コード例 #1
def bias_bySNR_analytic():
    Produces the analytic bias as a function of SNR.

    Add this to bias_bySNR routine
    import src.measure_Bias as mBias
    import src.model_Production as modPro

    global imageParams
    modPro.set_modelParameter(imageParams, fitParamsLabels, fitParamsValues)

    handle = intialise_Output(Output+filePrefix+'_AnaBias.dat', mode = 'a')
    handle.write('## Recovered statistics as a result of bias run, single fit at a time, done analytically. Output of form [Bias] repeated for all fit quantities \n')
    for k in fitParamsLabels:
        handle.write('#'+str(k)+' = '+str(fittedParameters[k])+'\n')

    S = -1 #Counter
    filenames = []

    e = 0 ##Loop over this for multiple runs
    while True:
        print '\n'+400*'-'
        S += 1
        SNR = SNRRange[0] + S*SNRRange[2]

        ##Exit Condition
        if(SNR > SNRRange[1]):

        ##Set Model
        imageParams['SNR'] = SNR

        ##Produce image to update noise to correct value (THIS IS A HACK AND NEEDS CHANGED) - estimate_Noise works fairly well, but you need to specify the noise correctly
        #disc, imageParams = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = 'G', outputImage = False)

        ## Check image to get SNR
        imageSB, imageParams = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Weave)
        imageParams['noise'] = modPro.SNR_Mapping(imageSB, SNR = SNR)

        print 'Analytic Bias Check: For SNR', SNR, ' has noise var:', imageParams['noise']

        bias = np.array(mBias.analytic_GaussianLikelihood_Bias(fitParamsValues, fitParamsLabels, imageParams, diffType = 'ana'))
        #bias = np.array([mBias.analytic_GaussianLikelihood_Bias(fitParamsValues[e], fitParamsLabels[e], imageParams, diffType = 'ana')])

        print '\n Analytic Bias for SNR:', SNR, ' is :', bias
        print ' '

        ### different to bias_bySNR
        np.savetxt(handle, np.hstack((np.array(SNR).reshape(1,1),bias.reshape(1,bias.shape[0]))))#.reshape(1,bias.shape[1]+1))

コード例 #2
imageParams['noise'] = np.sqrt(0.001705)
print(-1.0 * (imageParams['noise'] * imageParams['noise']) /
      2.), (dimage * ddimage).sum(), np.power(dimage, 2.).sum()
print 'Halls Bias:', (-1.0 *
                      (imageParams['noise'] * imageParams['noise']) / 2.) * (
                          (dimage * ddimage).sum()) / np.power(
                              np.power(dimage, 2.).sum(), 2.)

###Get image using user-specified surface brightness model
#imageSB, imageParams = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = modPro.gaussian_SBProfile)
#imageSB, imageParams = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Sympy)

imageSB, imageParams = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(
    der=['e1', 'e1'])

print 'Mine:', np.power(imageSB, 2.).sum()

print 'Ratio of Sum of Image:', image.sum(), imageSB.sum(
), image.sum() / imageSB.sum(), imageParams['flux']

import pylab as pl
f = pl.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(211)
im = ax.imshow(image)
ax = f.add_subplot(212)
im = ax.imshow(imageSB)
コード例 #3
print 'Halls:', np.power(image,2.).sum()

print dimage[:1,:5], ';', ddimage[:1,:5], ';', (dimage*ddimage)[:1,:5], (dimage*ddimage)[:1,:5].sum()

imageParams['noise'] = np.sqrt(0.001705)
print (-1.0*(imageParams['noise']*imageParams['noise'])/2.), (dimage*ddimage).sum(), np.power(dimage,2.).sum()
print 'Halls Bias:', (-1.0*(imageParams['noise']*imageParams['noise'])/2.)*( (dimage*ddimage).sum() )/np.power( np.power(dimage,2.).sum(), 2.)

###Get image using user-specified surface brightness model
#imageSB, imageParams = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = modPro.gaussian_SBProfile)
#imageSB, imageParams = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Sympy)

imageSB, imageParams = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Sympy, der = ['e1', 'e1'])

print 'Mine:', np.power(imageSB,2.).sum()

print 'Ratio of Sum of Image:', image.sum(), imageSB.sum(), image.sum()/imageSB.sum(), imageParams['flux']

import pylab as pl
f = pl.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(211)
im = ax.imshow(image)
ax = f.add_subplot(212)
im = ax.imshow(imageSB)
コード例 #4
def bias_bySNR():
    Run multiple realisations and produces SB profile estimates for each run. Set up for measurment of e1, should be generalised.
    To Do:
    --Generalise to multiple parameters: fitParams and setting defaults for thes fitParams, so that routine does not have any information on these parameters
    --Mean output: Header information - fitParams and input value
    print 'Producing Bias by SNR ratio'

    nRealisation = 10000000 ##This labels the maximum number of iterations
    percentError = 1

    global imageParams    
    modPro.set_modelParameter(imageParams, fitParamsLabels, fitParamsValues)

    ##Get NoiseFree Image
    noiseFreeImage, disc = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Weave)

    modelLookup = None
    if(len(fitParamsLabels) <= 2 and useLookup):
        modelLookup =  modPro.get_Model_Lookup(imageParams, fitParamsLabels, lookupRange, lookupWidth, noiseType = None, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Weave)
        print 'Created model lookup table'

    print 'Simulating Bias in SNR bins:\n'
    S = -1 #Counter
    filenames = []; SNRStore = []
    while True:
        S += 1
        SNR = SNRRange[0] + S*SNRRange[2]

        ##Exit Condition
        if(SNR > SNRRange[1]):

        ##Set Model
        imageParams['SNR'] = SNR

        ## Store SNR for output

        ##Intialise output and set header
        handle = intialise_Output(filenames[S], mode = 'a')
        ##Write Header
        handle.write('# Bias Run Output. Following is input image parameters \n')
        for k in imageParams.keys():
            handle.write('#'+str(k)+' = '+str(imageParams[k])+'\n')

        ## Output Bias Corrected value
        bchandle = None
            bchandle = intialise_Output(Output+filePrefix+'_SNR'+str(SNR)+'_BC.dat', mode = 'a')
            bchandle.write('# Bias Corrected Bias Run Output. Following is input image parameters \n')
            for k in imageParams.keys():
                bchandle.write('#'+str(k)+' = '+str(imageParams[k])+'\n')

        MaxL = np.zeros((nRealisation, len(fitParamsLabels))); BCMaxL = np.zeros(MaxL.shape); MaxLErr = np.zeros(MaxL.shape)
        for real in range(nRealisation):
            ## This version uses GALSIM default
            #image, imageParams = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = 'G')

            ## GALSIM with user-defined SB Profile
            #image, imageParams = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = 'G', sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Weave)
            ## SYMPY - Very slow
            #modPro.get_Pixelised_Model_wrapFunction(0., imageParams, noiseType = 'G', outputImage = False, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Sympy)

            ## Entirely user-defined
            image, imageParams = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = 'G', sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Weave, inputImage = noiseFreeImage)

            #MLEx = ML.find_ML_Estimator(image, modelLookup = None, fitParams = fittedParameters.keys(),  outputHandle = None, setParams = imageParams, e1 = 0.35) ##Needs edited to remove information on e1 (passed in for now) - This should only ever be set to the parameters being fit

            ##Find usign lookup table where appropriate
            MLReturn = ML.find_ML_Estimator(image, modelLookup = modelLookup, fitParams = fitParamsLabels,  outputHandle = handle, searchMethod = minimiseMethod, preSearchMethod = preSearchMethod, bruteRange = bruteRange, biasCorrect = biasCorrect, bcoutputHandle = bchandle, error = errorType, setParams = imageParams.copy(), **initialGuess)
                MaxL[real,:], BCMaxL[real,:] = MLReturn[0:2]
                if(len(MLReturn) == 3): #Erro is output
                    MaxLErr[real,:] = MLReturn[2]
                MaxL[real,:] = MLReturn[0]
                if(len(MLReturn) == 2):#Error is output
                    MaxLErr[real,:] =  MLReturn[1]

            if(real > 10000 and real%1000 == 0 and percentError > 0.):
                Mean = (MaxL[:real,:].mean(axis = 0)-fitParamsValues); Err = MaxL[:real,:].std(axis = 0)/np.sqrt(real)
                if((np.absolute(100.*(Err/Mean)) < percentError).sum() == MaxL.shape[1]):
                    print '\n For SNR:', SNR, ' percentage error was reached in ', real, ' simulated images'
                    print 'With mean, std, %Err:', Mean, Err, np.absolute(100.*(Err/Mean))

            #print '----- Realisation:', real, ':: Ex:', MLEx, ' Look:', MLLook, ' :: Ratio:', MLEx/MLLook


    ### Construct and output mean, std and error on mean for each fit parameter
    handle1 = intialise_Output(Output+filePrefix+'_Statistics.dat', mode = 'a')
    handle1.write('## Recovered statistics as a result of bias run. Output of form [Mean, StD, Error on Mean] repeated for all fit quantities \n')
    for k in fittedParameters.keys():
        handle1.write('#'+str(k)+' = '+str(fittedParameters[k])+'\n')

    handle2 = intialise_Output(Output+filePrefix+'_Bias.dat', mode = 'a')
    handle2.write('## Recovered statistics as a result of bias run. Output of form [Bias, StD, Error on Bias] repeated for all fit quantities \n')
    for k in fittedParameters.keys():
        handle2.write('#'+str(k)+' = '+str(fittedParameters[k])+'\n')

    ##Produce Mean, StD from sampling and output
    for f in range(len(filenames)):
        Input = np.genfromtxt(filenames[f])

        SNR = SNRStore[f]
        Mean = Input.mean(axis = 0); StD = Input.std(axis = 0); MeanStD = StD/np.sqrt(Input.shape[0])

        if(len(fittedParameters.keys()) == 1):
            out = np.array([SNR, Mean, StD, MeanStD])
            np.savetxt(handle1, out.reshape(1,out.shape[0]))
            out = np.array([SNR, Mean-fittedParameters.values()[0], StD, MeanStD])
            np.savetxt(handle2, out.reshape(1,out.shape[0]))

            out = np.array([ [SNR, Mean[l], StD[l], MeanStD[l]] for l in range(len(fittedParameters.keys())) ]).flatten()
            np.savetxt(handle1, out.reshape(1,out.shape[0]))
            out = np.array([ [SNR, Mean[l]-fittedParameters.values()[l], StD[l], MeanStD[l]] for l in range(len(fittedParameters.keys())) ]).flatten()
            np.savetxt(handle2, out.reshape(1,out.shape[0]))

    print 'Finished SNR Bias loop without incident'
コード例 #5
imageParams = modPro.default_ModelParameter_Dictionary()
imageParams['SNR'] = 20.
imageParams['e1'] = 0.
imageParams['e2'] = 0.
imageParams['size'] = 2.0
imageParams['flux'] = 4.524
imageParams['stamp_size'] = [30,30]
imageParams['centroid'] = (np.array(imageParams['stamp_size'])+1)/2.

###Get image using GALSIM default models
#image, disc = modPro.get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = 'Gaussian', outputImage = True, Verbose = True, sbProfileFunc = modPro.gaussian_SBProfile)
#image, imageParams = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = modPro.gaussian_SBProfile)

##Surface Brightness profile routine
image, imageParams = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Weave)


imageSB, disc = modPro.user_get_Pixelised_Model(imageParams, noiseType = None, outputImage = True, sbProfileFunc = SBPro.gaussian_SBProfile_Sympy)

### User-defined model with Guassian noise
#image = np.genfromtxt('./TestPrograms/Hall_Models/fid_image.dat')
#image = image.T

#print 'image Noise Estimated as:', imMeas.estimate_Noise(image, maskCentroid = imageParams['centroid'])

#print 'imageSB Noise Estimated as:', imMeas.estimate_Noise(imageSB, maskCentroid = imageParams['centroid'])