async def https_check(self, ip: IPData, session) -> IPData: """ HTTPS 可用性检测 :return: """ try: async with session.get(self.NORMAL_CHECK_URL.replace( 'http', 'https', 1), proxy=ip.to_http()) as resp: result = await resp.json() if not result.get('origin'): raise ValidationFailException() ip.https = True except Exception: ip.https = False return ip
async def http_check(self, ip: IPData, session) -> IPData: """ 可用与匿名检测 毫秒 :param ip: :return: """ time_spend = try: async with session.get(self.NORMAL_CHECK_URL, proxy=ip.to_http()) as resp: result = await resp.json() if not result.get('origin'): raise ValidationFailException() time_spend = - time_spend ip.delay = time_spend.total_seconds() ip.http = True except Exception: ip.http = False return ip
async def rules_check(self, ip: IPData, session) -> IPData: """ 通过规则进行检测 :return: """ rules = {} for rule in Config.RULES: assert isinstance(rule, RuleData), 'Error rule format' if not rule.enable: continue try: async with session.get(rule.url, proxy=ip.to_http()) as resp: result = await resp.text() assert isinstance(result, str) if rule.contains and result.find(rule.contains) < 0: raise ValidationFailException() rules[rule.key] = True except Exception: rules[rule.key] = False ip.rules = rules return ip