def localSearchDominance(nbids = 100, n_samples = 1000, rootDir = ".", scppFile = None, vfile = None, lfile = None, njs = 1000, nms = 1000): scppFile = os.path.realpath(scppFile) with open(scppFile,'r') as f: scpp = pickle.load(f) m = scpp.m() bundles = listBundles(m) rootDir = os.path.realpath(rootDir) oDir = os.path.join(rootDir,timestamp_()) if not os.path.exists(oDir): os.makedirs(oDir) table = [["parameter", "value"]] table.append(["nbids", nbids]) table.append(["n_samples",n_samples]) table.append(["m",m]) table.append(["njs",njs]) table.append(["nms",nms]) table.append(["vfile",vfile]) table.append(["lfile",lfile]) table.append(["sccpFile", scppFile]) pprint_table(sys.stdout,table) with open(os.path.join(oDir,'params.txt'),'a') as f: pprint_table(f,table) jointBidFile = os.path.join(oDir,"jointLocalBids.txt") condBidFile = os.path.join(oDir,"condLocalBids.txt") margBidFile = os.path.join(oDir,"margLocalBids.txt") useExternalValuations = False if vfile == None and lfile == None: vfile = os.path.join(oDir,'v.txt') lfile = os.path.join(oDir,'l.txt') else: vmat = numpy.loadtxt(vfile) lmat = numpy.loadtxt(lfile) nbids = lmat.shape[0] useExternalValuations = True surplusSamples = scpp.sample(n_samples = n_samples) numpy.savetxt(os.path.join(oDir,'ppSamples.txt'),surplusSamples) jsdir = os.path.join(oDir,'jointSamples') if not os.path.exists(jsdir): os.makedirs(jsdir) msdir = os.path.join(oDir,'margSamples') if not os.path.exists(msdir): os.makedirs(msdir) es = numpy.zeros((nbids,3)) for i in xrange(nbids): print 'Bid number {0}'.format(i) if useExternalValuations: v = vmat[i,:] l = lmat[i] else: print 'randomizing valuation' v,l = randomValueVector(m=m) with open(vfile,'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, v.reshape(1,v.shape[0])) # print >> f, v with open(lfile,'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(l)) print 'v = {0}'.format(v) print 'l = {0}'.format(l) revenue = listRevenue(bundles, v, l) bundleRevenueDict = {} for b, r in zip(bundles,revenue): bundleRevenueDict[tuple(b)] = r jointSamples = scpp.sample(n_samples = njs) margSamples = scpp.sampleMarg(n_samples = nms) numpy.savetxt( os.path.join(jsdir,'jointSamples_{0:04}.txt'.format(i)), jointSamples) numpy.savetxt( os.path.join(msdir,'margSamples_{0:04}.txt'.format(i)), margSamples) initBid = straightMUa(bundles, revenue, scpp) jbid = jointLocal(bundles,revenue,initBid,jointSamples) cbid = condLocal(bundles, revenue, initBid, jointSamples) mbid = margLocal(bundles, revenue, initBid, margSamples) with open(jointBidFile,'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, jbid.T) with open(condBidFile,'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, cbid.T) with open(margBidFile,'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, mbid.T) es[i,0] = expectedSurplus_(bundleRevenueDict, jbid, surplusSamples) es[i,1] = expectedSurplus_(bundleRevenueDict, cbid, surplusSamples) es[i,2] = expectedSurplus_(bundleRevenueDict, mbid, surplusSamples) with open(os.path.join(oDir,"jointLocalExpectedSurplus.txt"),'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(es[i,0])) with open(os.path.join(oDir,"condLocalExpectedSurplus.txt"),'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(es[i,1])) with open(os.path.join(oDir,"margLocalExpectedSurplus.txt"),'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(es[i,2])) jmean = numpy.mean(es[:,0]) jvar = numpy.var(es[:,0]) cmean = numpy.mean(es[:,1]) cvar = numpy.var(es[:,1]) mmean = numpy.mean(es[:,2]) mvar = numpy.var(es[:,2]) print 'jointLocal Expected Surplus Mean {0}'.format(jmean) print 'jointLocal Expected Surplus Variance {0}'.format(jvar) print 'condLocal Expected Surplus Mean {0}'.format(cmean) print 'condLocal Expected Surplus Variance {0}'.format(cvar) print 'margLocal Expected Surplus Mean {0}'.format(mmean) print 'margLocal Expected Surplus Variance {0}'.format(mvar) with open(os.path.join(oDir,'jointLocalStats.txt'),'a') as f: print >> f, 'mean ', jmean print >> f, 'var ', jvar with open(os.path.join(oDir,'condLocalStats.txt'),'a') as f: print >> f, 'mean ', cmean print >> f, 'var ', cvar with open(os.path.join(oDir,'margLocalStats.txt'),'a') as f: print >> f, 'mean ', mmean print >> f, 'var ', mvar with open(os.path.join(oDir,'stats.txt'),'a') as f: print >> f, 'jointLocal expected surplus mean: {0}'.format(jmean) print >> f, 'jointLocal expected surplus variation: {0}'.format(jvar) print >> f, 'condLocal expected surplus mean: {0}'.format(cmean) print >> f, 'condLocal expected surplus variation: {0}'.format(cvar) print >> f, 'margLocal expected surplus mean: {0}'.format(mmean) print >> f, 'margLocal expected surplus variation: {0}'.format(mvar) bins = range(int(es.min())-1, int(es.max())+1) jhist, jbins = numpy.histogram(es[:,0], bins, normed = True) chist, cbins = numpy.histogram(es[:,1], bins, normed = True) mhist, mbins = numpy.histogram(es[:,2], bins, normed = True) f,ax = plt.subplots(3,1, sharex = True) ax[0].bar( (jbins[:-1]+jbins[1:])/2, jhist, align = 'center') ax[0].set_title('jointLocal expected surplus') ax[1].bar( (cbins[:-1]+cbins[1:])/2, chist, align = 'center' ) ax[1].set_title('condLocal expected surplus') ax[2].bar( (mbins[:-1]+mbins[1:])/2, mhist, align = 'center') ax[2].set_title('margLocal expected surplus') plt.savefig(os.path.join(oDir,'expectedSurplus.pdf'))
def acq(bundles, revenue, priceVector, verbose=False, ties="random"): """ Given the number of goods, a price vector over each good and a valuation for each good, compute the optimal acquisition as described in Boyan and Greenwald 2001. Enumerates surplus for each listed bundle and returns argmax (a bundle) and max surplus. INPUTS: bundles := (2d array-like) rows indicate individual bundles columns are individual goods valuation := (1d array-like) an numpy array of valuations, one for each bundle priceVector := (1d array-like) A point price prediction. Each element corresponds to a good priceVector.shape[0] == bundles.shape[1] == number of goods verbose := output debugging info to stdout ties := a flag on deciding how bunldes with same utility are decided valid options = 'random' Returns ------- optimalBundle, optimalSurplus """ b = numpy.atleast_2d(bundles) rev = numpy.atleast_1d(revenue) pp = numpy.atleast_1d(priceVector) splus = surplus(bundles=bundles, valuation=rev, priceVector=priceVector) optBundleIdxList = numpy.nonzero(splus == numpy.max(splus))[0] argMax = None if optBundleIdxList.shape[0] == 1: argMax = optBundleIdxList else: if ties == "random": retIdx = numpy.random.random_integers(0, optBundleIdxList.shape[0] - 1, 1) argMax = optBundleIdxList[retIdx] optBundle = bundles[argMax][0] optSurplus = splus[argMax] if verbose: print "acq(...): Computing Optimal Bundle" table = [] table.append(["Bundles", "Revenue", "Cost", "Surplus", "argmax"]) costs = cost(bundles, pp) binaryArgMax = numpy.zeros(bundles.shape[0]) binaryArgMax[argMax] = 1 for bundle, val, c, s, am in zip(b, rev, costs, splus, binaryArgMax): table.append(["{0}".format(bundle.astype("int")), val, c, s, am]) pprint_table(sys.stdout, table) return optBundle, optSurplus
def jointGmmScpp(**kwargs): """ NOTE: EXTRA MODEL IS FIT TO FULL COVAR GMM - regardless of covariance_type kwarg. """ kwargs['oDir'] = kwargs.get('oDir') if kwargs['oDir'] == None: raise ValueError("Must specify output directory - oDir.") kwargs['agentType'] = kwargs.get('agentType') if kwargs['agentType'] == None: raise ValueError('Must specify agent type - agentType.') kwargs['nAgents'] = kwargs.get('nAgents',5) kwargs['selfIdx'] = kwargs.get('selfIdx',numpy.random.randint(kwargs['nAgents'])) kwargs['nGames'] = kwargs.get('nGames',10000) kwargs['nklsamples'] = kwargs.get('nklsamples',1000) kwargs['maxItr'] = kwargs.get('maxItr',100) kwargs['tol'] = kwargs.get('tol',0.01) kwargs['aicCompMin'] = kwargs.get('aicCompMin',5) kwargs['aicCompMax'] = kwargs.get('aicCompMax',21) kwargs['aicMinCovar'] = kwargs.get('aicMinCovar',0.1) kwargs['minPrice'] = kwargs.get('minPrice',0) kwargs['maxPrice'] = kwargs.get('maxPrice',numpy.float('inf')) kwargs['covariance_type'] = kwargs.get('covariance_type','full') kwargs['m'] = kwargs.get('m',5) kwargs['minValuation'] = kwargs.get('vmin',0) kwargs['maxValuation'] = kwargs.get('vmax',50) kwargs['parallel'] = kwargs.get('parallel',True) kwargs['nProc'] = kwargs.get('nProc', multiprocessing.cpu_count()) kwargs['verbose'] = kwargs.get('verbose', True) kwargs['pltMarg'] = kwargs.get('pltMarg', True) kwargs['l'] = kwargs.get('l') kwargs['timeStamp'] = timestamp_() ps = paramString(**kwargs) kwargs['oDir'] = os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],ps) if not os.path.exists(kwargs['oDir']): os.makedirs(kwargs['oDir']) models = numpy.arange(kwargs['aicCompMin'], kwargs['aicCompMax']) if kwargs['verbose']: table = [] for k,v in kwargs.iteritems(): table.append([k,str(v)]) pprint_table(sys.stdout, table) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'params.txt'),'w') as f: pprint_table(f, table) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'params.json'),'w') as f: json.dump(kwargs, f) kwargs['pricePrediction'] = uniformpp(kwargs['m'],kwargs['minValuation'],kwargs['maxValuation']) idx2keep = numpy.arange(kwargs['nAgents']) idx2keep = numpy.delete(idx2keep, kwargs['selfIdx']) if kwargs['verbose']: print 'indicies to keep = {0}'.format(idx2keep) filePostfix = fileNamePostfix(**kwargs) for itr in xrange(kwargs['maxItr']): itrStart = time.time() if kwargs['verbose']: print 'Iteration {0}'.format(itr+1) simStart = time.time() bids = simulateAuction(**kwargs) simEnd = time.time() # simFile = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],"simulationTime_{0}.txt".format(ps))) simFile = os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'simTime_0.01.txt') # if not simFile: # with open(os.path.realpath(simFile),'w+') as f: # numpy.savetxt(f, numpy.atleast_1d(simEnd-simStart)) # else: # with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],"simulationTime_{0}.txt".format(ps)),'a+') as f: with open(simFile,'a+') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, numpy.atleast_1d(simEnd-simStart)) if kwargs['verbose']: print 'Simulated {0} auctions in {1} seconds'.format(kwargs['nGames'],simEnd-simStart) del simStart, simEnd bidsFile = 'bids_{0:04}_{1}.npy'.format(itr,filePostfix) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'], bidsFile),'w') as f:, bids) hob = numpy.max(bids[:,idx2keep,:],1) hobFile = os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'hob_{0:04}_{1}.txt'.format(itr,filePostfix)) with open(hobFile,'w') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,hob) del bids nextpp = jointGMM(covariance_type = kwargs.get('covariance_type')) temppp, aicValues, compRange = nextpp.aicFit(X=hob, compRange = models, min_covar = kwargs['aicMinCovar'], verbose = kwargs['verbose']) aicFile = os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'aic_{0:03}_{1}.pdf'.format(itr+1,filePostfix)) pltAic(compRange,aicValues,itr,aicFile) del hob,temppp,compRange ppFile = os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'], 'gmmScpp_{0:04}_{1}.pkl'.format(itr,filePostfix)) with open(ppFile,'w') as f: pickle.dump(nextpp,f) if kwargs['pltMarg']: oFile = os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'marg_{0:04}_{1}.pdf'.format(itr,filePostfix)) nextpp.pltMarg(oFile = oFile) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'aic_{0:04}_{1}.txt'.format(itr,filePostfix)),'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(aicValues).T) if kwargs['verbose']: print 'AIC Fit: number of components = {0}'.format(nextpp.n_components) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'n_components_{0}.txt'.format(filePostfix)), 'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(nextpp.n_components)) if itr > 0: kld = numpy.abs(apprxJointGmmKL(kwargs['pricePrediction'], nextpp, nSamples = kwargs['nklsamples'], verbose = kwargs['verbose'])) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'kld_{0}.txt'.format(filePostfix)),'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(kld)) if kwargs['verbose']: print 'Symmetric KL Distance = {0}'.format(kld) itrEnd = time.time() with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'], "itrTime_{0}.txt".format(filePostfix)),'a') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, numpy.atleast_1d(itrEnd-itrStart)) kwargs['pricePrediction'] = nextpp if itr > 0: if kld < kwargs['tol']: if kwargs['verbose']: print 'kld = {0} < tol = {1}'.format(kld, kwargs['tol']) print 'CONVERGED!' break else: print '' with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'kld_{0}.txt'.format(filePostfix)),'r') as f: kld = numpy.loadtxt(f, 'float') f, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(kld,'r-',linewidth=3) plt.title("Absolute Symmetric K-L Divergence") plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel(r"|kld|") plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'kld_{0}.pdf'.format(ps))) del kld with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'n_components_{0}.txt'.format(filePostfix)),'r') as f: comp = numpy.loadtxt(f) f,ax = plt.subplots() colors = ['#0A0A2A']*len(aicValues), comp, color=colors, align = 'center') ax.set_ylabel('GMM Model (Number of Components)') ax.set_xlabel('Iteration') ax.set_title('Model Selection') plt.ylim([0,numpy.max(comp) + 0.5]) plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'n_components_{0}.pdf'.format(ps))) del comp if kwargs['verbose']: print 'Simulating {0} auctions after scpp converged.'.format(kwargs['nGames']) # To check if distribution is SCPP, after convergence simulate # more bids then evaluate measures of similarity between the resulting # bids and the scpp candidate. start = time.time() extraBids = simulateAuction(**kwargs) end = time.time() with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'extraBids_{0}.npy'.format(filePostfix)), 'w') as f:, extraBids) if kwargs['verbose']: print 'Simulated {0} holdout auctions in {1} seconds'.format(kwargs['nGames'],end-start) extraHob = numpy.max(extraBids[:,idx2keep,:],1) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'extraHob_{0}.txt'.format(filePostfix)),'w') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, extraHob) ll = numpy.sum(kwargs['pricePrediction'].eval(extraHob)[0]) if kwargs['verbose']: print 'log-likelihood hold out = {0}'.format(ll) with open(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'extraHobLL_{0}.txt'.format(filePostfix)),'w') as f: numpy.savetxt(f,numpy.atleast_1d(ll)) # fit another model to held out data and # compute the last skl between the scpp and # the extra model extraModel = jointGMM() gmm, aicValues, compRange = extraModel.aicFit(X=extraHob, compRange = models, min_covar = kwargs['aicMinCovar'], verbose = kwargs['verbose']) kld = numpy.abs(apprxJointGmmKL(kwargs['pricePrediction'], extraModel, nSamples = kwargs['nklsamples'], verbose = kwargs['verbose'])) f,ax = plt.subplots() colors = ['#777777']*len(aicValues) colors[numpy.argmin(aicValues)] = 'r', aicValues, color=colors, align = 'center') ax.set_ylabel('AIC score') ax.set_xlabel('GMM Model (Number of Components)') ax.set_title('Iteration {0}'.format(itr+1)) plt.ylim([0,numpy.max(aicValues) + 0.5]) extraAicFile = "extraAic_{0:04}_{1}.pdf".format(itr+1,ps) plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],extraAicFile)) del gmm,aicValues, compRange if kwargs['verbose']: print 'SKL-D between SCPP proposal and extra model = {0}'.format(kld) extraSkdFile = os.path.join(kwargs['oDir'],'extraHobSkl_{0}.txt'.format(filePostfix)) with open(extraSkdFile,'w') as f: numpy.savetxt(f, numpy.atleast_1d(kld))