コード例 #1
ファイル: keychain.py プロジェクト: starlure/chia-blockchain
    def get_all_private_keys(self) -> List[Tuple[ExtendedPrivateKey, Optional[bytes]]]:
        Returns all private keys (both seed-derived keys and raw ExtendedPrivateKeys), and
        the second value in the tuple is the bytes seed if it exists, otherwise None.
        all_keys: List[Tuple[ExtendedPrivateKey, Optional[bytes]]] = []

        # Keys that have a seed are added first
        index = 0
        seed_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_seed_user(index))
        while seed_hex is not None and len(seed_hex) > 0:
            key = ExtendedPrivateKey.from_seed(hexstr_to_bytes(seed_hex))
            all_keys.append((key, hexstr_to_bytes(seed_hex)))
            index += 1
            seed_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_seed_user(index))

        # Keys without a seed are added after
        index = 0
        key_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_user(index))
        while key_hex is not None and len(key_hex) > 0:
            key = ExtendedPrivateKey.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(key_hex))
            all_keys.append((key, None))
            index += 1
            key_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_user(index))
        return all_keys
コード例 #2
ファイル: keychain.py プロジェクト: starlure/chia-blockchain
    def delete_key_by_fingerprint(self, fingerprint: int):
        Deletes all keys which have the given public key fingerprint.

        index = 0
        key_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_user(index))

        while key_hex is not None and len(key_hex) > 0:
            key = ExtendedPrivateKey.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(key_hex))
            if key.get_public_key().get_fingerprint() == fingerprint:
                    self._get_service(), self._get_private_key_user(index)
            index += 1
            key_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_user(index))

        index = 0
        seed_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_seed_user(index))
        while seed_hex is not None and len(seed_hex) > 0:
            key = ExtendedPrivateKey.from_seed(hexstr_to_bytes(seed_hex))
            if key.get_public_key().get_fingerprint() == fingerprint:
                    self._get_service(), self._get_private_key_seed_user(index)
            index += 1
            seed_hex = self._get_stored_entropy(self._get_private_key_seed_user(index))
コード例 #3
def dataclass_from_dict(klass, d):
    Converts a dictionary based on a dataclass, into an instance of that dataclass.
    Recursively goes through lists, optionals, and dictionaries.
    if is_type_SpecificOptional(klass):
        # Type is optional, data is either None, or Any
        if not d:
            return None
        return dataclass_from_dict(get_args(klass)[0], d)
    elif is_type_Tuple(klass):
        return tuple(dataclass_from_dict(get_args(klass)[0], item) for item in d)
    elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(klass):
        # Type is a dataclass, data is a dictionary
        fieldtypes = {f.name: f.type for f in dataclasses.fields(klass)}
        return klass(**{f: dataclass_from_dict(fieldtypes[f], d[f]) for f in d})
    elif is_type_List(klass):
        # Type is a list, data is a list
        return [dataclass_from_dict(get_args(klass)[0], item) for item in d]
    elif issubclass(klass, bytes):
        # Type is bytes, data is a hex string
        return klass(hexstr_to_bytes(d))
    elif klass in unhashable_types:
        # Type is unhashable (bls type), so cast from hex string
        return klass.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(d))
        # Type is a primitive, cast with correct class
        return klass(d)
コード例 #4
 def test_overflow_atoms(self):
     b = hexstr_to_bytes(serialized_atom_overflow(0xFFFFFFFF))
         cost, output = DESERIALIZE_MOD.run_with_cost([b])
     except Exception:
         assert True
         assert False
     b = hexstr_to_bytes(serialized_atom_overflow(0x3FFFFFFFF))
         cost, output = DESERIALIZE_MOD.run_with_cost([b])
     except Exception:
         assert True
         assert False
     b = hexstr_to_bytes(serialized_atom_overflow(0xFFFFFFFFFF))
         cost, output = DESERIALIZE_MOD.run_with_cost([b])
     except Exception:
         assert True
         assert False
     b = hexstr_to_bytes(serialized_atom_overflow(0x1FFFFFFFFFF))
         cost, output = DESERIALIZE_MOD.run_with_cost([b])
     except Exception:
         assert True
         assert False
コード例 #5
def open_backup_file(file_path, private_key):
    backup_file_text = file_path.read_text()
    backup_file_json = json.loads(backup_file_text)
    meta_data = backup_file_json["meta_data"]
    meta_data_bytes = json.dumps(meta_data).encode()
    sig = backup_file_json["signature"]

    backup_pk = master_sk_to_backup_sk(private_key)
    my_pubkey = backup_pk.get_g1()
    key_base_64 = base64.b64encode(bytes(backup_pk))
    f = Fernet(key_base_64)

    encrypted_data = backup_file_json["data"].encode()
    msg = std_hash(encrypted_data) + std_hash(meta_data_bytes)

    signature = SignatureMPL.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(sig))
    pubkey = PublicKeyMPL.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(meta_data["pubkey"]))

    sig_match_my = AugSchemeMPL.verify(my_pubkey, msg, signature)
    sig_match_backup = AugSchemeMPL.verify(pubkey, msg, signature)

    assert sig_match_my is True
    assert sig_match_backup is True

    data_bytes = f.decrypt(encrypted_data)
    data_text = data_bytes.decode()
    data_json = json.loads(data_text)
    unencrypted = {}
    unencrypted["data"] = data_json
    unencrypted["meta_data"] = meta_data
    return unencrypted
コード例 #6
def validate_alert(text: str, pubkey: str) -> bool:
    json_obj = json.loads(text)
    data = json_obj["data"]
    message = bytes(data, "UTF-8")
    signature = json_obj["signature"]
    signature = SignatureMPL.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(signature))
    pubkey_bls = PublicKeyMPL.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(pubkey))
    sig_match_my = AugSchemeMPL.verify(pubkey_bls, message, signature)

    return sig_match_my
コード例 #7
async def compare_block_headers(client, oldblock_hash, newblock_hash):
    Calculates the estimated space on the network given two block header hases
    # TODO: remove grubby hack of getting both blocks for get_total_miniters
    block_older_header = await client.get_header(hexstr_to_bytes(oldblock_hash))
    block_newer_header = await client.get_header(hexstr_to_bytes(newblock_hash))
    if block_older_header is not None:
        block_older_time_string = human_local_time(block_older_header.data.timestamp)
        block_newer_time_string = human_local_time(block_newer_header.data.timestamp)
        elapsed_time_seconds = (
            block_newer_header.data.timestamp - block_older_header.data.timestamp
        time_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed_time_seconds)
            f"Older Block: {block_older_header.data.height}\n"
            f"Header Hash: 0x{oldblock_hash}\n"
            f"Timestamp:   {block_older_time_string}\n"
            f"Weight:      {block_older_header.data.weight}\n"
            f"Total VDF\n"
            f"Iterations:  {block_older_header.data.total_iters}\n"
            f"Newer Block: {block_newer_header.data.height}\n"
            f"Header Hash: 0x{newblock_hash}\n"
            f"Timestamp:   {block_newer_time_string}\n"
            f"Weight:      {block_newer_header.data.weight}\n"
            f"Total VDF\n"
            f"Iterations:  {block_newer_header.data.total_iters}\n"
        delta_weight = block_newer_header.data.weight - block_older_header.data.weight
        delta_iters = (
            block_newer_header.data.total_iters - block_older_header.data.total_iters

        block_older = await client.get_block(hexstr_to_bytes(oldblock_hash))
        block_newer = await client.get_block(hexstr_to_bytes(newblock_hash))
        delta_iters -= await get_total_miniters(client, block_older, block_newer)
        weight_div_iters = delta_weight / delta_iters
        tips_adjustment_constant = 0.65
        network_space_constant = 2 ** 32  # 2^32
        network_space_bytes_estimate = (
            weight_div_iters * network_space_constant * tips_adjustment_constant
        network_space_terrabytes_estimate = network_space_bytes_estimate / 1024 ** 4
            f"The elapsed time between blocks is reported as {time_delta}.\n"
            f"The network has an estimated {network_space_terrabytes_estimate:.2f}TB"
        print("Block with header hash", oldblock_hash, "not found.")
コード例 #8
 def test_deserialization_simple_list(self):
     # ("hello" "friend")
     b = hexstr_to_bytes("ff8568656c6c6fff86667269656e6480")
     cost, output = DESERIALIZE_MOD.run_with_cost([b])
     print(cost, output)
     prog = Program.to(output)
     assert prog == Program.from_bytes(b)
コード例 #9
async def download_backup(host: str, private_key: PrivateKey):
    session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
    backup_privkey = master_sk_to_backup_sk(private_key)
    backup_pubkey = bytes(backup_privkey.get_g1()).hex()

    # Get nonce
    nonce_request = {"pubkey": backup_pubkey}
    nonce_url = f"{host}/get_download_nonce"
    nonce_response = await post(session, nonce_url, nonce_request)
    nonce = nonce_response["nonce"]

    # Sign nonce
    signature = bytes(
    # Request backup url
    get_backup_url = f"{host}/download_backup"
    backup_request = {"pubkey": backup_pubkey, "signature": signature}
    backup_response = await post(session, get_backup_url, backup_request)

    # Download from s3
    assert backup_response["success"] is True
    backup_url = backup_response["url"]
    backup_text = await get(session, backup_url)
    await session.close()
    return backup_text
コード例 #10
ファイル: wallet.py プロジェクト: barbem/chia-blockchain
async def get_transaction(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient,
                          fingerprint: int) -> None:
    wallet_id = args["id"]
    transaction_id = hexstr_to_bytes(args["tx_id"])
    tx: TransactionRecord = await wallet_client.get_transaction(
        wallet_id, transaction_id=transaction_id)
    print_transaction(tx, verbose=(args["verbose"] > 0))
コード例 #11
    async def get_unspent_coins(self, request) -> web.Response:
        Retrieves the unspent coins for a given puzzlehash.
        request_data = await request.json()
        puzzle_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request_data["puzzle_hash"])
        if "header_hash" in request_data:
            header_hash = bytes32(hexstr_to_bytes(request_data["header_hash"]))
            header = self.full_node.blockchain.headers.get(header_hash)
            header = None

        coin_records = await self.full_node.blockchain.unspent_store.get_coin_records_by_puzzle_hash(
            puzzle_hash, header)

        return obj_to_response(coin_records)
コード例 #12
    async def get_additions_and_removals(self,
                                         request: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
        if "header_hash" not in request:
            raise ValueError("No header_hash in request")
        header_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request["header_hash"])

        block: Optional[
            FullBlock] = await self.service.block_store.get_full_block(
        if block is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Block {header_hash.hex()} not found")
        reward_additions = block.get_included_reward_coins()

        # TODO: optimize
        tx_removals, tx_additions = block.tx_removals_and_additions()
        removal_records = []
        addition_records = []
        for tx_removal in tx_removals:
                await self.service.coin_store.get_coin_record(tx_removal))
        for tx_addition in tx_additions + list(reward_additions):
        return {"additions": addition_records, "removals": removal_records}
コード例 #13
    async def get_network_space(self, request: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
        Retrieves an estimate of total space validating the chain
        between two block header hashes.
        if ("newer_block_header_hash" not in request
                or "older_block_header_hash" not in request):
            return None
        newer_block_hex = request["newer_block_header_hash"]
        older_block_hex = request["older_block_header_hash"]

        if newer_block_hex == older_block_hex:
            return None

        newer_block_bytes = hexstr_to_bytes(newer_block_hex)
        older_block_bytes = hexstr_to_bytes(older_block_hex)

        newer_block = await self.service.block_store.get_block(
        if newer_block is None:
            raise web.HTTPNotFound()
        older_block = await self.service.block_store.get_block(
        if older_block is None:
            raise web.HTTPNotFound()
        delta_weight = newer_block.header.data.weight - older_block.header.data.weight
        delta_iters = (newer_block.header.data.total_iters -
        total_min_inters = await self.get_total_miniters(
            newer_block, older_block)
        if total_min_inters is None:
            raise web.HTTPNotFound()
        delta_iters -= total_min_inters
        weight_div_iters = delta_weight / delta_iters
        tips_adjustment_constant = 0.65
        network_space_constant = 2**32  # 2^32
        eligible_plots_filter_mult = (
        network_space_bytes_estimate = (weight_div_iters *
                                        network_space_constant *
                                        tips_adjustment_constant *
        return {
            "success": True,
            "space": uint128(int(network_space_bytes_estimate))
コード例 #14
 async def get_header(self, request: Dict):
     if "header_hash" not in request:
         return None
     header_hash_str = request["header_hash"]
     header_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(header_hash_str)
     header: Optional[Header] = self.service.blockchain.headers.get(
         header_hash, None)
     return {"success": True, "header": header}
コード例 #15
 async def get_header(self, request: Dict):
     if "header_hash" not in request:
         raise ValueError("header_hash not in request")
     header_hash_str = request["header_hash"]
     header_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(header_hash_str)
     header: Optional[Header] = self.service.blockchain.headers.get(
         header_hash, None)
     return {"header": header}
コード例 #16
 def test_deserialization_password_coin(self):
     # (i (= (sha256 2) (q 0x2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824)) (c (q 51) (c 5 (c (q 100) (q ())))) (q "wrong password"))  # noqa
     b = hexstr_to_bytes(
         "ff04ffff0affff0bff0280ffff01ffa02cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b98248080ffff05ffff01ff3380ffff05ff05ffff05ffff01ff6480ffff01ff8080808080ffff01ff8e77726f6e672070617373776f72648080"  # noqa
     )  # noqa
     cost, output = DESERIALIZE_MOD.run_with_cost([b])
     print(cost, output)
     prog = Program.to(output)
     assert prog == Program.from_bytes(b)
コード例 #17
 def test_deserialization_large_numbers(self):
     # '(99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999)'  # noqa
     b = hexstr_to_bytes(
         "ff9c00f316271c7fc3908a8bef464e3945ef7a253609ffffffffffffffffffb00fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffa1ff22ea0179500526edb610f148ec0c614155678491902d6000000000000000000180"  # noqa
     )  # noqa
     cost, output = DESERIALIZE_MOD.run_with_cost([b])
     print(cost, output)
     prog = Program.to(output)
     assert prog == Program.from_bytes(b)
コード例 #18
    def replace_str_to_bytes(self, **changes):
        Overrides str (hex) values with bytes.

        for k, v in changes.items():
            if isinstance(v, str):
                changes[k] = hexstr_to_bytes(v)

        return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes)
コード例 #19
    async def get_unspent_coins(self, request: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
        Retrieves the unspent coins for a given puzzlehash.
        if "puzzle_hash" not in request:
            return None
        puzzle_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request["puzzle_hash"])
        header_hash = request.get("header_hash", None)

        if header_hash is not None:
            header_hash = bytes32(hexstr_to_bytes(header_hash))
            header = self.service.blockchain.headers.get(header_hash)
            header = None

        coin_records = await self.service.blockchain.coin_store.get_coin_records_by_puzzle_hash(
            puzzle_hash, header)

        return {"success": True, "coin_records": coin_records}
コード例 #20
 async def close_connection(self, request: Dict):
     node_id = hexstr_to_bytes(request["node_id"])
     if self.rpc_api.service.server is None:
         raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError()
     connections_to_close = [c for c in self.rpc_api.service.server.get_connections() if c.peer_node_id == node_id]
     if len(connections_to_close) == 0:
         raise ValueError(f"Connection with node_id {node_id.hex()} does not exist")
     for connection in connections_to_close:
         await connection.close()
     return {}
コード例 #21
    async def get_mempool_item_by_tx_id(self, request: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
        if "tx_id" not in request:
            raise ValueError("No tx_id in request")
        tx_id: bytes32 = hexstr_to_bytes(request["tx_id"])

        item = self.service.mempool_manager.get_mempool_item(tx_id)
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Tx id 0x{tx_id.hex()} not in the mempool")

        return {"mempool_item": item}
コード例 #22
ファイル: wallet.py プロジェクト: vapor75/chia-blockchain
async def get_transaction(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient,
                          fingerprint: int) -> None:
    wallet_id = args["id"]
    transaction_id = hexstr_to_bytes(args["tx_id"])
    config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml", SERVICE_NAME)
    name = config["network_overrides"]["config"][
    tx: TransactionRecord = await wallet_client.get_transaction(
        wallet_id, transaction_id=transaction_id)
    print_transaction(tx, verbose=(args["verbose"] > 0), name=name)
コード例 #23
    async def cc_spend(self, request):
        wallet_id = int(request["wallet_id"])
        wallet: CCWallet = self.wallet_node.wallet_state_manager.wallets[
        puzzle_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request["innerpuzhash"])
            tx = await wallet.cc_spend(request["amount"], puzzle_hash)
        except BaseException as e:
            data = {
                "status": "FAILED",
                "reason": f"{e}",
            return data

        if tx is None:
            data = {
                "status": "FAILED",
                "reason": "Failed to generate signed transaction",
            return data

        sent = False
        start = time.time()
        while time.time() - start < TIMEOUT:
            sent_to: List[Tuple[str, MempoolInclusionStatus, Optional[
                str]]] = await self.wallet_node.wallet_state_manager.get_transaction_status(

            if len(sent_to) == 0:
                await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            status, err = sent_to[0][1], sent_to[0][2]
            if status == MempoolInclusionStatus.SUCCESS:
                data = {"status": "SUCCESS"}
                sent = True
            elif status == MempoolInclusionStatus.PENDING:
                assert err is not None
                data = {"status": "PENDING", "reason": err}
                sent = True
            elif status == MempoolInclusionStatus.FAILED:
                assert err is not None
                data = {"status": "FAILED", "reason": err}
                sent = True
        if not sent:
            data = {
                "status": "FAILED",
                "Timed out. Transaction may or may not have been sent.",

        return data
コード例 #24
    async def get_block(self, request: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
        if "header_hash" not in request:
            raise ValueError("No header_hash in request")
        header_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request["header_hash"])

        block: Optional[FullBlock] = await self.service.block_store.get_block(
        if block is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Block {header_hash.hex()} not found")

        return {"block": block}
コード例 #25
    async def get_block(self, request: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
        if "header_hash" not in request:
            return None
        header_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request["header_hash"])

        block: Optional[FullBlock] = await self.service.block_store.get_block(
        if block is None:
            return None

        return {"success": True, "block": block}
コード例 #26
    async def cancel_trade(self, request: Dict):
        assert self.service.wallet_state_manager is not None

        wsm = self.service.wallet_state_manager
        secure = request["secure"]
        trade_id = hexstr_to_bytes(request["trade_id"])

        if secure:
            await wsm.trade_manager.cancel_pending_offer_safely(trade_id)
            await wsm.trade_manager.cancel_pending_offer(trade_id)
        return {}
コード例 #27
    async def get_unspent_coins(self, request: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
        Retrieves the unspent coins for a given puzzlehash.
        if "puzzle_hash" not in request:
            raise ValueError("Puzzle hash not in request")
        puzzle_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request["puzzle_hash"])

        coin_records = await self.service.blockchain.coin_store.get_coin_records_by_puzzle_hash(

        return {"coin_records": coin_records}
コード例 #28
    async def get_block(self, request) -> web.Response:
        Retrieves a full block.
        request_data = await request.json()
        if "header_hash" not in request_data:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest()
        header_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request_data["header_hash"])

        block: Optional[FullBlock] = await self.full_node.store.get_block(header_hash)
        if block is None:
            raise web.HTTPNotFound()
        return obj_to_response(block)
コード例 #29
 async def close_connection(self, request: Dict):
     node_id = hexstr_to_bytes(request["node_id"])
     if self.service.global_connections is None:
         raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError()
     connections_to_close = [
         c for c in self.service.global_connections.get_connections()
         if c.node_id == node_id
     if len(connections_to_close) == 0:
         raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound()
     for connection in connections_to_close:
     return {"success": True}
コード例 #30
 async def get_header(self, request) -> web.Response:
     Retrieves a Header.
     request_data = await request.json()
     if "header_hash" not in request_data:
         raise web.HTTPBadRequest()
     header_hash = hexstr_to_bytes(request_data["header_hash"])
     header: Optional[Header] = self.full_node.blockchain.headers.get(
         header_hash, None)
     if header is None:
         raise web.HTTPNotFound()
     return obj_to_response(header)