コード例 #1
def convert(request):
    response = {}

        filename = request.GET['filename']
        fileUri = docManager.getFileUri(filename, request)
        fileExt = fileUtils.getFileExt(filename)
        fileType = fileUtils.getFileType(filename)
        newExt = docManager.getInternalExtension(fileType)

        if docManager.isCanConvert(fileExt):
            key = docManager.generateFileKey(filename, request)

            newUri = serviceConverter.getConverterUri(fileUri, fileExt, newExt,
                                                      key, True)

            if not newUri:
                response.setdefault('step', '0')
                response.setdefault('filename', filename)
                correctName = docManager.getCorrectName(
                    fileUtils.getFileNameWithoutExt(filename) + newExt,
                path = docManager.getStoragePath(correctName, request)
                docManager.saveFileFromUri(newUri, path, request, True)
                docManager.removeFile(filename, request)
                response.setdefault('filename', correctName)
            response.setdefault('filename', filename)

    except Exception as e:
        response.setdefault('error', e.args[0])

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type='application/json')
コード例 #2
def convert(request):
    response = {}

        body = json.loads(request.body)
        filename = fileUtils.getFileName(body.get("filename"))
        filePass = body.get("filePass")
        lang = request.COOKIES.get('ulang') if request.COOKIES.get(
            'ulang') else 'en'
        fileUri = docManager.getDownloadUrl(filename, request)
        fileExt = fileUtils.getFileExt(filename)
        fileType = fileUtils.getFileType(filename)
        newExt = docManager.getInternalExtension(
            fileType)  # internal editor extensions: .docx, .xlsx or .pptx

        if docManager.isCanConvert(
        ):  # check if the file extension is available for converting
            key = docManager.generateFileKey(filename,
                                             request)  # generate the file key

            newUri = serviceConverter.getConverterUri(
                fileUri, fileExt, newExt, key, True, filePass,
                lang)  # get the url of the converted file

            if not newUri:  # if the converter url is not received, the original file name is passed to the response
                response.setdefault('step', '0')
                response.setdefault('filename', filename)
                correctName = docManager.getCorrectName(
                    fileUtils.getFileNameWithoutExt(filename) + newExt, request
                )  # otherwise, create a new name with the necessary extension
                path = docManager.getStoragePath(correctName, request)
                    newUri, path, request, True
                )  # save the file from the new url in the storage directory
                                      request)  # remove the original file
                    'filename', correctName
                )  # pass the name of the converted file to the response
                'filename', filename
            )  # if the file can't be converted, the original file name is passed to the response

    except Exception as e:
        response.setdefault('error', e.args[0])

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type='application/json')
コード例 #3
def edit(request):
    filename = request.GET['filename']

    ext = fileUtils.getFileExt(filename)

    fileUri = docManager.getFileUri(filename, request)
    docKey = docManager.generateFileKey(filename, request)
    fileType = fileUtils.getFileType(filename)
    user = users.getUserFromReq(request)

    edMode = request.GET.get('mode') if request.GET.get('mode') else 'edit'
    canEdit = docManager.isCanEdit(ext)
    mode = 'edit' if canEdit & (edMode != 'view') else 'view'

    edType = request.GET.get('type') if request.GET.get('type') else 'desktop'
    lang = request.COOKIES.get('ulang') if request.COOKIES.get(
        'ulang') else 'en'

    storagePath = docManager.getStoragePath(filename, request)
    meta = historyManager.getMeta(storagePath)
    infObj = None

    if (meta):
        infObj = {'author': meta['uname'], 'created': meta['created']}
        infObj = {
            'author': 'Me',
            'created': datetime.today().strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')

    edConfig = {
        'type': edType,
        'documentType': fileType,
        'document': {
            'title': filename,
            'url': fileUri,
            'fileType': ext[1:],
            'key': docKey,
            'info': infObj,
            'permissions': {
                'comment': (edMode != 'view') & (edMode != 'fillForms') &
                (edMode != 'embedded') & (edMode != "blockcontent"),
                canEdit & ((edMode == 'edit') | (edMode == 'filter') |
                           (edMode == "blockcontent")),
                'fillForms': (edMode != 'view') & (edMode != 'comment') &
                (edMode != 'embedded') & (edMode != "blockcontent"),
                edMode != 'filter',
                edMode != "blockcontent",
                'review': (edMode == 'edit') | (edMode == 'review')
        'editorConfig': {
            'mode': mode,
            'lang': lang,
            'callbackUrl': docManager.getCallbackUrl(filename, request),
            'user': {
                'id': user['uid'],
                'name': user['uname']
            'embedded': {
                'saveUrl': fileUri,
                'embedUrl': fileUri,
                'shareUrl': fileUri,
                'toolbarDocked': 'top'
            'customization': {
                'about': True,
                'feedback': True,
                'goback': {
                    'url': config.EXAMPLE_DOMAIN

    if jwtManager.isEnabled():
        edConfig['token'] = jwtManager.encode(edConfig)

    hist = historyManager.getHistoryObject(storagePath, filename, docKey,
                                           fileUri, request)

    context = {
        json.dumps(hist['history']) if 'history' in hist else None,
        json.dumps(hist['historyData']) if 'historyData' in hist else None,
    return render(request, 'editor.html', context)
コード例 #4
def edit(request):
    filename = fileUtils.getFileName(request.GET['filename'])

    ext = fileUtils.getFileExt(filename)

    fileUri = docManager.getFileUri(filename, True, request)
    fileUriUser = docManager.getDownloadUrl(
        filename, request) + "&dmode=emb" if os.path.isabs(
            config.STORAGE_PATH) else docManager.getFileUri(
                filename, False, request)
    docKey = docManager.generateFileKey(filename, request)
    fileType = fileUtils.getFileType(filename)
    user = users.getUserFromReq(request)  # get user

    edMode = request.GET.get('mode') if request.GET.get(
    ) else 'edit'  # get the editor mode: view/edit/review/comment/fillForms/embedded (the default mode is edit)
    canEdit = docManager.isCanEdit(
        ext)  # check if the file with this extension can be edited

    if (((not canEdit) and edMode == 'edit')
            or edMode == 'fillForms') and docManager.isCanFillForms(ext):
        edMode = 'fillForms'
        canEdit = True
    submitForm = edMode == 'fillForms' and user.id == 'uid-1' and False  # if the Submit form button is displayed or hidden
    mode = 'edit' if canEdit & (
        edMode != 'view'
    ) else 'view'  # if the file can't be edited, the mode is view

    types = ['desktop', 'mobile', 'embedded']
    edType = request.GET.get('type') if request.GET.get(
    ) in types else 'desktop'  # get the editor type: embedded/mobile/desktop (the default type is desktop)
    lang = request.COOKIES.get('ulang') if request.COOKIES.get(
    ) else 'en'  # get the editor language (the default language is English)

    storagePath = docManager.getStoragePath(filename, request)
    meta = historyManager.getMeta(storagePath)  # get the document meta data
    infObj = None

    actionData = request.GET.get(
    )  # get the action data that will be scrolled to (comment or bookmark)
    actionLink = json.loads(actionData) if actionData else None

    templatesImageUrl = docManager.getTemplateImageUrl(
        request)  # templates image url in the "From Template" section
    createUrl = docManager.getCreateUrl(edType, request)
    templates = [{
        'image': '',
        'title': 'Blank',
        'url': createUrl
    }, {
        'image': templatesImageUrl,
        'title': 'With sample content',
        'url': createUrl + '&sample=true'

    if (meta):  # if the document meta data exists,
        infObj = {  # write author and creation time parameters to the information object
            'owner': meta['uname'],
            'uploaded': meta['created']
    else:  # otherwise, write current meta information to this object
        infObj = {
            'owner': 'Me',
            'uploaded': datetime.today().strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')
    infObj['favorite'] = user.favorite
    # specify the document config
    edConfig = {
        'type': edType,
        'documentType': fileType,
        'document': {
            'title': filename,
            'url': docManager.getDownloadUrl(filename, request),
            'fileType': ext[1:],
            'key': docKey,
            'info': infObj,
            {  # the permission for the document to be edited and downloaded or not
                'comment': (edMode != 'view') & (edMode != 'fillForms') &
                (edMode != 'embedded') & (edMode != "blockcontent"),
                'copy' not in user.deniedPermissions,
                'download' not in user.deniedPermissions,
                canEdit & ((edMode == 'edit') | (edMode == 'view') |
                           (edMode == 'filter') | (edMode == "blockcontent")),
                'print' not in user.deniedPermissions,
                'fillForms': (edMode != 'view') & (edMode != 'comment') &
                (edMode != 'embedded') & (edMode != "blockcontent"),
                edMode != 'filter',
                edMode != "blockcontent",
                canEdit & ((edMode == 'edit') | (edMode == 'review')),
        'editorConfig': {
            'actionLink': actionLink,
            'mode': mode,
            'lang': lang,
            'callbackUrl': docManager.getCallbackUrl(
                request),  # absolute URL to the document storage service
            'createUrl': createUrl if user.id != 'uid-0' else None,
            'templates': templates if user.templates else None,
            'user': {  # the user currently viewing or editing the document
                'id': user.id if user.id != 'uid-0' else None,
                'name': user.name,
                'group': user.group
            'embedded': {  # the parameters for the embedded document type
                fileUriUser,  # the absolute URL that will allow the document to be saved onto the user personal computer
                fileUriUser,  # the absolute URL to the document serving as a source file for the document embedded into the web page
                fileUriUser,  # the absolute URL that will allow other users to share this document
                'top'  # the place for the embedded viewer toolbar (top or bottom)
            'customization': {  # the parameters for the editor interface
                'about': True,  # the About section display
                'comments': True,
                'feedback': True,  # the Feedback & Support menu button display
                False,  # adds the request for the forced file saving to the callback handler
                submitForm,  # if the Submit form button is displayed or not
                {  # settings for the Open file location menu button and upper right corner button 
                    'url': docManager.getServerUrl(
                        False, request
                    )  # the absolute URL to the website address which will be opened when clicking the Open file location menu button

    # an image which will be inserted into the document
    dataInsertImage = {
        'fileType': 'png',
        docManager.getServerUrl(True, request) + 'static/images/logo.png'

    # a document which will be compared with the current document
    dataCompareFile = {
        'fileType': 'docx',
        'url': docManager.getServerUrl(True, request) + 'static/sample.docx'

    # recipient data for mail merging
    dataMailMergeRecipients = {
        'fileType': 'csv',
        'url': docManager.getServerUrl(True, request) + 'csv'

    # users data for mentions
    usersForMentions = users.getUsersForMentions(user.id)

    if jwtManager.isEnabled():  # if the secret key to generate token exists
        edConfig['token'] = jwtManager.encode(
            edConfig)  # encode the edConfig object into a token
        dataInsertImage['token'] = jwtManager.encode(
            dataInsertImage)  # encode the dataInsertImage object into a token
        dataCompareFile['token'] = jwtManager.encode(
            dataCompareFile)  # encode the dataCompareFile object into a token
        dataMailMergeRecipients['token'] = jwtManager.encode(
        )  # encode the dataMailMergeRecipients object into a token

    hist = historyManager.getHistoryObject(storagePath, filename, docKey,
                                           request)  # get the document history

    context = {  # the data that will be passed to the template
        json.dumps(edConfig),  # the document config in json format
        json.dumps(hist['history']) if 'history' in hist else
        None,  # the information about the current version
        json.dumps(hist['historyData']) if 'historyData' in hist else
        None,  # the information about the previous document versions if they exist
        fileType,  # the file type of the document (text, spreadsheet or presentation)
        config.DOC_SERV_SITE_URL +
        config.DOC_SERV_API_URL,  # the absolute URL to the api
        [1:len(json.dumps(dataInsertImage)) -
         1],  # the image which will be inserted into the document
        dataCompareFile,  # document which will be compared with the current document
        json.dumps(dataMailMergeRecipients),  # recipient data for mail merging
        json.dumps(usersForMentions) if user.id != 'uid-0' else None
    return render(
        request, 'editor.html',
        context)  # execute the "editor.html" template with context data
コード例 #5
def edit(request):
    filename = fileUtils.getFileName(request.GET['filename'])

    ext = fileUtils.getFileExt(filename)

    fileUri = docManager.getFileUri(filename, True, request)
    fileUriUser = docManager.getFileUri(filename, False, request)
    docKey = docManager.generateFileKey(filename, request)
    fileType = fileUtils.getFileType(filename)
    user = users.getUserFromReq(request)
    userGroup = None
    reviewGroups = None
    if (user['uid'] == 'uid-2'):
        userGroup = 'group-2'
        reviewGroups = ['group-2', '']
    if (user['uid'] == 'uid-3'):
        userGroup = 'group-3'
        reviewGroups = ['group-2']

    edMode = request.GET.get('mode') if request.GET.get('mode') else 'edit'
    canEdit = docManager.isCanEdit(ext)
    submitForm = canEdit & ((edMode == 'edit') | (edMode == 'fillForms'))
    mode = 'edit' if canEdit & (edMode != 'view') else 'view'

    edType = request.GET.get('type') if request.GET.get('type') else 'desktop'
    lang = request.COOKIES.get('ulang') if request.COOKIES.get(
        'ulang') else 'en'

    storagePath = docManager.getStoragePath(filename, request)
    meta = historyManager.getMeta(storagePath)
    infObj = None

    actionData = request.GET.get('actionLink')
    actionLink = json.loads(actionData) if actionData else None

    if (meta):
        infObj = {'owner': meta['uname'], 'uploaded': meta['created']}
        infObj = {
            'owner': 'Me',
            'uploaded': datetime.today().strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')
    infObj['favorite'] = request.COOKIES.get(
        'uid') == 'uid-2' if request.COOKIES.get('uid') else None
    edConfig = {
        'type': edType,
        'documentType': fileType,
        'document': {
            'title': filename,
            'url': fileUri,
            'fileType': ext[1:],
            'key': docKey,
            'info': infObj,
            'permissions': {
                'comment': (edMode != 'view') & (edMode != 'fillForms') &
                (edMode != 'embedded') & (edMode != "blockcontent"),
                canEdit & ((edMode == 'edit') | (edMode == 'filter') |
                           (edMode == "blockcontent")),
                'fillForms': (edMode != 'view') & (edMode != 'comment') &
                (edMode != 'embedded') & (edMode != "blockcontent"),
                edMode != 'filter',
                edMode != "blockcontent",
                'review': (edMode == 'edit') | (edMode == 'review'),
        'editorConfig': {
            'actionLink': actionLink,
            'mode': mode,
            'lang': lang,
            'callbackUrl': docManager.getCallbackUrl(filename, request),
            'user': {
                'id': user['uid'],
                'name': None if user['uid'] == 'uid-0' else user['uname'],
                'group': userGroup
            'embedded': {
                'saveUrl': fileUriUser,
                'embedUrl': fileUriUser,
                'shareUrl': fileUriUser,
                'toolbarDocked': 'top'
            'customization': {
                'about': True,
                'feedback': True,
                'forcesave': False,
                'submitForm': submitForm,
                'goback': {
                    'url': docManager.getServerUrl(False, request)

    dataInsertImage = {
        'fileType': 'png',
        docManager.getServerUrl(True, request) + 'static/images/logo.png'

    dataCompareFile = {
        'fileType': 'docx',
        'url': docManager.getServerUrl(True, request) + 'static/sample.docx'

    dataMailMergeRecipients = {
        'fileType': 'csv',
        'url': docManager.getServerUrl(True, request) + 'csv'

    if jwtManager.isEnabled():
        edConfig['token'] = jwtManager.encode(edConfig)
        dataInsertImage['token'] = jwtManager.encode(dataInsertImage)
        dataCompareFile['token'] = jwtManager.encode(dataCompareFile)
        dataMailMergeRecipients['token'] = jwtManager.encode(

    hist = historyManager.getHistoryObject(storagePath, filename, docKey,
                                           fileUri, request)

    context = {
        json.dumps(hist['history']) if 'history' in hist else None,
        json.dumps(hist['historyData']) if 'historyData' in hist else None,
        config.DOC_SERV_SITE_URL + config.DOC_SERV_API_URL,
        json.dumps(dataInsertImage)[1:len(json.dumps(dataInsertImage)) - 1],
    return render(request, 'editor.html', context)