def test_mixed_nan_to_num(self): array = np.array([1, np.nan, 1, np.nan]) # case 1 - the array has less nans than would be triggered num_array = BaseEngineer.maxed_nan_to_num(array, nan=0, max_ratio=0.75) assert (num_array == np.array([1, 0, 1, 0])).all() # case 2 - the array has more nans than would be triggered num_array = BaseEngineer.maxed_nan_to_num(array, nan=0, max_ratio=0.25) assert num_array is None
def tif_to_np( path_to_dataset: Path, add_ndvi: bool, add_ndwi: bool, nan: float, normalizing_dict: Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]], days_per_timestep: int, ) -> TestInstance: _, start_date, _ = cast( Tuple[str, datetime, datetime], BaseEngineer.process_filename(, include_extended_filenames=True), ) x = BaseEngineer.load_tif(path_to_dataset, days_per_timestep=days_per_timestep, start_date=start_date) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(x.x.values, x.y.values) flat_lat, flat_lon = ( np.squeeze(lat.reshape(-1, 1), -1), np.squeeze(lon.reshape(-1, 1), -1), ) x_np = x.values x_np = x_np.reshape(x_np.shape[0], x_np.shape[1], x_np.shape[2] * x_np.shape[3]) x_np = np.moveaxis(x_np, -1, 0) if add_ndvi: x_np = BaseEngineer.calculate_ndvi(x_np, num_dims=3) if add_ndwi: x_np = BaseEngineer.calculate_ndwi(x_np, num_dims=3) x_np = BaseEngineer.maxed_nan_to_num(x_np, nan=nan) if normalizing_dict is not None: x_np = (x_np - normalizing_dict["mean"]) / normalizing_dict["std"] return TestInstance(x=x_np, lat=flat_lat, lon=flat_lon)
def test_randomly_selected_latlons_not_labels(self, monkeypatch): def return_const_latlons(array, size, replace): return array[:size] monkeypatch.setattr(np.random, "choice", return_const_latlons) lat_array = np.array([1, 2, 3]) lon_array = np.array([4, 5, 6]) # test case 1 - both the lat and lon don't match - should skip label_lat, label_lon = 1, 4 random_lat, random_lon = BaseEngineer.randomly_select_latlon( lat_array, lon_array, label_lat, label_lon) assert (random_lat == 2) and (random_lon == 5) # test case 2 - one of the lat and lon do match, but the other doesn't # - shouldn't skip label_lat, label_lon = 1, 2 random_lat, random_lon = BaseEngineer.randomly_select_latlon( lat_array, lon_array, label_lat, label_lon) assert (random_lat == 1) and (random_lon == 4)
def test_find_nearest(self): array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) target = 1.1 assert BaseEngineer.find_nearest(array, target) == 1
def plot_results(model_preds: xr.Dataset, tci_path: Path, savepath: Path, prefix: str = "") -> None: multi_output = len(model_preds.data_vars) > 1 tci = sentinel_as_tci( BaseEngineer.load_tif(tci_path, start_date=datetime(2020, 1, 1), days_per_timestep=30), scale=False, ).isel(time=-1) tci = tci.sortby("x").sortby("y") model_preds = model_preds.sortby("lat").sortby("lon") plt.clf() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20, 7.5), subplot_kw={"projection": ccrs.PlateCarree()}) fig.suptitle( f"Model results for tile with bottom left corner:" f"\nat latitude {float(}" f"\n and longitude {float(model_preds.lon.min())}", fontsize=15, ) # ax 1 - original img_extent_1 = (tci.x.min(), tci.x.max(), tci.y.min(), tci.y.max()) img = np.clip(np.moveaxis(tci.values, 0, -1), 0, 1) ax[0].set_title("True colour image") ax[0].imshow(img, origin="upper", extent=img_extent_1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) args_dict = { "origin": "upper", "extent": img_extent_1, "transform": ccrs.PlateCarree(), } if multi_output: mask = np.argmax(model_preds.to_array().values, axis=0) # currently, we have 10 classes (at most). It seems unlikely we will go # above 20 args_dict["cmap"] ="tab20", len(model_preds.data_vars)) else: mask = model_preds.prediction_0 args_dict.update({"vmin": 0, "vmax": 1}) # ax 2 - mask ax[1].set_title("Mask") im = ax[1].imshow(mask, **args_dict) # finally, all together ax[2].set_title("Mask on top of the true colour image") ax[2].imshow(img, origin="upper", extent=img_extent_1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) args_dict["alpha"] = 0.3 if not multi_output: mask = mask > 0.5 ax[2].imshow(mask, **args_dict) colorbar_args = { "ax": ax.ravel().tolist(), } if multi_output: # This function formatter will replace integers with target names formatter = plt.FuncFormatter( lambda val, loc: list(model_preds.data_vars)[val]) colorbar_args.update({ "ticks": range(len(model_preds.data_vars)), "format": formatter }) # We must be sure to specify the ticks matching our target names fig.colorbar(im, **colorbar_args) plt.savefig(savepath / f"results_{prefix}{}.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) plt.close()