コード例 #1
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def mpa_all_uba():
    u = gp.read_file('data/mex_ALL_mpa_uba.geojson')
    u.set_index('name', inplace=True)
    u.index.name = 'urban'
    u.crs = None
    assign_crs(u, 4326)
    return u
コード例 #2
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def metropolitans_16():
    m = gp.read_file('data/mex_16_metropolitans.geojson')
    m.set_index('name', inplace=True)
    m.index.name = 'metropolitan'
    m.crs = None
    assign_crs(m, 4326)
    return m
コード例 #3
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def urban_areas_cvh_16():
    u = gp.read_file('data/mex_16_munic_urban_merge_cvh.geojson')
    u.set_index('name', inplace=True)
    u.index.name = 'urban'
    u.crs = None
    assign_crs(u, 4326)
    return u
コード例 #4
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def grids(rkind, side, redo=False):
    build grids and save it using gzip, gp.to_json;
    read grids if it exists unless redo=True

    :param rkind: which kind of regions is used, now only cities
    :param side: the side of grid in meter
    :param redo: if True, build grids regardless the existing file
    import gzip
    rgns = regions(rkind)
    rname = rgns.index.name
    grid_path = f'data/mex_grid_{rkind}_{side}m.geojson.gz'

    if not redo and os.path.exists(grid_path):
        print('reading existing grids')
        g = gp.read_file(f'gzip://{grid_path}')
        assign_crs(g, 4326)
        return g

    print('building grids')
    g = gp_polys_to_grids(rgns,
    g['grid'] = g.index
    print('writing grids as gzip')
    assign_crs(g, 4326)
    with gzip.open(grid_path, 'wt') as fout:
    return g
コード例 #5
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def cities():
    It is actually metropolitan areas.
    c = gp.read_file('data/cities_mexico.geojson')
    c.set_index('cname', inplace=True)
    c.index.name = 'city'
    c.crs = None
    assign_crs(c, 4326)
    return c
コード例 #6
ファイル: gen_tw2loc2grid.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def tower2loc(loc_buffer):
    t2loc_path = f'data/mex_tower/tower2loc-{loc_buffer}.geojson.gz'
    if os.path.exists(t2loc_path):
        print('reading existing t2loc file')
        t2loc = gp.read_file(f'gzip://{t2loc_path}')
        t2loc = t2loc.set_index('id')
        t2loc.index = t2loc.index.astype(int)
        t2loc.index.name = None
        gis.assign_crs(t2loc, 4326)
        return t2loc

    # =============
    # distribute tower's users count to intersections with localidad by population
    # =============
    print('load tower vor')
    tvor = mex.tower_vor()

    print('load localidads')
    localidad = mex.localidad(loc_buffer, to_crs=4326)
    loc_with_pop = localidad[localidad.Pop > 0]

    print('intersect tower and loc')
    # compute the intersection area between tower and localidad
    t2loc = gis.polys2polys(tvor, loc_with_pop, pname1='tower', pname2='localidad',
                            cur_crs=4326, area_crs=mex.AREA_CRS, intersection_only=False)

    t2loc = t2loc.merge(loc_with_pop[['Pop']], left_on='localidad', right_index=True)

    print('compute weight')
    # localidad area is the sum area covered by towers
    # because Localidads' polgyons are note exactly the same as the official map
    # also, the points are bufferred, which adds fake areas.
    loc_area = t2loc.groupby('localidad').iarea.sum()
    loc_area.name = 'loclidad_area'
    t2loc = t2loc.drop(['localidad_area', 'weight'], axis=1).merge(loc_area.to_frame(), left_on='localidad',

    # iPop is the population of the intersected area between a tower and a localidad
    # within a localidad, the population is assumed to be distributed evenly over space
    # therefore the population is divided proportionally to the intersection area
    t2loc['iPop'] = t2loc.Pop * t2loc.iarea / t2loc.loclidad_area

    # the total population covered by a tower is the sum of iPop
    tower_cover_pop = t2loc.groupby('tower').iPop.sum()
    tower_cover_pop.name = 'tower_pop'
    t2loc = t2loc.merge(tower_cover_pop.to_frame(), left_on='tower', right_index=True)

    # the weight to distribute tower's users count
    t2loc['weight'] = t2loc.iPop / t2loc.tower_pop

    print('saving result')
    with gzip.open(t2loc_path, 'wt') as fout:
    return t2loc
コード例 #7
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def tower2loc(loc_buffer):
    t2loc_path = f'data/mex_tower/tower2loc-{loc_buffer}.geojson.gz'
    if not os.path.exists(t2loc_path):
        raise FileNotFoundError('please run the scripts in mex_prep/ first')
    print('loading t2loc with geometry')
    t2loc = gp.read_file(f'gzip://{t2loc_path}')
    t2loc = t2loc.set_index('id')
    t2loc.index = t2loc.index.astype(int)
    t2loc.index.name = None
    assign_crs(t2loc, 4326)
    return t2loc
コード例 #8
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def tower_vor(rkind=None, intersection_only=False, in_country=True):

    :param rkind: region kind
    :param intersection_only: works with rkind only
    :param in_country: whether to cut vor by country boarder or not
    :return: tower vor
    in_or_not = 'in_country' if in_country else 'raw_vor'
    path = f'data/mex_tower/mex_tvor_{in_or_not}.geojson'

    if os.path.exists(path):
        tvor = gp.read_file(path)
        tvor.set_index('gtid', inplace=True)
        assign_crs(tvor, 4326, ignore_gpdf_crs=True)
        print(f'loading existing tvor file: {path}')

        t = tower()
        # voronoi polygons across mexico
        tvor = lonlats2vor_gp(t.lonlat.tolist(), dataframe=True)
        tvor['gtid'] = t.gtid

        if in_country:
            print('clipping tvor outside mexico country boarder')
            country_poly = country().geometry.values[0]
            tvor['geometry'] = tvor.geometry.apply(
                lambda x: clip_if_not_within(x, country_poly))

        assign_crs(tvor, 4326)
        print(f'saving tvor file: {path}')
        tvor.to_file(path, driver='GeoJSON')
        tvor.set_index('gtid', inplace=True)

    if rkind is None:
        return tvor
        rgns = regions(rkind)
        return polys2polys(tvor,
コード例 #9
ファイル: tower.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def pts(to_4326=False):
    tower_info_path = mex_root + mex_tower_fn
    towers = pd.read_csv(tower_info_path, header=None, sep='|')
    towers['lonlat'] = towers.apply(lambda x: '%.6f' % (x[2]) + ',' + '%.6f' %

    # group towers with same location
    towers_gp = towers.groupby('lonlat')[0].apply(list).to_frame()
    towers_gp['gtid'] = towers_gp[0].apply(lambda x: '-'.join(x))

    towers_shp = towers_gp.reset_index()
    towers_shp['lonlat'] = towers_shp.lonlat.apply(lambda x: eval(x))
    towers_shp['geometry'] = towers_shp.lonlat.apply(lambda x: Point(x))
    towers_shp = gp.GeoDataFrame(towers_shp)
    gis.assign_crs(towers_shp, 4326)
    if not to_4326:
        towers_shp = towers_shp.to_crs(mex.crs)
    return towers_shp
コード例 #10
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def tower():
    tower_info_path = mex_root + mex_tower_fn
    towers = pd.read_csv(tower_info_path, header=None, sep='|')
    towers['lonlat'] = towers.apply(lambda x: '%.6f' % (x[2]) + ',' + '%.6f' %

    # group towers with same location
    towers_gp = towers.groupby('lonlat')[0].apply(list).to_frame()
    towers_gp['gtid'] = towers_gp[0].apply(lambda x: '-'.join(x))
    # get group id
    # gt2loc = {row['gtid']: loc.split(',') for loc, row in towers_gp.iterrows()}
    # t2gt = {}
    # for _, row in towers_gp.iterrows():
    #     for tid in row[0]:
    #         t2gt[tid] = row['gtid']

    towers_shp = towers_gp.reset_index()
    towers_shp['lonlat'] = towers_shp.lonlat.apply(lambda x: eval(x))
    towers_shp['geometry'] = towers_shp.lonlat.apply(lambda x: Point(x))
    towers_shp = gp.GeoDataFrame(towers_shp)
    assign_crs(towers_shp, 4326)
    return towers_shp
コード例 #11
ファイル: mex_helper.py プロジェクト: JHWu92/mob2crime
def country():
    c = gp.read_file('data/mex_country.geojson')
    c.crs = None
    assign_crs(c, 4326)
    return c