0.id, to_id=v1.id)
コード例 #8
def test_add_cycle_to_the_same_vertex():
    """Test whether method DirectedGraph.add_edge() works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    # create edge from and to the same vertex
    g.add_edge(from_id=v0.id, to_id=v0.id)
    v0_neighbours = v0.get_neighbours()
    # only one neighbour
    assert len(v0_neighbours) == 1
    # neighbour has id = 1
    assert v0_neighbours[0].id == 0
コード例 #9
def test_find_common_reachable_vertex_empty_graph():
    """Test if method DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices() works correctly."""
    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(input_vertices=None)
    assert list_vertices is None

    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(input_vertices=[])
    assert list_vertices is None

    v0 = Vertex(0, {})
    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(input_vertices=[v0])
    assert list_vertices is not None
    assert list_vertices[0] == v0
コード例 #10
def test_add_edge():
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    g.add_edge(from_id=v0.id, to_id=v1.id)
    v0_neighbours = v0.get_neighbours()
    # only one neighbour
    assert len(v0_neighbours) == 1
    # neighbour has id = 1
    assert v0_neighbours[0].id == 1

    v1_neighbours = v1.get_neighbours()
    # no neighbour of v1 as it is directed graph
    assert len(v1_neighbours) == 0
    def __init__(self, graph_store, synonyms_store):
        """Initialize the analyzer and read known synonyms."""
        # load graph from given data store
        self.g = DirectedGraph.read_from_json(graph_store)
        self.known_licenses = [
            'public domain', 'mit', 'bsd-new', 'bsd-simplified', 'apache 2.0',
            'lgplv2.1', 'lgplv2.1+', 'lgplv3+', 'mpl 1.1', 'gplv2', 'gplv2+',
            'gplv3+', 'affero gplv3', 'epl 1.0', 'epl 2.0', 'cddlv1.1+',
            'mpl 2.0', 'w3c', 'bouncycastle', 'cc0v1.0', 'cc-by-3.0', 'edl',
            'json', 'postgresql', 'apache 1.1', 'cpl 1.0', 'cpal 1.0', 'ISC',
            'gwt', 'psfl'

        # IMPORTANT: Order matters in the following tuple
        self.license_type_tuple = ('P', 'WP', 'SP', 'NP')

        # read the json that contains known synonyms
        list_synonym_jsons = synonyms_store.list_files()
        for synonym_json in list_synonym_jsons:
            self.syn = synonyms_store.read_json_file(synonym_json)
            break  # currently only one synonym json is supported

        # identify compatibility classes among the licenses in graph
        self.dict_compatibility_classes = {}
        self.dict_type_compatibility_classes = {}

コード例 #12
def test_add_cycle():
    """Test whether method DirectedGraph.add_edge() works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)

    g.add_edge(from_id=v0.id, to_id=v1.id)
    g.add_edge(from_id=v1.id, to_id=v0.id)
    v0_neighbours = v0.get_neighbours()
    # only one neighbour
    assert len(v0_neighbours) == 1
    # neighbour has id = 1
    assert v0_neighbours[0].id == 1

    v1_neighbours = v1.get_neighbours()
    # no neighbour of v1 as it is directed graph
    assert len(v1_neighbours) == 1
    # neighbour has id = 0
    assert v1_neighbours[0].id == 0
コード例 #13
def test_num_vertices_counter():
    """Check the num_vertices counter."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    assert g.num_vertices == 0
    assert g.num_vertices == 1
    assert g.num_vertices == 2
コード例 #14
def test_iterator():
    """Test that the iterator over all vertexes works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    items = [item for item in g]
    assert not items

    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L0', 'type': 'P'})
    items = [item for item in g]
    assert len(items) == 1
    assert items[0] == v0

    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L1', 'type': 'WP'})
    items = [item for item in g]
    assert len(items) == 2
    assert v0 in items
    assert v1 in items

    v2 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={})
    items = [item for item in g]
    assert len(items) == 3
    assert v0 in items
    assert v1 in items
    assert v2 in items
コード例 #15
def test_find_vertex():
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L0', 'type': 'P'})
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L1', 'type': 'WP'})

    v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value='L1')
    assert v != v0
    assert v == v1

    v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value='L2')
    assert v is None
コード例 #16
def test_find_vertex():
    """Test if method DirectedGraph.find_vertex() works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L0', 'type': 'P'})
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L1', 'type': 'WP'})

    v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value='L1')
    assert v != v0
    assert v == v1

    v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value='L2')
    assert v is None
コード例 #17
def test_find_vertex_graph_with_one_vertex():
    """Test if method DirectedGraph.find_vertex() works correctly."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L0', 'type': 'P'})

    v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value='L0')
    assert v is not None
    assert v == v0

    v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value='something_else')
    assert v is None

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='unknown_property', prop_value='L0')
コード例 #18
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(GraphSearchPolicy, self).__init__()
        self.args = args
        self.model = args.model
        self.relation_only = args.relation_only

        self.history_dim = args.history_dim
        self.history_num_layers = args.history_num_layers
        self.entity_dim = args.entity_dim
        self.relation_dim = args.relation_dim
        if self.relation_only:
            self.action_dim = args.relation_dim
            self.action_dim = args.entity_dim + args.relation_dim
        self.ff_dropout_rate = args.ff_dropout_rate
        self.rnn_dropout_rate = args.rnn_dropout_rate
        self.action_dropout_rate = args.action_dropout_rate
        self.num_rollouts = args.num_rollouts
        self.bandwidth = args.bandwidth
        self.num_rollout_steps = args.num_rollout_steps
        self.emb_dropout_rate = args.emb_dropout_rate
        self.beam_size = args.beam_size

        self.xavier_initialization = args.xavier_initialization

        self.relation_only_in_path = args.relation_only_in_path
        self.path = None

        # Directed Graph
        self.dg = DirectedGraph(args.data_dir)

        # Graph Transformer hyper params
        self.num_heads = 4
        self.head_dim = args.entity_dim // self.num_heads
        self.hidden_dim = self.history_dim
        # Set policy network modules

        # Fact network modules
        self.fn = None
        self.fn_kg = None
コード例 #19
    def __init__(self, graph_store, synonyms_store):
        # load graph from given data store
        self.g = DirectedGraph.read_from_json(graph_store)
        self.known_licenses = [
            'public domain', 'mit', 'bsd-new', 'apache 2.0', 'lgplv2.1',
            'lgplv2.1+', 'lgplv3+', 'mpl 1.1', 'gplv2', 'gplv2+', 'gplv3+',
            'affero gplv3'

        # IMPORTANT: Order matters in the following tuple
        self.license_type_tuple = ('P', 'WP', 'SP', 'NP')

        # read the json that contains known synonyms
        list_synonym_jsons = synonyms_store.list_files()
        for synonym_json in list_synonym_jsons:
            self.syn = synonyms_store.read_json_file(synonym_json)
            break  # currently only one synonym json is supported

        # identify compatibility classes among the licenses in graph
        self.dict_compatibility_classes = {}
        self.dict_type_compatibility_classes = {}

コード例 #20
def test_get_vertices_empty_graph():
    """Test whether method DirectedGraph.get_vertices() works correctly for empty graph."""
    g = DirectedGraph()

    list_vertices = g.get_vertices()
    assert not list_vertices
    def _create_graph():
        g = DirectedGraph()
        pd = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'public domain', 'type': 'P'})
        mit = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'mit', 'type': 'P'})
        bsd = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'bsd-new', 'type': 'P'})
        apache = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'apache 2.0', 'type': 'P'})
        lgpl2 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'lgplv2.1', 'type': 'WP'})
        lgpl22 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'lgplv2.1+', 'type': 'WP'})
        lgpl3 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'lgplv3+', 'type': 'WP'})
        mpl = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'mpl 1.1', 'type': 'WP'})
        gpl2 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'gplv2', 'type': 'SP'})
        gpl22 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'gplv2+', 'type': 'SP'})
        gpl3 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'gplv3+', 'type': 'SP'})
        agpl3 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'agplv3', 'type': 'NP'})

        g.add_edge(pd.id, mit.id)
        g.add_edge(mit.id, bsd.id)
        g.add_edge(bsd.id, apache.id)
        g.add_edge(bsd.id, mpl.id)
        g.add_edge(bsd.id, lgpl2.id)
        g.add_edge(bsd.id, lgpl22.id)
        g.add_edge(bsd.id, lgpl3.id)
        g.add_edge(apache.id, lgpl3.id)
        g.add_edge(lgpl22.id, lgpl2.id)
        g.add_edge(lgpl22.id, lgpl3.id)
        g.add_edge(lgpl2.id, gpl2.id)
        g.add_edge(lgpl2.id, gpl22.id)
        g.add_edge(lgpl22.id, gpl22.id)
        g.add_edge(lgpl3.id, gpl3.id)
        g.add_edge(gpl22.id, gpl2.id)
        g.add_edge(gpl22.id, gpl3.id)
        g.add_edge(gpl3.id, agpl3.id)

        return g
    def compute_representative_license(self, input_licenses):
        """Compute representative license for given list of licenses.

        First, it tries to identify the input licenses by using known synonyms.
        If there exists at least one unknown license, this method gives up.

        It makes use of a very popular license graph available in [1]. After
        identifying license vertices in the graph, it tries to find the
        common reachable vertex from the input license vertices.

        If a common reachable vertex is not possible then there is a conflict
        and all pairs of conflicting licenses are identified by using the
        concept of compatibility classes.

        If a common reachable vertex is available, then its license becomes
        representative license. Note that we also try to find outlier
        licenses when representative license is available.

        [1] https://www.dwheeler.com/essays/floss-license-slide.html

        :param input_licenses: list of input licenses
        :return: representative license with supporting information
        output = {
            'status': 'Failure',
            'reason': 'Input is invalid',
            'representative_license': None,
            'unknown_licenses': [],
            'conflict_licenses': [],
            'outlier_licenses': [],
            'synonyms': {}
        if input_licenses is None:
            return output
        if len(input_licenses) == 0:
            return output

        # Find synonyms
        input_lic_synonyms = [self.find_synonym(y) for y in input_licenses]
        output['synonyms'] = dict(list(zip(input_licenses, input_lic_synonyms)))

        # Check if all input licenses are known
        if len(set(input_lic_synonyms) - set(self.known_licenses)) > 0:
            output['status'] = 'Unknown'
            output['reason'] = 'Some unknown licenses found'
            output['unknown_licenses'] = list(
                set(input_lic_synonyms) - set(self.known_licenses))
            output['representative_license'] = None
            return output

        # Let's try to find a representative license
        # First, we need to find vertices for input licenses
        license_vertices = []
        for lic in input_lic_synonyms:
            v = self.g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value=lic)
            assert v is not None
        assert len(license_vertices) == len(input_lic_synonyms)

        # Find common reachable vertices from input license vertices
        reachable_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(license_vertices)
        if len(reachable_vertices) == 0:  # i.e. conflict
            output['status'] = 'Conflict'
            output['reason'] = 'Some licenses are in conflict'
            output['conflict_licenses'] = self._find_conflict_licenses(license_vertices)
            output['representative_license'] = None
            return output

        # Some representative license is possible :)
        # Check if one of the input licenses is the representative one
        common_destination = None
        license_vertex_ids = [x.id for x in license_vertices]
        for v in reachable_vertices:
            if v.id in license_vertex_ids:
                common_destination = v  # TODO: should we break after this ?

        if common_destination is not None:
            output['status'] = 'Successful'
            output['reason'] = 'Representative license found'
            output['representative_license'] = \

            rep_lic_vertex = self.g.find_vertex('license', output['representative_license'])
            rep_lic_type = rep_lic_vertex.get_prop_value('type')
            output['outlier_licenses'] = self._find_outlier_licenses(license_vertices, rep_lic_type)
            return output

        # If one of the input licenses is NOT the representative one, then
        # let us pick up the least restrictive one
        for license_type in self.license_type_tuple:
            list_common_destinations = [
                for x in reachable_vertices
                if x.get_prop_value(prop_name='type') == license_type
            if len(list_common_destinations) > 0:
                output['status'] = 'Successful'
                output['reason'] = 'Representative license found'
                output['representative_license'] = \

                rep_lic_vertex = self.g.find_vertex('license', output['representative_license'])
                rep_lic_type = rep_lic_vertex.get_prop_value('type')
                output['outlier_licenses'] = self._find_outlier_licenses(license_vertices,
                return output

        # We should have returned by now ! Returning from here is unexpected !
        output['status'] = 'Failure'
        output['reason'] = 'Something unexpected happened!'
        output['representative_license'] = None
        return output
コード例 #23
def test_get_vertex():
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v = g.get_vertex(vertex_id=0)
    assert v is not None
コード例 #24
def test_find_vertex_empty_graph():
    """Test if method DirectedGraph.find_vertex() works correctly for empty graph."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v = g.find_vertex(prop_name='license', prop_value='L1')
    assert v is None
コード例 #25
def test_find_common_reachable_vertex():
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L0', 'type': 'P'})
    v1 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L1', 'type': 'WP'})

    g.add_edge(from_id=v0.id, to_id=v1.id)

    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(
    assert list_vertices is None

    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(
    assert list_vertices is None

    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(
    assert list_vertices is not None
    assert len(list_vertices) == 2
    assert list_vertices[0] == v0
    assert list_vertices[1] == v1

    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(
        input_vertices=[v0, v1])
    assert list_vertices is not None
    assert len(list_vertices) == 1
    assert list_vertices[0] == v1

    v2 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props={'license': 'L2', 'type': 'SP'})
    g.add_edge(from_id=v2.id, to_id=v1.id)
    list_vertices = DirectedGraph.find_common_reachable_vertices(
        input_vertices=[v0, v2])
    assert list_vertices is not None
    assert len(list_vertices) == 1
    assert list_vertices[0] == v1
コード例 #26
def test_get_nonexistent_vertex():
    """Check if non existent vertex can not be retrieved from directed graph."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v = g.get_vertex(vertex_id=42)
    assert v is None
コード例 #27
def test_initial_state():
    """Check the initial state of directed graph."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    assert g.num_vertices == 0
コード例 #28
def test_add_vertex():
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)
    assert v0.id >= 0
コード例 #29
def test_add_vertex():
    """Check that new vertex can be added to directed graph."""
    g = DirectedGraph()
    v0 = g.add_vertex(vertex_props=None)
    assert v0.id >= 0