コード例 #1
 def render(self, screen, active=True):
     # If this overlay is active and the global property
     # for flashlight movement is enabled, determine a new
     # direction for the flashlight if necessary.
     if active and get_property(FLASHLIGHT_MOVEMENT_ENABLED):
         # Determine direction
         mpos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
         newdir = get_direction_from_point_to_point(SCREEN_CENTER, mpos)
         # If this is a new direction, change it and the Surface
         if newdir is not self.currentdir:
             self.currentdir = newdir
     # Render
     Overlay.render(self, screen)
コード例 #2
 def moveBy(self, vector, dur):
     # Re-position the shadow if the last movement is still present
     if self.cmDestPos is not None:
         self.position = self.cmDestPos
     # Now reset and re-setup
     # Calculate starting and finishing points for this movement
     self.cmStartPos = self.position
     self.cmDestPos = (self.position[0] + vector[0],\
                       self.position[1] + vector[1])
     self.cmDestTime = dur
     self.cmCurTime = 0
     # Set the facing of the sprite
     self.direction = get_direction_from_point_to_point(\
                      self.currentsprite.rect.center, self.cmDestPos)
     # Enable moving status
     self.moving = True
コード例 #3
 def _faceObject(self, player, obj):
     directionstring = get_direction_from_point_to_point(\
                       player.currentsprite.rect.center, obj.rect.center)
     direction = string_to_direction(directionstring)