コード例 #1
def detect(model, input_dir, output_dir):
    lp_threshold = .5

    imgs_paths = glob('%s/*car.jpg' % input_dir)

    print 'Searching for license plates using WPOD-NET'

    for i, img_path in enumerate(imgs_paths):

        print '\t Processing %s' % img_path

        bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
        Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)

        ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
        side = int(ratio * 288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2 ** 4)), 608)
        print "\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio)

        Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(model, im2single(Ivehicle), bound_dim, 2 ** 4, (240, 80), lp_threshold)

        if len(LlpImgs):
            Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

            s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)

            cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir, bname), Ilp * 255.)
            writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (output_dir, bname), [s])
コード例 #2
    def detect_lp(self, img, filename, i):
        ratio = float(max(img.shape[:2])) / min(img.shape[:2])
        side = int(ratio*288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)

        Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(self.wpod_net, im2single(img), bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80), self.lp_threshold)
        if len(LlpImgs):
            Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

            s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)

            cv2.imwrite('%s/%s-lp-%s.png' % (self.output_dir, filename, i), Ilp*255.)

            # LP OCR
            R, idxs, boxes, confidences, class_ids = self.lp.detect_objects(Ilp*255., filename)

            print('\t\t%d lps found' % len(R))
            if len(R):
                L = dknet_label_conversion(R, 240, 80)
                L = nms(L, .45)
                L.sort(key=lambda x: x.tl()[0])
                lp_str = ''.join([chr(l.cl()) for l in L])
                if (len(lp_str) <= 3):
                    return "No license found"
                return lp_str
        return "No license found"
コード例 #3
def plate_detect(wpod_net, lp_threshold, Icars, Lcars):
    print ('Searching for license plates using WPOD-NET')
    Ilps = []
    Llps = []
    for i, (Icar, Lcar) in enumerate(zip(Icars, Lcars)):
        print ('\t Processing car %s' % i)
        ratio = float(max(Icar.shape[:2]))/min(Icar.shape[:2])
        side  = int(ratio*288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side%(2**4)),608)
#         print ("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim,ratio))
        Icar = Icar.astype('uint8')
        Llp,LlpImgs,_ = detect_lp(wpod_net,im2single(Icar),bound_dim,2**4,(240,80),lp_threshold)
        if len(LlpImgs):
            print ("\t\tLP found")
            Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
            s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
            #cv2.imwrite('%s/car%s_lp.png' % (plate_img_dir, i),Ilp*255.)
            #writeShapes('%s/car%s_lp.txt' % (plate_img_dir, i),[s]) 
    return Ilps, Llps
コード例 #4
ファイル: int.py プロジェクト: itnoneedteach/alpr
def LPDection(carImagePath):
    wpod_net = load_model(wpod_net_path)
    print carImagePath
    Ivehicle = cv2.imread(carImagePath)
    ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
    side = int(ratio * 288.)
    bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)

    Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle), bound_dim, 2**4,
                                (240, 80), lp_threshold)

    if len(LlpImgs):
        bname = basename(splitext(carImagePath)[0])
        dname = dirname(carImagePath)
        Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
        cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp_raw.png' % (dname, bname), Ilp * 255.)
        Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

        s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)

        LPImagePath = '%s/%s_lp.png' % (dname, bname)
        cv2.imwrite(LPImagePath, Ilp * 255.)
        LPTextPath = '%s/%s_lp.txt' % (dname, bname)
        writeShapes(LPTextPath, [s])
        return LPImagePath
        return ""
コード例 #5
    def predict(self, img, bname):
        output_dir = "output/tmp"
        # bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
        # Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
        Ivehicle = cv2.normalize(src=img, dst=None, alpha=0, beta=255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)

        ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2]))/min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
        side = int(ratio*288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
        # print("\t\tBound dim: {}, ratio: {}".format(bound_dim, ratio))

        Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(self.wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle), bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80), self.lp_threshold)

        if len(LlpImgs):
            Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

            s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
            # cv2.imwrite('{}/{}_lp.png'.format(output_dir, bname), Ilp * 255.)
            # writeShapes('{}/{}_lp.txt'.format(output_dir, bname), [s])

            Ilp = cv2.normalize(src=(Ilp * 255.), dst=None, alpha=0, beta=255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
            return Ilp, s

        return None, None
コード例 #6
def augment_sample(I,pts, dim_w, dim_h, cls):

	maxsum,maxangle = 50,np.array([20.,20.,25.])
	angles = np.random.rand(3)*maxangle
	if angles.sum() > maxsum:
		angles = (angles/angles.sum())*(maxangle/maxangle.sum())

	I = im2single(I)
	iwh = getWH(I.shape)
	# codigo original
	# whratio = random.uniform(2., 4.)
	# wsiz = random.uniform(dim * .2, dim * 1.)

	# carro
	if cls=='0':
		whratio = random.uniform(2.75, 3.25)
		wsiz = random.uniform(dim_w * .2, dim_w * 0.7)
		whratio = random.uniform(0.7, 1.2)
		wsiz = random.uniform(dim_w * .2, dim_w * 0.7)
	# whratio = 1.
	# wsiz = random.uniform(dim_w*.2, dim_w*1.)
	# moto
	# whratio = random.uniform(0.7, 1.2)
	# wsiz = random.uniform(dim_w * .3, dim_w * 0.7)
	hsiz = wsiz/whratio

	dx = random.uniform(0.,dim_w - wsiz)
	dy = random.uniform(0.,dim_h - hsiz)

	pph = getRectPts(dx,dy,dx+wsiz,dy+hsiz)
	pts = pts*iwh.reshape((2,1))
	T = find_T_matrix(pts2ptsh(pts),pph)

	H = perspective_transform((dim_w,dim_h),angles=angles)
	H = np.matmul(H,T)

	Iroi,pts = project(I,H,pts,dim_w, dim_h)
	# hsv_mod = np.random.rand(3).astype('float32')
	# hsv_mod = (hsv_mod - .5)*.3
	# hsv_mod[0] *= 360
	# Iroi = hsv_transform(Iroi,hsv_mod)
	Iroi = np.clip(Iroi,0.,1.)

	pts = np.array(pts)

	# if random.random() > .5:
	# 	Iroi,pts = flip_image_and_pts(Iroi,pts)

	tl,br = pts.min(1),pts.max(1)
	llp = Label(0,tl,br)

	return Iroi,llp,pts
コード例 #7
    def lp_detector(Ivehicle, wpod_net):

        lp_threshold = .2
        ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
        side = int(ratio * 288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
        Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle), bound_dim,
                                    2**4, (240, 80), lp_threshold)
        if len(LlpImgs):
            Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
            cv2.imwrite("lp1.png", Ilp * 255.)
        return Ilp * 255
コード例 #8
 def detectar_placa(self, cropped_car_image_ndarray,
                    generic_detected_vehicle_class, top_left_car):
     height, width = cropped_car_image_ndarray.shape[:2]
     ratio = float(max(cropped_car_image_ndarray.shape[:2])) / min(
     side = int(ratio * 288.)
     bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
     lp_threshold = .4
     Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(self.wpod_net,
                                 bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80), lp_threshold,
     detected_plates_list = []
     if len(LlpImgs):
         for indice_bbox, Ilp in enumerate(LlpImgs):
             # Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
             llp_img_np_bmp = Ilp.astype('float32') * 255.
             llp_img_np_bmp = llp_img_np_bmp.astype(np.uint8)
             llp_img_pil_bmp = Image.fromarray(llp_img_np_bmp)
             # llp_img_pil_bmp_resized = llp_img_pil_bmp.resize((WIDTH_PLATE_CHAR_RECOG, HEIGHT_PLATE_CHAR_RECOG),
             # 												 Image.NEAREST)
             # llp_img_np_bmp_resized = np.array(llp_img_pil_bmp_resized)
             license_plate_bouding_box_relativo = Llp[indice_bbox]
             probability = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__prob
             top_left_rl_tp = tuple(
             top_left_x = int(top_left_rl_tp[0] * width)
             top_left_y = int(top_left_rl_tp[1] * height)
             top_left_abs_frame_x = top_left_x + top_left_car[0]
             top_left_abs_frame_y = top_left_x + top_left_car[1]
             bottom_right_rl = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__br.tolist(
             bottom_right_x = int(bottom_right_rl[0] * width)
             bottom_right_y = int(bottom_right_rl[1] * height)
                 'top_left_bbox': (top_left_x, top_left_y),
                 (top_left_abs_frame_x, top_left_abs_frame_y),
                 'bottom_right_bbox': (bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y),
     if len(detected_plates_list) > 0:
                key=lambda i: i['probability'],
         return detected_plates_list[0]
     return None
コード例 #9
def augment_sample(I,pts,dim):

	maxsum,maxangle = 120,np.array([80.,80.,45.])
	angles = np.random.rand(3)*maxangle
	if angles.sum() > maxsum:
		angles = (angles/angles.sum())*(maxangle/maxangle.sum())

	I = im2single(I)  # /255.0 归一化
	iwh = getWH(I.shape) #得到宽高

	whratio = random.uniform(2.,4.) # 随即取一个2-4的值作为宽高比
	wsiz = random.uniform(dim*.2,dim*1.) # 宽取0.2*208 到 208之间
	hsiz = wsiz/whratio

	dx = random.uniform(0.,dim - wsiz)
	dy = random.uniform(0.,dim - hsiz)

    # In the first 3 lines, the original corner points are transformed into a rectangular bounding box with aspect ratio 
    # varying between 2:1 and 4:1. In other words, T matrix rectifies the LP with a random aspect ratio. Then, 
	pph = getRectPts(dx,dy,dx+wsiz,dy+hsiz)
	pts = pts*iwh.reshape((2,1))  #将点恢复到真实坐标值
	T = find_T_matrix(pts2ptsh(pts),pph)
    #in the next two lines, a perspective transformation with random rotation (H) is combined with T to 
    #generate the final transformation.
	H = perspective_transform((dim,dim),angles=angles)
	H = np.matmul(H,T)

	Iroi,pts = project(I,H,pts,dim)
	hsv_mod = np.random.rand(3).astype('float32')
	hsv_mod = (hsv_mod - .5)*.3
	hsv_mod[0] *= 360
	Iroi = hsv_transform(Iroi,hsv_mod)
	Iroi = np.clip(Iroi,0.,1.)

	pts = np.array(pts)

	if random.random() > .5:
		Iroi,pts = flip_image_and_pts(Iroi,pts)

	tl,br = pts.min(1),pts.max(1)
	llp = Label(0,tl,br)

	return Iroi,llp,pts
コード例 #10
def augment_sample(I,pts,dim):

	maxsum,maxangle = 120,np.array([80.,80.,45.])
	angles = np.random.rand(3)*maxangle
	if angles.sum() > maxsum:
		angles = (angles/angles.sum())*(maxangle/maxangle.sum())

	# chuyển qua ma trận float32, chia cho 255
	I = im2single(I)
	# Lấy w, h dạng ma trận
	iwh = getWH(I.shape)

	whratio = random.uniform(2.,4.)
	wsiz = random.uniform(dim*.2,dim*1.)
	hsiz = wsiz/whratio

	dx = random.uniform(0.,dim - wsiz)
	dy = random.uniform(0.,dim - hsiz)

	pph = getRectPts(dx,dy,dx+wsiz,dy+hsiz)
	# Lấy tọa độ thật
	pts = pts*iwh.reshape((2,1))
	T = find_T_matrix(pts2ptsh(pts),pph)

	H = perspective_transform((dim,dim),angles=angles)
	H = np.matmul(H,T)

	Iroi,pts = project(I,H,pts,dim)
	hsv_mod = np.random.rand(3).astype('float32')
	hsv_mod = (hsv_mod - .5)*.3
	hsv_mod[0] *= 360
	Iroi = hsv_transform(Iroi,hsv_mod)
	Iroi = np.clip(Iroi,0.,1.)

	pts = np.array(pts)

	if random.random() > .5:
		Iroi,pts = flip_image_and_pts(Iroi,pts)

	# lấy giá trị tọa độ top-left, bot-right
	tl,br = pts.min(1),pts.max(1)
	llp = Label(0,tl,br)

	return Iroi,llp,pts
コード例 #11
	def lpd(img, boxes, frame_count):
		output_dir = 'output'
		lp_threshold = .5

		# lp_model="data/lp-detector/wpod-net_update1.h5"
		# wpod_net = load_model(lp_model)
		for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
			if min(box) >0:
				# print(box)
				bname = 'frame{}_{}.png'.format(frame_count,i)

				Ivehicle=img[box[0]:box[2], box[1]:box[3]]
				cv2.imwrite("%s/%s/%s" %(output_dir,detected_cars_dir,bname),Ivehicle)
				# print(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
				ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2]))/min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
				side  = int(ratio*288.)
				bound_dim = min(side + (side%(2**4)),608)
				# print "\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim,ratio)

				Llp,LlpImgs,_ = detect_lp(self.wpod_net,im2single(Ivehicle),bound_dim,2**4,(240,80),lp_threshold)
				if len(LlpImgs):
					Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
					Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
					Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

					s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
					# print(Llp[0].pts)
					# cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)
					cv2.imwrite("%s/%s/%s" % (output_dir,detected_plates_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)

					# writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (output_dir,bname),[s])
		return plates
コード例 #12
def detect_license_plate(Ivehicle, lp_threshold, wpod_net):


    ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2]))/min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
    side  = int(ratio*288.)
    bound_dim = min(side + (side%(2**4)),608)
    #print "\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim,ratio)

    Llp,LlpImgs,_ = detect_lp(wpod_net,im2single(Ivehicle),bound_dim,2**4,(240,80),lp_threshold)

    if len(LlpImgs):
      Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
      Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
      Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
      return Ilp

コード例 #13
    def detectPlates(self, img, box, frame_count, i):
        #        print("inside-1")

        plates = []

        if min(box) > 0:
            # print(box)
            # print("inside-2")

            Ivehicle = img[box[0]:box[2], box[1]:box[3]]
            # cv2.imwrite("%s/%s/%s" %
            #            (output_dir, detected_cars_dir, bname), Ivehicle)
            # print(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
            ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
            side = int(ratio * 288.)
            bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
            # print "\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim,ratio)
            #dt_plates_start = time.time()
            Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(self.wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle),
                                        bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80),
            #dt_plates_end = time.time()
            # print("Time taken for for internal plate detection",
            # dt_plates_end-dt_plates_start)

            if len(LlpImgs):
                #                print("inside-3")
                Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                #Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                #Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

                #s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
                # print(Llp[0].pts)
                # cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)
                # cv2.imwrite("%s/%s/%s" %
                #        (output_dir, detected_plates_dir, bname), Ilp*255.)

            # writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (output_dir,bname),[s])
        return plates
コード例 #14
ファイル: detect.py プロジェクト: hy-xiong/alpr_vid
def find_lp_one_img(img_path, lp_trans_net, out_dir, lp_thd):
    st = time.time()
    print '\t Processing %s' % img_path
    bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
    Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
    ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
    side = int(ratio * 288.)
    bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
    print "\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio),
    Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(lp_trans_net, im2single(Ivehicle), bound_dim,
                                2**4, (240, 80), lp_thd)
    lp_img = ""
    lp_label_f = ""
    if len(LlpImgs):
        Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
        Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
        lp_img = '%s/%s_lp.png' % (out_dir, bname)
        lp_label_f = '%s/%s_lp.txt' % (out_dir, bname)
        cv2.imwrite(lp_img, Ilp * 255.)
        writeShapes(lp_label_f, [s])
    print "runtime: %.1fs" % (time.time() - st)
    return lp_img, lp_label_f
コード例 #15
        print('Searching for license plates using WPOD-NET')

        for i, img_path in enumerate(imgs_paths):

            print('\t Processing %s' % img_path)
            start = datetime.datetime.now()
            bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
            Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)

            ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2]))/min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
            side = int(ratio*288.)
            bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
            print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio))

            Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(
                Ivehicle), bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80), lp_threshold)

            if len(LlpImgs):
                Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

                s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)

                cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir, bname), Ilp*255.)
                writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (output_dir, bname), [s])
            stop = datetime.datetime.now()

コード例 #16
    for i, img_path in enumerate(onlyfiles):

        print('\t Processing %s' % img_path)
        logger.info('\t Processing %s' % img_path)

        bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
        Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)

        ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
        side = int(ratio * 288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
        #print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio))
        #logger.info("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio))

        Llp, LlpImgs, elapsed_time = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle),
                                               bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80),

        if len(LlpImgs):
            Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

            s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)

            cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir, bname), Ilp * 255.)
            writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (output_dir, bname), [s])
    print("Model size after gzip is : {} bytes".format(
コード例 #17
def validar_lp_model(entrada_diretorio_validacao, diretorio_saida, wpod_net):
    print('iniciando validacao modelo')
    lp_threshold = .4
    imgs_paths = glob('%s/*.jpg' % entrada_diretorio_validacao)
    # if not os.path.exists(diretorio_saida):
    # 	os.makedirs(diretorio_saida)
    print('Searching for license plates using WPOD-NET')
    indicadores_validacao = IndicadoresValidacao()
    for i, img_path in enumerate(imgs_paths):
        # print('\t Processing %s' % img_path)
        bname_image_file = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
        name_file_gt = bname_image_file + '.txt'
        name_file = basename(img_path)
        Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
        height, width = Ivehicle.shape[:2]
        ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
        # side  = int(ratio*288.)
        # bound_dim = min(side + (side%(2**4)),608)
        side = int(ratio * 288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
        # print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim,ratio))
        ground_truth_frame = []
        ground_truth_car = []
        ground_truth_moto = []
        class_object = None
        gt_img_path = img_path.replace('.jpg', '.txt')
        with open(gt_img_path) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for linha in lines:
                if len(linha) < 5:
                indicadores_validacao.labeled_samples_total += 1
                pontos = linha.split(',')[1:9]
                class_object = int(linha.split(',')[-2])
                Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle),
                                            bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80),
                                            lp_threshold, class_object)
                lista_preds_frame = []
                pontos = [
                    int(float(ponto) *
                        width) if indice < 4 else int(float(ponto) * height)
                    for indice, ponto in enumerate(pontos)
                # ground_truth = [int(float(pontos[0]) * width), int(float(pontos[4]) * height),
                # 				int(float(pontos[2]) * width), int(float(pontos[6]) * height), 0, 0, 0]
                x_points = pontos[0:4] * width
                y_points = pontos[4:8] * height
                # top_left_plate = int(float(pontos[0]) * width), int(float(pontos[4]) * height)
                top_left_plate_x = min(x_points)
                top_left_plate_y = min(y_points)
                bottom_right_plate_x = max(x_points)
                bottom_right_plate_y = max(y_points)
                top_left_plate = top_left_plate_x, top_left_plate_y
                # bottom_right_plate = int(float(pontos[2]) * width), int(float(pontos[6]) * height)
                bottom_right_plate = bottom_right_plate_x, bottom_right_plate_y
                # gt = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, class_id, difficult, crowd]
                    top_left_plate[0], top_left_plate[1],
                    bottom_right_plate[0], bottom_right_plate[1], 0, 0, 0
                if class_object == 0:
                    indicadores_validacao.labeled_samples_total_car += 1
                        top_left_plate[0], top_left_plate[1],
                        bottom_right_plate[0], bottom_right_plate[1],
                        class_object, 0, 0
                    indicadores_validacao.labeled_samples_total_moto += 1
                        top_left_plate[0], top_left_plate[1],
                        bottom_right_plate[0], bottom_right_plate[1],
                        class_object, 0, 0

        if len(LlpImgs):
            for indice_bbox, Ilp in enumerate(LlpImgs):
                # Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                # Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                license_plate_bouding_box_relativo = Llp[indice_bbox]
                probability = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__prob
                top_left_rl_tp = tuple(
                top_left_x = int(top_left_rl_tp[0] * width)
                top_left_y = int(top_left_rl_tp[1] * height)
                bottom_right_rl = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__br.tolist(
                bottom_right_x = int(bottom_right_rl[0] * width)
                bottom_right_y = int(bottom_right_rl[1] * height)
                plate_width = bottom_right_x - top_left_x
                plate_height = bottom_right_y - top_left_y
                red_color = (255, 0, 0)
                bbox_color = red_color
                # car_rgb_np = cv2.cvtColor(Ivehicle, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                car_rgb_np = Ivehicle
                thickness = 1
                # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, class_id, confidence]
                if top_left_x > 0 and top_left_y > 0 and bottom_right_x > 0 and bottom_right_y > 0:
                    preds_frame = [
                        int(bottom_right_y), class_object, probability
                cv2.rectangle(car_rgb_np, (top_left_x, top_left_y),
                              (bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y), bbox_color,
                              thickness)  # filled
                s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
                # cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp_car.png' % (output_dir,bname), car_rgb_np)
                # cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)
                # writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (diretorio_saida,bname_image_file),[s])
            print('imagem sem placa detectacada %s ' % img_path)
            lista_preds_frame.append([0, 0, 0, 0, class_object, 0])
            # metric_fn.add(np.array(lista_preds_frame), np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]))
        # if is_exibir_gt and len(LlpImgs):
        # 	for bbox_gt in ground_truth_frame:
        # 		cv2.rectangle(car_rgb_np, (bbox_gt[0], bbox_gt[1]), (bbox_gt[2], bbox_gt[3]), bbox_color_gt, thickness)  # filled
        # 	cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp_car.png' % (diretorio_saida, bname_image_file), car_rgb_np)
        true_positive_frame, false_positive_frame, false_negative_frame, true_positive_prob_frame, false_positive_prob_frame = evaluate_precision_recall(
            ground_truth_frame, lista_preds_frame, 0.5)
        indicadores_validacao.true_positive += true_positive_frame
        indicadores_validacao.false_positive += false_positive_frame
        indicadores_validacao.false_negative += false_negative_frame
        if class_object == 0:
            indicadores_validacao.true_positive_car += true_positive_frame
            indicadores_validacao.false_positive_car += false_positive_frame
            indicadores_validacao.false_negative_car += false_negative_frame
            indicadores_validacao.true_positive_moto += true_positive_frame
            indicadores_validacao.false_positive_moto += false_positive_frame
            indicadores_validacao.false_negative_moto += false_negative_frame

    print('calculando mAP')
    mAP_pascal = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=0.5,
                                 recall_thresholds=np.arange(0., 1.1,
    print('VOC PASCAL mAP:' + str(mAP_pascal))
    mAP_pascal_all_points = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=0.5)['mAP']
    print('VOC PASCAL mAP in all points:' + str(mAP_pascal_all_points))
    mAP_coco = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=np.arange(0.5, 1.0, 0.05),
                               recall_thresholds=np.arange(0., 1.01, 0.01),
    print('COCO mAP: ' + str(mAP_coco))
    # indicadores_validacao.imprimir_probabilidades()
    return mAP_pascal, mAP_pascal_all_points, mAP_coco, indicadores_validacao
コード例 #18
                    Icar = crop_region(Iorig,
                                       label)  # 截取车辆区域 Icar 车辆 label 车辆坐标信息
                    Icar = Icar.astype('uint8')

                    draw_label(Iorig, label, color=YELLOW, thickness=3)

                    # lp detector
                    print('Searching for license plates using WPOD-NET')

                    ratio = float(max(Icar.shape[:2])) / min(Icar.shape[:2])
                    side = int(ratio * 288.)
                    bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
                    print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio))

                    Llp, LlpImgs, elapse = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Icar),
                                                     bound_dim, 2**4,
                                                     (240, 80), lp_threshold)
                    print('\tld detection used %d s time' % elapse)

                    if len(LlpImgs):
                        # 检测的车牌图像信息
                        Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                        Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                        Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

                        s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)  # 车牌坐标信息

                        #cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)
                        #writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (output_dir,bname),[s])
                        lpts = Llp[0].pts * label.wh().reshape(
コード例 #19
def validar_lp(entrada_diretorio_validacao, nome_arquivo_gt, diretorio_saida,
    print('iniciando validacao')
    caminho_completo_arquivo = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(entrada_diretorio_validacao, nome_arquivo_gt))
    annotation_tree = ET.parse(caminho_completo_arquivo)
    tag_raiz = annotation_tree.getroot()
    qtd_imagens_rotuladas = 0
    qtd_imagens = 0
    # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, class_id, difficult, crowd]
    dict_bbox_gt = {}
    for indice_tag_image, image_tag in enumerate(tag_raiz.findall('image')):
        nome_frame = image_tag.get('name')
        boxes = image_tag.findall('polygon')
        lista_bbox_gt_frame = []
        for box in boxes:
            if 'plate' in box.get('label'):
                # forma de obtencao do bbox qdo o shape e retangulo
                # bbox_plate = [int(float(box.get('xtl'))), int(float(box.get('ytl'))), int(float(box.get('xbr'))), int(float(box.get('ybr'))), 0, 0, 0]
                # forma de obtencao do bbox qdo o shape e poligon 4 pontos
                pontos_str = box.get('points').split(';')
                pontos = [point_str_to_tuple(p) for p in pontos_str]
                ponto_top_left, ponto_bottom_right = get_pontos_extremos(
                bbox_plate = [
                    ponto_top_left[0], ponto_top_left[1],
                    ponto_bottom_right[0], ponto_bottom_right[1], 0, 0, 0
                print(image_tag.tag, image_tag.attrib, box.get('label'))
        dict_bbox_gt[nome_frame] = np.array(lista_bbox_gt_frame)
    lp_threshold = .4
    imgs_paths = glob('%s/*.jpg' % entrada_diretorio_validacao)

    print('Searching for license plates using WPOD-NET')

    for i, img_path in enumerate(imgs_paths):

        print('\t Processing %s' % img_path)

        bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
        name_file = basename(img_path)
        Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
        height, width = Ivehicle.shape[:2]
        ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
        side = int(ratio * 288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
        print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio))

        Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle), bound_dim,
                                    2**4, (240, 80), lp_threshold)
        ground_truth_frame = dict_bbox_gt[name_file]
        if len(LlpImgs):
            lista_preds_frame = []
            for indice_bbox, Ilp in enumerate(LlpImgs):
                # Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                license_plate_bouding_box_relativo = Llp[indice_bbox]
                probability = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__prob
                top_left_rl_tp = tuple(
                top_left_x = int(top_left_rl_tp[0] * width)
                top_left_y = int(top_left_rl_tp[1] * height)

                bottom_right_rl = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__br.tolist(
                bottom_right_x = int(bottom_right_rl[0] * width)
                bottom_right_y = int(bottom_right_rl[1] * height)
                plate_width = bottom_right_x - top_left_x
                plate_height = bottom_right_y - top_left_y
                red_color = (255, 0, 0)
                bbox_color = red_color
                # car_rgb_np = cv2.cvtColor(Ivehicle, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                car_rgb_np = Ivehicle
                thickness = 1
                # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, class_id, confidence]
                if top_left_x > 0 and top_left_y > 0 and bottom_right_x > 0 and bottom_right_y > 0:
                    preds_frame = [
                        int(bottom_right_y), 0, probability
                cv2.rectangle(car_rgb_np, (top_left_x, top_left_y),
                              (bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y), bbox_color,
                              thickness)  # filled
                s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
                # cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp_car.png' % (output_dir,bname), car_rgb_np)
                # cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)
                writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (diretorio_saida, bname), [s])
            metric_fn.add(np.array(lista_preds_frame), ground_truth_frame)
            gt_frame = dict_bbox_gt[name_file]
            # metric_fn.add(np.empty(()), gt_frame)
        if is_exibir_gt and len(LlpImgs):
            for bbox_gt in ground_truth_frame:
                cv2.rectangle(car_rgb_np, (bbox_gt[0], bbox_gt[1]),
                              (bbox_gt[2], bbox_gt[3]), bbox_color_gt,
                              thickness)  # filled
            cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp_car.png' % (diretorio_saida, bname),
    print('calculando mAP')
    # compute PASCAL VOC metric
    mAP_pascal = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=0.5,
                                 recall_thresholds=np.arange(0., 1.1,
    print('VOC PASCAL mAP:' + str(mAP_pascal))
    # compute PASCAL VOC metric at the all points
    mAP_pascal_all_points = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=0.5)['mAP']
    print('VOC PASCAL mAP in all points:' + str(mAP_pascal_all_points))
    # compute metric COCO metric
    mAP_coco = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=np.arange(0.5, 1.0, 0.05),
                               recall_thresholds=np.arange(0., 1.01, 0.01),
    print('COCO mAP: ' + str(mAP_coco))
    return mAP_pascal, mAP_pascal_all_points, mAP_coco
コード例 #20
ファイル: pt2onnx.py プロジェクト: p98-ai/alpr-unconstrained
            #			print('\t Processing %s' % img_path)

            bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
            #			A3 = time.clock()
            Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
            #			A3 = time.clock()-A3
            #			print(A3)
            ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(
                Ivehicle.shape[:2])  #resizing ratio
            side = int(ratio * 288.)
            bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
            #			print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim,ratio))
            #			A1 = time.clock() - A1
            #			print(A1)
            with torch.no_grad():
                Llp, LlpImgs, runtime = detect_lp(model, im2single(Ivehicle),
                                                  bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80),
#			print(runtime)
#			A2 = time.clock()
            if len(LlpImgs):
                Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

                s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)

                cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir, bname), Ilp * 255.)
                writeShapes('%s/%s_lp.txt' % (output_dir, bname), [s])
            A2 = time.clock() - A1
コード例 #21
    f2 = open('plate.txt', 'a')

    wpod_net_path = 'lp-detector/wpod-net.h5'
    wpod_net = load_model(wpod_net_path)

    for i in range(146):
        bname = imgs_paths + str(i) + '.png'
        print('\t Processing %s' % bname)
        #bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
        img = cv2.imread(bname)
        if min(img.shape[:2]) != 0:
            ratio = float(max(img.shape[:2])) / min(img.shape[:2])
            side = int(ratio * 288.)
            bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)

            Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(img), bound_dim,
                                        2**4, (240, 80), 0.5)
            if len(LlpImgs):
                print('%d,%d,%d,%d' % (int(Llp[0].pts[0][0] * img.shape[1]),
                                       int(Llp[0].pts[1][0] * img.shape[0]),
                                       int(Llp[0].pts[0][2] * img.shape[1]),
                                       int(Llp[0].pts[1][2] * img.shape[0])),
                Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                cv2.imwrite('./carplate/%s.png' % (i), Ilp * 255.)
                chars = HyperLPR_plate_recognition(Ilp * 255)

                if (len(chars) != 0):
                    f2.write(chars[0][0])  # write the car plates
コード例 #22
def validar_lp_model(entrada_diretorio_validacao, diretorio_saida, wpod_net):
    print('iniciando validacao modelo')
    lp_threshold = .4
    imgs_paths = glob('%s/*.jpg' % entrada_diretorio_validacao)
    print('Searching for license plates using WPOD-NET')
    for i, img_path in enumerate(imgs_paths):
        print('\t Processing %s' % img_path)
        bname_image_file = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
        name_file_gt = bname_image_file + '.txt'
        name_file = basename(img_path)
        Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
        height, width = Ivehicle.shape[:2]
        ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
        side = int(ratio * 288.)
        bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
        print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio))
        Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle), bound_dim,
                                    2**4, (240, 80), lp_threshold)
        if len(LlpImgs):
            lista_preds_frame = []
            for indice_bbox, Ilp in enumerate(LlpImgs):
                # Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                license_plate_bouding_box_relativo = Llp[indice_bbox]
                probability = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__prob
                top_left_rl_tp = tuple(
                top_left_x = int(top_left_rl_tp[0] * width)
                top_left_y = int(top_left_rl_tp[1] * height)
                bottom_right_rl = license_plate_bouding_box_relativo._Label__br.tolist(
                bottom_right_x = int(bottom_right_rl[0] * width)
                bottom_right_y = int(bottom_right_rl[1] * height)
                plate_width = bottom_right_x - top_left_x
                plate_height = bottom_right_y - top_left_y
                red_color = (255, 0, 0)
                bbox_color = red_color
                # car_rgb_np = cv2.cvtColor(Ivehicle, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                car_rgb_np = Ivehicle
                thickness = 1
                # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, class_id, confidence]
                if top_left_x > 0 and top_left_y > 0 and bottom_right_x > 0 and bottom_right_y > 0:
                    preds_frame = [
                        int(bottom_right_y), 0, probability
                cv2.rectangle(car_rgb_np, (top_left_x, top_left_y),
                              (bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y), bbox_color,
                              thickness)  # filled
                s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
                # cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp_car.png' % (output_dir,bname), car_rgb_np)
                # cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)
                    '%s/%s_lp.txt' % (diretorio_saida, bname_image_file), [s])
            gt_img_path = img_path.replace('.jpg', '.txt')
            ground_truth_frame = []
            with open(gt_img_path) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                for linha in lines:
                    pontos = linha.split(',')[1:9]
                    ground_truth = [
                        int(float(pontos[0]) * width),
                        int(float(pontos[4]) * height),
                        int(float(pontos[2]) * width),
                        int(float(pontos[6]) * height), 0, 0, 0

        if is_exibir_gt and len(LlpImgs):
            for bbox_gt in ground_truth_frame:
                cv2.rectangle(car_rgb_np, (bbox_gt[0], bbox_gt[1]),
                              (bbox_gt[2], bbox_gt[3]), bbox_color_gt,
                              thickness)  # filled
                '%s/%s_lp_car.png' % (diretorio_saida, bname_image_file),
    print('calculando mAP')
    # compute PASCAL VOC metric
    mAP_pascal = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=0.5,
                                 recall_thresholds=np.arange(0., 1.1,
    print('VOC PASCAL mAP:' + str(mAP_pascal))
    # compute PASCAL VOC metric at the all points
    mAP_pascal_all_points = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=0.5)['mAP']
    print('VOC PASCAL mAP in all points:' + str(mAP_pascal_all_points))
    # compute metric COCO metric
    mAP_coco = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=np.arange(0.5, 1.0, 0.05),
                               recall_thresholds=np.arange(0., 1.01, 0.01),
    print('COCO mAP: ' + str(mAP_coco))
    return mAP_pascal, mAP_pascal_all_points, mAP_coco
コード例 #23
	def detect_lp_nums(self, img):
		if self.wpod_net is None:
			return [], -1

		h, w, c = img.shape

		ratio = float(max(img.shape[:2]))/min(img.shape[:2])
		side  = int(ratio*288.)
		bound_dim = min(side + (side%(2**4)), 608)

		lp_locs, lp_imgs, _ = detect_lp(self.wpod_net, im2single(img), bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80), self.det_thresh)

		if len(lp_locs) == 0:
			if self.roi_det_enabled and self.prev_locs != None:
				rect, ang = self.utils.getLPCoordinates(self.prev_locs.pts, w, h)

				if self.utils.isLPGood(rect) and h-rect[1] > 80:
					w1 = int(rect[2] * 2.0);
					h1 = int(rect[3] * 4.0);
					x1 = int(rect[0] + (rect[2]/2.0) - (w1/2.0))
					y1 = int(rect[1] + (rect[3]/2.0) - (h1/2.0))

					if x1 + w1 > w:
						w1 = w - x1
					if y1 + h1 > h:
						h1 = h - y1
					if x1 >= 0 and y1 >=0 and w1 > 0 and h1 > 0:
						temp_img = img[y1:y1+h1, x1:x1+w1]
						if temp_img.shape[0] > 0 and temp_img.shape[1] > 0:

							ratio = float(max(temp_img.shape[:2]))/min(temp_img.shape[:2])
							side  = int(ratio*288.)
							bound_dim = min(side + (side%(2**4)), 608)

							lp_locs, lp_imgs, _ = detect_lp(self.wpod_net, im2single(temp_img), bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80), self.det_thresh)

							if len(lp_locs) > 0:
								self.prev_locs = lp_locs[0]
								#print "Possible Detection: ", len(lp_locs)
								for lp in lp_locs:
									#r, _ = self.utils.getLPCoordinates(lp.pts, w1, h1)
									#if self.utils.isLPGood(r):
									#	cv2.rectangle(temp_img, (r[0], r[1]), (r[0]+r[2], r[1]+r[3]), (0, 0, 255), 2)

									for l in range(len(lp.pts[0])):
										lp.pts[0][l] = (x1 + (lp.pts[0][l]*w1))/w
										lp.pts[1][l] = (y1 + (lp.pts[1][l]*h1))/h


								self.prev_locs = None
							#cv2.imshow("roi", temp_img)
					self.prev_locs = None
			self.prev_locs = lp_locs[0]
		detected_lps = []
		lp_status = 0

		for i in range(len(lp_imgs)):

			lp_str = ""

			rect, ang = self.utils.getLPCoordinates(lp_locs[i].pts, w, h)

			if self.utils.isLPGood(rect) == False:

			if self.ocr_net is not None:
				#im_p = lp_imgs[i]
				im = img[rect[1]:rect[1]+rect[3], rect[0]:rect[0]+rect[2]]
				im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
				im_c = tuple(np.array(im.shape[1::-1]) / 2)
				rmat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(im_c, ang, 1)
				im_r = cv2.warpAffine(im, rmat, im.shape[1::-1], flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

				tmp_img_path = "./.temp.png"
				cv2.imwrite(tmp_img_path, im_r)
				res = detect(self.ocr_net, self.ocr_meta, bytes(tmp_img_path, encoding='utf-8'), thresh=self.rec_thresh)

				if len(res) > 4 and self.utils.isLPGood(rect):
					lp_str = self.utils.getLPSorted(res)			

					if self.cons_lp_enabled:
						lp_str, lp_status = self.consolidator.consolidate_lp([lp_str, res])

			detected_lps.append((lp_str, rect))

		return detected_lps, lp_status
コード例 #24
            for img_path in file:
                print('\t Processing %s' % img_path)
                img_path = os.path.join(imgs_paths, img_path)
                bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
                Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
                im = cv2.resize(Ivehicle, (900, 500))
                cv2.imshow("asd", im)

                ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(
                side = int(ratio * 288.)
                bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), 608)
                print("\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim, ratio))

                Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle),
                                            bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80),
                if (len(LlpImgs)):
                    for i in LlpImgs:
                        cv2.imshow("12", i)
                # if len(LlpImgs):
                # 	Ilp = LlpImgs[0]
                # 	Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                # 	Ilp = cv2.cvtColor(Ilp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                # s = Shape(Llp[0].pts)
                # 	cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_lp.png' % (output_dir,bname),Ilp*255.)
コード例 #25
def pipeline(img):
    Pipeline function for detection and tracking
    global frame_count
    global tracker_list
    global max_age
    global min_hits
    global track_id_list
    global debug
    global avg_fps
    frame_count += 1
    start = time.time()
    img_dim = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])

    # YOLO detection for vehicle
    yolo_start = time.time()
    z_box = yolo_det.get_detected_boxes(img)
    #z_box_cpy= z_box
    yolo_end = time.time()

    # Lpd

    #print("Time taken for yolo detection is", yolo_end-yolo_start)
    track_start = time.time()
    if debug:
        print('Frame:', frame_count)

    x_box = []
    if debug:
        for i in range(len(z_box)):
            img1 = helpers.draw_box_label(img, z_box[i], box_color=(255, 0, 0))
            cv2.imshow("frame", img1)
            k = cv2.waitKey(10)
            if k == ord('e'):

        # plt.show()

    if len(tracker_list) > 0:
        for trk in tracker_list:

    matched, unmatched_dets, unmatched_trks \
        = assign_detections_to_trackers(x_box, z_box, iou_thrd=0.3)
    if debug:
        print('Detection: ', z_box)
        print('x_box: ', x_box)
        print('matched:', matched)
        print('unmatched_det:', unmatched_dets)
        print('unmatched_trks:', unmatched_trks)

    # Deal with matched detections
    if matched.size > 0:
        for trk_idx, det_idx in matched:
            z = z_box[det_idx]
            tmp_trk = tracker_list[trk_idx]
            tmp_trk.features.append(extract_feature(img, z))
            z = np.expand_dims(z, axis=0).T
            xx = tmp_trk.x_state.T[0].tolist()
            xx = [xx[0], xx[2], xx[4], xx[6]]
            x_box[trk_idx] = xx
            tmp_trk.box = xx
            tmp_trk.hits += 1
            tmp_trk.no_losses = 0

    # Deal with unmatched detections
    if len(unmatched_dets) > 0:
        for idx in unmatched_dets:
            z = z_box[idx]
            if len(unmatched_trks) > 0:
                min_score = 10000000
                tmp_idx = -1
                for trk_idx in unmatched_trks:
                    trk = tracker_list[trk_idx]
                    if len(trk.features) == 0:
                    score = trk.feature_match(extract_feature(
                        img, z))  ## find closest feature match
                    if score < min_score:
                        min_score = score
                        tmp_idx = trk_idx
                if min_score < feature_thresh and tmp_idx != -1:

                    z = np.expand_dims(z, axis=0).T

                    tmp_trk = tracker_list[tmp_idx]
                    xx = tmp_trk.x_state.T[0].tolist()
                    xx = [xx[0], xx[2], xx[4], xx[6]]
                    x_box[trk_idx] = xx
                    tmp_trk.box = xx
                    tmp_trk.hits += 1
                    tmp_trk.no_losses = 0

            z = np.expand_dims(z, axis=0).T
            tmp_trk = tr.Tracker()  # Create a new tracker
            x = np.array([[z[0], 0, z[1], 0, z[2], 0, z[3], 0]]).T
            tmp_trk.x_state = x
            xx = tmp_trk.x_state
            xx = xx.T[0].tolist()
            xx = [xx[0], xx[2], xx[4], xx[6]]
            tmp_trk.box = xx
            tmp_trk.id = track_id_list.popleft(
            )  # assign an ID for the tracker

    # Deal with unmatched tracks*100
    if len(unmatched_trks) > 0:
        for trk_idx in unmatched_trks:
            tmp_trk = tracker_list[trk_idx]
            tmp_trk.no_losses += 1
            xx = tmp_trk.x_state
            xx = xx.T[0].tolist()
            xx = [xx[0], xx[2], xx[4], xx[6]]
            tmp_trk.box = xx
            x_box[trk_idx] = xx

    # The list of tracks to be annotated
    img_vis = img.copy()
    good_tracker_list = []
    good_boxes = []
    for trk in tracker_list:
        if ((trk.hits >= min_hits) and (trk.no_losses <= max_age)):
    #for trk in good_tracker_list:
    selected_ids = nms(torch.FloatTensor(np.array(good_boxes)),
                       torch.FloatTensor([1.0] * len(good_boxes)), 0.45)
    for idx in selected_ids:
        trk = good_tracker_list[idx]
        x_cv2 = trk.box
        idx = trk.id
        if debug:
            print('updated box: ', x_cv2)
        # Draw the bounding boxes on the
        img_vis = helpers.draw_box_label(img_vis, x_cv2, idx)
        if frame_count % 5 == 0:
            y1_temp, x1_temp, y2_temp, x2_temp = x_cv2

            w_temp = x2_temp - x1_temp

            h_temp = y2_temp - y1_temp
            if w_temp * h_temp < 400 or w_temp <= 0 or h_temp <= 0 or min(
                    x_cv2) < 0:

            plates = []
            dt_start = time.time()
            Ivehicle = img[y1_temp:y2_temp, x1_temp:x2_temp]
            ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2])) / min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
            side = int(ratio * 288.)
            bname = 'frame{}_{}.png'.format(frame_count, idx)

            bound_dim = min(side + (side % (2**4)), size)
            # print "\t\tBound dim: %d, ratio: %f" % (bound_dim,ratio)
            #dt_plates_start = time.time()
            Llp, LlpImgs, _ = detect_lp(wpod_net, im2single(Ivehicle),
                                        bound_dim, 2**4, (240, 80),
            if len(LlpImgs):

                plates = [Llp[0].pts]
                cv2.imwrite("%s/%s" % (detected_plates_dir, bname),
                            LlpImgs[0] * 255.)
                plate_string = _lpr.plates_ocr(LlpImgs[0] * 255.)
                for plate in plates:
                    x1 = (plate[0][0] * w_temp + x1_temp).astype('int')
                    y1 = (plate[1][0] * h_temp + y1_temp).astype('int')
                    x2 = (plate[0][1] * w_temp + x1_temp).astype('int')
                    y2 = (plate[1][1] * h_temp + y1_temp).astype('int')
                    x3 = (plate[0][2] * w_temp + x1_temp).astype('int')
                    y3 = (plate[1][2] * h_temp + y1_temp).astype('int')
                    x4 = (plate[0][3] * w_temp + x1_temp).astype('int')
                    y4 = (plate[1][3] * h_temp + y1_temp).astype('int')

                    plate = np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]],
                    plate = plate.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
                    cv2.polylines(img_vis, [plate], True, (255, 0, 0), 4)
                    cv2.putText(img_vis, plate_string, (x1, y1),
                                cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
                cv2.imwrite("%s/%s" % (detected_cars_dir, bname),
                            img_vis[y1_temp:y2_temp, x1_temp:x2_temp])
    track_end = time.time()

    # images
    #    dt_start = time.time()

    print("Time taken to track the boxes is", track_end - track_start)
    end = time.time()
    fps = 1.0 / (end - start)
    #dt_fps = 1.0/(dt_dr+yolo_end-yolo_start)
    avg_fps += fps
    cv2.putText(img_vis, "FPS: {:.4f}".format(fps),
                (int(0.8 * img_dim[0]), 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.1,
                (255, 255, 0), 4)
    #cv2.putText(img_vis, "Detect FPS: {:.4f}".format(
    #    dt_fps), (10, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.1, (255,255, 0), 4)
    # Book keeping
    deleted_tracks = filter(lambda x: x.no_losses > feature_tp, tracker_list)

    for trk in deleted_tracks:

    tracker_list = [x for x in tracker_list if x.no_losses <= feature_tp]

    if debug:
        print('Ending tracker_list: ', len(tracker_list))
        print('Ending good tracker_list: ', len(good_tracker_list))

    return img_vis