def go_from_text(self): newpath = Path(self.le_current_dir.text()) # Avoid writing into history if the Enter event is the current directory if newpath == self.path_history[self.path_index]: return if newpath.exists(): if newpath.is_dir(): self.path_change(newpath=newpath, current_index=self.path_index) try: if self.path_history[self.path_index + 1] == newpath: self.path_index += 1 else: print("go_from_text; this should never print") except IndexError: self.path_history.append(newpath) self.path_index += 1 self.dev_path_print("Pressed Enter into a new directory") else: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.errs["CannotEnterFile"][0], body=self.errs["CannotEnterFile"][1], variables=[str(newpath)]) # Reset the lineedit back to the text prior to the Enter event self.le_current_dir.setText(str(self.path_history[self.path_index])) return else: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.errs["PathDoesNotExist"][0], body=self.errs["PathDoesNotExist"][1], variables=str(newpath)) # Reset the lineedit back to the text prior to the Enter event self.le_current_dir.setText(str(self.path_history[self.path_index])) return
def go_down(self, filepath_modelindex: QModelIndex): filepath = Path(self.model_file.filePath(filepath_modelindex)) # User wants to open a directory if filepath.is_dir(): self.path_change(newpath=filepath, current_index=self.path_index) try: if self.path_history[self.path_index + 1] == filepath: self.path_index += 1 else: print("go_down; this should never print") except IndexError: self.path_history.append(filepath) self.path_index += 1 self.dev_path_print("Double-clicked to go down into a directory") # User wants to open a file elif filepath.is_file(): result = QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile(str(filepath))) self.dev_path_print("Attempted to open a file") if not result: robust_qmsg(self.parent(), title=self.errs["CannotEnterFile"][0], body=self.errs["CannotEnterFile"][1], variables=[str(filepath)]) # Something went wrong else: print(f"The filepath: {filepath} is not a directory that can be entered into")
def get_directory_structure(self): """ Returns the directory structure in preparation of running the import """ dirnames = [le.text() for le in self.levels.values()] valid_dirs = [] encountered_nonblank = False # Iterate backwards to remove false for name in reversed(dirnames): # Cannot have blank lines existing between the important directories if name == '' and encountered_nonblank: robust_qmsg( self, title=self.import_errs["InvalidStructure_Blanks"][0], body=self.progbar_import["InvalidStructure_Blanks"][1]) return False, [] elif name == '' and not encountered_nonblank: continue else: encountered_nonblank = True valid_dirs.append(name) # Sanity check for false user input if any(["Subject" not in valid_dirs, "Scan" not in valid_dirs]): robust_qmsg( self, title=self.import_errs["InvalidStructure_MinSubScan"][0], body=self.import_errs["InvalidStructure_MinSubScan"][1]) return False, [] valid_dirs = list(reversed(valid_dirs)) # print(valid_dirs) return True, valid_dirs
def alter_tsv(self): # Last Sanity Check - Does the choice of SUBJECT columns make sense? subs_from_meta = set(self.df_metadata[self.le_metadata_subjectcol.text()].unique()) subs_from_parttsv = set(self.df_parttsv[self.le_parttsv_subjectcol.text()].unique()) if len(subs_from_meta.intersection(subs_from_parttsv)) == 0: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.parent.exec_errs["ImminentBadMerge"][0], body=self.parent.exec_errs["ImminentBadMerge"][1]) return # Prepare certain variables in the event of a revert self.metadatafile_duringalter = self.le_metadatafile.text() self.df_backupmetadata: pd.DataFrame = self.df_metadata.copy() self.df_backupparttsv: pd.DataFrame = self.df_parttsv.copy() # Get the columns that are needed for merging, subset the metadata, then merge which_transfer_cols = self.get_current_parttsvcolnames() - set(self.default_tsvcols) meta_subset = self.df_metadata.loc[:, list(which_transfer_cols) + [self.le_metadata_subjectcol.text()]] merge_df = pd.merge(left=self.df_parttsv, right=meta_subset, left_on=self.le_parttsv_subjectcol.text(), right_on=self.le_metadata_subjectcol.text(), how="left", suffixes=("_from_meta", "_from_participants")) merge_df.drop(self.le_metadata_subjectcol.text(), axis=1, inplace=True) # Save backup and new merge to their respective files self.df_backupparttsv.to_csv(Path(self.target_dir) / "participants_orig.tsv", sep="\t", index=False) merge_df.to_csv(Path(self.target_dir) / "participants.tsv", sep="\t", index=False) robust_qmsg(self, "information", "Successfully updated participants.tsv", "participants.tsv has been updated with the indicated metadata columns. " "A backup of the previous content has been saved as participants_orig.tsv") self.btn_altertsv.setEnabled(False) self.btn_revert.setEnabled(True)
def run(self): try: shutil.copytree(src=self.source_directory, dst=self.backup_directory, dirs_exist_ok=True) self.signals.signal_done_copying.emit() except (OSError, RuntimeError) as copytree_error: robust_qmsg( title=self.errs["BackDirNotMade"][0], body=self.errs["BackDirNotMade"][1], variables=[str(self.source_directory), str(copytree_error)])
def load_metadatafile(self, from_reset: bool = False): if from_reset: meta_path = Path(self.metadatafile_duringalter).resolve() else: meta_path = Path(self.le_metadatafile.text()).resolve() if any([not meta_path.exists(), meta_path.is_dir()]): robust_qmsg(self, msg_type="warning", title="Could not load metadata", body="You have indicated either a non-existent path or a directory") return self.df_metadata: pd.DataFrame = robust_read_csv(meta_path) self.lst_metadata.clear() self.lst_metadata.addItems(self.df_metadata.columns) self.default_metacols = self.df_metadata.columns.tolist() self.is_ready_merge()
def get_run_aliases(self): """ Retrieves a mapping of the run alias names and the user-specified preferred name @return: status, whether the operation was a success; run_aliases, the mapping """ run_aliases = OrderedDict() # If the run aliases dict is empty, simply return the empty dict, as runs are not mandatory to outline if len(self.cmb_runaliases_dict) == 0: return True, run_aliases # First, make sure that every number is unique: current_orderset = [ cmb.currentText() for cmb in self.cmb_runaliases_dict.values() ] if len(current_orderset) != len(set(current_orderset)): robust_qmsg(self, title=self.import_errs["InvalidRunAliases"][0], body=self.import_errs["InvalidRunAliases"][1]) return False, run_aliases basename_keys = list(self.le_runaliases_dict.keys()) aliases = list(le.text() for le in self.le_runaliases_dict.values()) orders = list(cmb.currentText() for cmb in self.cmb_runaliases_dict.values()) if self.config["DeveloperMode"]: print( f"Inside get_run_aliases, the following variable values were in play prior to generating the " f"run aliases dict:\n" f"basename_keys: {basename_keys}\n" f"aliases: {aliases}\n" f"orders: {orders}") for num in range(1, len(orders) + 1): idx = orders.index(str(num)) current_alias = aliases[idx] current_basename = basename_keys[idx] if current_alias == '': run_aliases[current_basename] = f"ASL_{num}" else: run_aliases[current_basename] = current_alias return True, run_aliases
def remove_status_files(self): filepaths, treewidgetitems = self.return_filepaths() if self.parent.config["DeveloperMode"]: print(f"REMOVING THE FOLLOWING STATUS FILES:") pprint(filepaths) for filepath in filepaths: filepath.unlink(missing_ok=True) # Clear the tree self.lock_tree.clear() # Refresh the file structure self.directory_struct.clear() self.directory_struct["lock"] = self.get_path_directory_structure(self.root_dir / "lock") # Refresh the tree self.fill_tree(self.lock_tree.invisibleRootItem(), self.directory_struct) self.lock_tree.expandToDepth(2) self.lock_tree.itemChanged.connect(self.change_check_state) robust_qmsg(self.parent, msg_type="information", title="Re-run setup complete", body=f"Successfully deleted the indicated .status files for the study:\n{str(self.root_dir)}")
def end_rename_event(self): proposed_basename = self.editor.text() proposed_filepath: Path = self.orig_filepath.with_name(proposed_basename) if proposed_basename == self.full_close_editor() return if proposed_filepath.exists(): robust_qmsg(self, title=self.errs["DirectoryAlreadyExists"][0], body=self.errs["DirectoryAlreadyExists"][1], variables=[str(proposed_basename), str(self.orig_filepath)]) self.full_close_editor() return if self.orig_filepath.is_dir(): try: self.orig_filepath.replace(proposed_filepath) except FileNotFoundError: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.errs["InvalidCharacterInPath"][0], body=self.errs["InvalidCharacterInPath"][1], variables=[str(proposed_basename)]) self.full_close_editor() return # If it is a file else: if proposed_filepath.suffix == "": proposed_filepath = proposed_filepath.with_suffix(self.orig_filepath.suffix) try: self.orig_filepath.replace(proposed_filepath) except FileNotFoundError: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.errs["InvalidCharacterInPath"][0], body=self.errs["InvalidCharacterInPath"][1], variables=[str(proposed_basename)]) self.full_close_editor() return
def slot_cleanup_postterminate(self): self.n_import_workers -= 1 if len(self.import_summaries) > 0: self.import_summaries.clear() if len(self.failed_runs) > 0: self.failed_runs.clear() # Don't proceed until all importer workers are finished if self.n_import_workers > 0 or self.import_parms is None: return # Reset the widgets and cursor self.set_widgets_on_or_off(state=True) self.btn_terminate_importer.setEnabled(False) analysis_dir = Path(self.import_parms["RawDir"]).parent / "analysis" if analysis_dir.exists(): robust_qmsg(self, title=self.import_errs["CleanupImportPostTerm"][0], body=self.import_errs["CleanupImportPostTerm"][1], variables=[str(analysis_dir)]) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def revert(self): if not (Path(self.target_dir) / "participants_orig.tsv").exists(): robust_qmsg(self, title="No participants_orig.tsv file found", body="Could not perform a revert without the expected backup file") return # Restore the old file (Path(self.target_dir) / "participants.tsv").unlink() # Load from the restored file self.load_parttsvfile(from_reset=True) self.load_metadatafile(from_reset=True) self.le_metadata_subjectcol.clear() (Path(self.target_dir) / "participants_orig.tsv").rename(target=Path(self.target_dir) / "participants.tsv") # Disabled buttons as necessary self.metadatafile_duringalter = "" self.btn_altertsv.setEnabled(False) self.btn_revert.setEnabled(False) self.btn_reset.setEnabled(False) self.is_ready_merge() robust_qmsg(self, "information", title="participants.tsv has been reset", body="participants_orig.tsv was used to restore the previous iteration of participants.tsv")
def alter_json_sidecars(self): QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) # Ascertain which types of scans to search for regardless of method which_scans = [] alter_sidecar_results = [] for scan_type, widget in zip(["asl", "t1", "m0"], [self.chk_asl, self.chk_t1, self.chk_m0]): if widget.isChecked(): which_scans.append(scan_type) del scan_type action = "remove" if self.cmb_actiontype.currentText() == "Remove a field" else "alter" # User wishes to alter sidecars using a pre-configured csv file if self.grp_fromfile.isChecked(): start_msg = f"{str(} - STARTING JSON SIDECAR ALTERATION""#" * len(start_msg) + "\n" + start_msg) for scan_type in which_scans: res = alter_sidecars(root_dir=self.root_dir, subjects=self.le_fromfile.text(), which_scan=scan_type, action=action, logger=self.logger) alter_sidecar_results.append(res) # User wishes to alter sidecars using the drag & drop list else: # Get the list of subjects subs = [] for idx in range(self.lst_subs.count()): sub_name = self.lst_subs.item(idx).text() if (self.root_dir / sub_name).exists(): subs.append(sub_name) if len(subs) == 0: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() robust_qmsg(self, title=self.parent.exec_errs["SubjectsNotFound"][0], body=self.parent.exec_errs["SubjectsNotFound"][1]) return start_msg = f"{str(} - STARTING JSON SIDECAR ALTERATION""#" * len(start_msg) + "\n" + start_msg) for scan_type in which_scans: res = alter_sidecars(root_dir=self.root_dir, subjects=subs, which_scan=scan_type, action=action, key=self.le_key.text(), value=interpret_value(self.le_value.text()), logger=self.logger) alter_sidecar_results.append(res) # Give a specific message depending on the results if all(alter_sidecar_results): robust_qmsg(self, msg_type="information", title="Finished json sidecar operation", body="Completed the requested json sidecar operation on the indicated subjects") else: robust_qmsg(self, msg_type="information", title="Finished json sidecar operation with errors", body="The requested json sidecar operation finished with some errors. These may be false, " f"but the user is recommended to check the following log file:\n{self.log_file}") QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return
def set_local_matlabroot(self): glob_pat = "matlab.exe" if system() == "Windows" else "matlab" s, d = robust_getdir( self, "Select the path to the MATLAB bin directory", self.config["DefaultRootDir"], requirements={ "rcontains": [glob_pat, self.mwin_errs["InvalidMATLABDir"]] }) if not s: return # First, get the overall path to the matlab command try: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) matlab_cmd_path = next(d.rglob(glob_pat)) except StopIteration: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() robust_qmsg(self, title=self.mwin_errs["InvalidMATLABDir"][0], body=self.mwin_errs["InvalidMATLABDir"][1]) return if not in ["matlab", "matlab.exe"]: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() robust_qmsg(self, title=self.mwin_errs["InvalidMATLABDir"][0], body=self.mwin_errs["InvalidMATLABDir"][1]) return # Then derive the version from it QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() matlabver_regex = re.compile(r"R\d{4}[ab]") self.config["MATLAB_CMD_PATH"] = str(matlab_cmd_path) try: self.config["MATLAB_VER"] = str(matlab_cmd_path)).group() except AttributeError: # Rare case, the matlab command path does not contain the version. Use subprocess backup result =[ f"{str(matlab_cmd_path)}", "-nosplash", "-nodesktop", "-batch", "matlabroot" ], capture_output=True, text=True) match = if result.returncode == 0 and match: self.config["MATLAB_VER"] = else: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.mwin_errs["MissingMATLABVER"][0], body=self.mwin_errs["MissingMATLABVER"][1], variables=[str(matlab_cmd_path)]) self.save_config() return QMessageBox.information( self, "MATLAB Version and command path successfully located", f"The path to launching MATLAB was registered as:\n{str(matlab_cmd_path)}\n" f"The version of MATLAB on this operating system is: {self.config['MATLAB_VER']}" ) self.save_config() return
def import_postprocessing(self): """ Performs the bulk of the post-import work, especially if the import type was specified to be BIDS """ print( "Clearing Import workers from memory, re-enabling widgets, and resetting current directory" ) self.import_workers.clear() self.set_widgets_on_or_off(state=True) self.btn_terminate_importer.setEnabled(False) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() chdir(self.config["ScriptsDir"]) analysis_dir = Path(self.import_parms["RawDir"]).parent / "analysis" if not analysis_dir.exists(): robust_qmsg(self, title=self.import_errs["StudyDirNeverMade"][0], body=self.import_errs["StudyDirNeverMade"][1], variables=[str(analysis_dir)]) return # Concatenate the tmpImport_Converter_###.log files into a single log placed in the study directory # Also, remove the log files in the process logs = [] log_files = sorted( Path(self.import_parms["RawDir"]).glob("tmpImport_Converter*.log")) for log_file in log_files: with open(log_file, "r") as log_reader: logs.append( log_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) now_str ="%a-%b-%d-%Y_%H-%M-%S") try: log_path = analysis_dir / "Logs" / "Import Logs" / f"Import_Log_{now_str}.log" log_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(log_path, "w") as log_writer: log_writer.write(f"\n{'#' * 50}\n".join(logs)) except PermissionError: log_path = analysis_dir / "Logs" / "Import Logs" / f"Import_Log_{now_str}_backup.log" log_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(log_path, "w") as log_writer: log_writer.write("\n\n".join(logs)) # Create the import summary create_import_summary(import_summaries=self.import_summaries, config=self.import_parms) # If the settings is BIDS... if not self.chk_uselegacy.isChecked(): # Ensure all M0 jsons have the appropriate "IntendedFor" field if this is in BIDS bids_m0_followup(analysis_dir=analysis_dir) # Create the template for the dataset description self.create_dataset_description_template(analysis_dir) # Create the "bidsignore" file with open(analysis_dir / ".bidsignore", 'w') as ignore_writer: to_ignore = [ "Import_Log_*.log\n", "Import_Failed*.txt\n", "Import_Dataframe_*.tsv\n" ] ignore_writer.writelines(to_ignore) del to_ignore # If there were any failures, write them to disk now if len(self.failed_runs) > 0: try: with open(analysis_dir / "Import_Failed_Imports.txt", "w") as failed_writer: failed_writer.writelines( [line + "\n" for line in self.failed_runs]) robust_qmsg(self, title=self.import_errs["ImportErrors"][0], body=self.import_errs["ImportErrors"][1], variables=[, str(analysis_dir)]) except FileNotFoundError: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.import_errs["StudyDirNeverMade"][0], body=self.import_errs["StudyDirNeverMade"][1], variables=[str(analysis_dir)]) else: # Finally, a Message confirming a successful import QMessageBox.information( self, "Import was a Success", f"You have successfully imported the DICOM dataset into NIFTI format.\n" f"The study directory is located at:\n{str(analysis_dir)}", QMessageBox.Ok)
def specify_components(self): """ Extracts the basenames at the indicated level, splits on the delimiter if indicated, and populates the left and/or right form layouts with the split basenames, allowing the user to start specifying the parent directory each component of a basename should be placed under """ self.glob_path = None if not self.le_rootdir.text() in self.le_exampledir.text(): return # We must determine the depth that this example directory exists at nlevels, path = 1, Path(self.le_exampledir.text()) root_path = Path(self.le_rootdir.text()) while path.parent != root_path: nlevels += 1 sys_delimiter = "\\" if system() == "Windows" else "/" self.glob_path = list( root_path.glob(sys_delimiter.join(["*"] * nlevels))) # Get the basenames self.basenames.clear() for path in self.glob_path: if path.is_dir() and not in self.basenames: self.basenames[] = {"left": "", "right": ""} if len(self.basenames) < 1: return delimiter, left_bases, right_bases = self.le_delimiter.text(), [], [] try: if delimiter != "": for basename in self.basenames: left, _, right = basename.partition(delimiter) if left != "": self.basenames[basename]["left"] = left left_bases.append(left) if right != "": self.basenames[basename]["right"] = right right_bases.append(right) else: for basename in self.basenames: self.basenames[basename]["left"] = basename left_bases.append(basename) except ValueError: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.dehyb_errs["ImpossibleDirDepth"][0], body=self.dehyb_errs["ImpossibleDirDepth"][1]) del delimiter, path, nlevels return left_bases = set(left_bases) right_bases = set(right_bases) pprint(self.basenames) print(f"Left bases: {left_bases}\nRight Bases: {right_bases}") # Exit early if there was no luck getting components if len(left_bases) == 0 and len(right_bases) == 0: return # Clear first self.clear_components_from_layout("left") self.clear_components_from_layout("right") # Fill left bases first if self.grp_leftside.isChecked(): for left_component in sorted(left_bases): self.add_components_to_layout(component=left_component, side="left") # Then fill right bases if self.grp_rightside.isChecked(): for right_component in sorted(right_bases): self.add_components_to_layout(component=right_component, side="right") if self.config["DeveloperMode"]: print(f'Left components: {self.leftside_name2le}') print(f'Right components: {self.rightside_name2le}') # These will be important for accounting for the user switching directories between determining delimiters and # the main function self.documented_rootdir = self.le_rootdir.text() self.documented_exampledir = self.le_exampledir.text()
def startup(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) screen = app.primaryScreen() screen_size = screen.availableSize() project_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent print(f"Launching script at: {Path(__file__)} ") print(f"Project Directory is: {project_dir}") # Get the appropriate default style based on the user's operating system app.setStyle("Fusion") if system() in ["Windows", "Linux" ] else app.setStyle("macintosh") # Ensure essential directories exist for essential_dir in ["JSON_LOGIC", "media", "External"]: if not (project_dir / essential_dir).exists(): QMessageBox().warning( QWidget(), f"No {essential_dir} directory found", f"The program directory structure is compromised. " f"No {essential_dir} directory was located in {project_dir}", QMessageBox.Ok) sys.exit(1) # Check if the master config file exists; if it doesn't, the app will initialize one on the first startup if (project_dir / "JSON_LOGIC" / "ExploreASL_GUI_masterconfig.json").exists(): print("Loading masterconfig file.") with open(project_dir / "JSON_LOGIC" / "ExploreASL_GUI_masterconfig.json") as master_config_reader: master_config = load(master_config_reader) # Update the ProjectDir and ScriptsDir variables in the event the user moves the location of this folder # First, make sure the is located in the src folder if project_dir != master_config["ProjectDir"]: master_config["ProjectDir"] = str(project_dir) master_config["ScriptsDir"] = str(project_dir / "src") # Otherwise, this is a first time startup and additional things need to be checked else: master_config = { "ExploreASLRoot": "", # The filepath to the ExploreASL directory "DefaultRootDir": str(Path.home( )), # The default root for the navigator to watch from "ScriptsDir": str(project_dir / "src"), # The location of where this script is launched from "ProjectDir": str(project_dir), # The location of the src main dir "Platform": f"{system()}", "ScreenSize": (screen_size.width(), screen_size.height()), # Screen dimensions "DeveloperMode": True } # Whether to launch the app in developer mode or not # TODO Okay, this is no longer sufficient in light of compatibility with the compiled version. Consider a custom # QMessageBox, perhaps? # We must also check for the MATLAB version present on the machine desc = "Is a standard MATLAB program installed on this machine?" check_for_local = QMessageBox.question( QWidget(), "MATLAB Detection", desc, (QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel)) if check_for_local == QMessageBox.Cancel: sys.exit(0) if check_for_local == QMessageBox.Yes: version, cmd_path = get_local_matlab() master_config["MATLAB_VER"] = version master_config["MATLAB_CMD_PATH"] = cmd_path if cmd_path is None: robust_qmsg( None, "warning", "No MATLAB Command Found", "The matlab command could not be located on this system. Please use the main window's " "menu to manually specify where it is located if you wish to use a non-compiled ExploreASL" ) elif cmd_path is not None and version is None: # This should never print. Once matlab is located properly, the matlabroot command will display R#### robust_qmsg(None, "warning", "No MATLAB Version Found", [ "The matlab command was found at:\n", "\nHowever, the version could not be determined." ], [cmd_path]) else: robust_qmsg(None, "information", "Local MATLAB Location & Version discerned", [ "Detected the matlab path to be:\n", "\nDetected the matlab version to be: " ], [cmd_path, version]) else: body_txt = "See which applies to you:\n1) If you intend to use MATLAB at a later point in time, you " \ "will have the option to specify its location in the Main Window of this program." \ "\n\n2) If you do not intend use a MATLAB Installation, you will need to download the MATLAB " \ "Runtime as well as the compiled version of ExploreASL, then specify the filepaths to these" \ "when defining Study Parameters. At the current time, the compiled version only supports the " \ "2019a Runtime." robust_qmsg(None, "information", "Instructions for non-MATLAB cases", body_txt) # Assuming the above was successful, dcm2niix may not have executable permission; add execute permissions dcm2niix_dir = project_dir / "External" / "DCM2NIIX" / f"DCM2NIIX_{system()}" dcm2niix_file = next(dcm2niix_dir.glob("dcm2niix*")) stat = oct(dcm2niix_file.stat().st_mode) if not stat.endswith("775"): dcm2niix_file.chmod(0o775) else: print(f"dcm2niix already has execute permissions") # If all was successful, launch the GUI app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(str(project_dir / "media" / "ExploreASL_logo.ico"))) chdir(project_dir / "src") # Memory cleanup del project_dir main_win = xASL_MainWin(master_config) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def get_nth_level_dirs(self, dir_type: str, level: int): """ :param dir_type: whether this is a subject, visit, run or scan :param level: which lineedit, in python index terms, emitted this signal """ # Requirements to proceed if any([ self.rawdir == "", not Path(self.rawdir).exists(), not Path(self.rawdir).is_dir() ]): return # Check if a reset is needed self.check_if_reset_needed() # If this was a clearing, the dir_type will be an empty string and the function should exit after any resetting # has been performed if dir_type == '': return try: delimiter = "\\" if system() == "Windows" else "/" glob_string = delimiter.join(["*"] * (level + 1)) paths = [(str(direc), str( for direc in Path(self.rawdir).glob(glob_string)] directories, basenames = zip(*paths) except ValueError: robust_qmsg(self, title=self.import_errs["ImpossibleDirDepth"][0], body=self.import_errs["ImpossibleDirDepth"][1]) # Clear the appropriate lineedit that called this function after the error message list(self.levels.values())[level].clear() return # Do not proceed if no directories were found and clear the linedit that emitted the textChanged signal if len(directories) == 0: idx = list(self.levels.keys())[level] print(f"{idx=}") self.levels[idx].clear() return # Otherwise, make the appropriate adjustment depending on which label was dropped in if dir_type == "Subject": self.subject_regex = self.infer_regex(list(basenames)) print(f"Subject regex: {self.subject_regex}") del directories, basenames elif dir_type == "Visit": self.visit_regex = self.infer_regex(list(basenames)) print(f"Visit regex: {self.visit_regex}") del directories, basenames elif dir_type == "Run": self.run_regex = self.infer_regex(list(set(basenames))) print(f"Run regex: {self.run_regex}") self.reset_run_aliases(basenames=list(set(basenames))) del directories, basenames elif dir_type == "Scan": self.scan_regex = self.infer_regex(list(set(basenames))) print(f"Scan regex: {self.scan_regex}") self.reset_scan_alias_cmbs(basenames=sorted(set(basenames))) del directories, basenames elif dir_type == "Dummy": del directories, basenames return else: del directories, basenames print("Error. This should never print") return
def load_exploreasl_data(self): # Cautionary measures from src.xASL_GUI_Plotting import xASL_Plotting self.parent_cw: xASL_Plotting stats_dir = Path(self.parent_cw.le_analysis_dir.text()) / "Population" / "Stats" if any([not stats_dir.exists(), not stats_dir.is_dir(), len(list(stats_dir.glob("*.tsv"))) == 0]): robust_qmsg(self.parent_cw, title=self.parent_cw.plot_errs["BadStudyDir"][0], body=self.parent_cw.plot_errs["BadStudyDir"][1]) return print("Loading in Data") # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # First Section - Load in the ExploreASL Stats directory data atlas = self.atlas_guide[self.parent_cw.cmb_atlas_selection.currentText()] pvc = {"With PVC": "PVC2", "Without PVC": "PVC0"}[self.parent_cw.cmb_pvc_selection.currentText()] stat = {"Mean": "mean", "Median": "median", "Coefficient of Variation": "CoV"}[self.parent_cw.cmb_stats_selection.currentText()] # Clearing of appropriate widgets to accomodate new data self.parent_cw.lst_varview.clear() # Extract each as a dataframe and merge them pat_gm = f'{stat}_*_TotalGM*{pvc}.tsv' pat_wm = f'{stat}_*_DeepWM*{pvc}.tsv' pat_atlas = f'{stat}_*_{atlas}*{pvc}.tsv' dfs = [] for pattern in [pat_gm, pat_wm, pat_atlas]: try: file = next(stats_dir.glob(pattern)) except StopIteration: continue df = pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t') df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True) # First row is unnecessary df = df.loc[:, [col for col in df.columns if "Unnamed" not in col]] dfs.append(df) if len(dfs) == 0: robust_qmsg(self.parent_cw, title="No Relevant Dataframes Found", body="Could not locate any of the indicated atlas/pvc/stat .tsv files in the Stats directory " "of this study. Has the user run the Population Module? If not, please run that module " "before re-attempting.") return df: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1) df = df.T.drop_duplicates().T # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Second Section - Fix the ExploreASL native data dtypes for col in df.columns: if col in self.dtype_guide.keys(): df[col] = df[col].astype(self.dtype_guide[col]) else: df[col] = df[col].astype("float64") self.loaded_wide_data = df self.backup_data = df.copy() # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Third Section - If there is any ancillary data specified, load it in meta_path = Path(self.parent_cw.le_metadata.text()) if all([meta_path.exists(), meta_path.is_file(), meta_path.suffix in [".tsv", ".csv", ".xlsx"]]): result = self.load_ancillary_data(df) if result is not None: self.loaded_wide_data = result # If the merging failed, default to just using the ExploreASL datasets. In a future update, add some # sort of user feedback that this went wrong else: self.loaded_wide_data = self.backup_data # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Fourth Section - Convert the wide format data into a long format vars_to_keep_constant = [col for col in self.loaded_wide_data.columns if not any([col.endswith("_B"), col.endswith("_L"), col.endswith("_R")])] vars_to_melt = [col for col in self.loaded_wide_data.columns if col not in vars_to_keep_constant] self.loaded_long_data = self.loaded_wide_data.melt(id_vars=vars_to_keep_constant, value_vars=vars_to_melt, var_name="Atlas Location", value_name="CBF") self.loaded_long_data["CBF"] = self.loaded_long_data["CBF"].astype("float64") atlas_location = self.loaded_long_data.pop("Atlas Location") atlas_loc_df: pd.DataFrame = atlas_location.str.extract("(.*)_(B|L|R)", expand=True) atlas_loc_df.rename(columns={0: "Anatomical Area", 1: "Side of the Brain"}, inplace=True) atlas_loc_df["Side of the Brain"] = atlas_loc_df["Side of the Brain"].apply(lambda x: {"B": "Bilateral", "R": "Right", "L": "Left"}[x]) atlas_loc_df = atlas_loc_df.astype("category") self.loaded_long_data: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat([self.loaded_long_data, atlas_loc_df], axis=1) self.loaded_long_data = self.loaded_long_data.infer_objects() self.current_dtypes = self.loaded_long_data.dtypes self.current_dtypes = {col: str(str_name) for col, str_name in zip(self.current_dtypes.index, self.current_dtypes.values)} self.parent_cw.lst_varview.addItems(self.loaded_long_data.columns.tolist()) # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Fifth Section - Subset the data accordingly if the criteria is set self.parent_cw.subsetter.update_subsetable_fields_on_load(self.loaded_long_data) self.loaded_long_data: pd.DataFrame = self.parent_cw.subsetter.subset_data_on_load(self.loaded_long_data) # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Sixth Section - Housekeeping and Finishing touches # Alter this when Section 5 is completed; long_data is the "good copy" of the data that will be plotted self.long_data_orig = self.loaded_long_data.copy() # THIS IS THE TARGET OF SUBSETTING self.long_data = self.loaded_long_data.copy() # THIS IS OVERWRITTEN BY SUBSETTING THE ORIGINAL # Allow to dtype indicator to be aware of the newly loaded data if a legitimate covariates file was provided if all([meta_path.exists(), meta_path.is_file(), meta_path.suffix in [".tsv", ".csv", ".xlsx"]]): self.parent_cw.dtype_indicator.update_known_covariates(self.long_data) self.parent_cw.btn_indicate_dtype.setEnabled(True) for cmb in self.parent_cw.dtype_indicator.covariate_cols.values(): cmb.activate() cmb.signal_sendupdateddtype.connect(self.update_datatype) print("Connected dtype indicator to subsetter") self.parent_cw.cmb_figuretypeselection.setEnabled(True) # Data is loaded; figure selection settings enabled self.parent_cw.btn_subset_data.setEnabled(True) # Data is loaded; subsetting is allowed # In case any of this was done again (data was already loaded once before), we must account for what may # have already been plotted or set; everything must be cleared. This should be as easy as setting the # figureselection to the first index, as plots & settings can only exist if its current index is non-zero, # and setting it to zero has the benefit of clearing everything else already if self.parent_cw.cmb_figuretypeselection.currentIndex() != 0: self.parent_cw.cmb_figuretypeselection.setCurrentIndex(0) print(f"DATAFRAME SHAPE UPON LOADING: {self.long_data.shape}")