コード例 #1
def users_stats_v1(token):
    Fetches the required statistics about the use of UNSW Dreams

        token (string)  -   jwt encoded data structure of auth_user with session_id

        AccessError     -   Occurs when token is invalid

        dreams_stats (dict) - statistics about the use of UNSW Dreams

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)


    dreams_stats = data["dreams_stats"]

    dreams_stats["utilization_rate"] = calculate_utilization_rate(
        data, dreams_stats)

    return {"dreams_stats": dreams_stats}
コード例 #2
def users_all_v1(token):
    Returns a list of all users and their associated details

        token (string)  - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user with session_id

        AccessError     -   Occurs when token is invalid

    Return value:
        user (list of dict) - list of dict containing user_id, email, first name, last name and handle

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)


    all_profiles = []

    # we can be sure that there are no errors raised here because token has been
    # checked and u_id is valid because we are getting it straight from data
    for user in data["users"]:
        all_profiles.append(user_profile_v2(token, user["u_id"])["user"])

    return {"users": all_profiles}
コード例 #3
def channels_listall_v2(token):
    <Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details)>

        auth_user_id(int) = user id of user who authorised function

    Return Value:
        {channels} = list of all the channels with channel_id and name
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)
    #create a new dictionary for channels to return
    channels_list = {'channels': []}


    #loop through all the channels which stored in the data base
    for channel_detail in data["channels"]:
        #Get the information we need to store in the channels_list
        channel_id_tmp = channel_detail['channel_id']
        channel_name_tmp = channel_detail['name']

        #Update the channels_list
                "channel_id": channel_id_tmp, 
                "name": channel_name_tmp,

    return channels_list
コード例 #4
def errorcheck_channel_invite_v2(token, channel_id, u_id):

    if is_valid_channel_id(channel_id) == False:
        raise InputError(
            description="Channel_id does not refer to a valid channel")

    if is_valid_u_id(u_id) == False:
        raise InputError(description="u_id does not refer to a valid user")

    if is_auth_user_memberof_channel_id(token, channel_id) == False:
        raise AccessError(
            "the authorised user is not already a member of the channel")
コード例 #5
def errorcheck_removeowner_v1(token, channel_id, u_id):
    # assumes the user must be in the channel before being added as an owner
    # if not, raise an input error

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    if is_valid_u_id(u_id) == False:
        raise InputError("Invalid u_id")

    if is_valid_channel_id(channel_id) == False:
        raise InputError("Invalid channel_id")

    if is_user_channel_membertype(channel_id, u_id, CHANNEL_MEMBER) == False:
        raise InputError(
            "user with user id u_id is not already a member of the channel")
    if is_user_channel_membertype(channel_id, u_id, CHANNEL_OWNER) == False:
        raise InputError(
            "user with user id u_id is not already a channel owner")

    if is_user_channel_membertype(
            channel_id, int(data_structure["u_id"]),
            CHANNEL_OWNER) == False and find_auth_user_permission_id(
                int(data_structure["u_id"])) == 2:
        raise AccessError(
            "auth_user is not an owner of the channel or an owner of **Dreams**"

    if is_user_only_owner(channel_id) == True:
        raise InputError("user to be removed is the only owner in the channel")
コード例 #6
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: justintru/messenger-project
def user_stats_v1(token):
    Fetches the required statistics about this user's use of UNSW Dreams

        token (string)  -   jwt encoded data structure of auth_user with session_id

        AccessError     -   Occurs when token is invalid

        user_stats (dict) - statistics about this user's use of UNSW Dreams

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["u_id"] == data_structure["u_id"]:
            user_stats = user["user_stats"]

    user_stats["involvement_rate"] = calculate_involvement_rate(user_stats)

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {"user_stats": user_stats}
コード例 #7
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: justintru/messenger-project
def user_profile_sethandle_v1(token, handle_str):
    Update the authorised user's handle (i.e. display name)

        token (string)      - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user with session_id
        handle_str (string) - new handle_str to replace old handle_str

        InputError  -   Occurs when handle_str is not between 3 and 20 characters inclusive,
                        handle is already used by another user,
                        handle_str is not a string (assumption)
        AccessError -   Occurs when token is invalid

    Return Value:
        Returns {} on Success
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    errorcheck_user_profile_sethandle_v1(token, handle_str)

    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["u_id"] == int(data_structure["u_id"]):
            user["handle_str"] = handle_str

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #8
def message_unpin_v1(token, message_id):
    Given a message within a channel or DM, remove it's mark as unpinned

        token (string)      - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user_id
        message_id (int)    - message to be pinned

        InputError      -   Occurs when message_id is not a valid message,
                            message with ID message_id is already unpinned 

        AccessError     -   Occurs when the authorised user is not a member of the 
                            channel or DM that the message is within,
                            the authorised user is not an owner of the channel or DM,
                            the token is invalid

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    message = error_check_message_pin_unpin(data_structure["u_id"], data,
                                            message_id, False)

    message["is_pinned"] = False

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #9
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: justintru/messenger-project
def user_profile_setemail_v2(token, email):
    Update the authorised user's email address

        token (string)  - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user with session_id
        email (string)  - new email to replace old email

        InputError  -   Occurs when email entered is not a valid email, 
                        email address is already being used by another user,
        AccessError -   Occurs when a token is invalid

    Return Value:
        Returns {} on Success
    data_structure = check_token(token)

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    errorcheck_user_profile_setemail_v2(token, email)

    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["u_id"] == int(data_structure["u_id"]):
            user["email"] = email

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #10
def dm_list_v1(token):
    Returns the list of DMs that the user is a member of

        token (string)  - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user

        InputError      -   N/A
        AccessError     -   N/A

    Return value:
        Returns user (dictionary) on success
            a dictionary with information about dms
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    dms_list = {"dms": []}

    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]

    for dm_detail in data["dms"]:
        dm_id_tmp = dm_detail["dm_id"]
        dm_name_tmp = dm_detail["name"]
        all_members_tmp = dm_detail["members"]
        for u_id in all_members_tmp:
            if u_id == auth_user_id:
                    "dm_id": dm_id_tmp,
                    "name": dm_name_tmp
    return dms_list
コード例 #11
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: justintru/messenger-project
def user_profile_setname_v2(token, name_first, name_last):
    Update the authorised user's first and last name

        token (string)      - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user with session_id
        name_first (string) - new name_first to replace old name_first
        name_last (string)  - new name_last to replace old name_last

        InputError  -   Occurs when name_first is not between 1 and 50 characters inclusively in length,
                        name_last is not between 1 and 50 characters inclusively in length
        AccessError -   Occurs when token is invalid

    Return Value:
        Returns {} on Success
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    errorcheck_user_profile_setname_v2(token, name_first, name_last)

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["u_id"] == int(data_structure["u_id"]):
            user["name_first"] = name_first
            user["name_last"] = name_last

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #12
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: justintru/messenger-project
def user_profile_v2(token, u_id):
    For a valid user, returns information about their user_id, email, 
    first name, last name, and handle

        token (string)  - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user
        u_id (int)      - user to build profile of

        InputError      -   Occurs when user with u_id is not a valid user
        AccessError     -   Occurs when token is invalid

    Return value:
        Returns user (dictionary) on success
            a dictionary with information about user with user id u_id
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)


    if is_valid_u_id(u_id) == False:
        raise InputError(description="User with u_id is not a valid user")

    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["u_id"] == u_id:
            found_user = user

    return {
        'user': {
            'u_id': u_id,
            'email': found_user["email"],
            'name_first': found_user["name_first"],
            'name_last': found_user["name_last"],
            'handle_str': found_user["handle_str"],
            "profile_img_url": found_user["profile_img_url"],
            'unscramble_record': found_user["unscramble_record"]
コード例 #13
def dm_leave_v1(token, dm_id):
    Given a DM ID, the user is removed as a member of this DM

        token (string)  - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user
        dm_id (int)    - target dm

        InputError      -   Occurs when dm_id is not a valid DM
        AccessError     -   Occurs when Authorised user is not a member of DM with dm_id

    Return value:
        Returns user (dictionary) on success
            a dictionary with information about nothing
    time_stamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp()

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]

    is_dm_exist = False
    for dm_data in data["dms"]:
        if dm_data["dm_id"] == dm_id:
            dm = dm_data
            is_dm_exist = True
    if is_dm_exist is False:
        raise InputError("dm_id is not a valid DM")

    is_auth_user_member = False
    if auth_user_id in dm["members"]:
        is_auth_user_member = True
    if is_auth_user_member is False:
        raise AccessError("Authorised user is not a member of DM with dm_id")

    user_stats_update(data, auth_user_id, stat_types.DM_LEAVE, time_stamp)

    if auth_user_id != dm["original_creator"]:
        dm["original_creator"] = dm["members"][0]


    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #14
def standup_start_v1(token, channel_id, length):
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]

    is_channel_exist = False
    for channel_data in data["channels"]:
        if channel_data["channel_id"] == channel_id:
            channel = channel_data
            is_channel_exist = True

    if is_channel_exist is False:
        raise InputError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")

    is_standup_already_active = False
    for standup_data in data["standups"]:
        if standup_data["channel_id"] == channel_id:
            is_standup_already_active = True

    if is_standup_already_active is True:
        raise InputError(
            "An active standup is currently running in this channel")

    is_auth_user_member = False
    if auth_user_id in channel["all_members"]:
        is_auth_user_member = True
    if is_auth_user_member is False:
        raise AccessError("Authorised user is not in the channel")

    time_finish = time.time() + length

        "channel_id": channel_id,
        "message": [],
        "time_finish": time_finish

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    t = threading.Timer(length,
                            "token": token,
                            "channel_id": channel_id,
                            "u_id": auth_user_id

    return {"time_finish": time_finish}
コード例 #15
def channels_create_v2(token, name, is_public):
    Creates a new channel with that name that is either a public or private channel
    Returns type:
        { channel_id }

    Input Error:
        Name is more than 20 characters long
    time_stamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp()

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    # Decode token (u_id) if valid, otherwise raise AccessError
    user = token_check(token)
    # Raise error if channel name is > 20 characters
    # or if there is no name given
    if len(name) > 20:
        raise InputError("Channel name is more than 20 characters.")
    if len(name) == 0:
        raise InputError("No channel name has been entered.")

    # Ensure users sets channel to private or public
    if is_public not in (True, False):
        raise InputError("Channel privacy is undefined")

    # Makes the channel id in order from 1 as they are created
    channel_id = len(data["channels"]) + 1
    # Store data in data.py channels
    user_stats_update(data, user["u_id"], stat_types.CH_JOIN, time_stamp)
    dreams_stats_update(data, stat_types.CH_CREATE, time_stamp)

            'channel_id': channel_id,
            'name': name,
            'owner_members': [user['u_id']],
            'all_members': [user['u_id']],
            'invites' : [],
            'is_public': is_public,
            'messages': []
    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return { 
        'channel_id': channel_id 
コード例 #16
def errorcheck_channel_details_v2(token, channel_id):
    Checks the error cases for channel_details_v2

        token (string)      - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user with session_id
        channel_id (int)    - the channel to check for the u_id

        Refer to channel_details function

    Returns Value:


    if is_valid_channel_id(channel_id) == False:
        raise InputError(description="Channel ID is not a valid channel")
    if is_auth_user_in_channel(token, channel_id) == False:
        raise AccessError(
            "Authorised user is not a member of channel with channel_id")
コード例 #17
def message_sendlater_v1(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    Send a message from authorised_user to the channel specified by
    channel_id automatically at a specified time in the future
        token - token of the sender
        channel_id - channel ID of the message to be sent at
        message - message to be sent later
        time_sent - time message will be sent at

    Returns { message_id }

    InputError when:
        Channel ID is not a valid channel
        Message is more than 1000 characters
        Time sent is a time in the past

    AccessError when:
        The authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to


    # Check token
    if token_check(token):
    # Check if channel ID is valid
    if is_valid_channel_id(channel_id) is False:
        raise InputError("Invalid Channel ID")
    # Make sure authorised user is a member of the channel
    if is_auth_user_memberof_channel_id(token, channel_id) is False:
        raise AccessError(description="User is not a member of this channel")
    # InputError raised when empty message is sent
    if message == "":
        raise InputError(description="Cannot send an empty message")
    # Ensure message being sent is no more than 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError(description="Message is more than 1000 characters")
    # Find time now as a timestamp
    time_create_date = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
    time_created = time_create_date.timestamp()
    # Check if time_sent is valid
    if time_sent < time_created:
        raise InputError(description='Time sent is invalid')
    # Find the difference in time between now and time_sent
    time_to_be_sent = time_sent - time_created
    # The sleep() function suspends execution of the current thread for a given number of seconds.

    return message_send_v2(token, channel_id, message)
コード例 #18
def dm_remove_v1(token, dm_id):
    Remove an existing DM. This can only be done by the original creator of the DM.

        token (string)  - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user
        dm_id (int)    - dm_id that be removed

        InputError      -   Occurs when dm_id does not refer to a valid DM
        AccessError     -   Occurs when the user is not the original DM creator

    Return value:
        Returns user (dictionary) on success
            a dictionary with information about nothing
    time_stamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp()

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]

    is_dm_exist = False
    for dm_data in data["dms"]:
        if dm_data["dm_id"] == dm_id:
            dm = dm_data
            is_dm_exist = True
    if is_dm_exist is False:
        raise InputError("dm_id does not refer to a valid DM")

    is_auth_user_creator = False
    if auth_user_id == dm["original_creator"]:
        is_auth_user_creator = True
    if is_auth_user_creator is False:
        raise AccessError("the user is not the original DM creator")

    dreams_stats_update(data, stat_types.DM_REMOVE, time_stamp)

    for member in dm["members"]:
        user_stats_update(data, member, stat_types.DM_LEAVE, time_stamp)


    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #19
def channel_invite_v2(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with ID channel_id. 
    Once invited the user is added to the channel immediately

        token (string)      - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user
        channel_id (int)    - channel_id of channel to have u_id invited into
        u_id (int)          - u_id of individual to be invited

        InputError  -   Occurs when channel_id does not refer to a valid channel,
                        u_id does not refer to a valid user
        AccessError -   Occurs when the authorised user is not already a member of the channel,
                        token is invalid

    Return value:
    time_stamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp()

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    errorcheck_channel_invite_v2(token, channel_id, u_id)

    user_stats_update(data, data_structure["u_id"], stat_types.CH_JOIN,

    for channel in data["channels"]:
        if channel["channel_id"] == channel_id:
            found_channel = channel


        "auth_user_id": data_structure["u_id"],
        "u_id": u_id,
        "time_invited": time_stamp

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #20
def standup_send_v1(token, channel_id, message):
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]
    auth_user_handle = user_profile_v2(token,

    is_channel_exist = False
    for channel_data in data["channels"]:
        if channel_data["channel_id"] == channel_id:
            channel = channel_data
            is_channel_exist = True
    if is_channel_exist is False:
        raise InputError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError(
            "Message is more than 1000 characters (not including the username and colon)"

    is_standup_already_active = False
    for standup_data in data["standups"]:
        if standup_data["channel_id"] == channel_id:
            standup_channel = standup_data
            is_standup_already_active = True

    if is_standup_already_active is False:
        raise InputError(
            "An active standup is not currently running in this channel")

    is_auth_user_member = False
    if auth_user_id in channel["all_members"]:
        is_auth_user_member = True
    if is_auth_user_member is False:
        raise AccessError(
            "The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within"

    standup_channel["message"].append(auth_user_handle + ": " + message)

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #21
def dm_details_v1(token, dm_id):
    Users that are part of this direct message can view
    basic information about the DM

        token (string)  - jwt encoded data structure of auth_user
        dm_id (int)      - dm to get information of

        InputError      -   Occurs when DM ID is not a valid DM
        AccessError     -   Occurs when Authorised user is not a member of this DM with dm_id

    Return value:
        Returns user (dictionary) on success
            a dictionary with information about name, members
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]

    is_dm_exist = False
    for dm_data in data["dms"]:
        if dm_data["dm_id"] == dm_id:
            dm = dm_data
            is_dm_exist = True
    if is_dm_exist is False:
        raise InputError("DM ID is not a valid DM")

    is_auth_user_member = False
    if auth_user_id in dm["members"]:
        is_auth_user_member = True
    if is_auth_user_member is False:
        raise AccessError(
            "Authorised user is not a member of this DM with dm_id")

    dm_name = dm["name"]
    dm_members = []
    for member in dm["members"]:
        dm_members.append(user_profile_v2(token, member)["user"])

    return {"name": dm_name, "members": dm_members}
コード例 #22
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: justintru/messenger-project
def userpermission_change_v1(token, u_id, permission_id):
    Given a User by their user ID, set their permissions to new permissions described by permission_id
    token (string)    - jwt encoded string of user changing the permission_id of user of u_id
    u_id (int)    - u_id of the person getting their permission_id changed
    permission_id (int)    - Owners have permissin_id 1, members have permission_id 2

        InputError  - Occurs when u_id does not refer to a valid use
        InputError  - Occurs when permission_id does not refer to a value permission
        AccessError - Occurs when The authorised user is not an owner

    Return Value:
        Returns {}


    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    #check if token is valid
    token_u_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]
    #check u_id
    if is_valid_u_id(u_id) is False:
        raise InputError("u_id is invalid")
    #check if permission_id refers to a value permission
    if permission_id != 1 and permission_id != 2:
        raise InputError("permission_id does not refer to a value permission")
    #check if authorised user is not an owner
    for users in data["users"]:
        if users["u_id"] == token_u_id:
            if users["permission_id"] != 1:
                raise AccessError("The authorised user is not an owner")
    #change permission_id
    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["u_id"] == u_id:
            user["permission_id"] = permission_id

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #23
def errorcheck_addowner_v1(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Checks the error cases for add_owner

        token               - jwt encoded data structure that stores auth_user info
        channel_id (int)    - channel to be added into
        u_id (int)          - user to be checked

        Refer to addowner function

    Return values:

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    if is_valid_u_id(u_id) == False:
        raise InputError("u_id does not refer to a valid user")

    if is_valid_channel_id(channel_id) == False:
        raise InputError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")

    if is_user_channel_membertype(channel_id, u_id, CHANNEL_MEMBER) == False:
        raise InputError(
            "user with user id u_id is not already a member of the channel")

    if is_user_channel_membertype(channel_id, u_id, CHANNEL_OWNER) == True:
        raise InputError(
            "user with user id u_id is already an owner of the channel")

    if is_user_channel_membertype(
            channel_id, int(data_structure["u_id"]),
            CHANNEL_OWNER) == False and find_auth_user_permission_id(
                int(data_structure["u_id"])) == 2:
        raise AccessError(
            "the authorised user is not an owner of the Dreams or an owner of this channel"
コード例 #24
def channel_leave_v1(token, channel_id):
    Given a channel ID, the user removed as a member of this channel. 
    Their messages should remain in the channel
    token (str): jwt encoded data structure for authorised user
    channel_id (int): id for channel


    InputError when:
        Channel ID is not a valid channel
    AccessError when:
        Authorised user is not a member of channel with channel_id
    time_stamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp()

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    user = token_check(token)

    errorcheck_leave_v2(token, channel_id)

    user_stats_update(data, user["u_id"], stat_types.CH_LEAVE, time_stamp)

    found_channel = find_channel(data, channel_id)


    if user['u_id'] in found_channel['owner_members']:

    with open("data.json", "w+") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #25
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: justintru/messenger-project
def user_profile_uploadphoto_v1(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end,
    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]

    response = requests.get(img_url)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise InputError("img_url returns an HTTP status other than 200.")

    path = generate_user_profile_photo(auth_user_id)["profile_img_path"]
    request.urlretrieve(img_url, path)
    image = Image.open(path)
    (left, top, right, bottom) = image.getbbox()
    if x_start < left or x_end > right or y_start < top or y_end > bottom:
        raise InputError(
            "any of x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end are not within the dimensions of the image at the URL."

    image = Image.open(path)
    img_crop = image.crop(box=(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end))

    return {}
コード例 #26
def channels_list_v2(token):
    Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details) that the authorised user is part of

        auth_user_id(int) = user id of user who authorised function

    Return Value:
        {channels} = list of channels with channel_id and name
    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    #create a new dictionary for channels to return
    channels_list = {'channels': []}

    auth_user_id = token_check(token)["u_id"]

    #loop through all the channels which stored in the data base
    for channel_detail in data["channels"]:
        #Get the information we need to store in the channels_list
        channel_id_tmp = channel_detail["channel_id"]
        channel_name_tmp = channel_detail["name"]

        #Check the authorised user is part of the channel or not
        all_members_tmp = channel_detail["all_members"]
        for u_id in all_members_tmp:
            #If the authorised user is part of the channel update the channels_list
            if int(u_id) == int(auth_user_id):
                        "channel_id": channel_id_tmp,
                        "name": channel_name_tmp,

    return channels_list
コード例 #27
def channel_join_v2(token, channel_id):
    Given a channel_id of a channel that the authorised user can join, adds them to that channel

        token (string)      - jwt encoded string containing auth_user_id info
        channel_id (int)    - id of channel to join

        InputError  -   Occurs when channel ID is not a valid channel
        AccessError -   Occurs when channel_id refers to a channel that is private (when the authorised user is not a global owner),
                        token is invalid
    Return value:
    time_stamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp()

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    data_structure = token_check(token)

    errorcheck_channel_join_v2(data_structure, data, channel_id)

    user_stats_update(data, data_structure["u_id"], stat_types.CH_JOIN,

    found_channel = find_channel(data, channel_id)


    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {}
コード例 #28
def message_sendlaterdm_v1(token, dm_id, message, time_sent):
    Send a message from authorised_user to the DM specified by
    dm_id automatically at a specified time in the future
        token - token of the sender
        dm_id - dm ID of the message to be sent at
        message - message to be sent later
        time_sent - time message will be sent at

    Returns { message_id }

    InputError when:
        DM ID is not a valid channel
        Message is more than 1000 characters
        Time sent is a time in the past

    AccessError when:
        The authorised user has not joined the DM they are trying to post to

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)

    # Check token and decode it
    user = token_check(token)
    is_dm_exist = False
    for dm_data in data["dms"]:
        if dm_data["dm_id"] == dm_id:
            dm = dm_data
            is_dm_exist = True
    # Check DM ID given is valid
    if is_dm_exist is False:
        raise InputError(description="DM ID is not a valid DM")
    # Make sure authorised user is a member of the DM group
    is_auth_user_member = False
    if user['u_id'] in dm["members"]:
        is_auth_user_member = True
    if is_auth_user_member is False:
        raise AccessError(
            description="Authorised user is not a member of this DM with dm_id"
    # InputError raised when empty message is sent
    if message == "":
        raise InputError(description="Cannot send an empty message")
    # Ensure message being sent is no more than 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError(description="Message is more than 1000 characters")
    # Find time now as a timestamp
    time_create_date = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
    time_created = time_create_date.timestamp()
    # Check if time_sent is valid
    if time_sent < time_created:
        raise InputError(description='Time sent is invalid')
    # Find the difference in time between now and time_sent
    time_to_be_sent = time_sent - time_created
    # The sleep() function suspends execution of the current thread for a given number of seconds.

    return message_senddm_v1(token, dm_id, message)
コード例 #29
def message_share_v1(token, og_message_id, message, channel_id, dm_id):
    og_message_id is the original message. 
    channel_id is the channel that the message is being shared to, and is -1 if it is being sent to a DM. 
    dm_id is the DM that the message is being shared to, and is -1 if it is being sent to a channel.
    message is the optional message in addition to the shared message, 
    and will be an empty string "" if no message is given

        token - token of the user sharing message
        og_message_id - message id of the original message
        message - optional message to be commented with shared message
        channel_id - channel_id of the channel msg is being shared to (default -1)
        dm_id - dm_id of the dm group that message is being sent to (default -1)

        { shared_message-id }

    InputError when:
        Optional message is more than 1000 characters (Assumption)

    AccessError when:
        Invalid token
        The authorised user has not joined the channel or DM they are trying to share the message to
    time_stamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp()

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)
    # Decode token if token is valid
    user = token_check(token)

    optional_msg = message
    # Input Error when optional message is more than 1000 chars
    if len(optional_msg) > 1000:
        raise InputError(
            description="Your optional message is more than 1000 characters")
    # Let the channel/dm not being shared to be -1
    not_shared = -1
    # If channel_id and dm_id are both given
    # user should give either a channel_id or dm_id
    if channel_id is not not_shared and dm_id is not not_shared:
        raise InputError(
            "Both channel_id and dm_id is given, choose one or the other")
    # Both channel_id and dm_id are given as -1
    elif channel_id is not_shared and dm_id is not_shared:
        raise InputError(
            description="Both channel_id and dm_id are given as -1")
    # ----SHARING TO CHANNEL----
    # If channel_id is given and dm_id is -1
    elif channel_id is not not_shared and dm_id is not_shared:
        user_stats_update(data, user["u_id"], stat_types.MSG_SEND, time_stamp)
        dreams_stats_update(data, stat_types.MSG_SEND, time_stamp)

        # Check if channel_id given is valid
        if is_valid_channel_id(channel_id) is False:
            raise InputError(description="Channel id not found")
        # Check if the authorised user is a member of the channel
        if is_auth_user_memberof_channel_id(token, channel_id) is False:
            raise AccessError(
                description="Authorised use is not a member of the channel")

        msg_found = False
        # Loop through channel data to look for message_id
        for ch in data["channels"]:
            # Loop through messages of channel
            for msg in ch["messages"]:
                # if og_message_id is found
                if msg["message_id"] == og_message_id:
                    msg_found = True
        # The message wasn"t found in channel
        # Loop through the DM messages and check if it is there
        for dm in data["dms"]:
            # Loop through messages of dms
            for dm_message in dm["messages"]:
                # If message_id is found
                if dm_message["message_id"] == og_message_id:
                    msg_found = True
        # If the message is found, assign string of shared message
        if msg_found:
            og_message = msg["message"]
            raise InputError(description="message id could not be found")
        # Find the channel for channel id given
        channel = find_channel(data, channel_id)
        # Loop through to the channel given and return specified channel dictionary
        all_msgs = channel["messages"]
        # Keep track of last message id
        last_msg_id = data.get("last_message_id", 0)
        message_id = last_msg_id + 1
        # Update data
        data["last_message_id"] = message_id
        # unix timestamp
        time_create_date = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
        time_created = time_create_date.timestamp()
        # New message struct
        new_message = {
            "message_id": message_id,
            "u_id": user["u_id"],
            # E.g. Hi guys, look at this ----|funny cat meme|----
            "message": optional_msg + " " + "----|" + og_message + "|----",
            "time_created": time_created,
            'reacts': [{
                'react_id': 0,
                'u_ids': [],
                'is_this_user_reacted': False
            'react_history': [],
            'is_pinned': False,
        # Append the new message to the end of the list

    # ----SHARING TO DM----
    # If channel is -1 and dm_id is given
    elif channel_id is not_shared and dm_id is not not_shared:
        user_stats_update(data, user["u_id"], stat_types.MSG_SEND, time_stamp)
        dreams_stats_update(data, stat_types.MSG_SEND, time_stamp)

        # Check if dm_id given is valid
        is_dm_exist = False
        for dm_data in data["dms"]:
            if dm_data["dm_id"] == dm_id:
                # Assign dm dictionary of given dm_id
                dm = dm_data
                is_dm_exist = True
        if is_dm_exist is False:
            raise InputError("DM ID is not a valid DM")
        # Check if user is a member of dm group
        is_auth_user_member = False
        if user["u_id"] in dm["members"]:
            is_auth_user_member = True
        if is_auth_user_member is False:
            raise AccessError(
                "Authorised user is not a member of this DM with dm_id")

        msg_found = False
        # Loop through channel data to look for message_id
        for ch in data["channels"]:
            # Loop through messages of channel
            for msg in ch["messages"]:
                # if og_message_id is found
                if msg["message_id"] == og_message_id:
                    msg_found = True
        # The message wasn"t found in channel
        # Loop through the DM messages and check if it is there
        for dm in data["dms"]:
            # Loop through messages of dms
            for dm_message in dm["messages"]:
                # If message_id is found
                if dm_message["message_id"] == og_message_id:
                    msg_found = True

        # If the message is found, assign string of shared message
        if msg_found:
            og_message = dm_message["message"]
            raise InputError(description="message id could not be found")

        # Keep track of last message id
        last_msg_id = data["last_message_id"]
        message_id = last_msg_id + 1
        # Update data
        data["last_message_id"] = message_id

        # unix timestamp
        time_create_date = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
        time_created = time_create_date.timestamp()

        new_message = {
            "message_id": message_id,
            "u_id": user["u_id"],
            "message": message + " " + "----|" + og_message + "|----",
            "time_created": time_created,
            'reacts': [{
                'react_id': 0,
                'u_ids': [],
                'is_this_user_reacted': False
            'react_history': [],
            'is_pinned': False,

        all_msgs = dm["messages"]
        # Append the new message to the end of the list

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

    return {"shared_message_id": message_id}
コード例 #30
def message_edit_v2(token, message_id, message):
    Given a message, update its text with new text.
    If the new message is an empty string, the message is deleted.
        token - token of the user editing the message
        message_id - message id of the message being edited
        message - update message

    Returns {}
    InputError when:
        Length of the message is over than 1000 characters
        Message_id refers to a deleted message

    AccessError when NONE of these are true:
        Message with message_id was sent by auth user making request
        Auth user is an owner of the channel or Dreams owner
    complete = False

    with open("data.json") as json_file:
        data = load(json_file)
    # Decode u_id from token if valid
    user = token_check(token)
    # Edited Message
    updated_msg = message
    # InputError raised when message over 1000 chars
    if len(updated_msg) > 1000:
        raise InputError(description="Message is longer than 1000 characters")
    # If updated message is an empty string, call message_remove_v1
    if len(updated_msg) == 0:
        message_remove_v1(token, message_id)
    # Loop through channel data to look for message_id
    for channel in data["channels"]:
        # Loop through messages of channel
        for message in channel["messages"]:
            # if message_id is found
            if message["message_id"] == message_id:
                # check u_id belongs message sender or channel owner
                # Assumption(Dreams owner is added to owner_members)
                if message["u_id"] == user["u_id"] or user["u_id"] in channel[
                    # Update to edited message
                    # (Assumption) Timestamp is not changed
                    message["message"] = updated_msg
                    complete = True
                    raise AccessError(
                        "user is not the sender of message or channel owner")
    # The message wasn"t found in channel
    # Loop through the DM messages and check if it is there
    for dm in data["dms"]:
        # Loop through messages of dms
        for dm_message in dm["messages"]:
            # If message_id is found
            if dm_message["message_id"] == message_id:
                # Check u_id belongs sender
                if dm_message["u_id"] == user["u_id"]:
                    # Update to edited message
                    # (Assumption) DM creator should not be able to edit/remove messages of others
                    dm_message["message"] = updated_msg
                    complete = True
                    raise AccessError(
                        description="user is not the sender of message")

    if complete != True:
        # Did not find message_id
        raise InputError(
            description="Message does not exist/Message no longer exists")

    with open("data.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(data, json_file, indent=4)
    return {}