def wb_fupdate_on_click(b): git_url, git_user, git_pass = config.credentials('git') url = git_url.replace('http://', '') url = url.replace('https://', '') with progress: run_update(['git', '-C', './', 'reset', '--hard', 'HEAD']) run_update([ 'git', '-C', './', 'pull', f'http://{git_user}:{git_pass}@{url}' ])
def pts(area, year, pid, tstype, band=''): if area == 'es_ns': area = f'es' api_url, api_user, api_pass = config.credentials('api') requrl = """{}/query/parcelTimeSeries?aoi={}&year={}&pid={}&tstype={}&band={}""" response = requests.get(requrl.format(api_url, area, year, pid, tstype, band), auth=(api_user, api_pass)) return response.content
def wb_update_on_click(b): git_url, git_user, git_pass = config.credentials('git') url = git_url.replace('http://', '') url = url.replace('https://', '') with progress: if git_pass == '': outlog("Please add the password for the git server.") else: run_update([ 'git', '-C', './', 'pull', f'http://{git_user}:{git_pass}@{url}' ], wb_fupdate)
def pid(area, year, pid, geom=False): if area == 'es_ns': parcels = f'es{year}_nour_subset' else: parcels = f'{area}{year}' api_url, api_user, api_pass = config.credentials('api') requrl = """{}/query/parcelById?parcels={}&parcelid={}""" if geom is True: requrl = f"{requrl}&withGeometry=True" response = requests.get(requrl.format(api_url, parcels, pid), auth=(api_user, api_pass)) return response.content
def cbl(lon, lat, start_date, end_date, bands=None, lut=None, chipsize=None): api_url, api_user, api_pass = config.credentials('api') requrl = """{}/query/chipsByLocation?lon={}&lat={}&start_date={}&end_date={}""" band = '_'.join(bands) if band is not None: requrl = f"{requrl}&band={band}" if chipsize is not None: requrl = f"{requrl}&chipsize={chipsize}" if lut != '': requrl = f"{requrl}&lut={lut}" # print(requrl.format(api_url, lon, lat, start_date, end_date)) response = requests.get(requrl.format(api_url, lon, lat, start_date, end_date), auth=(api_user, api_pass)) return response
def ppoly(area, year, polygon, geom=False, only_ids=True): if area == 'es_ns': parcels = f'es{year}_nour_subset' else: parcels = f'{area}{year}' api_url, api_user, api_pass = config.credentials('api') requrl = """{}/query/parcelsByPolygon?parcels={}&polygon={}""" if geom is True: requrl = f"{requrl}&withGeometry=True" if only_ids is True: requrl = f"{requrl}&only_ids=True" response = requests.get(requrl.format(api_url, parcels, polygon), auth=(api_user, api_pass)) return response.content
def check(): progress = Output() def outlog(*text): with progress: print(*text) git_url, git_user, git_pass = config.credentials('git') url = git_url.replace('http://', '') url = url.replace('https://', '') command = [ 'git', '-C', './', 'remote', 'show', f'http://{git_user}:{git_pass}@{url}' ] out = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, stderr = out.communicate() if 'out of date' in stdout.decode(): display(progress) outlog("There is an new version CbM.", "Do you want to update your local CbM repository?") display(btn_update())
def widget_box(): """Update the repository. Args: None Returns: update_widget : A widget for general settings. Raises: Error: Example: """ # User settings user_info = Label("General settings.") values = user_name = Text(value=values['set']['user'], placeholder='user name', description='User:'******'set']['email'], placeholder='[email protected]', description='email:', disabled=False) user_institution = Text(value=values['set']['institution'], placeholder='EU-', description='Institution:', disabled=False) ms_list = data_options.eu_ms() ms = Dropdown( options=[(ms_list[m], m) for m in ms_list] + [('', '')], value=values['set']['member_state'], description='Member state:', disabled=False, ) wbox_user = VBox([user_info, user_name, user_email, user_institution, ms], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black')) # System settings sys_info = Label("System settings.") paths_info = Label( "Select the personal data folder and the temporary folder.") jupyterlab = Checkbox( value=eval(values['set']['jupyterlab']), description= 'Workin in Jupyter Lab (Uncheck for Voila and classical jupyter environment)', disabled=False, indent=False) def on_jupyterlab_change(change): config.update(['set', 'jupyterlab'], str(jupyterlab.value)) jupyterlab.observe(on_jupyterlab_change, 'value') path_data = Text(value=values['paths']['data'], description='Data path:') path_temp = Text(value=values['paths']['temp'], description='Temp path:') files_info = Label("Select where to store the parcel IDs list file from:") file_pids_poly = Text(value=values['files']['pids_poly'], description='Polygon:') file_pids_dist = Text(value=values['files']['pids_dist'], description='Distance:') plimit_info = Label( "Warning: No more than 25 parcels are tested, unexpected results may occur." ) plimit = BoundedIntText(value=int(values['set']['plimit']), max=100_000_000, min=1, step=1, description='Max parcels that can be downloaded:', disabled=False) wbox_sys = VBox([ sys_info, jupyterlab, plimit_info, plimit, paths_info, path_data, path_temp, files_info, file_pids_poly, file_pids_dist ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black')) # Git settings git_info = Label( "Git Settings. (To easily get the latest version of notebooks and scripts.)" ) git_url, git_user, git_pass = config.credentials('git') git_url = Text(value=git_url, description='Url:') git_user = Text(value=git_user, description='User name:') git_pass = Password(value=git_pass, placeholder='******', description='Password:'******'1px solid black')) btn_save = Button(description='Save', disabled=False, icon='save') progress = Output() def outlog(*text): with progress: print(*text) @btn_save.on_click def btn_save_on_click(b): progress.clear_output() config.update(['set', 'user'], str(user_name.value)) config.update(['set', 'email'], str(user_email.value)) config.update(['set', 'institution'], str(user_institution.value)) config.update(['set', 'member_state'], str(user_email.value)) config.update(['set', 'plimit'], str(plimit.value)) config.update(['git', 'url'], str(git_url.value)) config.update(['git', 'user'], str(git_user.value)) config.update(['paths', 'data'], str(path_data.value)) config.update(['paths', 'temp'], str(path_temp.value)) config.update(['files', 'pids_poly'], str(file_pids_poly.value)) config.update(['files', 'pids_dist'], str(file_pids_dist.value)) if git_pass.value != '': config.update(['git', 'pass'], str(git_pass.value)) outlog("The new settings are saved.") wbox = VBox([ config.clean_temp(), wbox_user, wbox_sys, wbox_git, HBox([btn_save, update.btn_update()]), progress ]) return wbox
def rcbl(parcel, start_date, end_date, bands, sat, chipsize, filespath): import os import pandas as pd from osgeo import osr, ogr import time start = time.time() api_url, api_user, api_pass = config.credentials('api') for band in bands: requrl = """{}/query/rawChipByLocation?lon={}&lat={}&start_date={}&end_date={}""" if band is not None: # band = '_'.join(band) # band = band.replace(' ', '') requrl = f"{requrl}&band={band}" if chipsize is not None: requrl = f"{requrl}&chipsize={chipsize}" # Create a valid geometry from the returned JSON withGeometry geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(parcel.get('geom')[0]) source = osr.SpatialReference() source.ImportFromEPSG(parcel.get('srid')[0]) # Assign this projection to the geometry geom.AssignSpatialReference(source) target = osr.SpatialReference() target.ImportFromEPSG(4326) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source, target) # And get the lon, lat for its centroid, so that we can center the chips on # the parcel centroid = geom.Centroid() centroid.Transform(transform) # Use pid for next request pid = parcel['ogc_fid'][0] # cropname = parcel['cropname'][0] # Set up the rawChip request cen_x, cen_y = str(centroid.GetX()), str(centroid.GetY()) response = requests.get(requrl.format(api_url, cen_y, cen_x, start_date, end_date, band, chipsize), auth=(api_user, api_pass)) # Directly create a pandas DataFrame from the json response df = pd.read_json(response.content) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filespath), exist_ok=True) df_file = f'{filespath}{pid}_images_list.{band}.csv' df.to_csv(df_file, index=True, header=True) # print(f"The response table is saved to: {df_file}") # Download the GeoTIFFs that were just created in the user cache for c in df.chips: url = f"{api_url}{c}" res = requests.get(url, stream=True) outf = f"{filespath}{c.split('/')[-1]}" # print(f"Downloading {c.split('/')[-1]}") with open(outf, "wb") as handle: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=512): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks handle.write(chunk) print( f"Images for band '{band}', for the selected dates are downloaded." ) # if len(df.index) != 0: # print(f"All GeoTIFFs for band '{band}' are ", # f"downloaded in the folder: '{filespath}'") print("\n------Total time------") print( f"Total time required for {len(bands)} bands: {time.time() - start} seconds." )