def scan(self, h5file="", energyN=51, energy1=5000.0, energy2=20000.0, thetaN=1, theta1=0.75, theta2=0.75): if self.pre_mlayer_dict is None: raise Exception("load preprocessor file before!") # !calculate k_what = 1 if (energyN > 1): energyS = (energy2 - energy1) / float(energyN - 1) else: energyS = 0.0 if (thetaN > 1): thetaS = (theta2 - theta1) / float(thetaN - 1) else: thetaS = 0.0 R_S_array = numpy.zeros((energyN, thetaN)) R_P_array = numpy.zeros_like(R_S_array) theta_array = numpy.zeros(thetaN) energy_array = numpy.zeros(energyN) for i in range(1, 1 + thetaN): for j in range(1, 1 + energyN): theta = theta1 + float(i - 1) * thetaS energy = energy1 + float(j - 1) * energyS sin_ref = numpy.sin(theta * numpy.pi / 180) wnum = 2 * numpy.pi * energy / tocm COS_POLE = 1.0 R_S, R_P, tmp, phases, phasep = self.reflec( wnum, sin_ref, COS_POLE, k_what) R_S_array[j - 1, i - 1] = R_S R_P_array[j - 1, i - 1] = R_P theta_array[i - 1] = theta energy_array[j - 1] = energy if ((thetaN == 1) and (energyN == 1)): print( "------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("Inputs: ") print(" for E=", energy1, "eV: ") print(" energy [eV]: ", energy) print(" grazing angle [deg]: ", theta) print(" wavelength [A]: ", (1e0 / wnum) * 2 * numpy.pi * 1e8) print(" wavenumber (2 pi/lambda) [cm^-1]: ", wnum) print("Outputs: ") print(" R_S: ", R_S) print(" R_P: ", R_P) print( "------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) if h5file != "": h5_initialize = True if True: #try: if h5_initialize: h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file( h5file, creator="") else: h5w = H5SimpleWriter(h5file, None) h5_entry_name = "MLayer" h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name, nx_default="reflectivity-s") if energyN == 1: h5w.add_dataset(theta_array, R_S_array[0], dataset_name="reflectivity-s", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_x="Grazing angle [deg]", title_y="Reflectivity-s") elif thetaN == 1: h5w.add_dataset(energy_array, R_S_array[:, 0], dataset_name="reflectivity-s", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_x="Photon energy [eV]", title_y="Reflectivity-s") else: # h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name, nx_default="EnergyAngleScan") h5w.add_image(R_S_array, energy_array, theta_array, image_name="EnergyAngleScan", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_x="Photon Energy [eV]", title_y="Grazing Angle [deg]") h5w.create_entry("parameters", root_entry=h5_entry_name, nx_default=None) for key in self.pre_mlayer_dict.keys(): try: h5w.add_key(key, self.pre_mlayer_dict[key], entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/parameters") except: pass print("File written to disk: %s" % h5file) # except: # raise Exception("ERROR writing h5 file") return R_S_array, R_P_array, energy_array, theta_array
def xoppy_calc_undulator_radiation(ELECTRONENERGY=6.04,ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD=0.001,ELECTRONCURRENT=0.2,\ ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH=0.000395,ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV=9.9e-06,\ ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH=1.05e-05,ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV=3.9e-06,\ PERIODID=0.018,NPERIODS=222,KV=1.68,DISTANCE=30.0, SETRESONANCE=0,HARMONICNUMBER=1, GAPH=0.003,GAPV=0.003,\ HSLITPOINTS=41,VSLITPOINTS=41,METHOD=2, PHOTONENERGYMIN=7982.2,PHOTONENERGYMAX=7983.2,PHOTONENERGYPOINTS=2, USEEMITTANCES=1, h5_file="",h5_entry_name="XOPPY_RADIATION",h5_initialize=True,h5_parameters={}): print("Inside xoppy_calc_undulator_radiation. ") bl = OrderedDict() bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceH'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceV'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV bl['ElectronBeamSizeH'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH bl['ElectronBeamSizeV'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV bl['ElectronCurrent'] = ELECTRONCURRENT bl['ElectronEnergy'] = ELECTRONENERGY bl['ElectronEnergySpread'] = ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD bl['Kv'] = KV bl['NPeriods'] = NPERIODS bl['PeriodID'] = PERIODID bl['distance'] = DISTANCE bl['gapH'] = GAPH bl['gapV'] = GAPV if USEEMITTANCES: zero_emittance = False else: zero_emittance = True gamma = ELECTRONENERGY / (codata_mee * 1e-3) resonance_wavelength = (1 + bl['Kv']**2 / 2.0) / 2 / gamma**2 * bl["PeriodID"] m2ev = codata.c * codata.h / codata.e # lambda(m) = m2eV / energy(eV) resonance_energy = m2ev / resonance_wavelength resonance_central_cone = 1.0/gamma*numpy.sqrt( (1+0.5*KV**2)/(2*NPERIODS*HARMONICNUMBER) ) ring_order = 1 resonance_ring = 1.0/gamma*numpy.sqrt( ring_order / HARMONICNUMBER * (1+0.5*KV**2) ) # autoset energy if SETRESONANCE == 0: photonEnergyMin = PHOTONENERGYMIN photonEnergyMax = PHOTONENERGYMAX photonEnergyPoints = PHOTONENERGYPOINTS else: # referred to resonance photonEnergyMin = resonance_energy photonEnergyMax = resonance_energy + 1 photonEnergyPoints = 2 # autoset slit if SETRESONANCE == 0: pass elif SETRESONANCE == 1: MAXANGLE = 3 * 0.69 * resonance_central_cone bl['gapH'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE bl['gapV'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE elif SETRESONANCE == 2: MAXANGLE = 2.1 * resonance_ring bl['gapH'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE bl['gapV'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE #TODO SPEC file can be removed outFile = "undulator_radiation.spec" # Memorandum: # e = array with energy in eV # h = array with horizontal positions in mm # v = array with vertical positions in mm # p = array with photon flux in photons/s/0.1%bw/mm^2 with shape (Ne,Nh.Nv) if METHOD == 0: code = "US" print("Undulator radiation calculation using US. Please wait...") e,h,v,p = srundplug.calc3d_us(bl,fileName=outFile,fileAppend=False,hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS,vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin,photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints,zero_emittance=zero_emittance) if METHOD == 1: code = "URGENT" print("Undulator radiation calculation using URGENT. Please wait...") e,h,v,p = srundplug.calc3d_urgent(bl,fileName=outFile,fileAppend=False,hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS,vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin,photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints,zero_emittance=zero_emittance) if METHOD == 2: code = "SRW" print("Undulator radiation calculation using SRW. Please wait...") e,h,v,p = srundplug.calc3d_srw(bl,fileName=outFile,fileAppend=False,hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS,vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin,photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints,zero_emittance=zero_emittance) if METHOD == 3: # todo too slow code = "pySRU" print("Undulator radiation calculation using SRW. Please wait...") e,h,v,p = srundplug.calc3d_pysru(bl,fileName=outFile,fileAppend=False,hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS,vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin,photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints,zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print ("Gamma: %f \n"%(gamma)) print ("Resonance wavelength (1st harmonic): %g A\n"%(1e10*resonance_wavelength)) print ("Resonance energy (1st harmonic): %g eV\n"%(resonance_energy)) if HARMONICNUMBER != 1: print ("Resonance wavelength (%d harmonic): %g A\n"%(HARMONICNUMBER,1e10*resonance_wavelength/HARMONICNUMBER)) print ("Resonance energy (%d harmonic): %g eV\n"%(HARMONICNUMBER,HARMONICNUMBER*resonance_energy)) print ("Resonance central cone (%d harmonic): %g urad\n"%(HARMONICNUMBER,1e6*resonance_central_cone)) print ("Resonance first ring (%d harmonic): %g urad\n"%(HARMONICNUMBER,1e6*resonance_ring)) print("Calculated %d photon energy points from %f to %f."%(photonEnergyPoints,photonEnergyMin,photonEnergyMax)) if zero_emittance: print("No emittance.") print("Done") ptot = (NPERIODS/6) * codata.value('characteristic impedance of vacuum') * \ ELECTRONCURRENT * codata.e * 2 * numpy.pi * codata.c * gamma**2 * KV**2 / PERIODID print ("\nTotal power radiated by the undulator with fully opened slits [W]: %f \n"%(ptot)) if SETRESONANCE == 0: pcalc = p.sum() * codata.e * 1e3 * (h[1]-h[0]) * (v[1]-v[0]) * (e[1]-e[0]) print ("\nTotal power from calculated spectrum (h,v,energy) grid [W]: %f \n"%pcalc) # fit try: print("============= Fitting power density to a 2D Gaussian. ==============\n") print("Please use these results with care: check if the original data looks like a Gaussian.\n") print("Length units are mm") data_to_fit = p.sum(axis=0)*(e[1]-e[0])*codata.e*1e3 fit_parameters = fit_gaussian2d(data_to_fit,h,v) print(info_params(fit_parameters)) H,V = numpy.meshgrid(h,v) data_fitted = twoD_Gaussian( (H,V), *fit_parameters) print(" Total power in the fitted data [W]: ",data_fitted.sum()*(h[1]-h[0])*(v[1]-v[0])) # plot_image(data_fitted.reshape((h.size,v.size)),h, v,title="FIT") print("====================================================\n") except: pass if h5_file != "": try: if h5_initialize: h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file(h5_file,creator="") else: h5w = H5SimpleWriter(h5_file,None) h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name,nx_default=None) h5w.add_stack(e,h,v,p,stack_name="Radiation",entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_0="Photon energy [eV]", title_1="X gap [mm]", title_2="Y gap [mm]") h5w.create_entry("parameters",root_entry=h5_entry_name,nx_default=None) for key in h5_parameters.keys(): h5w.add_key(key,h5_parameters[key], entry_name=h5_entry_name+"/parameters") print("File written to disk: %s"%h5_file) except: print("ERROR initializing h5 file") return e, h, v, p, code
import h5py from srxraylib.plot.gol import plot, set_qt from srxraylib.util.h5_simple_writer import H5SimpleWriter set_qt() use_adaptive = True Incidence = numpy.linspace(70, 80, 151) Radius = numpy.zeros_like(Incidence) Fwhm = numpy.zeros_like(Incidence) Std = numpy.zeros_like(Incidence) Position = numpy.zeros_like(Incidence) h = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file("IR_WIG_shadow3_scan.h5") beam = run_source_wiggler() beam_source = beam.duplicate() Shadow.ShadowTools.plotxy(beam, 2, 1, nbins=200) for i, incidence in enumerate(Incidence): p_foc = 1.58 q_foc = 4.290000 R = get_R(p_foc, q_foc, incidence) beam = None beam = beam_source.duplicate()
def xoppy_calc_wiggler_radiation( ELECTRONENERGY=3.0, ELECTRONCURRENT=0.1, PERIODID=0.120, NPERIODS=37.0, KV=22.416, DISTANCE=30.0, HSLITPOINTS=500, VSLITPOINTS=500, PHOTONENERGYMIN=100.0, PHOTONENERGYMAX=100100.0, PHOTONENERGYPOINTS=101, NTRAJPOINTS=1001, FIELD=0, FILE="/Users/srio/Oasys/Bsin.txt", POLARIZATION=0, # 0=total, 1=parallel (s), 2=perpendicular (p) SHIFT_X_FLAG=0, SHIFT_X_VALUE=0.0, SHIFT_BETAX_FLAG=0, SHIFT_BETAX_VALUE=0.0, CONVOLUTION=1, PASSEPARTOUT=3.0, h5_file="wiggler_radiation.h5", h5_entry_name="XOPPY_RADIATION", h5_initialize=True, h5_parameters=None, do_plot=False, ): # calculate wiggler trajectory if FIELD == 0: (traj, pars) = srfunc.wiggler_trajectory( b_from=0, inData="", nPer=int(NPERIODS), #37, nTrajPoints=NTRAJPOINTS, ener_gev=ELECTRONENERGY, per=PERIODID, kValue=KV, trajFile="", shift_x_flag=SHIFT_X_FLAG, shift_x_value=SHIFT_X_VALUE, shift_betax_flag=SHIFT_BETAX_FLAG, shift_betax_value=SHIFT_BETAX_VALUE) if FIELD == 1: # magnetic field from B(s) map (traj, pars) = srfunc.wiggler_trajectory(b_from=1, nPer=1, nTrajPoints=NTRAJPOINTS, ener_gev=ELECTRONENERGY, inData=FILE, trajFile="", shift_x_flag=SHIFT_X_FLAG, shift_x_value=SHIFT_X_VALUE, shift_betax_flag=SHIFT_BETAX_FLAG, shift_betax_value=SHIFT_BETAX_FLAG) if FIELD == 2: raise ("Not implemented") energy, flux, power = srfunc.wiggler_spectrum( traj, enerMin=PHOTONENERGYMIN, enerMax=PHOTONENERGYMAX, nPoints=PHOTONENERGYPOINTS, electronCurrent=ELECTRONCURRENT, outFile="", elliptical=False, polarization=POLARIZATION) try: cumulated_power = power.cumsum() * numpy.abs(energy[0] - energy[1]) except: cumulated_power = 0.0 print("\nPower from integral of spectrum (sum rule): %8.3f W" % (cumulated_power[-1])) try: cumulated_power = cumtrapz(power, energy, initial=0) except: cumulated_power = 0.0 print("Power from integral of spectrum (trapezoid rule): %8.3f W" % (cumulated_power[-1])) codata_mee = 1e-6 * codata.m_e * codata.c**2 / codata.e # electron mass in meV gamma = ELECTRONENERGY * 1e3 / codata_mee Y = traj[1, :].copy() divX = traj[3, :].copy() By = traj[7, :].copy() # rho = (1e9 / codata.c) * ELECTRONENERGY / By # Ec0 = 3 * codata.h * codata.c * gamma**3 / (4 * numpy.pi * rho) / codata.e # Ec = 665.0 * ELECTRONENERGY**2 * numpy.abs(By) # Ecmax = 665.0 * ELECTRONENERGY** 2 * (numpy.abs(By)).max() coeff = 3 / ( 4 * numpy.pi) * codata.h * codata.c**2 / codata_mee**3 / codata.e # ~665.0 Ec = coeff * ELECTRONENERGY**2 * numpy.abs(By) Ecmax = coeff * ELECTRONENERGY**2 * (numpy.abs(By)).max() # approx formula for divergence (first formula in pag 43 of Tanaka's paper) sigmaBp = 0.597 / gamma * numpy.sqrt(Ecmax / PHOTONENERGYMIN) # we use vertical interval 6*sigmaBp and horizontal interval = vertical + trajectory interval divXX = numpy.linspace(divX.min() - PASSEPARTOUT * sigmaBp, divX.max() + PASSEPARTOUT * sigmaBp, HSLITPOINTS) divZZ = numpy.linspace(-PASSEPARTOUT * sigmaBp, PASSEPARTOUT * sigmaBp, VSLITPOINTS) e = numpy.linspace(PHOTONENERGYMIN, PHOTONENERGYMAX, PHOTONENERGYPOINTS) p = numpy.zeros((PHOTONENERGYPOINTS, HSLITPOINTS, VSLITPOINTS)) for i in range(e.size): Ephoton = e[i] # vertical divergence intensity = srfunc.sync_g1(Ephoton / Ec, polarization=POLARIZATION) Ecmean = (Ec * intensity).sum() / intensity.sum() fluxDivZZ = srfunc.sync_ang(1, divZZ * 1e3, polarization=POLARIZATION, e_gev=ELECTRONENERGY, i_a=ELECTRONCURRENT, hdiv_mrad=1.0, energy=Ephoton, ec_ev=Ecmean) if do_plot: from srxraylib.plot.gol import plot plot(divZZ, fluxDivZZ, title="min intensity %f" % fluxDivZZ.min(), xtitle="divZ", ytitle="fluxDivZZ", show=1) # horizontal divergence after Tanaka if False: e_over_ec = Ephoton / Ecmax uudlim = 1.0 / gamma uud = numpy.linspace(-uudlim * 0.99, uudlim * 0.99, divX.size) uu = e_over_ec / numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma**2 * uud**2) plot(uud, 2 * numpy.pi / numpy.sqrt(3) * srfunc.sync_g1(uu)) # horizontal divergence # intensity = srfunc.sync_g1(Ephoton / Ec, polarization=POLARIZATION) intensity_interpolated = interpolate_multivalued_function( divX, intensity, divXX, Y, ) if CONVOLUTION: # do always convolution! intensity_interpolated.shape = -1 divXX_window = divXX[-1] - divXX[0] divXXCC = numpy.linspace(-0.5 * divXX_window, 0.5 * divXX_window, divXX.size) fluxDivZZCC = srfunc.sync_ang(1, divXXCC * 1e3, polarization=POLARIZATION, e_gev=ELECTRONENERGY, i_a=ELECTRONCURRENT, hdiv_mrad=1.0, energy=Ephoton, ec_ev=Ecmax) fluxDivZZCC.shape = -1 intensity_convolved = numpy.convolve( intensity_interpolated / intensity_interpolated.max(), fluxDivZZCC / fluxDivZZCC.max(), mode='same') else: intensity_convolved = intensity_interpolated if i == 0: print( "\n\n============ sizes vs photon energy =======================" ) print( "Photon energy/eV FWHM X'/urad FWHM Y'/urad FWHM X/mm FWHM Z/mm " ) print("%16.3f %12.3f %12.3f %9.2f %9.2f" % (Ephoton, 1e6 * get_fwhm(intensity_convolved, divXX)[0], 1e6 * get_fwhm(fluxDivZZ, divZZ)[0], 1e3 * get_fwhm(intensity_convolved, divXX)[0] * DISTANCE, 1e3 * get_fwhm(fluxDivZZ, divZZ)[0] * DISTANCE)) if do_plot: plot(divX, intensity / intensity.max(), divXX, intensity_interpolated / intensity_interpolated.max(), divXX, intensity_convolved / intensity_convolved.max(), divXX, fluxDivZZCC / fluxDivZZCC.max(), title="min intensity %f, Ephoton=%6.2f" % (intensity.min(), Ephoton), xtitle="divX", ytitle="intensity", legend=["orig", "interpolated", "convolved", "kernel"], show=1) # combine H * V INTENSITY = numpy.outer( intensity_convolved / intensity_convolved.max(), fluxDivZZ / fluxDivZZ.max()) p[i, :, :] = INTENSITY if do_plot: from srxraylib.plot.gol import plot_image, plot_surface, plot_show plot_image(INTENSITY, divXX, divZZ, aspect='auto', title="E=%6.2f" % Ephoton, show=1) # to create oasys icon... # plot_surface(INTENSITY, divXX, divZZ, title="", show=0) # import matplotlib.pylab as plt # plt.xticks([]) # plt.yticks([]) # plt.axis('off') # plt.tick_params(axis='both', left='off', top='off', right='off', bottom='off', labelleft='off', # labeltop='off', labelright='off', labelbottom='off') # # plot_show() # h = divXX * DISTANCE * 1e3 # in mm for the h5 file v = divZZ * DISTANCE * 1e3 # in mm for the h5 file print("\nWindow size: %f mm [H] x %f mm [V]" % (h[-1] - h[0], v[-1] - v[0])) print("Window size: %g rad [H] x %g rad [V]" % (divXX[-1] - divXX[0], divZZ[-1] - divZZ[0])) # normalization and total flux for i in range(e.size): INTENSITY = p[i, :, :] # norm = INTENSITY.sum() * (h[1] - h[0]) * (v[1] - v[0]) norm = trapezoidal_rule_2d_1darrays(INTENSITY, h, v) p[i, :, :] = INTENSITY / norm * flux[i] # fit fit_ok = False try: power = p.sum(axis=0) * (e[1] - e[0]) * codata.e * 1e3 print( "\n\n============= Fitting power density to a 2D Gaussian. ==============\n" ) print( "Please use these results with care: check if the original data looks like a Gaussian." ) fit_parameters = fit_gaussian2d(power, h, v) print(info_params(fit_parameters)) H, V = numpy.meshgrid(h, v) data_fitted = twoD_Gaussian((H, V), *fit_parameters) print(" Total power (sum rule) in the fitted data [W]: ", data_fitted.sum() * (h[1] - h[0]) * (v[1] - v[0])) # plot_image(data_fitted.reshape((h.size,v.size)),h, v,title="FIT") print("====================================================\n") fit_ok = True except: pass # output file if h5_file != "": try: if h5_initialize: h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file( h5_file, creator="") else: h5w = H5SimpleWriter(h5_file, None) h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name, nx_default=None) h5w.add_stack(e, h, v, p, stack_name="Radiation", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_0="Photon energy [eV]", title_1="X gap [mm]", title_2="Y gap [mm]") h5w.create_entry("parameters", root_entry=h5_entry_name, nx_default=None) if h5_parameters is not None: for key in h5_parameters.keys(): h5w.add_key(key, h5_parameters[key], entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/parameters") h5w.create_entry("trajectory", root_entry=h5_entry_name, nx_default="transversal trajectory") h5w.add_key("traj", traj, entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/trajectory") h5w.add_dataset(traj[1, :], traj[0, :], dataset_name="transversal trajectory", entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/trajectory", title_x="s [m]", title_y="X [m]") h5w.add_dataset(traj[1, :], traj[3, :], dataset_name="transversal velocity", entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/trajectory", title_x="s [m]", title_y="Vx/c") h5w.add_dataset(traj[1, :], traj[7, :], dataset_name="Magnetic field", entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/trajectory", title_x="s [m]", title_y="Bz [T]") if fit_ok: h5w.add_image(power, h, v, image_name="PowerDensity", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_x="X [mm]", title_y="Y [mm]") h5w.add_image(data_fitted.reshape(h.size, v.size), h, v, image_name="PowerDensityFit", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_x="X [mm]", title_y="Y [mm]") h5w.add_key("fit_info", info_params(fit_parameters), entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/PowerDensityFit") print("File written to disk: %s" % h5_file) except: print("ERROR initializing h5 file") return e, h, v, p, traj
def xoppy_calc_undulator_power_density(ELECTRONENERGY=6.04,ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD=0.001,ELECTRONCURRENT=0.2,\ ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH=0.000395,ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV=9.9e-06,\ ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH=1.05e-05,ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV=3.9e-06,\ PERIODID=0.018,NPERIODS=222,KV=1.68,DISTANCE=30.0,GAPH=0.001,GAPV=0.001,\ HSLITPOINTS=101,VSLITPOINTS=51,METHOD=2,USEEMITTANCES=1, MASK_FLAG=0, MASK_ROT_H_DEG=0.0,MASK_ROT_V_DEG=0.0, MASK_H_MIN=None,MASK_H_MAX=None, MASK_V_MIN=None,MASK_V_MAX=None, h5_file="",h5_entry_name="XOPPY_POWERDENSITY",h5_initialize=True,h5_parameters={}, ): print("Inside xoppy_calc_undulator_power_density. ") bl = OrderedDict() bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceH'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceV'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV bl['ElectronBeamSizeH'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH bl['ElectronBeamSizeV'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV bl['ElectronCurrent'] = ELECTRONCURRENT bl['ElectronEnergy'] = ELECTRONENERGY bl['ElectronEnergySpread'] = ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD bl['Kv'] = KV bl['NPeriods'] = NPERIODS bl['PeriodID'] = PERIODID bl['distance'] = DISTANCE bl['gapH'] = GAPH bl['gapV'] = GAPV if USEEMITTANCES: zero_emittance = False else: zero_emittance = True #TODO remove SPEC file outFile = "undulator_power_density.spec" if METHOD == 0: code = "US" print("Undulator power_density calculation using US. Please wait...") h,v,p = srundplug.calc2d_us(bl,fileName=outFile,fileAppend=False,hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS,vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print("Done") if METHOD == 1: code = "URGENT" print("Undulator power_density calculation using URGENT. Please wait...") h,v,p = srundplug.calc2d_urgent(bl,fileName=outFile,fileAppend=False,hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS,vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print("Done") if METHOD == 2: code = "SRW" print("Undulator power_density calculation using SRW. Please wait...") h,v,p = srundplug.calc2d_srw(bl,fileName=outFile,fileAppend=False,hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS,vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print("Done") if zero_emittance: print("No emittance calculation") codata_mee = codata.m_e * codata.c**2 / codata.e # electron mass in eV gamma = ELECTRONENERGY * 1e9 / codata_mee ptot = (NPERIODS/6) * codata.value('characteristic impedance of vacuum') * \ ELECTRONCURRENT * codata.e * 2 * numpy.pi * codata.c * gamma**2 * KV**2 / PERIODID print ("\nTotal power radiated by the undulator with fully opened slits [W]: %g \n"%(ptot)) if MASK_FLAG: # # rotation # v /= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_H_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) h /= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_V_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) # also reduce the power density!! p *= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_H_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) p *= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_V_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) # # mask # if MASK_H_MIN is not None: lower_window_h = numpy.where(h < MASK_H_MIN) if len(lower_window_h) > 0: p[lower_window_h,:] = 0 if MASK_H_MAX is not None: upper_window_h = numpy.where(h > MASK_H_MAX) if len(upper_window_h) > 0: p[upper_window_h,:] = 0 if MASK_V_MIN is not None: lower_window_v = numpy.where(v < MASK_V_MIN) if len(lower_window_v) > 0: p[:,lower_window_v] = 0 if MASK_V_MIN is not None: upper_window_v = numpy.where(v > MASK_V_MAX) if len(upper_window_v) > 0: p[:,upper_window_v] = 0 txt0 = "============= power density in the modified (masked) screen ==========\n" else: txt0 = "=================== power density ======================\n" text_info = txt0 text_info += " Power density peak: %f W/mm2\n"%p.max() text_info += " Total power: %f W\n"%(p.sum()*(h[1]-h[0])*(v[1]-v[0])) text_info += "====================================================\n" print(text_info) # fit fit_ok = False try: print("============= Fitting power density to a 2D Gaussian. ==============\n") print("Please use these results with care: check if the original data looks like a Gaussian.") fit_parameters = fit_gaussian2d(p,h,v) print(info_params(fit_parameters)) H,V = numpy.meshgrid(h,v) data_fitted = twoD_Gaussian( (H,V), *fit_parameters) print(" Total power in the fitted data [W]: ",data_fitted.sum()*(h[1]-h[0])*(v[1]-v[0])) # plot_image(data_fitted.reshape((h.size,v.size)),h, v,title="FIT") print("====================================================\n") fit_ok = True except: pass if h5_file != "": try: if h5_initialize: h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file(h5_file,creator="") else: h5w = H5SimpleWriter(h5_file,None) h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name,nx_default="PowerDensity") h5w.add_image(p,h,v,image_name="PowerDensity",entry_name=h5_entry_name,title_x="X [mm]",title_y="Y [mm]") h5w.add_key("info",text_info, entry_name=h5_entry_name) h5w.create_entry("parameters",root_entry=h5_entry_name,nx_default=None) for key in h5_parameters.keys(): h5w.add_key(key,h5_parameters[key], entry_name=h5_entry_name+"/parameters") if fit_ok: h5w.add_image(data_fitted.reshape(h.size,v.size),h,v,image_name="PowerDensityFit",entry_name=h5_entry_name,title_x="X [mm]",title_y="Y [mm]") h5w.add_key("fit_info",info_params(fit_parameters), entry_name=h5_entry_name+"/PowerDensityFit") print("File written to disk: %s"%h5_file) except: print("ERROR initializing h5 file") return h, v, p, code
if __name__ == "__main__": from srxraylib.plot.gol import plot, set_qt from srxraylib.util.h5_simple_writer import H5SimpleWriter set_qt() uvalue = numpy.linspace(0.2, 3, 101) Radius = numpy.zeros_like(uvalue) Fwhm = numpy.zeros_like(uvalue) Std = numpy.zeros_like(uvalue) dump_file = False if dump_file: h = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file("IR_BM_shadow3_scanMagnification_moreno.h5") grazing = 80.27 incidence = 90.0 - grazing for i in range(uvalue.size): p0 = 12.0 * uvalue[i] / (1 + uvalue[i]) q0 = 12.0 - p0 print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>",uvalue[i],p0,q0,p0+q0) radius = get_R(p0,q0,incidence) beam,oe2 = run_shadow(incidence=incidence,radius=radius,p0=p0,q0=q0) # Shadow.ShadowTools.plotxy(beam, 1, 3, nbins=101, nolost=1, title="Real space") tkt = beam.histo1(1,nbins=201,nolost=1) # xrange=[-4000e-6,4000e-6], print(incidence,oe2.RMIRR,1e6*tkt["fwhm"])
# magnification_x = 0.005 / 5 wf4 = propagate_from_M3_to_sample(wf3, magnification_x=magnification_x) return wf4 if __name__ == "__main__": do_loop = 0 do_plot = 0 do_h5 = 0 if do_h5: from srxraylib.util.h5_simple_writer import H5SimpleWriter h = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file("flexon_ken_memo2.h5", overwrite=True) if do_loop: ERROR_RADIUS = numpy.logspace(1, 6, 100) I0uncorr = numpy.zeros_like(ERROR_RADIUS) I0corr = numpy.zeros_like(ERROR_RADIUS) I0uncorr1500 = numpy.zeros_like(ERROR_RADIUS) I0corr1500 = numpy.zeros_like(ERROR_RADIUS) factor = 1.0 # -1.0 photon_energy1 = 250 photon_energy2 = 1250 for i in range(ERROR_RADIUS.size): print("iteration %d of %d" % (i + 1, ERROR_RADIUS.size))
def xoppy_calc_undulator_radiation(ELECTRONENERGY=6.04,ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD=0.001,ELECTRONCURRENT=0.2,\ ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH=0.000395,ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV=9.9e-06,\ ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH=1.05e-05,ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV=3.9e-06,\ PERIODID=0.018,NPERIODS=222,KV=1.68,DISTANCE=30.0, SETRESONANCE=0,HARMONICNUMBER=1, GAPH=0.003,GAPV=0.003,\ HSLITPOINTS=41,VSLITPOINTS=41,METHOD=2, PHOTONENERGYMIN=7982.2,PHOTONENERGYMAX=7983.2,PHOTONENERGYPOINTS=2, USEEMITTANCES=1, h5_file="",h5_entry_name="XOPPY_RADIATION",h5_initialize=True,h5_parameters={}): print("Inside xoppy_calc_undulator_radiation. ") bl = OrderedDict() bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceH'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceV'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV bl['ElectronBeamSizeH'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH bl['ElectronBeamSizeV'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV bl['ElectronCurrent'] = ELECTRONCURRENT bl['ElectronEnergy'] = ELECTRONENERGY bl['ElectronEnergySpread'] = ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD bl['Kv'] = KV bl['NPeriods'] = NPERIODS bl['PeriodID'] = PERIODID bl['distance'] = DISTANCE bl['gapH'] = GAPH bl['gapV'] = GAPV if USEEMITTANCES: zero_emittance = False else: zero_emittance = True gamma = ELECTRONENERGY / (codata_mee * 1e-3) resonance_wavelength = (1 + bl['Kv']**2 / 2.0) / 2 / gamma**2 * bl["PeriodID"] m2ev = codata.c * codata.h / codata.e # lambda(m) = m2eV / energy(eV) resonance_energy = m2ev / resonance_wavelength resonance_central_cone = 1.0 / gamma * numpy.sqrt( (1 + 0.5 * KV**2) / (2 * NPERIODS * HARMONICNUMBER)) ring_order = 1 resonance_ring = 1.0 / gamma * numpy.sqrt(ring_order / HARMONICNUMBER * (1 + 0.5 * KV**2)) # autoset energy if SETRESONANCE == 0: photonEnergyMin = PHOTONENERGYMIN photonEnergyMax = PHOTONENERGYMAX photonEnergyPoints = PHOTONENERGYPOINTS else: # referred to resonance photonEnergyMin = resonance_energy photonEnergyMax = resonance_energy + 1 photonEnergyPoints = 2 # autoset slit if SETRESONANCE == 0: pass elif SETRESONANCE == 1: MAXANGLE = 3 * 0.69 * resonance_central_cone bl['gapH'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE bl['gapV'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE elif SETRESONANCE == 2: MAXANGLE = 2.1 * resonance_ring bl['gapH'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE bl['gapV'] = 2 * MAXANGLE * DISTANCE #TODO SPEC file can be removed outFile = "undulator_radiation.spec" # Memorandum: # e = array with energy in eV # h = array with horizontal positions in mm # v = array with vertical positions in mm # p = array with photon flux in photons/s/0.1%bw/mm^2 with shape (Ne,Nh.Nv) if METHOD == 0: code = "US" print("Undulator radiation calculation using US. Please wait...") e, h, v, p = srundplug.calc3d_us(bl, fileName=outFile, fileAppend=False, hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS, vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin, photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) if METHOD == 1: code = "URGENT" print("Undulator radiation calculation using URGENT. Please wait...") e, h, v, p = srundplug.calc3d_urgent( bl, fileName=outFile, fileAppend=False, hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS, vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin, photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) if METHOD == 2: code = "SRW" print("Undulator radiation calculation using SRW. Please wait...") e, h, v, p = srundplug.calc3d_srw( bl, fileName=outFile, fileAppend=False, hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS, vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin, photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) if METHOD == 3: # todo too slow code = "pySRU" print("Undulator radiation calculation using SRW. Please wait...") e, h, v, p = srundplug.calc3d_pysru( bl, fileName=outFile, fileAppend=False, hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS, vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, photonEnergyMin=photonEnergyMin, photonEnergyMax=photonEnergyMax, photonEnergyPoints=photonEnergyPoints, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print("Gamma: %f \n" % (gamma)) print("Resonance wavelength (1st harmonic): %g A\n" % (1e10 * resonance_wavelength)) print("Resonance energy (1st harmonic): %g eV\n" % (resonance_energy)) if HARMONICNUMBER != 1: print("Resonance wavelength (%d harmonic): %g A\n" % (HARMONICNUMBER, 1e10 * resonance_wavelength / HARMONICNUMBER)) print("Resonance energy (%d harmonic): %g eV\n" % (HARMONICNUMBER, HARMONICNUMBER * resonance_energy)) print("Resonance central cone (%d harmonic): %g urad\n" % (HARMONICNUMBER, 1e6 * resonance_central_cone)) print("Resonance first ring (%d harmonic): %g urad\n" % (HARMONICNUMBER, 1e6 * resonance_ring)) print("Calculated %d photon energy points from %f to %f." % (photonEnergyPoints, photonEnergyMin, photonEnergyMax)) if zero_emittance: print("No emittance.") print("Done") ptot = (NPERIODS/6) * codata.value('characteristic impedance of vacuum') * \ ELECTRONCURRENT * codata.e * 2 * numpy.pi * codata.c * gamma**2 * KV**2 / PERIODID print( "\nTotal power radiated by the undulator with fully opened slits [W]: %f \n" % (ptot)) if SETRESONANCE == 0: pcalc = p.sum() * codata.e * 1e3 * (h[1] - h[0]) * (v[1] - v[0]) * ( e[1] - e[0]) print( "\nTotal power from calculated spectrum (h,v,energy) grid [W]: %f \n" % pcalc) # fit try: print( "============= Fitting power density to a 2D Gaussian. ==============\n" ) print( "Please use these results with care: check if the original data looks like a Gaussian.\n" ) print("Length units are mm") data_to_fit = p.sum(axis=0) * (e[1] - e[0]) * codata.e * 1e3 fit_parameters = fit_gaussian2d(data_to_fit, h, v) print(info_params(fit_parameters)) H, V = numpy.meshgrid(h, v) data_fitted = twoD_Gaussian((H, V), *fit_parameters) print(" Total power in the fitted data [W]: ", data_fitted.sum() * (h[1] - h[0]) * (v[1] - v[0])) # plot_image(data_fitted.reshape((h.size,v.size)),h, v,title="FIT") print("====================================================\n") except: pass if h5_file != "": try: if h5_initialize: h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file( h5_file, creator="") else: h5w = H5SimpleWriter(h5_file, None) h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name, nx_default=None) h5w.add_stack(e, h, v, p, stack_name="Radiation", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_0="Photon energy [eV]", title_1="X gap [mm]", title_2="Y gap [mm]") h5w.create_entry("parameters", root_entry=h5_entry_name, nx_default=None) for key in h5_parameters.keys(): h5w.add_key(key, h5_parameters[key], entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/parameters") print("File written to disk: %s" % h5_file) except: print("ERROR initializing h5 file") return e, h, v, p, code
def xoppy_calc_undulator_power_density(ELECTRONENERGY=6.04,ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD=0.001,ELECTRONCURRENT=0.2,\ ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH=0.000395,ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV=9.9e-06,\ ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH=1.05e-05,ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV=3.9e-06,\ PERIODID=0.018,NPERIODS=222,KV=1.68,DISTANCE=30.0,GAPH=0.001,GAPV=0.001,\ HSLITPOINTS=101,VSLITPOINTS=51,METHOD=2,USEEMITTANCES=1, MASK_FLAG=0, MASK_ROT_H_DEG=0.0,MASK_ROT_V_DEG=0.0, MASK_H_MIN=None,MASK_H_MAX=None, MASK_V_MIN=None,MASK_V_MAX=None, h5_file="",h5_entry_name="XOPPY_POWERDENSITY",h5_initialize=True,h5_parameters={}, ): print("Inside xoppy_calc_undulator_power_density. ") bl = OrderedDict() bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceH'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEH bl['ElectronBeamDivergenceV'] = ELECTRONBEAMDIVERGENCEV bl['ElectronBeamSizeH'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEH bl['ElectronBeamSizeV'] = ELECTRONBEAMSIZEV bl['ElectronCurrent'] = ELECTRONCURRENT bl['ElectronEnergy'] = ELECTRONENERGY bl['ElectronEnergySpread'] = ELECTRONENERGYSPREAD bl['Kv'] = KV bl['NPeriods'] = NPERIODS bl['PeriodID'] = PERIODID bl['distance'] = DISTANCE bl['gapH'] = GAPH bl['gapV'] = GAPV if USEEMITTANCES: zero_emittance = False else: zero_emittance = True #TODO remove SPEC file outFile = "undulator_power_density.spec" if METHOD == 0: code = "US" print("Undulator power_density calculation using US. Please wait...") h, v, p = srundplug.calc2d_us(bl, fileName=outFile, fileAppend=False, hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS, vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print("Done") if METHOD == 1: code = "URGENT" print( "Undulator power_density calculation using URGENT. Please wait...") h, v, p = srundplug.calc2d_urgent(bl, fileName=outFile, fileAppend=False, hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS, vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print("Done") if METHOD == 2: code = "SRW" print("Undulator power_density calculation using SRW. Please wait...") h, v, p = srundplug.calc2d_srw(bl, fileName=outFile, fileAppend=False, hSlitPoints=HSLITPOINTS, vSlitPoints=VSLITPOINTS, zero_emittance=zero_emittance) print("Done") if zero_emittance: print("No emittance calculation") codata_mee = codata.m_e * codata.c**2 / codata.e # electron mass in eV gamma = ELECTRONENERGY * 1e9 / codata_mee ptot = (NPERIODS/6) * codata.value('characteristic impedance of vacuum') * \ ELECTRONCURRENT * codata.e * 2 * numpy.pi * codata.c * gamma**2 * KV**2 / PERIODID print( "\nTotal power radiated by the undulator with fully opened slits [W]: %g \n" % (ptot)) if MASK_FLAG: # # rotation # v /= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_H_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) h /= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_V_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) # also reduce the power density!! p *= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_H_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) p *= numpy.cos(MASK_ROT_V_DEG * numpy.pi / 180) # # mask # if MASK_H_MIN is not None: lower_window_h = numpy.where(h < MASK_H_MIN) if len(lower_window_h) > 0: p[lower_window_h, :] = 0 if MASK_H_MAX is not None: upper_window_h = numpy.where(h > MASK_H_MAX) if len(upper_window_h) > 0: p[upper_window_h, :] = 0 if MASK_V_MIN is not None: lower_window_v = numpy.where(v < MASK_V_MIN) if len(lower_window_v) > 0: p[:, lower_window_v] = 0 if MASK_V_MIN is not None: upper_window_v = numpy.where(v > MASK_V_MAX) if len(upper_window_v) > 0: p[:, upper_window_v] = 0 txt0 = "============= power density in the modified (masked) screen ==========\n" else: txt0 = "=================== power density ======================\n" text_info = txt0 text_info += " Power density peak: %f W/mm2\n" % p.max() text_info += " Total power: %f W\n" % (p.sum() * (h[1] - h[0]) * (v[1] - v[0])) text_info += "====================================================\n" print(text_info) # fit fit_ok = False try: print( "============= Fitting power density to a 2D Gaussian. ==============\n" ) print( "Please use these results with care: check if the original data looks like a Gaussian." ) fit_parameters = fit_gaussian2d(p, h, v) print(info_params(fit_parameters)) H, V = numpy.meshgrid(h, v) data_fitted = twoD_Gaussian((H, V), *fit_parameters) print(" Total power in the fitted data [W]: ", data_fitted.sum() * (h[1] - h[0]) * (v[1] - v[0])) # plot_image(data_fitted.reshape((h.size,v.size)),h, v,title="FIT") print("====================================================\n") fit_ok = True except: pass if h5_file != "": try: if h5_initialize: h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file( h5_file, creator="") else: h5w = H5SimpleWriter(h5_file, None) h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name, nx_default="PowerDensity") h5w.add_image(p, h, v, image_name="PowerDensity", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_x="X [mm]", title_y="Y [mm]") h5w.add_key("info", text_info, entry_name=h5_entry_name) h5w.create_entry("parameters", root_entry=h5_entry_name, nx_default=None) for key in h5_parameters.keys(): h5w.add_key(key, h5_parameters[key], entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/parameters") if fit_ok: h5w.add_image(data_fitted.reshape(h.size, v.size), h, v, image_name="PowerDensityFit", entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_x="X [mm]", title_y="Y [mm]") h5w.add_key("fit_info", info_params(fit_parameters), entry_name=h5_entry_name + "/PowerDensityFit") print("File written to disk: %s" % h5_file) except: print("ERROR initializing h5 file") return h, v, p, code
if __name__ == "__main__": import time from srxraylib.plot.gol import plot, set_qt from srxraylib.util.h5_simple_writer import H5SimpleWriter t0 = time.time() set_qt() Grazing = numpy.linspace(10, 20.0, 151) Radius = numpy.zeros_like(Grazing) Fwhm = numpy.zeros_like(Grazing) Std = numpy.zeros_like(Grazing) import h5py h = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file("IR_BM_shadow4_scan.h5") Incidence = 90.0 - Grazing beam = run_shadow(source=True,trace=False,beam=None) beam_source = beam.duplicate() for i,incidence in enumerate(Incidence): grazing = 90.0 - incidence # beam,oe1 = run_shadow(incidence=incidence) beam = None beam = beam_source.duplicate()
def save(self, filename=""): if filename == "": return fwhm_profile_x, fwhm_profile_y = self.get_fwhm_intensity_accumulated() fwhm_histo_x, fwhm_histo_y = self.get_fwhm_histograms() Z = self.intensity_accumulated hx, hy = self.get_histograms() x_coordinates = 1e3 * self.coordinate_x y_coordinates = 1e3 * self.coordinate_y # # initialize file # h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file(filename, creator="") # this is optional h5w.set_label_image("intensity_accumulated", b'x', b'y') h5w.set_label_dataset(b'abscissas', b'intensity') # create the entry for this iteration and set default plot to "Wintensity" h5w.create_entry("accumulated_intensity", nx_default="intensity") # add the images at this entry level h5w.add_image(Z, 1e3 * x_coordinates, 1e3 * y_coordinates, entry_name="accumulated_intensity", image_name="intensity", title_x="X [um]", title_y="Y [um]") h5w.add_dataset(1e3 * x_coordinates, Z[:, int(y_coordinates.size / 2)], entry_name="accumulated_intensity", dataset_name="profileH", title_x="X [um]", title_y="Profile along X") h5w.add_key("fwhm", 1e6 * fwhm_profile_x, entry_name="accumulated_intensity/profileH") h5w.add_dataset(1e3 * y_coordinates, Z[int(x_coordinates.size / 2), :], entry_name="accumulated_intensity", dataset_name="profileV", title_x="Y [um]", title_y="Profile along Y") h5w.add_key("fwhm", 1e6 * fwhm_profile_y, entry_name="accumulated_intensity/profileV") h5w.add_dataset(1e3 * x_coordinates, hx, entry_name="accumulated_intensity", dataset_name="histogramH", title_x="X [um]", title_y="Histogram along X") h5w.add_key("fwhm", 1e6 * fwhm_histo_x, entry_name="accumulated_intensity/histogramH") h5w.add_dataset(1e3 * y_coordinates, hy, entry_name="accumulated_intensity", dataset_name="histogramV", title_x="Y [um]", title_y="Histogram along Y") h5w.add_key("fwhm", 1e6 * fwhm_histo_y, entry_name="accumulated_intensity/histogramV") print("File written to disk: %s" % filename)
def xoppy_write_h5file(self,calculated_data): p0, e0, h0, v0 = self.input_beam.get_content("xoppy_data") p = p0.copy() e = e0.copy() h = h0.copy() v = v0.copy() code = self.input_beam.get_content("xoppy_code") p_spectral_power = p * codata.e * 1e3 transmittance, absorbance, E, H, V = calculated_data if (os.path.splitext(self.FILE_NAME))[-1] not in [".h5",".H5",".hdf5",".HDF5"]: filename_alternative = (os.path.splitext(self.FILE_NAME))[0] + ".h5" tmp = ConfirmDialog.confirmed(self, message="Invalid file extension in output file: \n%s\nIt must be: .h5, .H5, .hdf5, .HDF5\nChange to: %s ?"%(self.FILE_NAME,filename_alternative), title="Invalid file extension") if tmp == False: return self.FILE_NAME = filename_alternative try: h5w = H5SimpleWriter.initialize_file(self.FILE_NAME, creator="") txt = "\n\n\n" txt += self.info_total_power(p, e, v, h, transmittance, absorbance) h5w.add_key("info", txt, entry_name=None) except: print("ERROR writing h5 file (info)") try: # # source # entry_name = "source" h5w.create_entry(entry_name, nx_default=None) h5w.add_stack(e, h, v, p, stack_name="Radiation stack", entry_name=entry_name, title_0="Photon energy [eV]", title_1="X [mm] (normal to beam)", title_2="Y [mm] (normal to beam)") h5w.add_image(numpy.trapz(p_spectral_power, E, axis=0) , H, V, image_name="Power Density", entry_name=entry_name, title_x="X [mm] (normal to beam)", title_y="Y [mm] (normal to beam)") h5w.add_dataset(E, numpy.trapz(numpy.trapz(p_spectral_power, v, axis=2), h, axis=1), entry_name=entry_name, dataset_name="Spectral power", title_x="Photon Energy [eV]", title_y="Spectral density [W/eV]") except: print("ERROR writing h5 file (source)") try: # # optical element # entry_name = "optical_element" h5w.create_entry(entry_name, nx_default=None) h5w.add_stack(E, H, V, transmittance, stack_name="Transmittance stack", entry_name=entry_name, title_0="Photon energy [eV]", title_1="X [mm] (o.e. coordinates)", title_2="Y [mm] (o.e. coordinates)") absorbed = p_spectral_power * absorbance / (H[0] / h0[0]) / (V[0] / v0[0]) h5w.add_image(numpy.trapz(absorbed, E, axis=0), H, V, image_name="Absorbed Power Density on Element", entry_name=entry_name, title_x="X [mm] (o.e. coordinates)", title_y="Y [mm] (o.e. coordinates)") h5w.add_dataset(E, numpy.trapz(numpy.trapz(absorbed, v, axis=2), h, axis=1), entry_name=entry_name, dataset_name="Absorbed Spectral Power", title_x="Photon Energy [eV]", title_y="Spectral density [W/eV]") # # transmitted # # coordinates to send: the same as incident beam (perpendicular to the optical axis) # except for the magnifier if self.EL1_FLAG == 3: # magnifier <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< h *= self.EL1_HMAG v *= self.EL1_VMAG transmitted = p_spectral_power * transmittance / (h[0] / h0[0]) / (v[0] / v0[0]) h5w.add_image(numpy.trapz(transmitted, E, axis=0), h, v, image_name="Transmitted Power Density on Element", entry_name=entry_name, title_x="X [mm] (normal to beam)", title_y="Y [mm] (normal to beam)") h5w.add_dataset(E, numpy.trapz(numpy.trapz(transmitted, v, axis=2), h, axis=1), entry_name=entry_name, dataset_name="Transmitted Spectral Power", title_x="Photon Energy [eV]", title_y="Spectral density [W/eV]") except: print("ERROR writing h5 file (optical element)") try: h5_entry_name = "XOPPY_RADIATION" h5w.create_entry(h5_entry_name,nx_default=None) h5w.add_stack(e, h, v, transmitted,stack_name="Radiation",entry_name=h5_entry_name, title_0="Photon energy [eV]", title_1="X gap [mm]", title_2="Y gap [mm]") except: print("ERROR writing h5 file (adding XOPPY_RADIATION)") print("File written to disk: %s" % self.FILE_NAME)