コード例 #1
ファイル: decision_analyze.py プロジェクト: WEB3-GForce/VOTE
def _update_regular_stances(decision):
    """ Updates the various stances within decision. In particular, this
    function calculates norms, determines the stances groups have on the issue,
    and determines split groups, credos, voting records, etc.
        decision: The decision object to update
    logger.LOGGER.info("Updating regular stances...")
    fors = decision.for_stances
    agns = decision.agn_stances
    bill = PymongoDB.get_db().find_one(db_constants.BILLS,

    logger.LOGGER.info("Updating norms...")
    decision.for_norms = stance_analyze.collect_normative_stances(fors)
    decision.agn_norms = stance_analyze.collect_normative_stances(agns)

    if bill is None:
        logger.LOGGER.error("Decision bill not found.")
        logger.LOGGER.info("Updating bill norms...")
        decision.for_bill_norms = stance_analyze.collect_normative_stances(bill.stances_for)
        decision.agn_bill_norms = stance_analyze.collect_normative_stances(bill.stances_agn)

    logger.LOGGER.info("Updating group stances...")
    decision.groups_for = util.collect_group_stances(fors)
    decision.groups_agn = util.collect_group_stances(agns)

    # Equality is defined by seeing if a stance has the same source as another.
    # This is needed to detect split groups. However, the stances are not
    # equal to each other in the normal sense. Hence, the intersection is done
    # twice to get all unique stances.
    eq_fun = lambda stance1, stance2: stance1.source == stance2.source
    for_intersect = util.intersection(decision.groups_for,
        decision.groups_agn, eq_fun)
    agn_intersect = util.intersection(decision.groups_agn,
        decision.groups_for, eq_fun)
    decision.split_group = for_intersect + agn_intersect
    if decision.split_group:
        logger.LOGGER.info("Split group detected.")

    for_bills = util.collect_bill_stances(fors)
    agn_bills = util.collect_bill_stances(agns)
    if for_bills and agn_bills:
        logger.LOGGER.info("Split record detected.")
        decision.split_record = for_bills + agn_bills

    for_credo = util.collect_credo_stances(fors)
    agn_credo = util.collect_credo_stances(agns)
    if for_credo and agn_credo:
        logger.LOGGER.info("Split credo detected.")
        decision.split_credo = for_credo + agn_credo

    logger.LOGGER.info("Regular stances update complete.")
コード例 #2
ファイル: util_test.py プロジェクト: WEB3-GForce/VOTE
    def test_collect_groups_stances(self):
        """ Verifies the function only return stances from groups."""
        array = self.generate_collect_type_stance_array()
        result = util.collect_group_stances(array)

        for stance in result:
            self.assertEquals(stance.source_db, db_constants.GROUPS)