コード例 #1
def main():
    this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    config = toml.load(os.path.join(this_dir, 'config.toml'))

    u.set_full_paths(config, this_dir)
    csv_loc = config['file_locations']['case_study']
    df: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(csv_loc)  # type: ignore

    upper_line_count_limit = 500
    # bins = np.linspace(0, upper_line_count_limit, 10)
    # df['line_count_cat'] = pd.cut(df['line_count'], bins=bins)

    df['file_type'] = df['file_name'].apply(file_type_binner)
    df['file_ext'] = df['file_name']\
        .str.replace('.*/(.*?)', '\\1', regex=True)\
        .str.replace('.*/(Dockerfile).*?', '\\1', regex=True)\
        .str.replace('.*\\.(.*?)', r'\1', regex=True)

    pd.set_option('display.max_rows', df.shape[0] + 1)
    pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10000)
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 200)
    pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
    pd.set_option("expand_frame_repr", True)
    #pd.set_option("large_repr", "truncate")

    # print(df.sample(5))

    df.drop(columns=['net_line_changes'], inplace=True)
    print(df.groupby(['author', 'file_type']).agg(['count', 'mean', 'sum']))
    # print(df[df['file_type'] == 'config'])

    # Limits data for charting purposes
    df = df[~(df['lines_added'] > upper_line_count_limit)]
コード例 #2
def main():
    this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    config = toml.load(os.path.join(this_dir, 'config.toml'))

    u.set_full_paths(config, this_dir)
    df: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(
        config['file_locations']['file_changes_raw'])  # type: ignore

    for col in ['lines_added', 'lines_deleted']:
        df = df[df[col] != '-']
        df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce')


    # sum up all line adds and deletes per author per file
    summed_gdf = df.groupby(['author', 'file_name']).agg('sum')
    summed_df: pd.DataFrame = summed_gdf.unstack().unstack().reset_index(
    )  # type: ignore
        'level_0': 'line_action',
        0: 'line_count'
    # if an author didnt contribute to a file, then dont show an entry for them on that file

    summed_df['line_count'] = summed_df['line_count'].astype('str')
    # la_df = summed_df.groupby(['author', 'file_name'])['line_action'].apply(';'.join).reset_index()
    lc_df: pd.DataFrame = summed_df.groupby([
        'author', 'file_name'
    ])['line_count'].apply(';'.join).reset_index()  # type: ignore
    # compressed_df = pd.merge(la_df, lc_df, on=['author', 'file_name']) # type: ignore
           'lines_deleted']] = lc_df['line_count'].str.split(';', expand=True)
    lc_df.drop('line_count', axis=1, inplace=True)
    lc_df.dropna(subset=['lines_added', 'lines_deleted'], inplace=True)
    lc_df = lc_df[(lc_df['lines_added'] != 'nan') |
                  (lc_df['lines_added'] != 'nan')]

    for col in ['lines_added', 'lines_deleted']:
        lc_df = lc_df[lc_df[col] != '-']
        lc_df[col] = pd.to_numeric(lc_df[col], errors='coerce')
    lc_df['net_line_changes'] = lc_df['lines_added'] - lc_df['lines_deleted']

    lc_df.to_csv(config['file_locations']['file_changes_cleaned'], index=False)
コード例 #3
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: MajorZiploc/home-settings
import pdfplumber
from py_linq import Enumerable
import toml
import os
import src.utils as u
from pandas_data_analytics.text_parser.parser import Parser
import re
import pandas_data_analytics.text_parser.utils as tu
import time
start_time = time.time()

this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
config = toml.load(os.path.join(this_dir, 'config.toml'))

u.set_full_paths(config, this_dir)
pdf_loc = config['file_locations']['data']
parser_settings = toml.load(config['file_locations']['parser_settings'])

result = tu.from_pdf_per_page_prom(pdf_loc, parser_settings)

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
コード例 #4
def main():
    def view_data(pdf):
        # pdf.style.set_properties(**{'width': '300px'})
        field = 'moves_learnt_by_tr' + '_'
        pdf = pdf.filter(regex=f'{field}|name', axis=1)
        # pdf.columns[pdf.columns.str.contains(f'({field}.*|name|generation)', flags=re.I,regex=True)]
        total_rows = len(pdf.index.value_counts())
        unique_rows = len(pdf.drop_duplicates().index.value_counts())
        dup_rows = len(pdf[pdf.duplicated()].index.value_counts())
        percent_duped = (dup_rows / total_rows) * 100
        ps = Enumerable([
            # lambda: pdf.isna().mean().sort_values(ascending=False),
            lambda: pdf.columns,
            lambda: total_rows,
            lambda: unique_rows,
            lambda: dup_rows,
            lambda: percent_duped,
            lambda: pdf.dropna().sample(7),
            # lambda: pdf.sort_values(['name', 'generation', 'moves_learnt_by_level_up_lvl']).drop([], axis=1).sample(5),
            # lambda: pdf.sort_values(['name', 'generation', 'moves_learnt_by_level_up_lvl']).sample(5),
            # lambda: pdf[pdf.duplicated()].sort_values(['name', 'generation'])
        u.foreach(lambda f: print(f()), ps)

    def implode_move_sets(movesdf, moves):
        # describes what to do with each move set
        agg_dict = {}
        for m in moves:
            agg_dict[f'{m}_json'] = lambda x: x.tolist()
        # 'Implodes' data frame move sets into lists
        csv_move_df = movesdf\
            .groupby(['name', 'generation'])\
            .agg(agg_dict, regex=True)\

        def move_list_filter(j):
            d = json.loads(j)
            return d['move'] is not None

        # Ex: If on Golem, we will drop Alonan form Golem moves
        def drop_alternate_form_moves(l):
            current_highest_number = -1
            move_list = []
            for d in l:
                j = json.loads(d)
                if (j['lvl'].isnumeric()):
                    num = int(j['lvl'])
                    if (num < current_highest_number):
                        current_highest_number = num
            return move_list

        for field in Enumerable(moves).select(lambda m: m + '_json'):
            csv_move_df[field] = csv_move_df[field]\
              .apply(lambda l: Enumerable(l)
        # dups are due to alonan forms/ alter form tabs for move sets
        # try to filter then out based on if the number in the move set entry restarts
        # if 1..23..88 then 2..22..88
        # then drop the entries from 2 onward since these are alonan form move sets
        return csv_move_df

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    config = toml.load(os.path.join(this_dir, 'config.toml'))
    u.set_full_paths(config, this_dir)
    csv_loc = config['file_locations']['data']
    df: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(csv_loc)  # type: ignore
    df: pd.DataFrame = df.drop([
        'web-scraper-order', 'web-scraper-start-url', 'name_link-href',
                               axis=1)  # type: ignore
    df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(' ', '_', regex=True)
    df.sort_values(by="national_no", inplace=True)
    pd.set_option('display.max_rows', df.shape[0] + 1)
    pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 175)

    # name field is unique per pokemon
    # movesdf: pd.DataFrame = df[['name', 'moves_learnt_by_level_up', 'generation']].dropna() # type: ignore
    movesdf: pd.DataFrame = df.drop(['name_link'], axis=1)  # type: ignore
    types = [
        'ground', 'electric', 'bug', 'ghost', 'normal', 'psychic', 'fire',
        'fairy', 'dark', 'grass', 'fighting', 'water', 'ice', 'dragon',
        'poison', 'rock', 'flying', 'steel'

    # def get_thing(phrase, s):
    #   m = re.search(phrase,s)
    #   return m.group(1) if m is not None\
    #     else np.nan
    # def parse_moves_lvl_up(s):
    #   lvl = get_thing('^(\d+)', s)
    #   return lvl
    # movesdf['moves_learnt_by_level_up_lvl'] = movesdf.moves_learnt_by_level_up.apply(parse_moves_lvl_up)

    def parse_moves(df: pd.DataFrame, field: str):
        ldf = pd.DataFrame()
        ldf[f'{field}_lvl'] = df[field]\
            .str.replace(r'(^\d+)(.*)', r'\1', regex=True)
        ldf[f'{field}_move'] = df[field]\
            .str.replace('(^.*?)(\\D+(?:' + '|'.join(types) + '))(.*)', r'\2', regex=True, flags=re.I)\
            .str.replace('(.*?)(' + '|'.join(types) + ')' + '$', r'\1', regex=True, flags=re.I)
        ldf[f'{field}_type'] = df[field]\
            .str.replace('(^.*?)(\\D+(?:' + '|'.join(types) + '))(.*)', r'\2', regex=True, flags=re.I)\
            .str.replace('(.*?)(' + '|'.join(types) + ')' + '$', r'\2', regex=True, flags=re.I)
        ldf[f'{field}_power'] = df[field]\
            .str.replace('(^\\d+)(\\D+(?:' + '|'.join(types) + '))(.*)', r'\3', regex=True, flags=re.I)\
            .str.replace(r'(.*?)(\d{,4}|—|∞)\s{,4}(\d{,4}|—|∞)$', r'\2', regex=True, flags=re.I)\
            .str.replace(r'∞', 'inf', regex=True)\
            .str.replace(r'—', '', regex=True)
        ldf[f'{field}_acc'] = df[field]\
            .str.replace('(^\\d+)(\\D+(?:' + '|'.join(types) + '))(.*)', r'\3', regex=True, flags=re.I)\
            .str.replace(r'(.*?)(\d{,4}|—|∞)\s{,4}(\d{,4}|—|∞)$', r'\3', regex=True, flags=re.I)\
            .str.replace(r'∞', 'inf', regex=True)\
            .str.replace(r'—', '', regex=True)
        return ldf

    # print(df.columns)

    moves = [
        'moves_learnt_by_level_up', 'moves_learnt_by_tm', 'moves_learnt_by_tr',
        'moves_learnt_by_move_tutor', 'moves_learnt_by_egg',
        'moves_learnt_by_hm', 'moves_learnt_by_transfer',
    for f in moves:
        movesdf[f] = movesdf[f].astype(str)  # type: ignore
        ldf = parse_moves(movesdf, f)
        # to have move data in columns
        # movesdf = pd.concat([movesdf,ldf],axis=1)
        # to have move data in json format in 1 column
        ldf.columns = ldf.columns\
            .str.replace(f, '', regex=True)\
            .str.replace('_', '', regex=True)
        movesdf[f'{f}_json'] = ldf.to_json(
            orient='records', lines=True).splitlines()  # type: ignore
        # print(f)
        # print(movesdf[f'{f}_json'].tolist()[0:10])

    csv_move_df = implode_move_sets(movesdf, moves)
    # print(type(csv_move_df))
    print(csv_move_df.columns)  # type: ignore
    print(len(csv_move_df))  # type: ignore
    # print(csv_move_df.sample(6))
    # csv_move_df.to_csv(config['file_locations']['cleaned_data'], index=False)
    general_df: pd.DataFrame = df.drop(
            'moves_learnt_by_level_up', 'moves_learnt_by_tm',
            'moves_learnt_by_tr', 'moves_learnt_by_move_tutor',
            'moves_learnt_by_egg', 'moves_learnt_by_hm',
            'moves_learnt_by_transfer', 'moves_learnt_by_evolution'
        axis=1).drop_duplicates()  # type: ignore