class TestSearch(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = Search() def test_search(self): mylist = [("dLondon", "Location"), ("Obama", "Person"), ("UNICEF", "Organization"), ("jhfvjhegrfvh", "Location"), ("Noor_Nakhaei", "Person"), ("Center_For_Smart_Health", "Organization")] new, existing = assert existing == [('Obama', 'Person'), ('UNICEF', 'Organization')] assert new == [("dLondon", "Location"), ("jhfvjhegrfvh", "Location"), ("Noor_Nakhaei", "Person"), ("Center_For_Smart_Health", "Organization")]
class Graph(object): """ Base class which represents the heterogeneous textual graph (undirected graph). G = <V, E>. V is the set of nodes (objects), including 3 types of objects (i.e. new entites, known entities, and contextual words). Entities are words (with label: PERSON, LOCATION, and ORGANIZATION) whereas contextual words are the remaining uni-gram words. New entities are the entities not in DBpedia, and Know entities are the entities in the DBpedia. E is a set of edges (co-occurrences) of entity-entity, entity-word, and word-word corrences. Words within every 5-word sliding window in a news sentence are considered to be co-occuring with each other. The weights are represented by adjacency matrix using dataframe. Attributes: nodes: dictionary of nodes {"N (new entity)": [(word, label)], "K (Known entity)": [(word, label)], "C (Contextual word)": [(word, label)]} in the graph; Includes 3 types of objects (i.e. e new entites, known entities, and contextual words). edges: set contains the tuples. e.g. ("A", "B") indicates a link between node "A" and node "B". weights: The weights are represented by adjacency matrix using dataframe. news: list of news articles (articles are string type). """ def __init__(self, lst_news, window_size=5): """Inits Graph Args: lst_news: list of string. list of news articles. """ self.window_size = window_size = list(lst_news) self.reader = Reader() = Search() self.nodes = self.__create_nodes() self.edges = self.__create_edges() self.edge_weights = self.__create_weights() def __create_nodes(self): """Private class method Takes in a list of news articles (articles are string types): 1) tokenize the articles 2) remove stopwords 3) label words with 3 labels (i.e. PERSON, ORGANIZATION, LOCATION) 4) Match entities (i.e. person, org, loc) against DBpedia Returns: Returns a dictionary contains 3 types of objects (i.e. new entites, known entities, and contextual words). E.g. {"N": [("Washington", "LOCATION")], "K":[("Trump", "PERSON"), ("Hua Wei", "ORGANIZATION")], "C": [("the", "O"), ("am", "O")]} """ # parse news articles tagged_words = self.reader.parse_news( # seperate entities from contextual words entities, cwords = self.__entities_words(tagged_words) new_e, known_e = ret = dict() ret["N"] = list(set(new_e)) ret["K"] = list(set(known_e)) ret["C"] = list(set(cwords)) return dict(ret) def get_nodes(self): """ Getter method which returns all nodes from self.nodes. """ ret = set() for i in self.nodes["N"]: ret.add(i[0]) for i in self.nodes["K"]: ret.add(i[0]) for i in self.nodes["C"]: ret.add(i[0]) return list(ret) def get_entities(self): """ Getter method which returns a list of entities (i.e. word tagged with "PERSON", "LOCATION", "ORGANIZATION") from self.nodes. """ ret = set() for i in self.nodes["N"]: ret.add(i[0]) for i in self.nodes["K"]: ret.add(i[0]) return list(ret) def get_words(self): """ Getter method which returns a list of contextual words from self.nodes. """ ret = set() for i in self.nodes["C"]: ret.add(i[0]) return list(ret) def __create_edges(self, window_size=5): """Private class method Takes in a list of news articles, and extract the co-occurring links between nodes. Nodes within 5-word sliding window in a news sentence are considered to be co-occuring with each other. The frequncies of nodes co-appearing in news sentences as weights of these links. Returns: Returns a set of links between nodes. """ e = set() for article in self.tokenized_text = word_tokenize(article) self.tokenized_text = self.reader.filter_stop_words( self.tokenized_text) generator = self.sliding_window(self.tokenized_text, self.window_size) for t in generator: e = e.union(set(itertools.combinations(t, 2))) return set(e) def get_edges(self): """ Getter method which returns a set of edges from self.edges. """ return set(self.edges) def sliding_window(self, seq, n=5): """ Returns a sliding window (of width n) over data from the iterable s -> (s0,s1,...s[n-1]), (s1,s2,...,sn), ... Args: seq: list of words; This is one news article splitted into a list of words. n: int; size of the sliding window Returns: An iterator contains all the sliced window. See the test case in `tests/` for more details. """ it = iter(seq) result = tuple(islice(it, n)) if len(result) <= n: yield result for elem in it: result = result[1:] + (elem, ) yield result def __create_weights(self): """Private class method Create weights matrix using pandas dataframe. The value at ith row and jth row is the counts of links (undirected) between node i and node j. Returns: Return a copy of dataframe representing the weights matrix. """ words = self.get_nodes() df = pd.DataFrame(index=words, columns=words).fillna(0) for article in self.tokenized_text = word_tokenize(article) self.tokenized_text = self.reader.filter_stop_words( self.tokenized_text) generator = self.sliding_window(self.tokenized_text, self.window_size) for t in generator: for tup in set(itertools.combinations(t, 2)): if tup[0] != tup[1]: df.loc[tup[0], tup[1]] += 1 df.loc[tup[1], tup[0]] += 1 return df.copy() def get_weights(self): return self.edge_weights.copy() def __entities_words(self, tagged_words): """Private class method Seperate the entity words from the comtextual words. Args: tagged_words: list of strings; a list of tuples (word, label) Returns: entities: words tagged with "PERSON", "LOCATION", "ORGANIZATION". cwords: words tagged with "O" """ entities = list() cwords = list() for word in tagged_words: if word[1] == "O": # contextual words cwords.append(word) else: entities.append(word) assert len(entities) + len(cwords) == len(tagged_words) return entities, cwords def update_weight(self, e, w): """ Update the edge weight in the enternal weight matrix. Args: e: tuple; a tuple contains two nodes, e.g. ("A", "B") w: int; The new weight associated with e """ if e[0] not in set(self.get_nodes()): raise ValueError("Node {} is not in the graph".format(str(e[0]))) if e[1] not in set(self.get_nodes()): raise ValueError("Node {} is not in the graph".format(str(e[1]))) if e in self.edges and w <= 0: self.edge_weights.loc[e[0], e[1]] = w self.edge_weights.loc[e[1], e[0]] = w self.edges.remove(e) self.edges.remove((e[1], e[0])) elif e in self.edges and w > 0: self.edge_weights.loc[e[0], e[1]] = w self.edge_weights.loc[e[1], e[0]] = w else: self.edge_weights.loc[e[0], e[1]] = w self.edge_weights.loc[e[1], e[0]] = w self.edges.add(e)