コード例 #1
def test_calculate_cost_calculator_with_one_cars():
    solution = Solution(vehicle_routes=np.array([[2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]))
    node_distances = NodeDistances(
        distances=np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 0, 5], [6, 7, 0]]))

    calculator = SolutionRestrictionsCalculator(node_distances=node_distances,
    cost = calculator.calculate_cost(solution=solution)

    assert 12 == cost, "All only one route should sum 12"
コード例 #2
class SolutionInitializer(object):
    Initializes a solution. 
    def __init__(self, node_distances: NodeDistances,
                 vehicle_allowed_distances: VehicleAllowedDistances):
        self.node_distances = node_distances
        self.vehicle_allowed_distances = vehicle_allowed_distances
        self.solution_restrictions_calculator=SolutionRestrictionsCalculator(node_distances=node_distances, \

    def init_randomly(self) -> Solution:
        For each customer we randomly select a vehicle. If the fleet contains vehicles which cannot performe a certain
        trip, it may lead to unfeasible solutions.
        We reject invalid solutions, so we will try till a valid ones is obtained randomly.
        return self.__init_solution(

    def init_one_node_to_one_vehicle(self) -> Solution:
        We assign randomly one node to one vehicle.
        This should lead to a valid solution. However we will check it and look for another solution in case we found 
        a no-valid one.
        return self.__init_solution(

    def init_vehicles_with_group_nodes_sequentially(self) -> Solution:
        We assign nodes sequeantially to vehicles till they reach their restriction.
        This should lead to a valid solution. However we will check it and look for another solution in case we found 
        a no-valid one.
        return self.__init_solution(

    def __init_solution(self, initializing_function) -> Solution:
        Initializing the solution, using the function passed as parameter to create the vehicle routes.
        After 100 attempts we consider an error must be happening and a exception is raised.
        attempt = 0
        solution_is_valid = False
        while solution_is_valid == False:
            if attempt >= 100:
                raise Exception("Initial VALID solution not found after " +
                                str(attempt) + " attempts.")
            attempt = attempt + 1
            vehicle_routes = initializing_function()
            solution = Solution(vehicle_routes=vehicle_routes)
            solution_is_valid = self.solution_restrictions_calculator.check_if_solution_is_valid(

        solution.is_valid = True
        solution.cost = self.solution_restrictions_calculator.calculate_cost(

        return solution

    def __assign_nodes_randomly(self) -> np.ndarray:
        Assign nodes randomly
        num_vehicles = self.vehicle_allowed_distances.get_number_of_vehicles()
        num_nodes = self.node_distances.get_number_of_nodes()
        vehicle_routes = np.zeros([num_vehicles, num_nodes], dtype=int)

        for node in range(1, num_nodes):
            vehicle = random.randint(0, num_vehicles - 1)
            route = vehicle_routes[vehicle]
            available_indexes = np.where(route == 0)[0]
            index = available_indexes[0]
            vehicle_routes[vehicle][index] = node

        return vehicle_routes

    def __assign_group_nodes_sequentially_to_vehicles(self) -> np.ndarray:
        We assign nodes sequeantially to vehicles till they reach their restriction.
        This will lead to a valid solution.
        allowed_distances = self.vehicle_allowed_distances.distances
        num_nodes = self.node_distances.get_number_of_nodes()
        vehicle_routes = np.zeros([len(allowed_distances), num_nodes],

        vehicle = 0
        index_node = 0
        node_list = list(range(1, num_nodes))
        for node in node_list:  #we suffle from 1 in order to ignore depot (=0)
            #Asign and check if valid
            vehicle_routes[vehicle][index_node] = node
            remaining_distance=self.solution_restrictions_calculator.get_remaining_distance(route=vehicle_routes[vehicle], \
                node_distances=self.node_distances, allowed_distance=allowed_distances[vehicle])

            #If no valid, undo the assignmment and move to next vehicle.
            if remaining_distance < 0:
                vehicle_routes[vehicle][index_node] = 0
                vehicle = vehicle + 1
                index_node = 0
                vehicle_routes[vehicle][index_node] = node

            #Move to next index.
            index_node = index_node + 1

        return vehicle_routes

    def __assign_one_node_to_one_vehicle(self) -> np.ndarray:
        As Clark and Wright, we assign one node to one vehicle.
        num_vehicles = self.vehicle_allowed_distances.get_number_of_vehicles()
        num_nodes = self.node_distances.get_number_of_nodes()
        vehicle_routes = np.zeros([num_vehicles, num_nodes], dtype=int)
        suffled_customers = np.array(range(1, num_nodes), dtype=int)

        for index in range(0, num_vehicles):
            vehicle_routes[index][0] = suffled_customers[index]

        return vehicle_routes