コード例 #1
    def test_var(self):
        fLOG (__file__, self._testMethodName, OutputPrint = __name__ == "__main__")
        docstring = """
            This class opens a text file as if it were a binary file. It can deal with null characters which are missed by open function.

            @var    filename        file name
            @var    utf8            decode in utf8
            @var    errors          decoding in utf8 can raise some errors, @see cl str to understand the meaning of this parameter
            @var    fLOG            logging function (@see fn fLOG)
            @var    _buffer_size    read a text file _buffer_size bytes each time
            @var    _filter         function filter, None or return True or False whether a line should considered or not
            f = TextFile (filename)
            f.open ()
            for line in f :
                print line
            f.close ()
        values = process_var_tag(docstring)
        assert len(values) == 6
        rst = process_var_tag(docstring, True)
        assert len(rst)  > 0
コード例 #2
    def test_process_var_tag(self):
            OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__")

        test_string = """
        This is the documentation for this class.

        @var   pa   an example of an attribute.

        Inline :math:`x^2 + y + z`. Another equation to test:

        .. math::

            x^2 + y

        .. math::

            \\sum_{i=1}^n x^2
        rst = process_var_tag(test_string, True)
        exp = """
        This is the documentation for this class.

        | attribute | meaning                     |
        | pa        | an example of an attribute. |

        Inline :math:`x^2 + y + z`. Another equation to test:

        .. math::

            x^2 + y

        .. math::

            \sum_{i=1}^n x^2
        self.assertEqual(rst.strip("\n ").replace(" ", ""),
                         exp.strip("\n ").replace(" ", ""))