コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: brandonmayer/ssapy
def dictRevenue(v, l):
    m = numpy.asarray(v).shape[0]
    bundles = listBundles(m)
    revenue = listRevenue(bundles, v, l)
    d = {}
    for b,r in zip(bundles,revenue):
        d[tuple(b)] = r
    return d
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: brandonmayer/ssapy
def listRevenue(bundles, v, l):
    """Compute the revenue (valuation) for a given 
    list of bundles (collection of goods)
    bundles: array_like, shape (n_bundles, n_goods)
        List of collection of goods. Each row is collection, each column a good index.
        A 1 in the i^{th} row and j^{th} column implies the good j is contained in the 
        i^{th} listed bundle.
    v: array_like, shape (n_goods)
        The value vector described in the Market Scheduling game of YW.
    l: int,
        The minimal number of goods the agent needs to win to obtain value.
        Another parameter of the market schedule game.
    valution: array_like, shape (n_bundles)
        valution[i] is the revenue the agent would receive had
        he/she been able to procure the collection of goods bundle[i]. 
    if bundles == None:
        bundles = listBundles(numpy.atleast_1d(v).shape[0])
        bundles = numpy.atleast_2d(bundles)
    cs = [numpy.atleast_1d(i) for i in itertools.imap(numpy.cumsum,bundles)]
    valuation = []
    for bundle in cs:
        if bundle[-1] < l:
            t = numpy.nonzero(bundle >= l)[0][0]
    return numpy.atleast_1d(valuation)
コード例 #3
ファイル: targetPrice.py プロジェクト: brandonmayer/ssapy
def targetPrice64(bundles, revenue, pricePrediction, verbose = False):
    samples = pricePrediction.sample(n_samples = 64)
    expectedPrices = numpy.mean(samples,0)
    return targetPrice(bundles, revenue, expectedPrices, verbose)

def targetPrice256(bundles, revenue, pricePrediction, verbose = False):
    samples = pricePrediction.sample(n_samples = 256)
    expectedPrices = numpy.mean(samples,0)
    return targetPrice(bundles, revenue, expectedPrices, verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from ssapy.util import listBundles
    from ssapy.agents.marketSchedule import listRevenue
    pp = [5,5]
    l = 1
    v = [20,10]
    bundles = listBundles(2)
    rev = listRevenue(bundles, v, l)
    print bundles
    print rev
    bid = targetPrice(bundles,rev,pp,True)