コード例 #1
def run_build(self, config):
    """run a build, meaning inserting an instance. Retry if there is failure

       config: the configuration dictionary generated by setup_build

    project = self._get_project()
    zone = self._get_zone()

    bot.custom(prefix="INSTANCE", message=config["name"], color="CYAN")

    response = (
        .insert(project=project, zone=zone, body=config)

    # Direct the user to the web portal with log
    ipaddress = self._get_ipaddress(config["name"])
    bot.info("Robot Logger: http://%s" % ipaddress)
    bot.info("Allow a few minutes for web server install, beepboop!")
    return response
コード例 #2
def images(self, query=None):
    '''List local images in the database, optionally with a query.

       query: a string to search for in the container or collection name|tag|uri

    from sregistry.database.models import Collection, Container

    rows = []
    if query is not None:
        like = "%" + query + "%"
        containers = Container.query.filter(
            or_(Container.name == query, Container.tag.like(like),
                Container.uri.like(like), Container.name.like(like))).all()
        containers = Container.query.all()

    if len(containers) > 0:
        message = "  [date]   [client]\t[uri]"
        bot.custom(prefix='Containers:', message=message, color="RED")
        for c in containers:
            uri = c.get_uri()
            created_at = c.created_at.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
            rows.append([created_at, "   [%s]" % c.client, uri])
    return containers
コード例 #3
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: vsoch/sregistry-cli
def list_endpoint(self, endpoint, query=None):
    '''An endpoint is required here to list files within. Optionally, we can
       take a path relative to the endpoint root.

       endpoint: a single endpoint ID or an endpoint id and relative path.
                 If no path is provided, we use '', which defaults to scratch.

       query: if defined, limit files to those that have query match

    if not hasattr(self, 'transfer_client'):

    # Separate endpoint id from the desired path

    endpoint, path = self._parse_endpoint_name(endpoint)

    # Get a list of files at endpoint, under specific path
        result = self.transfer_client.operation_ls(endpoint, path=path)
    except TransferAPIError as err:

        # Tell the user what went wrong!
        bot.custom(prefix='ERROR', message=err, color='RED')

    rows = []

    for filey in result:

        # Highlight container contenders with purple
        name = filey['name']
        if query is None or query in name:
            if name.endswith('img'):
                name = bot.addColor('PURPLE', name)

                filey['type'], filey['permissions'],
                str(filey['size']), name

    if len(rows) > 0:
        rows = [["type", "[perm]", "[size]", "[name]"]] + rows
        bot.custom(prefix="Endpoint Listing %s" % path,
        bot.info('No content was found at the selected endpoint.')
    return rows
コード例 #4
ファイル: build.py プロジェクト: tamasgal/sregistry-cli
def run_build(self, config, bucket, names):
    '''run a build, meaning creating a build. Retry if there is failure

    project = self._get_project()

    #          prefix,    message, color
    bot.custom('PROJECT', project, "CYAN")
    bot.custom('BUILD  ', config['steps'][0]['name'], "CYAN")

    response = self._build_service.projects().builds().create(
        body=config, projectId=project).execute()

    build_id = response['metadata']['build']['id']
    status = response['metadata']['build']['status']
    bot.log("build %s: %s" % (build_id, status))

    start = time.time()
    while status not in ['COMPLETE', 'FAILURE', 'SUCCESS']:
        response = self._build_service.projects().builds().get(
            id=build_id, projectId=project).execute()

        build_id = response['id']
        status = response['status']
        bot.log("build %s: %s" % (build_id, status))

    end = time.time()
    bot.log('Total build time: %s seconds' % (round(end - start, 2)))

    # If successful, update blob metadata and visibility
    if status == 'SUCCESS':

        # Does the user want to keep the container private?
        blob = bucket.blob(response['artifacts']['objects']['paths'][0])

        # Make Public, if desired
        if self._get_and_update_setting(env) == None:
            response['public_url'] = blob.public_url

        # Add the metadata directly to the object
        update_blob_metadata(blob, response, config, bucket, names)
        response['media_link'] = blob.media_link
        response['size'] = blob.size
        response['file_hash'] = blob.md5_hash

    return response
コード例 #5
def container_query(self, query, quiet=False):
    '''search for a specific container.
    This function is the same as the search all, but instead of showing all
    results, filters them down based on user criteria (the query)

    results = self._list_containers()

    matches = []
    for result in results:

        is_match = False
        if query in result['id']:
            is_match = True

        elif query in result['name']:
            is_match = True

            for key, val in result['properties'].items():
                if query in val and is_match is False:
                    is_match = True

        if is_match is True:

    if not quiet:
        bot.info("[drive://%s] Found %s containers" %
                 (self._base, len(matches)))
        for image in matches:

            # If the image has properties, show to the user
            if 'properties' in image:


            for key in sorted(image, key=len):
                val = image[key]
                if isinstance(val, str):
                    bot.custom(prefix=key.ljust(10), message=val, color="CYAN")
    return matches
コード例 #6
def submit_build(self, config):
    """run a build, meaning creating a build. Retry if there is failure

    project = self._get_project()

    #          prefix,    message, color
    bot.custom("PROJECT", project, "CYAN")
    for i, step in enumerate(config["steps"]):
        bot.custom("BUILD %s" % i, step["name"], "CYAN")

    response = (self._build_service.projects().builds().create(
        body=config, projectId=project).execute())

    build_id = response["metadata"]["build"]["id"]
    status = response["metadata"]["build"]["status"]
    bot.log("build %s: %s" % (build_id, status))

    return response
コード例 #7
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: vsoch/sregistry-cli
def list_endpoints(self, query=None):
    '''list all endpoints, providing a list of endpoints to the user to
       better filter the search. This function takes no arguments,
       as the user has not provided an endpoint id or query.
    bot.info('Please select an endpoint id to query from')

    endpoints = self._get_endpoints(query)

    # Iterate through endpoints to provide user a list

    bot.custom(prefix="Globus", message="Endpoints", color="CYAN")
    rows = []
    for kind, eps in endpoints.items():
        for epid, epmeta in eps.items():
            rows.append([epid, '[%s]' % kind, epmeta['name']])

    return rows
コード例 #8
ファイル: build.py プロジェクト: ogawa/sregistry-cli
def submit_build(self, config):
    '''run a build, meaning creating a build. Retry if there is failure

    project = self._get_project()

    #          prefix,    message, color
    bot.custom('PROJECT', project, "CYAN")
    for i, step in enumerate(config['steps']):
        bot.custom('BUILD %s' % i, step['name'], "CYAN")

    response = self._build_service.projects().builds().create(
        body=config, projectId=project).execute()

    build_id = response['metadata']['build']['id']
    status = response['metadata']['build']['status']
    bot.log("build %s: %s" % (build_id, status))

    return response
コード例 #9
def collection_search(self, query):
    '''collection search will list all containers for a specific
    collection. We assume query is the name of a collection'''

    query = query.lower().strip('/')
    url = '%s/collection/%s' % (self.base, query)

    result = self._get(url)
    if len(result) == 0:
        bot.info("No collections found.")

    bot.custom(prefix="COLLECTION", message=query)

    rows = []
    for container in result['containers']:
        rows.append([container['uri'], container['detail']])

    return rows
コード例 #10
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: singularityhub/sregistry-cli
def collection_search(self, query):
    """collection search will list all containers for a specific
    collection. We assume query is the name of a collection"""

    query = query.lower().strip("/")
    url = "%s/collection/%s" % (self.base, query)

    result = self._get(url)
    if len(result) == 0:
        bot.info("No collections found.")

    bot.custom(prefix="COLLECTION", message=query)

    rows = []
    for container in result["containers"]:
        rows.append([container["uri"], container["detail"]])

    return rows
コード例 #11
def search_all(self):
    '''a "list all" search that doesn't require a query. Here we return to
       the user all objects that have custom properties value type set to
       container, which is set when the image is pushed. 

       IMPORTANT: the upload function adds this metadata. For a container to
       be found by the client, it must have the properties value with type
       as container. It also should have a "uri" in properties to show the 
       user, otherwise the user will have to query / download based on the id

    results = self._list_containers()
    matches = []

    bot.info("[drive://%s] Containers" % self._base)

    rows = []
    for i in results:

        # Fallback to the image name without the extension
        uri = i['name'].replace('.simg', '')

        # However the properties should include the uri
        if 'properties' in i:
            if 'uri' in i['properties']:
                uri = i['properties']['uri']
        rows.append([i['id'], uri])

        # Give the user back a uri
        i['uri'] = uri

    bot.custom(prefix="   [drive://%s]" % self._base,

    return matches
コード例 #12
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    """pull an image from a s3 storage
       images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
       <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
       retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
       file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
                  optionally be None if the user wants a default.
       save: if True, you should save the container to the database
              using self.add()
       finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug("Execution of PULL for %s images" % len(images))

    finished = []
    for image in images:

        image = remove_uri(image)
        names = parse_image_name(image)

        if file_name is None:
            file_name = names["storage"].replace("/", "-")

        # Assume the user provided the correct uri to start
        uri = names["storage"]

        # First try to get the storage uri directly.
            self.bucket.download_file(uri, file_name)

        # If we can't find the file, help the user
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404":

                # Case 1, image not found, but not error with API
                bot.error("Cannot find %s!" % file_name)

                # Try to help the user with suggestions
                results = self._search_all()
                if len(results) > 0:
                    bot.info("Did you mean:\n" % "\n".join(results))

                # Case 2: error with request, exit.
                bot.exit("Error downloading image %s" % image)

        # if we get down here, we have a uri
        found = None
        for obj in self.bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=image):
            if image in obj.key:
                found = obj

        # If we find the object, get metadata
        metadata = {}
        if found is not None:
            metadata = found.get()["Metadata"]

            # Metadata bug will capitalize all fields, workaround is to lowercase
            # https://github.com/boto/boto3/issues/1709
            metadata = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in metadata.items())


        # If the user is saving to local storage
        if save is True and os.path.exists(file_name):
            container = self.add(
                image_path=file_name, image_uri=names["uri"], metadata=metadata
            file_name = container.image

        # If the image was pulled to either
        if os.path.exists(file_name):
            bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=file_name)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #13
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, force=False, **kwargs):
    """ pull an image from an endpoint
        images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
        <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
        retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
        file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
        save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
        finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug("Execution of PULL for %s images" % len(images))

    finished = []
    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image), lowercase=False)

        # Verify image existence, and obtain id
        url = "%s/container/%s/%s:%s" % (

        # Add the version, if provided
        if q["version"] is not None:
            url = "%s@%s" % (url, q["version"])

        bot.debug("Retrieving manifest at %s" % url)

        manifest = self._get(url)
        manifest["selfLink"] = url

        # If the manifest reveals a version, update names
        if "version" in manifest:
            q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image), version=manifest["version"])

        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self._get_storage_name(q)
        file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name)

        # Determine if the user already has the image
        if os.path.exists(file_name) and not force:
            bot.exit("Image exists! Remove first, or use --force to overwrite")

        show_bar = not bool(self.quiet)
        image_file = self.download(

        # If the user is saving to local storage
        if save is True:
            image_uri = "%s:%s@%s" % (
            container = self.add(
            image_file = container.image

        if os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.debug("Retrieved image file %s" % image_file)
            bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

        # Reset file name back to None in case of multiple downloads
        file_name = None

    # If the user is only asking for one image
    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #14
ファイル: build.py プロジェクト: tamasgal/sregistry-cli
def print_output(response, output_file=None):
    '''print the output to the console for the user. If the user wants the content
       also printed to an output file, do that.

       response: the response from the builder, with metadata added
       output_file: if defined, write output also to file

    # If successful built, show container uri
    if response['status'] == 'SUCCESS':
        bucket = response['artifacts']['objects']['location']
        obj = response['artifacts']['objects']['paths'][0]
        bot.custom("MD5HASH", response['file_hash'], 'CYAN')
        bot.custom("SIZE", response['size'], 'CYAN')
        bot.custom(response['status'], bucket + obj, 'CYAN')
        bot.custom(response['status'], 'see logs for details', 'CYAN')

    # Show the logs no matter what
    bot.custom("LOGS", response['logUrl'], 'CYAN')

    # Did the user make the container public?
    if "public_url" in response:
        bot.custom('URL', response['public_url'], 'CYAN')

    # Does the user also need writing to an output file?
    if output_file != None:
        with open(output_file, 'w') as filey:
            if response['status'] == 'SUCCESS':
                filey.writelines('MD5HASH %s\n' % response['file_hash'])
                filey.writelines('SIZE %s\n' % response['size'])
            filey.writelines('%s %s%s\n' % (response['status'], bucket, obj))
            filey.writelines('LOGS %s\n' % response['logUrl'])
            if "public_url" in response:
                filey.writelines('URL %s\n' % response['public_url'])
コード例 #15
ファイル: pull.py プロジェクト: tamasgal/sregistry-cli
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    '''pull an image from gitlab. The image is found based on the 
       uri that should correspond to a gitlab repository, and then
       the branch, job name, artifact folder, and tag of the container.
       The minimum that we need are the job id, collection, and job name. Eg:

       job_id|collection|job_name   (or)

       images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
               specified above
       file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
                  optionally be None if the user wants a default.
       save: if True, you should save the container to the database
             using self.add()
       finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    force = False
    if "force" in kwargs:
        force = kwargs['force']

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of PULL for %s images' % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        # Format job_id|collection|job_name
        # 122056733,singularityhub/gitlab-ci'
        # 122056733,singularityhub/gitlab-ci,build

        job_id, collection, job_name = self._parse_image_name(image)
        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(collection))

        # If the user didn't provide a file, make one based on the names
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self._get_storage_name(names)

        # If the file already exists and force is False
        if os.path.exists(file_name) and force is False:
                'Image exists! Remove first, or use --force to overwrite')

        # Put together the GitLab URI
        image_name = "Singularity.%s.simg" % (names['tag'])
        if names['tag'] == 'latest':
            image_name = "Singularity.simg"

        # Assemble artifact path
        artifact_path = "%s/%s" % (self.artifacts, image_name)
        bot.info('Looking for artifact %s for job name %s, %s' %
                 (artifact_path, job_name, job_id))

        project = quote_plus(collection.strip('/'))

        # This is supposed to work, but it doesn't
        # url = "%s/projects/%s/jobs/%s/artifacts/file/%s" %(self.api_base,
        #                                                  project, job_id,
        #                                                  artifact_path)

        # This does work :)
        url = "%s/%s/-/jobs/%s/artifacts/raw/%s/?inline=false" % (
            self.base, collection, job_id, artifact_path)


        # stream the url content to the file name
        image_file = self.download(url=url,

        metadata = self._get_metadata()
        metadata['collection'] = collection
        metadata['job_id'] = job_id
        metadata['job_name'] = job_name
        metadata['artifact_path'] = artifact_path
        metadata['sregistry_pull'] = image

        # If we save to storage, the uri is the dropbox_path
        if save is True:
            container = self.add(image_path=image_file,

            # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
            image_file = container.image

        if os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' % image_file)
            bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #16
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: tamasgal/sregistry-cli
def container_query(self, query, quiet=False):
    '''search for a specific container.
    This function would likely be similar to the above, but have different
    filter criteria from the user (based on the query)
    results = self._list_containers()

    matches = []
    for result in results:
        for key, val in result.metadata.items():
            if query in val and result not in matches:

    if not quiet:
        bot.info("[gs://%s] Found %s containers" %
                 (self._bucket_name, len(matches)))
        for image in matches:
            size = round(image.size / (1024 * 1024.0))
            bot.custom(prefix=image.name, color="CYAN")
            bot.custom(prefix='id:     ', message=image.id)
            bot.custom(prefix='uri:    ', message=image.metadata['uri'])
            bot.custom(prefix='updated:', message=image.updated)
            bot.custom(prefix='size:  ', message=' %s MB' % (size))
            bot.custom(prefix='md5:    ', message=image.md5_hash)
    return matches
コード例 #17
ファイル: pull.py プロジェクト: michaelmoore10/sregistry-cli
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    '''pull an image from a singularity registry
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
    file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
    save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
    finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    # Here we take an entire list or a single image by ensuring we have a list
    # This makes the client flexible to command line or internal function use,
    # for one or more images.
    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of PULL for %s images' % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Verify image existence, and obtain id
        url = "..."  # write your custom endpoint URL here
        bot.debug('Retrieving manifest at %s' % url)

        # You can use the client get function to retrieve a url manifest
        manifest = self._get(url)

        # it's good practice to add the url as a `selfLink`
        manifest['selfLink'] = url

        # Make sure to parse the response (manifest) in case it's not what
        # you expect!

        # If the user didn't provide a file, make one based on the names
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = q['storage'].replace('/', '-')

        # You can then use the client download function to get the url
        # for some image in your manifest. In this example, it's in the `image`
        # field and we want to show the progress bar.
        image_file = self.download(url=manifest['image'],

        # If the user is saving to local storage, you need to assumble the uri
        # here in the expected format <collection>/<namespace>:<tag>@<version>
        if save is True:
            image_uri = "%s/%s:%s" % (manifest['collection'], manifest['name'],

            # Importantly, the client add function will take the image file, the
            # uri, the download link, and any relevant metadata (dictionary)
            # for the database
            container = self.add(
                image_path=image_file,  # the file path
                image_uri=image_uri,  # the full uri
                image_name=file_name,  # a custom name?

            # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
            image_file = container.image

        if os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' % image_file)
            bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #18
ファイル: pull.py プロジェクト: haristotle/sregistry-cli
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    """pull an image from a singularity registry
        images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
        <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
        retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
        file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
                   optionally be None if the user wants a default.
        save: if True, you should save the container to the database
              using self.add()
        finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug("Execution of PULL for %s images" % len(images))

    finished = []
    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # If a custom registry is not set, use default base
        if q["registry"] is None:
            q["registry"] = self.base

        # If the registry is still None, no go
        if q["registry"] is None:
                "You must define a base in secrets, image uri, or environment")

        # Ensure https is added back to the registry  uri
        q = self._add_https(q)

        # All custom registries need api appended
        if not q["registry"].endswith("api"):
            q["registry"] = "%s/api" % q["registry"]

        # Verify image existence, and obtain id
        url = "%s/container/%s/%s:%s" % (

        bot.debug("Retrieving manifest at %s" % url)

            manifest = self._get(url)
        except SSLError:
                "Issue with %s, try exporting SREGISTRY_REGISTRY_NOHTTPS." %

        # Private container collection
        if isinstance(manifest, Response):

            # Requires token
            if manifest.status_code in [403, 401]:

                SREGISTRY_EVENT = self.authorize(request_type="pull", names=q)
                headers = {"Authorization": SREGISTRY_EVENT}
                manifest = self._get(url)

                # Still denied
                if isinstance(manifest, Response):
                    if manifest.status_code == 403:
                        manifest = 403

        if isinstance(manifest, int):
            if manifest == 400:
                bot.exit("Bad request (400). Is this a private container?")
            elif manifest == 404:
                bot.exit("Container not found (404)")
            elif manifest == 403:
                bot.exit("Unauthorized (403)")

        # Successful pull
        if "image" in manifest:

            # Add self link to manifest
            manifest["selfLink"] = url

            if file_name is None:
                file_name = q["storage"].replace("/", "-")

            # Clear headers of previous token

            # Show progress if not quiet
            image_file = self.download(url=manifest["image"],
                                       show_progress=not self.quiet)

            # If the user is saving to local storage
            if save is True:
                image_uri = "%s/%s:%s" % (
                container = self.add(
                image_file = container.image

            if os.path.exists(image_file):
                bot.debug("Retrieved image file %s" % image_file)
                bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #19
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    '''pull an image from google drive, based on a query (uri or id)
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
    file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
    save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
    finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of PULL for %s images' % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Use container search to find the container based on uri
        bot.info('Searching for %s in drive://%s' % (q['uri'], self._base))
        matches = self._container_query(q['uri'], quiet=True)

        if len(matches) == 0:
            bot.info('No matching containers found.')

        # If the user didn't provide a file, make one based on the names
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = q['storage'].replace('/', '-')

        # We give the first match, the uri should be unique and known
        image = matches[0]

        request = self._service.files().get_media(fileId=image['id'])

        with open(file_name, 'wb') as fh:
            downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request)
            done = False
            bar = None

            # Download and update the user with progress bar
            while done is False:
                status, done = downloader.next_chunk()
                response = None

                # Create bar on first call
                if bar is None:
                    total = status.total_size / (1024 * 1024.0)
                    bar = ProgressBar(expected_size=total, filled_char='=')

                bar.show(status.resumable_progress / (1024 * 1024.0))

        # If the user is saving to local storage, you need to assumble the uri
        # here in the expected format <collection>/<namespace>:<tag>@<version>
        if save is True:
            image_uri = q['uri']
            if "uri" in image:
                image_uri = image['uri']

            # Update metadata with selfLink
            image['selfLink'] = downloader._uri

            container = self.add(image_path=image_file,

            # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
            image_file = container.image

        if os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' % image_file)
            bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #20
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    '''pull an image from google storage, based on the identifier
       images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
               <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
               retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
       file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
       save: if True, you should save the container to the database
             using self.add()
       finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of PULL for %s images' % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Use container search to find the container based on uri
        bot.info('Searching for %s in gs://%s' %
                 (q['tag_uri'], self._bucket_name))
        matches = self._container_query(q['tag_uri'], quiet=True)

        if len(matches) == 0:
            bot.info('No matching containers found.')

        # If the user didn't provide a file, make one based on the names
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = q['storage_version'].replace('/', '-')

        # We give the first match, the uri should be unique and known
        image = matches[0]
        image_file = self.download(url=image.media_link,

        # If the user is saving to local storage, you need to assumble the uri
        # here in the expected format <collection>/<namespace>:<tag>@<version>
        if save is True:
            image_uri = q['tag_uri']

            # Update metadata with selfLink
            metadata = image.metadata

            # Rename public URL to URL so it's found by add client
            if "public_url" in metadata:
                metadata['url'] = metadata['public_url']

            metadata['selfLink'] = image.self_link

            container = self.add(image_path=image_file,

            # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
            image_file = container.image

        if os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' % image_file)
            bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #21
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    '''pull an image from a singularity registry
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
    file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
    save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
    finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    if not isinstance(images,list):
        images = [images]

    # Interaction with a registry requires secrets

    bot.debug('Execution of PULL for %s images' %len(images))

    finished = []
    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Verify image existence, and obtain id
        url = "%s/container/%s/%s:%s" %(self.base, q['collection'], q['image'], q['tag'])
        bot.debug('Retrieving manifest at %s' %url)
        manifest = self._get(url)

        # Private container collection
        if isinstance(manifest, Response):

            # Requires token
            if manifest.status_code == 403:

                SREGISTRY_EVENT = self.authorize(request_type="pull",
                headers = {'Authorization': SREGISTRY_EVENT }
                manifest = self._get(url)

                # Still denied
                if manifest.status_code == 403:
                    manifest = 403

        if isinstance(manifest, int):
            if manifest == 400:
                bot.error('Bad request (400). Is this a private container?')
            elif manifest == 404:
                bot.error('Container not found (404)')
            elif manifest == 403:
                bot.error('Unauthorized (403)')

        # Successful pull
        if "image" in manifest:

            # Add self link to manifest
            manifest['selfLink'] = url

            if file_name is None:
                file_name = q['storage'].replace('/','-')
            image_file = self.download(url=manifest['image'],

            # If the user is saving to local storage
            if save is True:
                image_uri = "%s/%s:%s" %(manifest['collection'], 
                container = self.add(image_path = image_file,
                                     image_uri = image_uri,
                                     metadata = manifest,
                                     url = manifest['image'])
                image_file = container.image

            if os.path.exists(image_file):
                bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' %image_file)
                bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

        if len(finished) == 1:
            finished = finished[0]
        return finished

    upload_to = os.path.basename(names['storage'])

    encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields={'collection': names['collection'],
                                       'tag': names['tag'],
                                       'datafile': (upload_to, open(upload_from, 'rb'), 'text/plain')})

    progress_callback = create_callback(encoder)
    monitor = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, progress_callback)
    headers = {'Content-Type': monitor.content_type,
               'Authorization': SREGISTRY_EVENT }

        r = requests.post(url, data=monitor, headers=headers)
        message = self._read_response(r)

        print('\n[Return status {0} {1}]'.format(r.status_code, message))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('\nUpload cancelled.')
コード例 #22
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    '''pull an image from storage using Swift. The image is found based on the
       storage uri
       images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
       <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
       retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
       file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
                  optionally be None if the user wants a default.
       save: if True, you should save the container to the database
             using self.add()
       finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    force = False
    if "force" in kwargs:
        force = kwargs['force']

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of PULL for %s images' % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # First try to get the collection
        collection = self._get_collection(names['collection'])
        if collection is None:
            bot.error('Collection %s does not exist.' % names['collection'])

            # Show the user collections he/she does have access to
            collections = self.get_collections()
            if collections:
                bot.info('Collections available to you: \n%s' %'\n'.join(collections))

        # Determine if the container exists in storage
        image_name = os.path.basename(names['storage'])
            obj_tuple = self.conn.get_object(names['collection'], image_name)
        except ClientException:
            bot.exit('%s does not exist.' % names['storage'])

        # Give etag as version if version not defined
        if names['version'] == None:
            names['version'] = obj_tuple[0]['etag']
        # If the user didn't provide a file, make one based on the names
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self._get_storage_name(names)

        # If the file already exists and force is False
        if os.path.exists(file_name) and force is False:
            bot.error('Image exists! Remove first, or use --force to overwrite')

        # Write to file
        with open(file_name, 'wb') as filey:

        # If we save to storage, the uri is the dropbox_path
        if save is True:

            container = self.add(image_path = file_name,
                                 image_uri = names['uri'],
                                 metadata = names)

            # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
            image_file = container.image

            if os.path.exists(image_file):
                bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' %image_file)
                bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

            bot.error('%s does not exist. Try sregistry search to see images.' % path)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #23
ファイル: build.py プロジェクト: singularityhub/sregistry-cli
def print_output(response, output_file=None):
    """print the output to the console for the user. If the user wants the content
       also printed to an output file, do that.

       response: the response from the builder, with metadata added
       output_file: if defined, write output also to file

    # If successful built, show container uri
    if "status" in response:
        if response["status"] == "SUCCESS":
            bucket = response["artifacts"]["objects"]["location"]
            obj = response["artifacts"]["objects"]["paths"][0]
            bot.custom("MD5HASH", response["file_hash"], "CYAN")
            bot.custom("SIZE", response["size"], "CYAN")
            bot.custom(response["status"], bucket + obj, "CYAN")
            bot.custom(response["status"], "see logs for details", "CYAN")

        # Show the logs no matter what
        bot.custom("LOGS", response["logUrl"], "CYAN")

        # Did the user make the container public?
        if "public_url" in response:
            bot.custom("URL", response["public_url"], "CYAN")

    # Does the user also need writing to an output file?
    if output_file is not None:
        with open(output_file, "w") as filey:
            if response["status"] == "SUCCESS":
                filey.writelines("MD5HASH %s\n" % response["file_hash"])
                filey.writelines("SIZE %s\n" % response["size"])
            filey.writelines("%s %s%s\n" % (response["status"], bucket, obj))
            filey.writelines("LOGS %s\n" % response["logUrl"])
            if "public_url" in response:
                filey.writelines("URL %s\n" % response["public_url"])
コード例 #24
ファイル: pull.py プロジェクト: tamasgal/sregistry-cli
def _pull(self, file_name, names, save=True, force=False, **kwargs):
    '''pull an image from aws. This is a (less than ideal) workaround
       that actually does the following:

       - creates a sandbox folder
       - adds docker layers from S3
       - converts to a squashfs image with build
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
    file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
    save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
    finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    # Use Singularity to build the image, based on user preference
    if file_name is None:
        file_name = self._get_storage_name(names)

    # Determine if the user already has the image
    if os.path.exists(file_name) and force is False:
        bot.error('Image exists! Remove first, or use --force to overwrite')

    digest = names['version'] or names['tag']

    # Build from sandbox
    sandbox = get_tmpdir(prefix="sregistry-sandbox")

    # First effort, get image via Sregistry
    layers, url = self._download_layers(names['url'], digest)

    # Add environment to the layers
    envtar = self._get_environment_tar()
    layers = [envtar] + layers

    # Create singularity image from an empty folder
    for layer in layers:
        bot.info('Exploding %s' % layer)
        result = extract_tar(layer, sandbox, handle_whiteout=True)
        if result['return_code'] != 0:

    sudo = kwargs.get('sudo', False)

    # Build from a sandbox (recipe) into the image_file (squashfs)
    image_file = Singularity.build(image=file_name, recipe=sandbox, sudo=sudo)

    # Fall back to using Singularity
    if image_file is None:
        bot.info('Downloading with native Singularity, please wait...')
        image = image.replace('aws://', 'docker://')
        image_file = Singularity.pull(image, pull_folder=sandbox)

    # Save to local storage
    if save is True:

        # Did we get the manifests?
        manifests = {}
        if hasattr(self, 'manifest'):
            manifest = self.manifest

        container = self.add(image_path=image_file,

        # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
        image_file = container.image

    if os.path.exists(image_file):
        bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' % image_file)
        bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    # Clean up sandbox

    return image_file
コード例 #25
def _pull(self,
    """pull an image from a docker hub. This is a (less than ideal) workaround
       that actually does the following:

       - creates a sandbox folder
       - adds docker layers, metadata folder, and custom metadata to it
       - converts to a squashfs image with build

    the docker manifests are stored with registry metadata.
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
    file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
    save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
    finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    # Use Singularity to build the image, based on user preference
    if file_name is None:
        file_name = self._get_storage_name(names)

    # Determine if the user already has the image
    if os.path.exists(file_name) and force is False:
        bot.exit("Image exists! Remove first, or use --force to overwrite")

    digest = names["version"] or names["tag"]

    # Build from sandbox, prefix with sandbox
    sandbox = get_tmpdir(prefix="sregistry-sandbox")

    # First effort, get image via Sregistry
    layers = self._download_layers(names["url"], digest)

    # This is the url where the manifests were obtained
    url = self._get_manifest_selfLink(names["url"], digest)

    # Add environment to the layers
    envtar = self._get_environment_tar()
    layers = [envtar] + layers

    # Create singularity image from an empty folder
    for layer in layers:
        bot.info("Exploding %s" % layer)
        result = extract_tar(layer, sandbox, handle_whiteout=True)
        if result["return_code"] != 0:

    sudo = kwargs.get("sudo", False)

    # Build from a sandbox (recipe) into the image_file (squashfs)
    image_file = Singularity.build(image=file_name, recipe=sandbox, sudo=sudo)

    # Fall back to using Singularity
    if image_file is None:
        bot.info("Downloading with native Singularity, please wait...")
        image = file_name.replace("docker://", uri)
        image_file = Singularity.pull(image, pull_folder=sandbox)

    # Save to local storage
    if save is True:

        # Did we get the manifests?
        manifests = {}
        if hasattr(self, "manifests"):
            manifests = self.manifests

        container = self.add(image_path=image_file,

        # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
        image_file = container.image

    if os.path.exists(image_file):
        bot.debug("Retrieved image file %s" % image_file)
        bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    # Clean up sandbox

    return image_file
コード例 #26
def container_query(self, query, quiet=False):
    """search for a specific container.
       This function would likely be similar to the above, but have different
       filter criteria from the user (based on the query)
    results = self._list_containers()

    matches = []
    for result in results:
        for _, val in result.metadata.items():
            if query in val and result not in matches:
            elif query in result.name and result not in matches:

    if not quiet:
        bot.info("[gs://%s] Found %s containers" % (self._bucket_name, len(matches)))
        for image in matches:
            size = round(image.size / (1024 * 1024.0))
            bot.custom(prefix=image.name, color="CYAN")
            bot.custom(prefix="id:     ", message=image.id)
            bot.custom(prefix="name:    ", message=image.name)
            bot.custom(prefix="updated:", message=image.updated)
            bot.custom(prefix="size:  ", message=" %s MB" % (size))
            bot.custom(prefix="md5:    ", message=image.md5_hash)
            if "public_url" in image.metadata:
                public_url = image.metadata["public_url"]
                bot.custom(prefix="url:    ", message=public_url)
    return matches
コード例 #27
ファイル: pull.py プロジェクト: haristotle/sregistry-cli
def pull(self, images, file_name=None, save=True, **kwargs):
    """pull an image from a dropbox. The image is found based on the storage 
       images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
       <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
       retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
       file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
                  optionally be None if the user wants a default.
       save: if True, you should save the container to the database
             using self.add()
       finished: a single container path, or list of paths

    force = False
    if "force" in kwargs:
        force = kwargs["force"]

    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug("Execution of PULL for %s images" % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Dropbox path is the path in storage with a slash
        dropbox_path = "/%s" % names["storage"]

        # If the user didn't provide a file, make one based on the names
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self._get_storage_name(names)

        # If the file already exists and force is False
        if os.path.exists(file_name) and force is False:
            bot.exit("Image exists! Remove first, or use --force to overwrite")

        # First ensure that exists
        if self.exists(dropbox_path) is True:

            # _stream is a function to stream using the response to start
            metadata, response = self.dbx.files_download(dropbox_path)
            image_file = self._stream(response, stream_to=file_name)

            # parse the metadata (and add inspected image)
            metadata = self._get_metadata(image_file, metadata)

            # If we save to storage, the uri is the dropbox_path
            if save is True:
                container = self.add(

                # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
                image_file = container.image

            if os.path.exists(image_file):
                bot.debug("Retrieved image file %s" % image_file)
                bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

                "%s does not exist. Try sregistry search to see images." %

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
コード例 #28
ファイル: pull.py プロジェクト: kenanpelit/sregistry-cli
def pull(self,
    '''pull an image from a docker hub. This is a (less than ideal) workaround
       that actually does the following:

       - creates a sandbox folder
       - adds docker layers, metadata folder, and custom metadata to it
       - converts to a squashfs image with build

    the docker manifests are stored with registry metadata.
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
    file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
    save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
    base: the registry base, in case the client doesn't want to set in env.
    finished: a single container path, or list of paths


    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of PULL for %s images' % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        # 0. Update the base in case we aren't working with default
        base = self._update_base(image)
        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image), base=base)

        digest = q['version'] or q['tag']

        # Use Singularity to build the image, based on user preference
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self._get_storage_name(q)

        # Determine if the user already has the image
        if os.path.exists(file_name) and force is False:
                'Image exists! Remove first, or use --force to overwrite')

        # This is the url where the manifests are obtained
        url = self._get_manifest_selfLink(q['url'], digest)

        # This is the Docker Hub namespace and repository
        layers = self._download_layers(q['url'], digest)

        # Create client to build from sandbox
        cli = Singularity()

        # Build from sandbox
        sandbox = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # Add environment to the layers
        envtar = self._get_environment_tar()
        layers = [envtar] + layers

        # Create singularity image from an empty folder
        for layer in layers:
            bot.info('Exploding %s' % layer)
            result = extract_tar(layer, sandbox)
            if result['return_code'] != 0:

        if os.geteuid() == 0:
            image_file = cli.build(file_name, sandbox)
            image_file = cli.build(file_name, sandbox, sudo=False)

        # Save to local storage
        if save is True:

            container = self.add(image_path=image_file,

            # When the container is created, this is the path to the image
            image_file = container.image

        # If the image_file is different from sandbox, remove sandbox
        if image_file != sandbox:

        if os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.debug('Retrieved image file %s' % image_file)
            bot.custom(prefix="Success!", message=image_file)

    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished