コード例 #1
ファイル: syllables.py プロジェクト: COHartman/Scandroid
 def DivideCV(self):
     """Divide the word among C and V groups to fill the sylBounds list.
     Here, and here alone, we need to catch e-with-grave-accent to count it
     as not only a vowel but syllabic ('an aged man' vs. 'aged beef'). Other
     special characters might be useful to recognize, but won't make the 
     same syllabic difference.
     unicodeVowels = u"[ae\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE}iouy]+"
     uniConsonants = u"[^ae\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE}iouy]+"
     firstvowel = sre.search(unicodeVowels, self.wd).start()
     for v in sre.finditer(unicodeVowels, self.wd):
         lastvowel = v.end()		# replaced for each group, last sticks
         disyllabicvowels = self.sylvowels.search(v.group())
         if disyllabicvowels:
             self.sylBounds.append(v.start() + disyllabicvowels.start() + 1)
     for cc in sre.finditer(uniConsonants, self.wd):
         if cc.start() < firstvowel or cc.end() >= lastvowel: continue
         numcons = len(cc.group())
         if numcons < 3: pos = cc.end() - 1	# before single C or betw. 2
         elif numcons > 3: pos = cc.end() - 2	# before penult C
         else:		# 3 consonants, divide 1/2 or 2/1?
             cg = cc.group()		# our CCC cluster
             if cg[-3] == cg[-2] or self.splitLeftPairs.search(cg):
                 pos = cc.end() - 2			# divide 1/2
             else: pos = cc.end() - 1		# divide 2/1
         if not self.wd[pos-1].isalpha() and not self.wd[pos].isalpha():
         else: self.sylBounds.append(pos)
コード例 #2
ファイル: syllables.py プロジェクト: josephbeard/Scandroid
 def DivideCV(self):
     """Divide the word among C and V groups to fill the sylBounds list.
     Here, and here alone, we need to catch e-with-grave-accent to count it
     as not only a vowel but syllabic ('an aged man' vs. 'aged beef'). Other
     special characters might be useful to recognize, but won't make the 
     same syllabic difference.
     unicodeVowels = u"[ae\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE}iouy]+"
     uniConsonants = u"[^ae\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE}iouy]+"
     firstvowel = sre.search(unicodeVowels, self.wd).start()
     for v in sre.finditer(unicodeVowels, self.wd):
         lastvowel = v.end()		# replaced for each group, last sticks
         disyllabicvowels = self.sylvowels.search(v.group())
         if disyllabicvowels:
             self.sylBounds.append(v.start() + disyllabicvowels.start() + 1)
     for cc in sre.finditer(uniConsonants, self.wd):
         if cc.start() < firstvowel or cc.end() >= lastvowel: continue
         numcons = len(cc.group())
         if numcons < 3: pos = cc.end() - 1	# before single C or betw. 2
         elif numcons > 3: pos = cc.end() - 2	# before penult C
         else:		# 3 consonants, divide 1/2 or 2/1?
             cg = cc.group()		# our CCC cluster
             if cg[-3] == cg[-2] or self.splitLeftPairs.search(cg):
                 pos = cc.end() - 2			# divide 1/2
             else: pos = cc.end() - 1		# divide 2/1
         if not self.wd[pos-1].isalpha() and not self.wd[pos].isalpha():
         else: self.sylBounds.append(pos)
コード例 #3
ファイル: scanfuncs.py プロジェクト: joconno2/Scandroid
 def TestLengthAndDice(self, logger):
     normlen = (self.LD.data['lfeet'] - len(self.LD.data['footlist'])) * 2
     if self.LD.data['lastfoot']: normlen -= 2
     start = self.LD.data['midremain'][0]
     end = self.LD.data['midremain'][1]
     currlen = end - start
     logger.ExpFootDivision(currlen, normlen)
     marks = self.P.GetMarks()
     if currlen == normlen:
         for (footname, sylinx) \
               in footfinder(footDict, marks, 2, start, end):
             if footname: self.LD.appendFoot(footname)
             else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
             if sylinx < end: # not at end of line or where lastfoot starts
                                       + self.LD.data['midremain'][0])
     elif currlen < normlen:
         candidate = marks.find('x//', start, end)
         if candidate % 2 != 0:		 # 'x//' at odd pos hopelessly messy
             logger.Explain("\nFAIL! no good position "
                            + "for single-stress foot")
             return self.P.GetScanString(), False
         candidate += 2			# point directly at defective foot
         for (footname, sylinx) \
               in footfinder(footDict, marks, 2, start, candidate):
             if footname: self.LD.appendFoot(footname)
             else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
         for (footname, sylinx) \
               in footfinder(footDict, marks, 2, candidate+1, end):
             if footname: self.LD.appendFoot(footname)
             else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
             if sylinx < end: self.P.AddFootDivMark(sylinx)
     else:				# anapest(s)
         need = currlen - normlen
         candidates = [p.start()+1 for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=/xx/)',marks)]
         if len(candidates) < need:
             morecands = [p.start() for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=xx/)',marks)]
             candidates += morecands
         while start < end:
             if need and (start in candidates):
                 foot = marks[start:start+3]
                 if footDict.has_key(foot):
                 else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
                 start += 3
                 need -= 1
                 foot = marks[start:start+2]
                 if footDict.has_key(foot):
                 else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
                 start += 2
             if start < end: self.P.AddFootDivMark(start)
     if self.LD.data['lastfoot']:
     return self.P.GetScanString(), True
コード例 #4
ファイル: apache_ssi.py プロジェクト: pquentin/gimp-web
  def depend(self, filename):
    if filename != '-':
      fp = open(filename, "r")
      body = fp.read()
      body = sys.stdin.read()

    files = [filename]
    for ssi in re.finditer("<!--#(\w+)\s+(.*)\s*-->", body):
      element = ssi.expand("\\1")
      attrs = self.__parse_attribute(ssi.expand("\\2"))

      if element == "include":
        l = self.depend(os.path.normpath(self.document_root + attrs["virtual"]))
      elif element == "set":
        value = self.__interpolate_variable(attrs["value"])
        self.variables.update({attrs["var"]: value})
      elif element == "echo":
        print >>sys.stderr, "Unsupported SSI element", element, "in", body[ssi.start():ssi.end()]
        raise AttributeButton
    return (files)
コード例 #5
ファイル: apache_ssi.py プロジェクト: pquentin/gimp-web
  def __interpolate_variables(self, name):
    s = ""

    _last = 0
    for l in re.finditer("\${(\w+)}|\$(\w+)", name):
      s += name[_last:l.start()]
      v = filter(lambda x: x != None, l.groups())
      v = v[0]
      s += self.variables[v]
      _last = l.end()

    s += name[_last:]
    return (s)
コード例 #6
ファイル: apache_ssi.py プロジェクト: pquentin/gimp-web
  def parse(self, filename):
    if filename != '-':
      fp = open(filename, "r")
      body = fp.read()
      body = sys.stdin.read()

    _last = 0
    output = ""

    #matches = re.findall("<!--#(\w+)\s+(.*)\s*-->", body)
    #for ssi in matches:
    for ssi in re.finditer("<!--#(\w+)\s+(.*)\s*-->", body):
      output += body[_last:ssi.start()]

      element = ssi.expand("\\1")
      attrs = self.__parse_attribute(ssi.expand("\\2"))

      if element == "include":
        output += self.parse(os.path.normpath(self.document_root + attrs["virtual"]))
      elif element == "set":
        value = self.__interpolate_variables(attrs["value"])
        self.variables.update({attrs["var"]: value})
      elif element == "echo":
        output += self.__interpolate_variables(attrs["var"])
        print >>sys.stderr, "Unsupported SSI element", element, "in", body[ssi.start():ssi.end()]
        raise AttributeError

      _last = ssi.end()
    output += body[_last:]
    return (output)
コード例 #7
ファイル: scanfuncs.py プロジェクト: COHartman/Scandroid
    def DoAlgorithm(self, whichAlgorithm, scansion):
        """Run through whole iambic scansion, either algorithm, silently.
        Called by top-level DeduceParameters to figure metron. After, if iambic,
        called by ChooseAlgorithm to try each approach. If global-to-module
        linelength not set, figure it (not reliably!) and set it for step-by-steps.
        Note that when call is from DeduceParameters, lfeetset is *false*.
        ## whichAlgorithm = 1           # TESTTESTTEST
        if not lineDat['lfeetset']:
            if len(scansion) // 2 >= 2: 
                linefeet = len(scansion) // 2	# crude! but can't find reliable improvement
                lineDat['lfeet'] = linefeet		# was not set before; set for all following
            else: return ([], [])
        else: linefeet = lineDat['lfeet']
        footlist = []
        if whichAlgorithm == 1:
            normlen = linefeet * 2
            currlen = len(scansion)
            if (currlen > (normlen + 1)) and (scansion[-4:] in ('x/xx', 'xx/x')):
                lastfoot = footDict[scansion[-4:]]
                linefeet -= 1			# only in local copy!
                scansion = scansion[:-4]
            elif currlen >= normlen and scansion[-3:] in ('x/x', '//x'):
                lastfoot = footDict[scansion[-3:]]
                linefeet -= 1
                scansion = scansion[:-3]
            else: lastfoot = ''
            normlen = linefeet * 2			# unnec. if no special feet, but
            currlen = len(scansion)
            if currlen <= normlen and scansion[:4] in ('/x/x', '/xxx'):
                linefeet -= 1
                scansion = scansion[1:]
            # end of special-first-last-feet section
            if currlen == normlen:				# simple disyllables
                for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0, len(scansion)):
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
            elif currlen < normlen:				# defective somewhere
                candidate = scansion.find('x//')
                if candidate % 2 != 0: return ([], [])
                for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0, candidate):
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
                for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2,
                                                     candidate+1, len(scansion)):
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
            else:										# anapests
                need = currlen - normlen
                candidates = []
                for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=/xx/)', scansion): 
                    candidates.append(p.start() + 1)
                if len(candidates) < need:
                    for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=xx/)', scansion): candidates.append(p.start())
                i = 0
                while i < currlen:
                    if i in candidates:
                        i += 3
                        if footDict.has_key(scansion[i:i+2]):
                        else: return ([], [])
                        i += 2
            if lastfoot: footlist.append(lastfoot)
        else:			# algorithm 2
            (startoflongest, longest) = longestMatch(self.possIambRE, scansion)
            if startoflongest is None: return ([], [])
            if startoflongest % 2 == 0:			# divide head into disyllables
                for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0, startoflongest):
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
            elif scansion[:2] == '/x':		# headless, I guess
# could use better test from alg 1: sc[:4] in ('/xxx', '/x/x'), IFF 3+ syls!!
                for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 1, startoflongest):
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
                anap = scansion.find('xx/', 0, startoflongest)
                if anap == -1: return ([],[])
                for (footname, longest) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0, anap):
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
                for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, anap + 3,
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
            for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2,
                                                  startoflongest, startoflongest + longest):
                if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                else: return ([], [])
            # to divide tail, check e-s endings, divide in pairs (anaps??)
            scansion = scansion[startoflongest + longest:]
            if len(scansion) > 0:
                lastfoot = ''
                if scansion[-1] == 'x' and len(scansion) > 2:
                    if footDict.has_key(scansion[-3:]):
                        lastfoot = footDict[scansion[-3:]]
                        scansion = scansion[:-3]
                for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0, len(scansion)):
                    if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                    else: return ([], [])
                if lastfoot: footlist.append(lastfoot)
        for inx, f in enumerate(footlist):
            if f == 'pyrrhic':
                if inx == len(footlist) - 1 or footlist[inx+1] != 'spondee':
                    f = '(iamb)'
        test = self.P.FeetAtPunctBounds(footlist)
        return (footlist, test)
コード例 #8
 def TestLengthAndDice(self, logger):
     normlen = (self.LD.data['lfeet'] - len(self.LD.data['footlist'])) * 2
     if self.LD.data['lastfoot']: normlen -= 2
     start = self.LD.data['midremain'][0]
     end = self.LD.data['midremain'][1]
     currlen = end - start
     logger.ExpFootDivision(currlen, normlen)
     marks = self.P.GetMarks()
     if currlen == normlen:
         for (footname, sylinx) \
               in footfinder(footDict, marks, 2, start, end):
             if footname: self.LD.appendFoot(footname)
             else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
             if sylinx < end:  # not at end of line or where lastfoot starts
                 self.P.AddFootDivMark(sylinx +
     elif currlen < normlen:
         candidate = marks.find('x//', start, end)
         if candidate % 2 != 0:  # 'x//' at odd pos hopelessly messy
             logger.Explain("\nFAIL! no good position " +
                            "for single-stress foot")
             return self.P.GetScanString(), False
         candidate += 2  # point directly at defective foot
         for (footname, sylinx) \
               in footfinder(footDict, marks, 2, start, candidate):
             if footname: self.LD.appendFoot(footname)
             else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
         self.P.AddFootDivMark(candidate + 1)
         for (footname, sylinx) \
               in footfinder(footDict, marks, 2, candidate+1, end):
             if footname: self.LD.appendFoot(footname)
             else: return self.P.GetScanString(), False
             if sylinx < end: self.P.AddFootDivMark(sylinx)
     else:  # anapest(s)
         need = currlen - normlen
         candidates = [
             p.start() + 1 for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=/xx/)', marks)
         if len(candidates) < need:
             morecands = [
                 p.start() for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=xx/)', marks)
             candidates += morecands
         while start < end:
             if need and (start in candidates):
                 foot = marks[start:start + 3]
                 if footDict.has_key(foot):
                     return self.P.GetScanString(), False
                 start += 3
                 need -= 1
                 foot = marks[start:start + 2]
                 if footDict.has_key(foot):
                     return self.P.GetScanString(), False
                 start += 2
             if start < end: self.P.AddFootDivMark(start)
     if self.LD.data['lastfoot']:
     return self.P.GetScanString(), True
コード例 #9
 def DoAlgorithm(self, whichAlgorithm, scansion):
     """Run through whole iambic scansion, either algorithm, silently.
     Called by top-level DeduceParameters to figure metron.
     After, if iambic, called by ChooseAlgorithm to try each approach.
     If global-to-module linelength not set, figure it (not reliably!)
     and set it for step-by-steps. Note that when call is from
     DeduceParameters, lfeetset is *false*.
     ## whichAlgorithm = 1           # TESTTESTTEST
     if not self.LD.data['lfeetset']:
         if len(scansion) // 2 >= 2:
             # crude! but can't find reliable improvement
             linefeet = len(scansion) // 2
             # was not set before; set for all following
             self.LD.data['lfeet'] = linefeet
             return ([], [])
         linefeet = self.LD.data['lfeet']
     footlist = []
     if whichAlgorithm == 1:
         normlen = linefeet * 2
         currlen = len(scansion)
         if ((currlen > (normlen + 1))
                 and (scansion[-4:] in ('x/xx', 'xx/x'))):
             lastfoot = footDict[scansion[-4:]]
             linefeet -= 1  # only in local copy!
             scansion = scansion[:-4]
         elif currlen >= normlen and scansion[-3:] in ('x/x', '//x'):
             lastfoot = footDict[scansion[-3:]]
             linefeet -= 1
             scansion = scansion[:-3]
             lastfoot = ''
         normlen = linefeet * 2  # unnec. if no special feet, but
         currlen = len(scansion)
         if currlen <= normlen and scansion[:4] in ('/x/x', '/xxx'):
             linefeet -= 1
             scansion = scansion[1:]
         # end of special-first-last-feet section
         if currlen == normlen:  # simple disyllables
             for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0,
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
         elif currlen < normlen:  # defective somewhere
             candidate = scansion.find('x//')
             if candidate % 2 != 0: return ([], [])
             for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0,
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
             for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2,
                                                  candidate + 1,
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
         else:  # anapests
             need = currlen - normlen
             candidates = []
             for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=/xx/)', scansion):
                 candidates.append(p.start() + 1)
             if len(candidates) < need:
                 for p in sre.finditer(r'(?=xx/)', scansion):
             i = 0
             while i < currlen:
                 if i in candidates:
                     i += 3
                     if footDict.has_key(scansion[i:i + 2]):
                         footlist.append(footDict[scansion[i:i + 2]])
                         return ([], [])
                     i += 2
         if lastfoot: footlist.append(lastfoot)
     else:  # algorithm 2
         (startoflongest, longest) = longestMatch(self.possIambRE, scansion)
         if startoflongest is None: return ([], [])
         if startoflongest % 2 == 0:  # divide head into disyllables
             for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0,
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
         elif scansion[:2] == '/x':  # headless, I guess
             # could use better test from alg 1: sc[:4] in ('/xxx', '/x/x'), IFF 3+ syls!!
             for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 1,
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
             anap = scansion.find('xx/', 0, startoflongest)
             if anap == -1: return ([], [])
             for (footname, longest) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0,
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
             for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2,
                                                  anap + 3, startoflongest):
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
         for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2,
                                              startoflongest + longest):
             if footname: footlist.append(footname)
             else: return ([], [])
         # to divide tail, check e-s endings, divide in pairs (anaps??)
         scansion = scansion[startoflongest + longest:]
         if len(scansion) > 0:
             lastfoot = ''
             if scansion[-1] == 'x' and len(scansion) > 2:
                 if footDict.has_key(scansion[-3:]):
                     lastfoot = footDict[scansion[-3:]]
                     scansion = scansion[:-3]
             for (footname, sylinx) in footfinder(footDict, scansion, 2, 0,
                 if footname: footlist.append(footname)
                 else: return ([], [])
             if lastfoot: footlist.append(lastfoot)
     for inx, f in enumerate(footlist):
         if f == 'pyrrhic':
             if inx == len(footlist) - 1 or footlist[inx + 1] != 'spondee':
                 f = '(iamb)'
     test = self.P.FeetAtPunctBounds(footlist)
     return (footlist, test)