コード例 #1
def _read(fpath):
    """Read content of numpy archive file at <fpath>."""
    if not pth.__is_file(fpath):
            "Numpy file \"{0}\" not found, cannot read data".format(fpath))

    log.debug("Reading data from \"{0}\"".format(fpath))

    return np.load(fpath)
コード例 #2
def __is_json_file(fpath):
    """Return True if <fpath> is a json file.
    Otherwise return False.
    if not pth.__is_file(fpath):
        return False

    info = guess_type(fpath)[0]

    return info.split('/')[1] == 'json'
コード例 #3
def __is_audio_file(fpath):
    """Return True if <fpath> is an audio file.
    Otherwise return False.
    if not pth.__is_file(fpath):
        return False

    f = pth.__open_file(fpath, _mode='rb')
    info = fleep.get(f.read(128))

    return info.type_matches('audio')
コード例 #4
def _load(fpath):
    """Get content of json file at <fpath>."""
    if not pth.__is_file(fpath):
            "\"{0}\" doesn\'t exist, can\'t load data from it".format(fpath))

    log.debug("Loading data from \"{0}\"".format(fpath))

    fjson = pth.__open_file(fpath)
    ret = json.load(fjson)

    return ret
コード例 #5
def _export(npy_arrays, outdpath=None, override=True):
    """Save a list of numpy arrays as wave files at <outdpath>.
    If <outdpath> is None, create a random directory.
    If <oudtpath> doesn't exist, it creates it.
    if outdpath is None:
        outdpath = mkrdir()
    elif pth.__is_file(outdpath):
            "Can't export songs in {0} since it is a file".format(outdpath))
    elif not pth.__exists(outdpath):

    for idx, npy_array in enumerate(npy_arrays):
        _save(npy_array, rfname(path=outdpath, prefix='{0}_'.format(idx)),
コード例 #6
def run_datagen(dry_dpath, fx_fpath, output_dpath=None):
    """Run tool to generate dataset and write numpy data file.
    Return a couple (data, labels) to be used for training network.


    # Filtering samples and generating dataset

    if output_dpath is not None and pth.__is_dir(output_dpath):
            "\"{0}\" already exists, skipping dataset generation".format(
        log.info("Filtering directory containing dry samples")


        log.info("Generating dataset of wet samples")

        generate_dataset(dry_dpath, fx_fpath, output_dpath)

    # Retrieving data and saving them

    npy_fname = tml.value('numpy', section='data', subkey='fname')
    if pth.__is_file(npy_fname):
        log.warning("\"{0}\" already exists, skipping data retrieval".format(
        log.info("Retrieving data and saving it into a numpy file")


    # Reading data from saved file

    log.info("Reading data from numpy file")

    data, labels = read_data()

    return data, labels
コード例 #7
def check_requirements(verbose=False):
    """Check if requirements listed in requirements files are installed."""
    import src.utils.path as pth
    from src.config import REQ_FNAME

    from importlib import import_module

    print("Checking requirements in {0}".format(REQ_FNAME))

    if not pth.__is_file(REQ_FNAME):
        raise SystemExit("Can't find \"{0}\" at the root".format(REQ_FNAME))

    ok = lambda msg: print("\"{0}\" [OK]".format(msg)) if verbose else None

    reqs = pth.__read_file(REQ_FNAME).split()
    reqs = [req[:req.find('=')] for req in reqs]

    for req in reqs:
        except ImportError:
            raise SystemExit("\"{0}\" not found".format(req))
コード例 #8
def check_configuration(verbose=False):
    """Check if values in configuration file are valid."""
    import src.parser.toml as tml
    import src.utils.path as pth
    from src.config import CFG_FNAME

    from itertools import repeat

    print("Checking values of {0}.".format(CFG_FNAME))

    if not pth.__is_file(CFG_FNAME):
        raise SystemExit(
            "[CRITICAL] Can\'t find {0} at the root".format(CFG_FNAME))

    if verbose:
        ok = lambda msg: print("{0} [OK]".format(msg))
        notok = lambda msg: print("{0} [FAILED]".format(msg))
        section = lambda name: print("[{0}]".format(name.capitalize()))
        ok = notok = section = lambda _: None

    def check_value(vname, cond, msg):
        ok(vname) if cond else notok(vname) or sys.exit(msg)

    audio = 'audio'

    sr = tml.value('s_rate', section=audio)
    slen = tml.value('s_len', section=audio)
    bits = tml.value('bit_depth', section=audio)
    mod = tml.value('conv_mod', section=audio)
    fsiz = tml.value('f_size', section=audio)


    check_value('sample rate',
                isinstance(sr, int) and sr > 0,
                "Sample rate must be a strictly positive integer")

    check_value('sample length',
                isinstance(slen, int) and slen > 0,
                "Sample length must be a strictly positive integer")

    check_value('bit depth',
                isinstance(bits, int) and bits > 0 and bits % 8 == 0,
                "Bit depth must be a strictly positive multiple of 8")

        'convolution mode',
        isinstance(mod, str) and mod in ['full', 'same', 'valid'],
        "Convolution mode must be a string picked among \'full\', \'same\' and \'valid\'"

    check_value('frame size',
                isinstance(fsiz, int) and fsiz > 0,
                "Frame size must be a strictly positive integer")

    neuralnet = 'neuralnet'

    stps = tml.value('save_steps', section=neuralnet)
    vspl = tml.value('valid_split', section=neuralnet)
    tspl = tml.value('tst_split', section=neuralnet)
    bsiz = tml.value('model', subkey='batch_size', section=neuralnet)
    epoc = tml.value('model', subkey='epochs', section=neuralnet)
    lr = tml.value('model', subkey='learning_rate', section=neuralnet)
    dec = tml.value('model', subkey='decay', section=neuralnet)
    lyrs = tml.value('model', subkey='n_layers', section=neuralnet)
    dirs = tml.value('dnames', section=neuralnet)
    dirs = [dirs[key] for key in dirs]


    check_value('save steps',
                isinstance(stps, int) and stps > 0,
                "Save steps must be a strictly positive integer")

    check_value('validation split',
                isinstance(vspl, (int, float)) and vspl < 1 and vspl >= 0,
                "Validation split must be a number in [0, 1[")

    check_value('test split',
                isinstance(tspl, (int, float)) and tspl < 1 and tspl >= 0,
                "Test split must be a number in [0, 1[")

    check_value('batch size',
                isinstance(bsiz, int) and bsiz > 0,
                "Batch size must be a strictly positive integer")

                isinstance(epoc, int) and epoc > 0,
                "Epochs must be a strictly positive integer")

    check_value('learning rate',
                isinstance(lr, (int, float)) and lr > 0,
                "Learning rate must be a strictly positive number")

                isinstance(dec, (int, float)) and dec > 0,
                "Decay must be a strictly positive number")

    check_value('number of layers',
                isinstance(lyrs, int) and lyrs >= 0 and lyrs % 2 == 1,
                "Number of layers must be a positive odd integer")

    check_value('neuralnet directory names',
                all(map(isinstance, dirs, repeat(str))),
                "All neuralnet directory names must be strings")

    data = 'data'

    spls = tml.value('max_samples', section=data)
    istr = tml.value('instruments', section=data)
    srcs = tml.value('sources', section=data)
    json = tml.value('json', section=data, subkey='fname')
    stps = tml.value('json', section=data, subkey='save_steps')
    npz = tml.value('numpy', section=data, subkey='fname')


    check_value('maximum of samples',
                isinstance(spls, int) and spls > 0,
                "Maximum of samples must be a strictly positive integer")

        isinstance(istr, list) and all(
                lambda instr: instr in [
                    'bass', 'brass', 'flute', 'guitar', 'keyboard', 'mallet',
                    'organ', 'reed', 'string', 'synth_lead', 'vocal'
                ], istr)),
        "Instruments must be an array of strings picked among \'bass\', \'brass\', \'flute\', \'guitar\', \'keyboard\', \'mallet\', \'organ\', \'reed\', \'string\', \'synth_lead\' and \'vocal\'"

        isinstance(srcs, list) and all(
            map(lambda src: src in ['acoustic', 'electronic', 'synthetic'],
        "Sources must be an array of strings picked among \'acoustic\', \'electronic\' and \'synthetic\'"

    check_value('JSON file name',
                isinstance(json, str) and json.endswith('.json'),
                "JSON file name must be a string with \'.json\' suffix")

    check_value('save steps',
                isinstance(stps, int) and stps > 0,
                "Save steps must be a strictly positive integer")

    check_value('numpy file name',
                isinstance(npz, str) and npz.endswith('.npz'),
                "Numpy file name must be a string with \'.npz\' suffix")

    logger = 'logger'

    lvl = tml.value('level', section=logger)


        'debug level',
        isinstance(lvl, str)
        and lvl.lower() in ['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'],
        "Debug level must be a string picked among \'debug\', \'info\', \'warning\', \'error\' and \'critical\'"

    demo = 'demo'

    fx = tml.value('fx_name', section=demo)
    urls = tml.value('urls', section=demo)
    urls = [urls[key] for key in urls]
    dirs = tml.value('dnames', section=demo)
    dirs = [dirs[key] for key in dirs]


    check_value('fx file name', isinstance(fx, str),
                "FX file name must be a string")

    check_value('demo urls', all(map(isinstance, urls, repeat(str))),
                "Demo urls must be strings")

    check_value('demo directory names', all(map(isinstance, dirs,
                "All demo directory names must be strings")