def get_news(): args, code = validate_request_query(['page', 'perpage', 'idsonly']) if code != 202: return make_response(jsonify(args), code) page = None if 'page' in args: if 'perpage' in args: page = (args['page'], args['perpage']) else: page = (args['page'], 3) try: if 'idsonly' not in args: data ='news', orderby=['priority DESC', 'timestamp DESC'], page=page) for i in range(0, len(data)): data[i] = schema.convert_instance_formatted_properties_to_json( 'news', data[i]) else: data = sql.select_ids('news', orderby=['priority DESC', 'timestamp DESC']) code = 200 except error.DBError as e: data = make_error_data(e) code = 500 return make_response(jsonify(data), code)
def get_subscribers(): data, code = verify_admin_token() if code != 202: return make_response(jsonify(data), code) args, code = validate_request_query(['page', 'perpage', 'idsonly']) if code != 202: return make_response(jsonify(args), code) page = None if 'page' in args: if 'perpage' in args: page = (args['page'], args['perpage']) else: page = (args['page'], 3) try: if 'idsonly' not in args: data ='subscriber', orderby=['name ASC', 'email ASC'], page=page) for i in range(0, len(data)): data[i] = schema.convert_instance_formatted_properties_to_json( 'subscriber', data[i]) else: data = sql.select_ids('subscriber', orderby=['name ASC', 'email ASC']) code = 200 except error.DBError as e: data = make_error_data(e) code = 500 return make_response(jsonify(data), code)
def db(self, ctx): try: user = select("users", "id", str([0][1] if len(user) > 1: return True return False except Exception: addUser(str(,"NAN") return self.embed_save_profile(ctx)
def get_test(): args, code = validate_request_query() if code != 202: return make_response(jsonify(args), code) try: data ='subscriber') for i in range(0, len(data)): data[i] = schema.convert_instance_formatted_properties_to_json( 'subscriber', data[i]) code = 200 except error.DBError as e: data = make_error_data(e) code = 500 return make_response(jsonify(data), code)
async def profile(self, ctx, mode: str = "N", *args): userDb ='users', 'id', str( if not len(userDb): sql.addUser(str(, "NAN") if mode.lower() == "display": user ='users', 'id', str( return await ctx.send( f"{} You're in the database as `{user[0][1]}` on `{user[0][2]}`" ) if mode.lower() == 'unlink': row ='users', 'id', str( player, platform = row[0][1], row[0][2] if player == 'NAN': embed = discord.Embed( title="⚠️Profile not registered!", description= f'{} Your profile is not yet registered in the database', timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer(text="Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="Profile unlinked", description= f'{} `{player}` on `{platform}` has been successfully unlinked!', timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer(text="Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", sql.unlink(str( await return if mode.lower() == "save": if len(args) == 0: return await ctx.send( "❌Please provide an username and the plaftorm you want to save to your profile" ) if len(args) == 1: embed = discord.Embed( title="Command: `a!profile`", description= "**`a!profile save <username> <platform>(PC, XBOX, PSN)`** - Link profile to your discord\n`**a!profile display**` - returns your current saved profile\n`**a!profile unlink**` - Unlink your profile\n`**a!profile**` - Return your Apex Legends statistics if you linked a profile before", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer(text="Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", await ctx.send(embed=embed) if len(args) >= 2: info = self.parse_user(list(args)) player, platform = info[0], info[1] if platform in ['pc', 'xbox', 'psn']: stats = Stats(player, platform) if stats.exists(): embed = discord.Embed( title="✔️Your profile has been saved!✔️", description= f"You're profile is successfully linked!", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer( text="Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", sql.change("users", str(, "username", str(' '.join(player.split("%20")))) sql.change("users", str(, "platform", str(platform)) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: embed = discord.Embed( title= f"❌Profile `{player}` on `{platform}` doesn't exist❌", description= f"{} This profile doesn't exist!\nRetry, you might have spelled it wrong", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer( text="Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", else: embed = discord.Embed( title=f"❌Wrong platform❌", description= f"{} Wrong platform selected!\nRetry with another platform `PC` | `XBOX` | `PSN`", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer(text="Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", await ctx.send(embed=embed) if mode.lower() == "n": row ='users', 'id', str( if row[0][1] == "NAN": embed = discord.Embed( title="Command: `a!profile`", colour=self.colour, description= "**Sorry but I didn't find your profile on the database.**\n\n**`a!profile save <username> <platform>(PC, XBOX, PSN)`** - Link profile to your discord\n**`a!profile display`** - returns your current saved profile\n**`a!profile unlink`** - Unlink your profile\n**`a!profile`** - Return your Apex Legends statistics if you linked a profile before", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer(text="Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: try: finding = await ctx.send("`📡Fetching data...📡`") client_icon = player, platform = row[0][1], row[0][2] player_check_whitespace = player.split(" ") if len(player_check_whitespace) > 1: player = '%20'.join(player_check_whitespace) stats = Stats(player, platform) data = embed = self.embed_stats(ctx, data) return await finding.edit(content="", embed=embed) except discord.errors.HTTPException: #if len(data) > 2000 embed = discord.Embed( title= "**Too Many Stats to show! || New data has been added to Apex Legends**", description= f"Sorry, but i couldn't show your stats. It's too big.\nYou can see your profile [__**here**__]({data['profile']}).", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.set_thumbnail(url=client_icon) embed.set_footer( text= "data provided by | Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", icon_url=client_icon) await finding.edit(content="", embed=embed) except PlayerNotFound: embed = discord.Embed( title="❌Stats not found!❌", description= "Sorry but i couldn't found your Apex Legends Statistics.\nYou may have made a foul of strikes.\n\nIf you spelled it right then the API might be down.", colour=self.colour, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( time.time())) embed.set_thumbnail(url=client_icon) embed.set_footer( text= "data provided by | Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", icon_url=client_icon) await finding.edit(content="", embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(type(e).__name__, e) embed = discord.Embed( title="**Command**: **`a!stats`**", description= "**`a!stats <username>`**\n**`a!stats <username> <platform>(pc,xbox,psn)`**", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( time.time()), colour=self.colour) embed.add_field( name="Stats explanation", value= "- Stats are provided by []( API (stats might not be fully exact)\n\n- We can only get stats from selected banners\n\n- To update a legend stats you have to pick the legend wanted and then do **`a!stats <username> <platform>`**\n\n- It will keep all update you've done on your account\n\n- The «All Stats» value is just the sum of all banner **AVAILABLE** and **SELECTED** on each legends" ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=client_icon) embed.set_footer( text= "data provided by | Made with ❤️ by Taki#0853 (WIP)", icon_url=client_icon) await finding.edit(content="", embed=embed)