def func(self): "List the players" caller = self.caller if self.args and self.args.is_digit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 nplayers = PlayerDB.objects.count() # typeclass table dbtotals = PlayerDB.objects.object_totals() typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="cells", align="l") for path, count in dbtotals.items(): typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nplayers) * 100)) # last N table plyrs = PlayerDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nplayers - nlim):] latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", border="cells", align="l") for ply in plyrs: latesttable.add_row(utils.datetime_format(ply.date_created), ply.dbref, ply.key, ply.typeclass.path) string = "\n{wPlayer typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable string += "\n{wLast %s Players created:{n\n%s" % (min(nplayers, nlim), latesttable) caller.msg(string)
def func(self): "Implement the command" caller = self.caller if self.args and self.args.isdigit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 string = "\n{wDatabase totals:{n" nplayers = PlayerDB.objects.count() nobjs = ObjectDB.objects.count() base_char_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS nchars = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nrooms = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=True).exclude(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nexits = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=False, db_destination__isnull=False).count() string += "\n{wPlayers:{n %i" % nplayers string += "\n{wObjects:{n %i" % nobjs string += "\n{w Characters (BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS):{n %i" % nchars string += "\n{w Rooms (location==None):{n %i" % nrooms string += "\n{w Exits (destination!=None):{n %i" % nexits string += "\n{w Other:{n %i\n" % (nobjs - nchars - nrooms - nexits) dbtotals = ObjectDB.objects.object_totals() table = [["Count"], ["Typeclass"]] for path, count in dbtotals.items(): table[0].append(count) table[1].append(path) ftable = utils.format_table(table, 3) for irow, row in enumerate(ftable): srow = "\n" + "".join(row) srow = srow.rstrip() if irow == 0: srow = "{w%s{n" % srow string += srow string += "\n\n{wLast %s Objects created:{n" % min(nobjs, nlim) objs = ObjectDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nobjs - nlim):] table = [["Created"], ["dbref"], ["name"], ["typeclass"]] for i, obj in enumerate(objs): table[0].append(utils.datetime_format(obj.date_created)) table[1].append(obj.dbref) table[2].append(obj.key) table[3].append(str(obj.typeclass.path)) ftable = utils.format_table(table, 5) for irow, row in enumerate(ftable): srow = "\n" + "".join(row) srow = srow.rstrip() if irow == 0: srow = "{w%s{n" % srow string += srow caller.msg(string)
def func(self): "Implement the command" caller = self.caller if self.args and self.args.isdigit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 nobjs = ObjectDB.objects.count() base_char_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS nchars = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nrooms = ( ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=True).exclude(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() ) nexits = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=False, db_destination__isnull=False).count() nother = nobjs - nchars - nrooms - nexits nobjs = nobjs or 1 # fix zero-div error with empty database # total object sum table totaltable = EvTable("{wtype{n", "{wcomment{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") totaltable.align = "l" totaltable.add_row("Characters", "(BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS)", nchars, "%.2f" % ((float(nchars) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Rooms", "(location=None)", nrooms, "%.2f" % ((float(nrooms) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Exits", "(destination!=None)", nexits, "%.2f" % ((float(nexits) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Other", "", nother, "%.2f" % ((float(nother) / nobjs) * 100)) # typeclass table typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") typetable.align = "l" dbtotals = ObjectDB.objects.object_totals() for path, count in dbtotals.items(): typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nobjs) * 100)) # last N table objs = ObjectDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nobjs - nlim) :] latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", align="l", border="table") latesttable.align = "l" for obj in objs: latesttable.add_row(utils.datetime_format(obj.date_created), obj.dbref, obj.key, obj.typeclass.path) string = "\n{wObject subtype totals (out of %i Objects):{n\n%s" % (nobjs, totaltable) string += "\n{wObject typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable string += "\n{wLast %s Objects created:{n\n%s" % (min(nobjs, nlim), latesttable) caller.msg(string)
def func(self): "Implement the command" caller = self.caller if self.args and self.args.isdigit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 nobjs = ObjectDB.objects.count() base_char_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS nchars = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nrooms = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=True).exclude(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nexits = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=False, db_destination__isnull=False).count() nother = nobjs - nchars - nrooms - nexits nobjs = nobjs or 1 # fix zero-div error with empty database # total object sum table totaltable = EvTable("{wtype{n", "{wcomment{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") totaltable.align = 'l' totaltable.add_row("Characters", "(BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS)", nchars, "%.2f" % ((float(nchars) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Rooms", "(location=None)", nrooms, "%.2f" % ((float(nrooms) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Exits", "(destination!=None)", nexits, "%.2f" % ((float(nexits) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Other", "", nother, "%.2f" % ((float(nother) / nobjs) * 100)) # typeclass table typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") typetable.align = 'l' dbtotals = ObjectDB.objects.object_totals() for path, count in dbtotals.items(): typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nobjs) * 100)) # last N table objs = ObjectDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nobjs - nlim):] latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", align="l", border="table") latesttable.align = 'l' for obj in objs: latesttable.add_row(utils.datetime_format(obj.date_created), obj.dbref, obj.key, obj.typeclass.path) string = "\n{wObject subtype totals (out of %i Objects):{n\n%s" % (nobjs, totaltable) string += "\n{wObject typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable string += "\n{wLast %s Objects created:{n\n%s" % (min(nobjs, nlim), latesttable) caller.msg(string)
def func(self): "Implement function using the Msg methods" # this is a MuxPlayerCommand, which means caller will be a Player. caller = self.caller # get the messages we've sent (not to channels) pages_we_sent = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_sender(caller, exclude_channel_messages=True) # get last messages we've got pages_we_got = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_receiver(caller) if 'last' in self.switches: if pages_we_sent: recv = ",".join(obj.key for obj in pages_we_sent[-1].receivers) self.msg("You last paged {c%s{n:%s" % (recv, pages_we_sent[-1].message)) return else: self.msg("You haven't paged anyone yet.") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: pages = pages_we_sent + pages_we_got pages.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.date_sent, y.date_sent)) number = 5 if self.args: try: number = int(self.args) except ValueError: self.msg("Usage: tell [<player> = msg]") return if len(pages) > number: lastpages = pages[-number:] else: lastpages = pages template = "{w%s{n {c%s{n to {c%s{n: %s" lastpages = "\n ".join(template % (utils.datetime_format(page.date_sent), ",".join(obj.key for obj in page.senders), "{n,{c ".join([ for obj in page.receivers]), page.message) for page in lastpages) if lastpages: string = "Your latest pages:\n %s" % lastpages else: string = "You haven't paged anyone yet." self.msg(string) return # We are sending. Build a list of targets if not self.lhs: # If there are no targets, then set the targets # to the last person we paged. if pages_we_sent: receivers = pages_we_sent[-1].receivers else: self.msg("Who do you want to page?") return else: receivers = self.lhslist recobjs = [] for receiver in set(receivers): if isinstance(receiver, basestring): pobj = elif hasattr(receiver, 'character'): pobj = receiver else: self.msg("Who do you want to page?") return if pobj: recobjs.append(pobj) if not recobjs: self.msg("Noone found to page.") return header = "{wPlayer{n {c%s{n {wpages:{n" % caller.key message = self.rhs # if message begins with a :, we assume it is a 'page-pose' if message.startswith(":"): message = "%s %s" % (caller.key, message.strip(':').strip()) # create the persistent message object create.create_message(caller, message, receivers=recobjs) # tell the players they got a message. received = [] rstrings = [] for pobj in recobjs: if not pobj.access(caller, 'msg'): rstrings.append("You are not allowed to page %s." % pobj) continue pobj.msg("%s %s" % (header, message)) if hasattr(pobj, 'sessions') and not pobj.sessions: received.append("{C%s{n" % rstrings.append("%s is offline. They will see your message if they list their pages later." % received[-1]) else: received.append("{c%s{n" % if rstrings: self.msg("\n".join(rstrings)) self.msg("You paged %s with: '%s'." % (", ".join(received), message))
def func(self): "Implement function using the Msg methods" # this is a MuxPlayerCommand, which means caller will be a Player. caller = self.caller # get the messages we've sent (not to channels) pages_we_sent = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_sender( caller, exclude_channel_messages=True) # get last messages we've got pages_we_got = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_receiver(caller) if 'last' in self.switches: if pages_we_sent: recv = ",".join(obj.key for obj in pages_we_sent[-1].receivers) self.msg("You last paged {c%s{n:%s" % (recv, pages_we_sent[-1].message)) return else: self.msg("You haven't paged anyone yet.") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: pages = pages_we_sent + pages_we_got pages.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.date_sent, y.date_sent)) number = 5 if self.args: try: number = int(self.args) except ValueError: self.msg("Usage: tell [<player> = msg]") return if len(pages) > number: lastpages = pages[-number:] else: lastpages = pages template = "{w%s{n {c%s{n to {c%s{n: %s" lastpages = "\n ".join( template % (utils.datetime_format(page.date_sent), ",".join( obj.key for obj in page.senders), "{n,{c ".join([ for obj in page.receivers]), page.message) for page in lastpages) if lastpages: string = "Your latest pages:\n %s" % lastpages else: string = "You haven't paged anyone yet." self.msg(string) return # We are sending. Build a list of targets if not self.lhs: # If there are no targets, then set the targets # to the last person we paged. if pages_we_sent: receivers = pages_we_sent[-1].receivers else: self.msg("Who do you want to page?") return else: receivers = self.lhslist recobjs = [] for receiver in set(receivers): if isinstance(receiver, basestring): pobj = elif hasattr(receiver, 'character'): pobj = receiver else: self.msg("Who do you want to page?") return if pobj: recobjs.append(pobj) if not recobjs: self.msg("Noone found to page.") return header = "{wPlayer{n {c%s{n {wpages:{n" % caller.key message = self.rhs # if message begins with a :, we assume it is a 'page-pose' if message.startswith(":"): message = "%s %s" % (caller.key, message.strip(':').strip()) # create the persistent message object create.create_message(caller, message, receivers=recobjs) # tell the players they got a message. received = [] rstrings = [] for pobj in recobjs: if not pobj.access(caller, 'msg'): rstrings.append("You are not allowed to page %s." % pobj) continue pobj.msg("%s %s" % (header, message)) if hasattr(pobj, 'sessions') and not pobj.sessions: received.append("{C%s{n" % rstrings.append( "%s is offline. They will see your message if they list their pages later." % received[-1]) else: received.append("{c%s{n" % if rstrings: self.msg("\n".join(rstrings)) self.msg("You paged %s with: '%s'." % (", ".join(received), message))