def as_srw(self, gap="min", energy=None, harmonic=1, **kwargs): use_srw = kwargs.get("use_srw", False) if energy is not None: pars = self.find_harmonic_and_gap(energy, sort_harmonics=True, use_srw=use_srw)[0] gap = pars["gap"] harmonic = pars["harmonic"] if isinstance(gap, str) and gap == "min": gap = self.min_gap import srwlib ebeam = beam.srw_ebeam(self.ebeam) harmB = srwlib.SRWLMagFldH() # magnetic field harmonic harmB.n = harmonic # harmonic number harmB.h_or_v = "v" # magnetic field plane: horzontal ('h') or vertical ('v') harmB.B = self.field(gap=gap) # magnetic field amplitude [T] und = srwlib.SRWLMagFldU([harmB]) und.per = self.period / 1e3 # period length [m] und.nPer = self.N # number of periods (will be rounded to integer) magFldCnt = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC( [und], srwlib.array("d", [0]), srwlib.array("d", [0]), srwlib.array("d", [0]), ) # Container of all magnetic field elements return ds(ebeam=ebeam, und=und, field=magFldCnt)
def main(): v = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_parse_options(varParam, use_sys_argv=True) op = set_optics(v) = True v.ss_pl = 'e' = True v.sm_pl = 'e' = True v.pw_pl = 'xy' = True v.si_pl = 'xy' = True v.tr_pl = 'xz' = True v.ws_pl = 'xy' mag = None if v.rs_type == 'm': mag = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() mag.arXc.append(0) mag.arYc.append(0) mag.arMagFld.append( srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(v.mp_field, v.mp_order, v.mp_distribution, v.mp_len)) mag.arZc.append(v.mp_zc) srwl_bl.SRWLBeamline(, _mag_approx=mag).calc_all(v, op)
def setup(self): """ Defines various helpful attributes, builds the fields, and aligns the reference trajectory. """ self.dipole_separation = self.get_dipole_separation() super(Dogleg, self).setup() # define helpful attributes self.reference_gamma = self.reference_energy_mev / 0.5109989461 self.reference_beta = np.sqrt(1 - self.reference_gamma ** -2) self.dipole_1_rho = self.reference_gamma * self.reference_beta * 299792458 / (1.758820024e11 * self.dipole_1_strength) self.dipole_1_angle = self.dipole_1_arc_length / self.dipole_1_rho self.dipole_1_length_z = self.dipole_1_rho * np.sin(self.dipole_1_angle) self.dipole_1_entrance_z = self.dipole_1_pad_drift_length * np.cos(self.dipole_1_angle) self.dipole_1_exit_z = self.dipole_1_entrance_z + self.dipole_1_length_z self.dipole_2_rho = self.reference_gamma * self.reference_beta * 299792458 / (1.758820024e11 * self.dipole_2_strength) self.dipole_2_angle = self.dipole_2_arc_length / self.dipole_2_rho self.dipole_2_length_z = self.dipole_2_rho * np.sin(self.dipole_2_angle) self.dipole_2_entrance_z = self.dipole_1_exit_z + self.dipole_separation self.dipole_2_exit_z = self.dipole_2_entrance_z + self.dipole_1_length_z self.detector_z = self.dipole_2_entrance_z + self.detector_distance self.z_at_end = self.dipole_2_exit_z + self.dipole_2_pad_drift_length * np.cos(self.dipole_2_angle) # build fields self.__magnetic_field_regular = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_1 = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_2 = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() self.__magnetic_field_only_dipole_1 = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() self.__magnetic_field_regular.allocate(0) self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_1.allocate(0) self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_2.allocate(0) self.__magnetic_field_only_dipole_1.allocate(0) # dipole 1 dipole_1 = srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(self.dipole_1_polarity * self.dipole_1_strength, 1, 'n', self.dipole_1_length_z, self.dipole_1_edge_length, 0) self.__magnetic_field_regular.add(dipole_1, 0, 0, self.dipole_1_entrance_z + 0.5 * self.dipole_1_length_z) self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_2.add(dipole_1, 0, 0, self.dipole_1_entrance_z + 0.5 * self.dipole_1_length_z) self.__magnetic_field_only_dipole_1.add(dipole_1, 0, 0, self.dipole_1_entrance_z + 0.5 * self.dipole_1_length_z) # beam optics between dipoles self.add_beam_optics(self.__magnetic_field_regular) self.add_beam_optics(self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_1) self.add_beam_optics(self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_2) # dipole 2 dipole_2 = srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(self.dipole_2_polarity * self.dipole_2_strength, 1, 'n', self.dipole_2_length_z, self.dipole_2_edge_length, 0) self.__magnetic_field_regular.add(dipole_2, 0, 0, self.dipole_2_entrance_z + 0.5 * self.dipole_2_length_z) self.__magnetic_field_no_dipole_1.add(dipole_2, 0, 0, self.dipole_2_entrance_z + 0.5 * self.dipole_2_length_z) # align reference trajectory self.align_reference_trajectory()
def main(): v = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_parse_options(varParam, use_sys_argv=True) setup_magnetic_measurement_files(v, "configurations/") op = set_optics(v) = True v.ws_pl = 'xy' mag = None if v.rs_type == 'm': mag = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() mag.arXc.append(0) mag.arYc.append(0) mag.arMagFld.append(srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(v.mp_field, v.mp_order, v.mp_distribution, v.mp_len)) mag.arZc.append(v.mp_zc) srwl_bl.SRWLBeamline(, _mag_approx=mag).calc_all(v, op)
def run_experiment(other_params, propagation_params, set_up_funcs, plot=False): """ names - [list] the name list of instruments. setting_params - [list] the meta information of the experiment. physics_params - [list] . propagation_params - [list] . """ varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options(other_params + propagation_params) v = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_parse_options(varParam, use_sys_argv=True) op = None for n, func in enumerate(set_up_funcs): value = func(v) if func.__name__ == 'set_optics': op = value if op is None: raise ValueError( "set_optics() function should be included in set_up_funcs") # this part is different for different beamline? = True if plot: v.ws_pl = 'xy' mag = None if v.rs_type == 'm': mag = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() mag.arXc.append(0) mag.arYc.append(0) mag.arMagFld.append( srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(v.mp_field, v.mp_order, v.mp_distribution, v.mp_len)) mag.arZc.append(v.mp_zc) srwl_bl.SRWLBeamline(, _mag_approx=mag).calc_all(v, op) # remove saved image. if plot: else: for file in glob.glob('*.png'): os.remove(file) plt.close('all') return
def calc2d_srw(self, photon_energy, photon_energy_step, scanning_data): Kv = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("Kv") Kh = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("Kh") period_id = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("period_id") n_periods = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("n_periods") B0v = Kv/period_id/(codata.e/(2*numpy.pi*codata.electron_mass*codata.c)) B0h = Kh/period_id/(codata.e/(2*numpy.pi*codata.electron_mass*codata.c)) eBeam = srwlib.SRWLPartBeam() eBeam.Iavg = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("electron_current") eBeam.partStatMom1.gamma = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("electron_energy") / (codata_mee * 1e-3) eBeam.partStatMom1.relE0 = 1.0 eBeam.partStatMom1.nq = -1 eBeam.partStatMom1.x = 0.0 eBeam.partStatMom1.y = 0.0 eBeam.partStatMom1.z = -0.5*period_id*n_periods + 4 eBeam.partStatMom1.xp = 0.0 eBeam.partStatMom1.yp = 0.0 eBeam.arStatMom2[ 0] = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("electron_beam_size_h") ** 2 eBeam.arStatMom2[ 1] = 0.0 eBeam.arStatMom2[ 2] = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("electron_beam_divergence_h") ** 2 eBeam.arStatMom2[ 3] = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("electron_beam_size_v") ** 2 eBeam.arStatMom2[ 4] = 0.0 eBeam.arStatMom2[ 5] = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("electron_beam_divergence_v") ** 2 eBeam.arStatMom2[10] = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("electron_energy_spread") ** 2 gap_h = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("gap_h") gap_v = scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("gap_v") mesh = srwlib.SRWLRadMesh(photon_energy, photon_energy, 1, -gap_h / 2, gap_h / 2, scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("h_slits_points"), -gap_v / 2, gap_v / 2, scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("v_slits_points"), scanning_data.get_additional_parameter("distance")) srw_magnetic_fields = [] if B0v > 0: srw_magnetic_fields.append(srwlib.SRWLMagFldH(1, "v", B0v)) if B0h > 0: srw_magnetic_fields.append(srwlib.SRWLMagFldH(1, "h", B0h)) magnetic_structure = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC([srwlib.SRWLMagFldU(srw_magnetic_fields, period_id, n_periods)], srwlib.array("d", [0]), srwlib.array("d", [0]), srwlib.array("d", [0])) wfr = srwlib.SRWLWfr() wfr.mesh = mesh wfr.partBeam = eBeam wfr.allocate(, mesh.nx, mesh.ny) srwlib.srwl.CalcElecFieldSR(wfr, 0, magnetic_structure, [1, 0.01, 0, 0, 50000, 1, 0]) mesh_out = wfr.mesh h_array=numpy.linspace(mesh_out.xStart, mesh_out.xFin, mesh_out.nx)*1e3 # in mm v_array=numpy.linspace(mesh_out.yStart, mesh_out.yFin, mesh_out.ny)*1e3 # in mm intensity_array = numpy.zeros((h_array.size, v_array.size)) arI0 = srwlib.array("f", [0]*mesh_out.nx*mesh_out.ny) #"flat" array to take 2D intensity data srwlib.srwl.CalcIntFromElecField(arI0, wfr, 6, 1, 3, photon_energy, 0, 0) data = numpy.ndarray(buffer=arI0, shape=(mesh_out.ny, mesh_out.nx),dtype=arI0.typecode) for ix in range(h_array.size): for iy in range(v_array.size): intensity_array[ix, iy] = data[iy,ix] return self.calculate_power(h_array, v_array, intensity_array, photon_energy_step)
def track_drift(trajectory): dummy_field = srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(0, 1, 'n', 0.1, 0, 0) container = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() container.add(dummy_field, 0, 0, 0.05) return srwlib.srwl.CalcPartTraj(trajectory, container, [1])
def run_srw_simulation(task_cut, hOffsetIdx, vOffsetIdx, hOffsetIdx2, vOffsetIdx2, file_idx, nvx_idx, nvy_idx, nvz_idx, nvx2_idx, nvy2_idx, nvz2_idx, wp_idx, process_number): """ Runs the number of SRW simulations as determined by the number of rows in task_cut. task_cut holds the parameters that will be updated to varParam to introduce offsets task_cut: i: task number offset_notation: binary values for which offsets/rotations are applied: offsets_mirror1, offsets_mirror2, rotations_mirror1, rotations_mirror2 dx1: the horizontal offset to mirror 1 dy1: the vertical offset to mirror 1 dx2: the horizontal offset to mirror 2 dy2: the vertical offset to mirror 2 thetax1: thetax for rotation matrix to be applied to mirror 1 thetay1: thetay for rotation matrix to be applied to mirror 1 thetaz1: thetaz for rotation matrix to be applied to mirror 1 thetax2: thetax for rotation matrix to be applied to mirror 2 thetay2: thetay for rotation matrix to be applied to mirror 2 thetaz2: thetaz for rotation matrix to be applied to mirror 2 wp: watchpoint location for final screen hOffsetIdx: index of where to update horizontal offset in varParams for mirror 1 vOffsetIdx: index of where to update vertical offset in varParams for mirror 1 hOffsetIdx2: index of where to update horizontal offset in varParams for mirror 2 vOffsetIdx2: index of where to update vertical offset in varParams for mirror file_idx: the index of the output beam file nvx_idx: index of where to update thetax in varParams for mirror 1 nvy_idx: index of where to update thetay in varParams for mirror 1 nvz_idx: index of where to update thetaz in varParams for mirror 1 nvx2_idx: index of where to update thetax in varParams for mirror 2 nvy2_idx: index of where to update thetay in varParams for mirror 2 nvz2_idx: index of where to update thetaz in varParams for mirror 2 wp_idx: index of where to update the final screen process_number: the process number running this task cut """ print('Process ' + str(process_number) + ' to complete ' + str(len(task_cut)) + ' tasks') for t in range(len(task_cut)): varParam = get_reset_varParam() #print(len(task_cut)) #print(task_cut) #### get task parameters based on which combo i, offset_notation, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, thetax1, thetay1, thetaz1, thetax2, thetay2, thetaz2, wp = task_cut[ t] offsets_mirror1, offsets_mirror2, rotations_mirror1, rotations_mirror2, watchpoint_pos = offset_notation task_params = [] #### update params if offsets_mirror1: varParam[hOffsetIdx][2] = dx1 task_params.append(dx1.reshape(1, 1)) varParam[vOffsetIdx][2] = dy1 if offsets_mirror2: varParam[hOffsetIdx2][2] = dx2 varParam[vOffsetIdx2][2] = dy2 task_params.append(dy2.reshape(1, 1)) if rotations_mirror1: vx = varParam[nvx_idx][2] vy = varParam[nvy_idx][2] vz = varParam[nvz_idx][2] Rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(thetax1), -np.sin(thetax1)], [0, np.sin(thetax1), np.cos(thetax1)]]) Ry = np.array([[np.cos(thetay1), 0, np.sin(thetay1)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(thetay1), 0, np.cos(thetay1)]]) Rz = np.array([[np.cos(thetaz1), -np.sin(thetaz1), 0], [np.sin(thetaz1), np.cos(thetaz1), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) Rxy =, Ry) R_tot =, Rz) v = np.array([vx, vy, vz]).reshape(3, 1) rtot_v =, v) varParam[nvx_idx][2] = rtot_v[0] varParam[nvy_idx][2] = rtot_v[1] varParam[nvz_idx][2] = rtot_v[2] #task_params.append(thetax1.reshape(1,1)) task_params.append(thetay1.reshape(1, 1)) task_params.append(thetaz1.reshape(1, 1)) if rotations_mirror2: vx2 = varParam[nvx2_idx][2] vy2 = varParam[nvy2_idx][2] vz2 = varParam[nvz2_idx][2] Rx2 = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(thetax2), -np.sin(thetax2)], [0, np.sin(thetax2), np.cos(thetax2)]]) Ry2 = np.array([[np.cos(thetay2), 0, np.sin(thetay2)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(thetay2), 0, np.cos(thetay2)]]) Rz2 = np.array([[np.cos(thetaz2), -np.sin(thetaz2), 0], [np.sin(thetaz2), np.cos(thetaz2), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) Rxy2 =, Ry2) R_tot2 =, Rz2) v2 = np.array([vx2, vy2, vz2]).reshape(3, 1) rtot_v2 =, v2) varParam[nvx2_idx][2] = rtot_v2[0] varParam[nvy2_idx][2] = rtot_v2[1] varParam[nvz2_idx][2] = rtot_v2[2] task_params.append(thetax2.reshape(1, 1)) #task_params.append(thetay2.reshape(1,1)) task_params.append(thetaz2.reshape(1, 1)) if watchpoint_pos: print('updating with ' + str(wp)) varParam[wp_idx][2] = wp task_params.append(wp.reshape(1, 1)) save_dat = 'dat_files/res_int_se_' + str(i) + '.dat' varParam[file_idx][2] = save_dat v = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_parse_options(varParam, use_sys_argv=True) op = set_optics(v) = True v.si_pl = '' = True v.ws_pl = '' mag = None if v.rs_type == 'm': mag = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() mag.arXc.append(0) mag.arYc.append(0) mag.arMagFld.append( srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(v.mp_field, v.mp_order, v.mp_distribution, v.mp_len)) mag.arZc.append(v.mp_zc) srwl_bl.SRWLBeamline(, _mag_approx=mag).calc_all(v, op) beam = read_srw_file(save_dat) h = beam.shape[0] w = beam.shape[1] beam = beam.reshape(1, h, w) task_params = np.concatenate(task_params, axis=1)'beams/beam_' + str(int(i)) + '.npy', beam)'parameters/offsets_' + str(int(i)) + '.npy', task_params) #time.sleep(0.5) print('Process ' + str(process_number) + ' finished task ' + str(int(i)))
def _srw_undulators(und, Xc, Yc, Zc): #for the moment only one works cnt = sl.SRWLMagFldC([und], array.array('d', [Xc]), array.array('d', [Yc]), array.array('d', [Zc])) return cnt