コード例 #1
def main(pathsFiles, rootFolder, printDataBin, compareWithShortPath):
    # getting maze
    dataBinPath = path.join(rootFolder, dataBin)
    o = open(dataBinPath, 'rb')
    n = pickle.load(o)          # unnecesary
    m = pickle.load(o)          # unnecesary
    wallsToDel = pickle.load(o) # unnecesary
    maze = pickle.load(o)
    mazeSimple = pickle.load(o)
    mazeWeigth = pickle.load(o)
    inaccesibleCellsPercent = pickle.load(o) # unnecesary
    shortPath = loadPath(o)

    if printDataBin:
        printFolder = path.join(rootFolder, folderImages, dataBin)
        if not path.exists(printFolder): os.makedirs(printFolder)

        png = createPNGfromMazeAndPaths(maze)
        nameMazePNG = path.join(printFolder, "Maze.png")
        printMazePNG(png, nameMazePNG)

        png = createPNGfromMazeAndPaths(mazeSimple)
        nameMazeSimplePNG = path.join(printFolder, "MazeSimple.png")
        printMazePNG(png, nameMazeSimplePNG)

        png = createPNGfromMazeAndPaths(maze, [shortPath])
        fitnessPath = str(fitness(mazeWeigth, shortPath))
        nameMazePNG = path.join(printFolder, "Maze-Shortest_Path-"+fitnessPath+".png")
        printMazePNG(png, nameMazePNG)

    for p in pathsFiles:
        # getting paths
        o = open(path.join(rootFolder, p), 'rb')
        population = loadListOfPaths(o)

        if not compareWithShortPath: shortPath = None
        nameFile = path.join(rootFolder, folderImages, p)
        savePathsAsPNG(maze, mazeWeigth, population, nameFile, shortPath)
コード例 #2
def main(folder):
  initialPop      = getParameter(['initialPop',      'I'], None)
  n, m            = getParameter(['dim']                 , (60, 70)  , eval)
  wallsToDel      = getParameter(['wallsToDel',      'd'], 0.10      , float)
  mutPercent      = getParameter(['mutationPercent', 'm'], 0.10      , float)
  totalPopulation = getParameter(['totalPopulation', 't'], 50        , int)
  totalIterations = getParameter(['totalIterations', 'i'], 200       , int)
  badIndividuals  = getParameter(['badIndividuals',  'b'], 10        , int)
  chooseFunction  = getParameter(['chooseFunction',  'c'], lambda x:x, eval)
  sizeInitial     = getParameter(['sizeInitial',     's'], 15        , int)
  multiplesExec   = getParameter(['multiplesExec',   'M'], 1         , int)
  manyFinalPop    = getParameter(['manyFinalPop',    'P'], 1         , int)
  toBool = lambda s: False if s in ["False", "false", "f", "F", "0"] else bool(s)
  initPopInvulnrb = getParameter(['initPopInvulnrb', 'V'], True      , toBool)
  #chooseFunction = lambda x: (0.6/0.5)*x if x<0.6 else (x-1)*((1-0.5)/(1-0.6)) + 1

  # If the folder doesn't exisit
  if not os.path.exists(folder):
      os.makedirs( path.join(folder, folderInitialPop) )
      os.makedirs( path.join(folder, folderFinalPop) )
      open( path.join(folder, folderInitialPop, 'counter'),'wb').write('0')
      open( path.join(folder, folderFinalPop, 'counters'),'wb').write('[]')

  ######################## Maze #######################
  if os.path.exists( path.join(folder, mazeFile) ):
      o = open( path.join(folder, mazeFile), 'rb')
      n = pickle.load(o)
      m = pickle.load(o)
      wallsToDel = pickle.load(o)
      maze = pickle.load(o)
      mazeSimple = pickle.load(o)
      mazeWeight = pickle.load(o)
      inaccesibleCellsPercent = pickle.load(o)
      shortPath = savePaths.loadPath(o)
      maze = deleteWalls(createRandomMaze(n, m), wallsToDel)
      mazeSimple, inaccesibleCellsPercent = simplifyMaze(maze)

      mazeWeight, _ = createRandomWeight(n, m)
      shortPath = shortestPath(mazeSimple, mazeWeight)

      o = open( path.join(folder, mazeFile), 'wb')
      pickle.dump(n, o)
      pickle.dump(m, o)
      pickle.dump(wallsToDel, o)
      pickle.dump(maze, o)
      pickle.dump(mazeSimple, o)
      pickle.dump(mazeWeight, o)
      pickle.dump(inaccesibleCellsPercent, o)
      savePaths.savePath(shortPath, o)

  print "Starting ..."
  print "Maze dimensions:", (n, m)
  print "Walls Deleted (percentage):", wallsToDel
  print "Inaccesible cells (percentage):", inaccesibleCellsPercent
  fitnessShortPath = fitness(mazeWeight, shortPath)
  print "Shortest Path: ", fitnessShortPath
  print "=== Global variables setted to: ==="
  print "Mutation (percentage):", mutPercent
  print "Total iterations:", totalIterations
  print "Number of bad individuals:", badIndividuals
  print "Initial Population Invulnerable:", initPopInvulnrb
  print "Total population:", totalPopulation

  print "== Statistics =="

  nameStatisticFinal = path.join(folder, "final.csv")
  if not os.path.exists(nameStatisticFinal):
      statistics_final = open(nameStatisticFinal, 'a')
      statistics_final.write("Name; ")
      statistics_final.write("% mutation; ")
      statistics_final.write("total iterations; ")
      statistics_final.write("bad Individuals; ")
      statistics_final.write("invulnerable initPop; ")
      statistics_final.write("Len Initial Population; ")
      statistics_final.write("Total Population; ")
      statistics_final.write("Best Init Path; ")
      statistics_final.write("Worst Init Path; ")
      statistics_final.write("Can be made from Init paths?; ")
      statistics_final.write("clones; ")
      statistics_final.write("mutations; ")
      statistics_final.write("Best final Path; ")
      statistics_final.write("Worst final Path; ")
      statistics_final.write("Ratio best-shortest paths; ")
      statistics_final.write("improvement from initial; ")
      statistics_final.write("Can me made from Final paths?\n")
      statistics_final = open(nameStatisticFinal, 'a')

  statistics_initial = open( path.join(folder, "initial.csv"), 'a' )

  for i in range(multiplesExec):
    ######################## initial Population #######################
    if initialPop == None:
        new = True
        o_counter = open( path.join(folder, folderInitialPop, 'counter'),'rb')
        counter = int(o_counter.read())

        initialPopulation = [findPath(mazeSimple) for i in range(sizeInitial)]
        initialPopulation.sort(key=lambda i: fitness(mazeWeight, i))
        nameInitialPop = str(counter).zfill(5)

        o = open( path.join(folder, folderInitialPop, nameInitialPop), 'wb')
        savePaths.saveListOfPaths(initialPopulation, o)

        o_counter = open( path.join(folder, folderInitialPop, 'counter'),'wb')
        new = False
        counter = int(initialPop, 10)
        nameInitialPop = str(counter).zfill(5)
        o = open( path.join(folder, folderInitialPop, nameInitialPop), 'rb')
        initialPopulation = savePaths.loadListOfPaths(o)
        nameNext = str(counter+1).zfill(5)
        if os.path.exists( path.join(folder, folderInitialPop, nameNext)):
            initialPop = nameNext
            initialPop = None


    ############################ statistics ############################
    def printSave(t, d, others="", final=False):
        print t, d, others
        if new:
            statistics_initial.write(str(d) + ("\n" if final else "; "))

    bestInitPop = fitness(mazeWeight, initialPopulation[0])
    ratioBestShortPathInitPop = float(bestInitPop)/fitnessShortPath
    worstInitPop = fitness(mazeWeight, initialPopulation[-1])
    canInit = canFindSolutionFromPaths(n, m, shortPath, initialPopulation)
    printSave("Initial Population",           nameInitialPop)
    printSave("  initial size population:",   len(initialPopulation))
    printSave("  best path: ",                bestInitPop)
    printSave("  worst path:",                worstInitPop)
    printSave("  ratio best-shortest paths:", ratioBestShortPathInitPop)
    printSave("  Is posible find the Shortest-Path from paths:", canInit, final=True)

    ####################### final population #######################
    o_counters = open( path.join(folder, folderFinalPop, 'counters'),'rb')
    counters = eval(o_counters.read())
    if len(counters) <= counter:
        counters.extend( [-1]*(counter-len(counters)+1) )

    def printSave(t, d, others="", final=False):
        print t, d, others
        statistics_final.write(str(d) + ("\n" if final else "; "))

    for i in range(manyFinalPop):
        finalPopulation, num_clones, num_mutated = evolutionAlgo(
                mazeSimple, mazeWeight, initialPopulation , mutPercent,
                totalPopulation, totalIterations , badIndividuals,
                initPopInvulnrb, chooseFunction)

        counters[counter] += 1

        ############################ statistics ############################
        nameFinalPop = str(counter).zfill(5)+'-'+str(counters[counter]).zfill(5)
        best = fitness(mazeWeight, finalPopulation[0])
        ratioBestShortPath = float(best)/fitnessShortPath
        can = canFindSolutionFromPaths(n, m, shortPath, finalPopulation)

        printSave("  Final Population #", nameFinalPop)
        statistics_final.write(str(mutPercent)+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(totalIterations)+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(badIndividuals)+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(initPopInvulnrb)+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(len(initialPopulation))+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(totalPopulation)+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(bestInitPop)+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(worstInitPop)+"; ")
        statistics_final.write(str(canInit)+"; ")
        printSave("    num of clones in the execution:", num_clones,
        printSave("    num of mutations in the execution:", num_mutated,
        printSave("    best path: ", best)
        printSave("    worst path:", fitness(mazeWeight, finalPopulation[-1]))
        printSave("    ratio best-shortest paths:", ratioBestShortPath)
        printSave("    improvement:", ratioBestShortPathInitPop -
        printSave("    Is posible find the Shortest-Path from paths:", can, final=True)

        o = open( path.join(folder, folderFinalPop, nameFinalPop), 'wb')
        savePaths.saveListOfPaths(finalPopulation, o)
        pickle.dump(num_clones, o)
        pickle.dump(num_mutated, o)

    # increment counters
    o_counters = open( path.join(folder, folderFinalPop, 'counters'),'wb')
