def test_when_set_packet_id_should_store_id(self): # Given event = Event(" A", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # When event.set_packet_id(11) # Then self.assertEqual(event.get_packet_id(), 11)
def setUp(self): species = [] self.volume = 1000 for species_name, state in Event.registered_species: fraction = 1 / len(Event.registered_species) species.append((species_name, state, fraction * self.volume)) self.event = Event(species)
def test_when_get_event_should_return_all_events_of_same_type(self): # Given e = Event("LOGAA", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) e_2 = Event("LOGAA", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) e_3 = Event("LOGAB", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) c = Channel("c", [e], 12) # When c.add_events([e_2, e_3]) # Then exp = c.get_event("A") self.assertEqual(exp, [e, e_2])
def test_when_get_existed_event_count_should_return_log_count(self): # Given e1 = Event("LOGAA", 2, 1, 1, 1, 1) e2 = Event("LOGAB", 3, 1, 1, 1, 1) p = Packet("receiver", " sender", [e1, e2]) # When event_a_log_count = p.get_event_count("A") event_b_log_count = p.get_event_count("B") # Then self.assertEqual(event_a_log_count, 2) self.assertEqual(event_b_log_count, 3)
def test_a_listener_is_notified_when_an_event_is_raised(self): called = False def listener(): nonlocal called called = True event = Event() event.connect(listener) self.assertTrue(called)
def test_when_get_dict_should_return_event_dict(self): # Given event = Event(" A", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # When event_dict = event.get_dict() # Then expect_dict = { "type": "A", "log_count": 1, "passed_time": 2, "min": 3, "max": 4, "avg": 5, } self.assertEqual(expect_dict, event_dict)
def test_ignore_unknown_event_types(self): # given event = Event({ 'api_app_id': 'api_app_id', 'authed_users': ['U75KAHN4T'], "event": { "type": "reaction_added", "user": "******", "item": { "type": "message", "channel": "C76NQ1WQP", "ts": "1506283080.000045" }, "reaction": "neutral_face", "item_user": "******", "event_ts": "1506283351.000047" }, 'event_id': 'event_id', 'event_time': 1506187774, 'team_id': 'team_id', 'token': 'token', 'type': 'event_callback' }) # when # then self.slack_client.post_message.assert_not_called()
def retrieve_event(response): '''Given an Event from an Eventbrite API response, create an Event object''' format_id = response["format"]["id"] if response[ "format"] is not None else None price = 0 if "ticket_availability" in response: if "minimum_ticket_price" in response[ "ticket_availability"] and response["ticket_availability"][ "minimum_ticket_price"] is not None: price = float(response["ticket_availability"] ["minimum_ticket_price"]["major_value"]) return Event( event_id=f"EVENTBRITE-{response['url']}", url=response["url"], start_time=datetime.strptime(response["start"]["utc"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").timestamp(), end_time=datetime.strptime(response["end"]["utc"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").timestamp(), latitude=float(response["venue"]["latitude"]) if response["venue"] is not None else "", longitude=float(response["venue"]["longitude"]) if response["venue"] is not None else "", name=response["name"]["text"], organiser=response["organizer"]["name"], price=price, is_online=response["online_event"] or is_online(response), summary=response["summary"], description_html=response["description"]["html"], tags=get_tags(response["category_id"], format_id), image=response["logo"]["original"]["url"] if response.get("logo") is not None else "")
def _sjf_queue_process(self): """start a process with shortest job first scheduling""" if not self.process_queue.empty(): # Do we need to preempt a process? if self.running_process: process = self.running_process remain = process.get_remaining() next_process = self.process_queue.queue[0][1] if next_process.run_time - next_process.used < remain: logging.debug("%s: offloading process: %s", self.current_time, process) self.put_process(process) self._start_process() else: self._start_process() # Check if we need to queue a completion event if self.running_process: remain = self.running_process.get_remaining() estimate = self.current_time.shift(seconds=remain) if not self.event_queue.empty(): next_time = self.event_queue.queue[0].created_at if not estimate < next_time: return self.event_queue.put( Event(created_at=estimate, event_type=EVENT_TYPES['COMPLETE']))
def get_events(self): """ See EventSource.get_events """ entries_class = "eventBox" date_class = "date" location_class = "venue" entries = self.html.find_all(name=Tags.DIV.value, attrs={Attrs.CLASS: entries_class}) for entry in entries: event = Event(title=entry.find(Tags.H3.value).contents[0].text, date=self._convert_date( entry.find(name=Tags.H4.value, attrs={ Attrs.CLASS: date_class }).contents[0]), link="" + entry.find(name=Tags.A.value).get(Attrs.HREF), scope=EventScope.NATIONAL, location=entry.find(name=Tags.H4.value, attrs={ Attrs.CLASS: location_class }).contents[0]) return
def _rr_queue_process(self): """start a process with round robin scheduling""" if not self.running_process and not self.process_queue.empty(): self._start_process() remain = self.running_process.get_remaining() if remain < self.config['quantum']: logging.debug('scheduling RR completion: %s', self.running_process) self.event_queue.put( Event(created_at=self.current_time.shift(seconds=remain), event_type=EVENT_TYPES['COMPLETE'])) else: self.event_queue.put( Event(created_at=self.current_time.shift( seconds=self.config['quantum']), event_type=EVENT_TYPES['SWITCH']))
def normalise_response(response, category_id): start_time = int(response["time"]) duration = int(response["duration"] ) if "duration" in response else THREE_HOURS_IN_SECONDS tags = get_activity_tags(response, category_id) image = "" if "photo_url" in response: image = re.sub("global", "highres", response["photo_url"]) return Event( event_id=f"MEETUP-{response['event_url']}", url=response['event_url'], start_time=start_time / 1000, end_time=(start_time + duration) / 1000, latitude=float(response["venue"]["lat"]) if "venue" in response else "", longitude=float(response["venue"]["lon"]) if "venue" in response else "", name=response["name"].strip(), organiser=response["group"]["name"], price=float(response["fee"]["amount"]) if "fee" in response else 0, is_online=is_event_online(response), summary="", description_html=response["description"] if "description" in response else "", tags=tags, image=image)
def check_for_event(self): """ check_for_event Analyzes sensor data, and creates a new Event object if necessary Event "one" Conditions: - humidity must have been increasing for specified period of time - humidity value must exceed humidity threshold - an event must not have been fired within specified time. Event "changed" conditions - humidity less than the "dry" humidity threshold. - humidity must have been decreasing for specified period of time. - must have been long enough since last event was fired. """ if self.sensor_data.length() < MIN_DATA_POINTS: return last_data = self.sensor_data.peek() current_humidity = last_data.humidity average_humidity = self.sensor_data.get_average_humidity() percent_diff_from_average = ( abs(current_humidity - average_humidity) / ((current_humidity + average_humidity) / 2)) * 100 # pylint: disable=C0301 long_enough_since_last_event = ) > MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_EVENTS # pylint: disable=C0301 if long_enough_since_last_event and current_humidity > HUMIDITY_THRESHOLD and current_humidity > average_humidity and percent_diff_from_average > MIN_PERCENT_DIFFERENCE: # pylint: disable=C0301 event = Event() self.bluetooth_server.send_event_notification(event)
def _fcfs_queue_process(self): """start a process with first come first served scheduling""" if not self.running_process and not self.process_queue.empty(): self._start_process() # Queue completion event create = self.current_time.shift( seconds=self.running_process.run_time) self.event_queue.put( Event(created_at=create, event_type=EVENT_TYPES['COMPLETE']))
def event_from_json(json_string): json_object = json.loads(json_string) __validate_json_object(json_object) return Event( event_id=json_object[EVENT_ID], timestamp=json_object[TIMESTAMP], event_type=json_object[EVENT_TYPE], details=json_object[DETAILS], )
def create_event(self, activate_at: Arrow, p_id: int) -> Event: """Create a new process""" process = Process(process_id=p_id, run_time=rand_exp_float(self.config['burst_lambda']), created_at=activate_at) return Event(created_at=activate_at, event_type=EVENT_TYPES['NEW'], process=process)
def test_when_update_map_with_new_channels_should_return_true_for_update_map( self): # Given event = Event(" " + PACKET_PUSHED, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) p = Packet("A", " B", [event]) # When update_map = # Then self.assertTrue(update_map)
def test_when_add_packet_with_pushed_events_should_store_sender_n_receiver( self): # Given event = Event(" " + PACKET_PUSHED, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) p = Packet("A", " B", [event]) # When # Then channels = [c.get_name() for c in] self.assertEqual(channels, ['A', 'B'])
def __get_channel(values): events = [] for (event_type, count) in values: for i in range(0, count): e = Event("LOGA" + event_type, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) events.append(e) channel = Channel("channel", events, 11) return channel
def event_from_json_object(json_object): __validate_json_object(json_object) if json_object[EVENT_TYPE] == 'error_event' and SESSION_ID not in json_object: return Event( event_id = json_object[EVENT_ID], timestamp = __date_checker(json_object[TIMESTAMP]), event_type = json_object[EVENT_TYPE], originating_service = json_object[ORIGINATING_SERVICE], session_id = '', details = json_object[DETAILS], ) return Event( event_id = json_object[EVENT_ID], timestamp= __date_checker(json_object[TIMESTAMP]), event_type = json_object[EVENT_TYPE], originating_service = json_object[ORIGINATING_SERVICE], session_id = json_object[SESSION_ID], details = json_object[DETAILS], )
def clear_event(self, e_id): """ clear_event Removes event from cache """ # Find & remove the existing event if it exists. # Generate the 'change' event, and pass to client. new_event = Event(EventType.changed) self.bluetooth_server.send_event_notification(new_event)
def test_when_add_packet_with_pushed_events_should_create_channels_map( self): # Given event = Event(" " + PACKET_PUSHED, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) p = Packet("A", " B", [event]) # When channels, channels_map = # Then self.assertEqual(channels, ['A', 'B']) self.assertEqual(channels_map, [(1, 0)])
def parseVenueToEvent(venue, category): time = "" start_time = 0 end_time = 0 url = "" description = "" # The four square API only has a price tier, so the price will remain an arbitrary value. price = 0 # The price_tier values are in the range (1-4) where '1' is for the pocket friendly places and '4' is for the most expensive places. price_tier = 0 is_online = False rating = 0 image = "" id = f"FOURSQUARE-{venue['id']}" premium_details = get_event_details(venue["id"]) if premium_details is not None: venue = premium_details if 'hours' in venue: time = venue['hours']['timeframes'][0]['open'][0] start_time = get_time(time['start']) end_time = get_time(time['end']) line = str(time[0]['open'][0]['renderedTime']) line = line.split("–") start_time = time_to_unix_time(line[0]) end_time = time_to_unix_time(line[1]) if 'url' in venue: url = venue['url'] if 'description' in venue: description = venue['description'] if 'price' in venue: price_tier = venue['price']['tier'] if 'photos' in venue: if 'groups' in venue['photos'] and len(venue['photos']['groups']) != 0: group = venue['photos']['groups'][0] if 'items' in group: item = group['items'][0] image = item['prefix'] + str(item['width']) + 'x' + str( item['height']) + item['suffix'] if 'rating' in venue: rating = venue['rating'] event_obj = Event(id, url, start_time, end_time, float(venue['location']['lat']), float(venue['location']['lng']), venue['name'], "", price, is_online, description, "", CATEGORIES_TAGS.get(CATEGORIES.get(category)), price_tier, rating, image) return event_obj
def parseInfoToEvent(info, classification): start_time = 0.0 end_time = 0.0 url = "" summary = "" organiser = "" tags = CLASSIFICATIONS.get(classification) latitude = 0.0 longitude = 0.0 is_online = True rating = 0 price = 0 # The ticket master API only has a price, so the price_tier will remain an arbitrary value. price_tier = 0 image = "" if info['dates']['status']['code'] == 'cancelled': is_online = False if 'dates' in info: if 'start' in info['dates']: if 'dateTime' in info['dates']['start']: dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( info['dates']['start']['dateTime'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') start_time = dt.timestamp() end_time = (dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=4)).timestamp() if 'location' in info['_embedded']['venues'][0]: latitude = float( info['_embedded']['venues'][0]['location']['latitude']) longitude = float( info['_embedded']['venues'][0]['location']['longitude']) if 'info' in info: summary = info['info'] if 'promoter' in info: organiser = info['promoter']['name'] if 'url' in info: url = info['url'] if 'images' in info: if 'url' in info['images'][0]: image = info['images'][0]['url'] if 'priceRanges' in info: price = info['priceRanges'][0]['min'] event_info = Event(info['id'], url, start_time, end_time, latitude, longitude, info['name'], organiser, price, is_online, summary, "", tags, price_tier, rating, image) return event_info
def test_check_if_message_is_private(self): # given event = Event({ 'api_app_id': 'api_app_id', 'authed_users': ['U75KAHN4T'], 'event': { 'channel': 'D75RLTNNR', 'event_ts': '1506187774.000063', 'text': 'direct message on pric', 'ts': '1506187774.000063', 'type': 'message', 'user': '******' }, 'event_id': 'event_id', 'event_time': 1506187774, 'team_id': 'team_id', 'token': 'token', 'type': 'event_callback' }) # when is_private_message = event.is_private_message() # then self.assertTrue(is_private_message)
def test_when_init_should_store_fields(self): # Given event = Event(" A", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # When e_type = event.get_type() e_log_count = event.get_log_count() e_passed_time = event.get_passed_time() e_min_val = event.get_min() e_max_val = event.get_max() e_avg_val = event.get_avg() # Then self.assertEqual(e_type, "A") self.assertEqual(e_log_count, 1) self.assertEqual(e_passed_time, 2) self.assertEqual(e_min_val, 3) self.assertEqual(e_max_val, 4) self.assertEqual(e_avg_val, 5)
def add_event(self, user_id, summary, location, description, start_datetime, end_datetime, timezone, attendee_studio, attendee_user): """ Add Event to DB """ if self.find_event(description) is None: event = Event(user_id=user_id, summary=summary, location=location, description=description, start_datetime=start_datetime, end_datetime=end_datetime, timezone=timezone, attendee_studio=attendee_studio, attendee_user=attendee_user) self.database.add_event(event) print('Event added to DB @ Start time: ' + event.start_datetime)
def test_when_set_id_for_events_should_stores_in_events(self): # Given e1 = Event("LOGAA", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) e2 = Event("LOGAB", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) p = Packet("receiver", " sender", [e1, e2]) # When p.set_id(11) p.set_id_for_events() # Then self.assertEqual(e1.get_packet_id(), 11) self.assertEqual(e2.get_packet_id(), 11)
def __get_event(self, pos): """instantiating an event type Args: pos: The current position in the packet to start parsing from Returns: An event and the position where the process finished """ event_type, pos = self.__get_keyword(pos) log_count, pos = self.__get_int_val(pos) time_passed, pos = self.__get_int_val(pos) min_val, pos = self.__get_float_val(pos) max_val, pos = self.__get_float_val(pos) avg_val, pos = self.__get_float_val(pos) return Event(event_type, log_count, time_passed, min_val, max_val, avg_val), pos
def test_comparisson(): event1 = Event(event_type=EventType.CHEGADA_1, name='event1') event2 = Event(event_type=EventType.CHEGADA_2, name='event2') event3 = Event(event_type=EventType.FIM_DE_SERVICO, name='event3') event5 = Event(event_type=EventType.CHEGADA_2, name='event5') event4 = Event(event_type=EventType.FIM_DE_SERVICO, name='event4') event6 = Event(event_type=EventType.CHEGADA_1, name='event6') events = [event1, event2, event3, event4, event5, event6] expected_sorted_events = [event6, event1, event2, event5, event3, event4] sorted_events = sorted(events) assert sorted_events == expected_sorted_events
def get_events(self): """ See EventSource.get_events """ main_data_spec = "search-results" entries_class = "eds-media-card-content__content__principal" date_class = "eds-text-bs--fixed eds-text-color--grey-600 eds-l-mar-top-1" title_class = "eds-is-hidden-accessible" link_class = "eds-media-card-content__action-link" location_class = "card-text--truncated__one" entries = self.html.find(name=Tags.MAIN.value, attrs={ Attrs.DATA_SPEC: main_data_spec }).find(name=Tags.DIV.value).find_all( name=Tags.DIV.value, attrs={Attrs.CLASS: entries_class}) for entry in entries: location_div = entry.find(name=Tags.DIV.value, attrs={Attrs.CLASS: location_class}) event = Event(title=entry.find(name=Tags.DIV.value, attrs={ Attrs.CLASS: title_class }).contents[0], date=self._convert_date( entry.find(name=Tags.DIV.value, attrs={ Attrs.CLASS: date_class }).contents[0]), link=entry.find(name=Tags.A.value, attrs={ Attrs.CLASS: link_class }).get(Attrs.HREF), scope=EventScope.NATIONAL, location=location_div.contents[0] if location_div is not None else None) return