コード例 #1
def output_security_sub(out: OutputBuffer, sub: str, software: Optional[Software], client_audit: bool, padlen: int) -> None:
    secdb = VersionVulnerabilityDB.CVE if sub == 'cve' else VersionVulnerabilityDB.TXT
    if software is None or software.product not in secdb:
    for line in secdb[software.product]:
        vfrom: str = ''
        vtill: str = ''
        vfrom, vtill = line[0:2]
        if not software.between_versions(vfrom, vtill):
        target: int = 0
        name: str = ''
        target, name = line[2:4]
        is_server = target & 1 == 1
        is_client = target & 2 == 2
        # is_local = target & 4 == 4

        # If this security entry applies only to servers, but we're testing a client, then skip it.  Similarly, skip entries that apply only to clients, but we're testing a server.
        if (is_server and not is_client and client_audit) or (is_client and not is_server and not client_audit):
        p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name))
        if sub == 'cve':
            cvss: float = 0.0
            descr: str = ''
            cvss, descr = line[4:6]

            # Critical CVSS scores (>= 8.0) are printed as a fail, otherwise they are printed as a warning.
            out_func = out.warn
            if cvss >= 8.0:
                out_func = out.fail
            out_func('(cve) {}{} -- (CVSSv2: {}) {}'.format(name, p, cvss, descr))
            descr = line[4]
            out.fail('(sec) {}{} -- {}'.format(name, p, descr))
コード例 #2
def output_compatibility(out: OutputBuffer, algs: Algorithms, client_audit: bool, for_server: bool = True) -> None:

    # Don't output any compatibility info if we're doing a client audit.
    if client_audit:

    ssh_timeframe = algs.get_ssh_timeframe(for_server)
    comp_text = []
    for ssh_prod in [Product.OpenSSH, Product.DropbearSSH]:
        if ssh_prod not in ssh_timeframe:
        v_from = ssh_timeframe.get_from(ssh_prod, for_server)
        v_till = ssh_timeframe.get_till(ssh_prod, for_server)
        if v_from is None:
        if v_till is None:
            comp_text.append('{} {}+'.format(ssh_prod, v_from))
        elif v_from == v_till:
            comp_text.append('{} {}'.format(ssh_prod, v_from))
            software = Software(None, ssh_prod, v_from, None, None)
            if software.compare_version(v_till) > 0:
                tfmt = '{0} {1}+ (some functionality from {2})'
                tfmt = '{0} {1}-{2}'
            comp_text.append(tfmt.format(ssh_prod, v_from, v_till))
    if len(comp_text) > 0:
        out.good('(gen) compatibility: ' + ', '.join(comp_text))
コード例 #3
def output_security(out: OutputBuffer, banner: Optional[Banner], client_audit: bool, padlen: int, is_json_output: bool) -> None:
    with out:
        if banner is not None:
            software = Software.parse(banner)
            output_security_sub(out, 'cve', software, client_audit, padlen)
            output_security_sub(out, 'txt', software, client_audit, padlen)
            if banner.protocol[0] == 1:
                p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - 14)
                out.fail('(sec) SSH v1 enabled{} -- SSH v1 can be exploited to recover plaintext passwords'.format(p))
    if not out.is_section_empty() and not is_json_output:
        out.head('# security')
コード例 #4
def windows_manual(out: OutputBuffer) -> int:
    '''Prints the man page on Windows.  Returns an exitcodes.* flag.'''

    retval = exitcodes.GOOD

    if sys.platform != 'win32':
        out.fail("The '-m' and '--manual' parameters are reserved for use on Windows only.\nUsers of other operating systems should read the man page.")
        retval = exitcodes.FAILURE
        return retval

    # If colors are disabled, strip the ANSI color codes from the man page.
    windows_man_page = WINDOWS_MAN_PAGE
    if not out.use_colors:
        windows_man_page = re.sub(r'\x1b\[\d+?m', '', windows_man_page)

    return retval
コード例 #5
ファイル: ssh_audit.py プロジェクト: swipswaps/ssh-audit
def output_security(banner: Optional[Banner], client_audit: bool, padlen: int,
                    is_json_output: bool) -> None:
    with OutputBuffer() as obuf:
        if banner is not None:
            software = Software.parse(banner)
            output_security_sub('cve', software, client_audit, padlen)
            output_security_sub('txt', software, client_audit, padlen)
    if len(obuf) > 0 and not is_json_output:
        out.head('# security')
コード例 #6
    def _audit(self, spy, conf=None, exit_expected=False):
        if conf is None:
            conf = self._conf()

        out = OutputBuffer()
        if exit_expected:
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
                self.audit(out, conf)
            ret = self.audit(out, conf)
            assert ret != 0

        lines = spy.flush()

        # If the last line is empty, delete it.
        if len(lines) > 1 and lines[-1] == '':
            del lines[-1]

        return lines
コード例 #7
def output_algorithms(out: OutputBuffer, title: str, alg_db: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[Optional[str]]]]], alg_type: str, algorithms: List[str], unknown_algs: List[str], is_json_output: bool, program_retval: int, maxlen: int = 0, alg_sizes: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]] = None) -> int:  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    with out:
        for algorithm in algorithms:
            program_retval = output_algorithm(out, alg_db, alg_type, algorithm, unknown_algs, program_retval, maxlen, alg_sizes)
    if not out.is_section_empty() and not is_json_output:
        out.head('# ' + title)

    return program_retval
コード例 #8
ファイル: ssh_audit.py プロジェクト: swipswaps/ssh-audit
def output_info(software: Optional['Software'], client_audit: bool,
                any_problems: bool, is_json_output: bool) -> None:
    with OutputBuffer() as obuf:
        # Tell user that PuTTY cannot be hardened at the protocol-level.
        if client_audit and (software is not None) and (software.product
                                                        == Product.PuTTY):
                '(nfo) PuTTY does not have the option of restricting any algorithms during the SSH handshake.'

        # If any warnings or failures were given, print a link to the hardening guides.
        if any_problems:
                '(nfo) For hardening guides on common OSes, please see: <https://www.ssh-audit.com/hardening_guides.html>'

    if len(obuf) > 0 and not is_json_output:
        out.head('# additional info')
コード例 #9
def target_worker_thread(host: str, port: int, shared_aconf: AuditConf) -> Tuple[int, str]:
    ret = -1
    string_output = ''

    out = OutputBuffer()
    out.verbose = shared_aconf.verbose
    my_aconf = copy.deepcopy(shared_aconf)
    my_aconf.host = host
    my_aconf.port = port

    # If we're outputting JSON, turn off colors and ensure 'info' level messages go through.
    if my_aconf.json:
        out.json = True
        out.use_colors = False

    out.v("Running against: %s:%d..." % (my_aconf.host, my_aconf.port), write_now=True)
        ret = audit(out, my_aconf, print_target=True)
        string_output = out.get_buffer()
    except Exception:
        ret = -1
        string_output = "An exception occurred while scanning %s:%d:\n%s" % (host, port, str(traceback.format_exc()))

    return ret, string_output
コード例 #10
ファイル: ssh_audit.py プロジェクト: swipswaps/ssh-audit
def output_fingerprints(algs: Algorithms,
                        is_json_output: bool,
                        sha256: bool = True) -> None:
    with OutputBuffer() as obuf:
        fps = []
        if algs.ssh1kex is not None:
            name = 'ssh-rsa1'
            fp = Fingerprint(algs.ssh1kex.host_key_fingerprint_data)
            # bits = algs.ssh1kex.host_key_bits
            fps.append((name, fp))
        if algs.ssh2kex is not None:
            host_keys = algs.ssh2kex.host_keys()
            for host_key_type in algs.ssh2kex.host_keys():
                if host_keys[host_key_type] is None:

                fp = Fingerprint(host_keys[host_key_type])

                # Workaround for Python's order-indifference in dicts.  We might get a random RSA type (ssh-rsa, rsa-sha2-256, or rsa-sha2-512), so running the tool against the same server three times may give three different host key types here.  So if we have any RSA type, we will simply hard-code it to 'ssh-rsa'.
                if host_key_type in HostKeyTest.RSA_FAMILY:
                    host_key_type = 'ssh-rsa'

                # Skip over certificate host types (or we would return invalid fingerprints).
                if '-cert-' not in host_key_type:
                    fps.append((host_key_type, fp))
        # Similarly, the host keys can be processed in random order due to Python's order-indifference in dicts.  So we sort this list before printing; this makes automated testing possible.
        fps = sorted(fps)
        for fpp in fps:
            name, fp = fpp
            fpo = fp.sha256 if sha256 else fp.md5
            # p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name))
            # out.good('(fin) {0}{1} -- {2} {3}'.format(name, p, bits, fpo))
            out.good('(fin) {}: {}'.format(name, fpo))
    if len(obuf) > 0 and not is_json_output:
        out.head('# fingerprints')
コード例 #11
def process_commandline(out: OutputBuffer, args: List[str], usage_cb: Callable[..., None]) -> 'AuditConf':  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    aconf = AuditConf()
        sopts = 'h1246M:p:P:jbcnvl:t:T:Lmd'
        lopts = ['help', 'ssh1', 'ssh2', 'ipv4', 'ipv6', 'make-policy=', 'port=', 'policy=', 'json', 'batch', 'client-audit', 'no-colors', 'verbose', 'level=', 'timeout=', 'targets=', 'list-policies', 'lookup=', 'threads=', 'manual', 'debug']
        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, sopts, lopts)
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
    aconf.ssh1, aconf.ssh2 = False, False
    host: str = ''
    oport: Optional[str] = None
    port: int = 0
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ('-h', '--help'):
        elif o in ('-1', '--ssh1'):
            aconf.ssh1 = True
        elif o in ('-2', '--ssh2'):
            aconf.ssh2 = True
        elif o in ('-4', '--ipv4'):
            aconf.ipv4 = True
        elif o in ('-6', '--ipv6'):
            aconf.ipv6 = True
        elif o in ('-p', '--port'):
            oport = a
        elif o in ('-b', '--batch'):
            aconf.batch = True
            aconf.verbose = True
        elif o in ('-c', '--client-audit'):
            aconf.client_audit = True
        elif o in ('-n', '--no-colors'):
            aconf.colors = False
            out.use_colors = False
        elif o in ('-j', '--json'):
            if aconf.json:  # If specified twice, enable indent printing.
                aconf.json_print_indent = True
                aconf.json = True
        elif o in ('-v', '--verbose'):
            aconf.verbose = True
            out.verbose = True
        elif o in ('-l', '--level'):
            if a not in ('info', 'warn', 'fail'):
                usage_cb('level {} is not valid'.format(a))
            aconf.level = a
        elif o in ('-t', '--timeout'):
            aconf.timeout = float(a)
            aconf.timeout_set = True
        elif o in ('-M', '--make-policy'):
            aconf.make_policy = True
            aconf.policy_file = a
        elif o in ('-P', '--policy'):
            aconf.policy_file = a
        elif o in ('-T', '--targets'):
            aconf.target_file = a
        elif o == '--threads':
            aconf.threads = int(a)
        elif o in ('-L', '--list-policies'):
            aconf.list_policies = True
        elif o == '--lookup':
            aconf.lookup = a
        elif o in ('-m', '--manual'):
            aconf.manual = True
        elif o in ('-d', '--debug'):
            aconf.debug = True
            out.debug = True

    if len(args) == 0 and aconf.client_audit is False and aconf.target_file is None and aconf.list_policies is False and aconf.lookup == '' and aconf.manual is False:

    if aconf.manual:
        return aconf

    if aconf.lookup != '':
        return aconf

    if aconf.list_policies:

    if aconf.client_audit is False and aconf.target_file is None:
        if oport is not None:
            host = args[0]
            host, port = Utils.parse_host_and_port(args[0])
        if not host and aconf.target_file is None:
            usage_cb('host is empty')

    if port == 0 and oport is None:
        if aconf.client_audit:  # The default port to listen on during a client audit is 2222.
            port = 2222
            port = 22

    if oport is not None:
        port = Utils.parse_int(oport)
        if port <= 0 or port > 65535:
            usage_cb('port {} is not valid'.format(oport))

    aconf.host = host
    aconf.port = port
    if not (aconf.ssh1 or aconf.ssh2):
        aconf.ssh1, aconf.ssh2 = True, True

    # If a file containing a list of targets was given, read it.
    if aconf.target_file is not None:
            with open(aconf.target_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                aconf.target_list = f.readlines()
        except PermissionError as e:
            # If installed as a Snap package, print a more useful message with potential work-arounds.
            if SNAP_PACKAGE:
                print("Error: insufficient permissions: %s" % str(e))

        # Strip out whitespace from each line in target file, and skip empty lines.
        aconf.target_list = [target.strip() for target in aconf.target_list if target not in ("", "\n")]

    # If a policy file was provided, validate it.
    if (aconf.policy_file is not None) and (aconf.make_policy is False):

        # First, see if this is a built-in policy name.  If not, assume a file path was provided, and try to load it from disk.
        aconf.policy = Policy.load_builtin_policy(aconf.policy_file)
        if aconf.policy is None:
                aconf.policy = Policy(policy_file=aconf.policy_file)
            except Exception as e:
                out.fail("Error while loading policy file: %s: %s" % (str(e), traceback.format_exc()))

        # If the user wants to do a client audit, but provided a server policy, terminate.
        if aconf.client_audit and aconf.policy.is_server_policy():
            out.fail("Error: client audit selected, but server policy provided.")

        # If the user wants to do a server audit, but provided a client policy, terminate.
        if aconf.client_audit is False and aconf.policy.is_server_policy() is False:
            out.fail("Error: server audit selected, but client policy provided.")

    return aconf
コード例 #12
def list_policies(out: OutputBuffer) -> None:
    '''Prints a list of server & client policies.'''

    server_policy_names, client_policy_names = Policy.list_builtin_policies()

    if len(server_policy_names) > 0:
        out.head('\nServer policies:\n')
        out.info("  * \"%s\"" % "\"\n  * \"".join(server_policy_names))

    if len(client_policy_names) > 0:
        out.head('\nClient policies:\n')
        out.info("  * \"%s\"" % "\"\n  * \"".join(client_policy_names))

    if len(server_policy_names) == 0 and len(client_policy_names) == 0:
        out.fail("Error: no built-in policies found!")
        out.info("\nHint: Use -P and provide the full name of a policy to run a policy scan with.\n")
コード例 #13
def evaluate_policy(out: OutputBuffer, aconf: AuditConf, banner: Optional['Banner'], client_host: Optional[str], kex: Optional['SSH2_Kex'] = None) -> bool:

    if aconf.policy is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Internal error: cannot evaluate against null Policy!')

    passed, error_struct, error_str = aconf.policy.evaluate(banner, kex)
    if aconf.json:
        json_struct = {'host': aconf.host, 'policy': aconf.policy.get_name_and_version(), 'passed': passed, 'errors': error_struct}
        out.info(json.dumps(json_struct, indent=4 if aconf.json_print_indent else None, sort_keys=True))
        spacing = ''
        if aconf.client_audit:
            out.info("Client IP: %s" % client_host)
            spacing = "   "  # So the fields below line up with 'Client IP: '.
            host = aconf.host
            if aconf.port != 22:
                # Check if this is an IPv6 address, as that is printed in a different format.
                if Utils.is_ipv6_address(aconf.host):
                    host = '[%s]:%d' % (aconf.host, aconf.port)
                    host = '%s:%d' % (aconf.host, aconf.port)

            out.info("Host:   %s" % host)
        out.info("Policy: %s%s" % (spacing, aconf.policy.get_name_and_version()))
        out.info("Result: %s" % spacing, line_ended=False)

        # Use these nice unicode characters in the result message, unless we're on Windows (the cmd.exe terminal doesn't display them properly).
        icon_good = "✔ "
        icon_fail = "❌ "
        if Utils.is_windows():
            icon_good = ""
            icon_fail = ""

        if passed:
            out.good("%sPassed" % icon_good)
            out.fail("%sFailed!" % icon_fail)
            out.warn("\nErrors:\n%s" % error_str)

    return passed
コード例 #14
def output(out: OutputBuffer, aconf: AuditConf, banner: Optional[Banner], header: List[str], client_host: Optional[str] = None, kex: Optional[SSH2_Kex] = None, pkm: Optional[SSH1_PublicKeyMessage] = None, print_target: bool = False) -> int:

    program_retval = exitcodes.GOOD
    client_audit = client_host is not None  # If set, this is a client audit.
    sshv = 1 if pkm is not None else 2
    algs = Algorithms(pkm, kex)
    with out:
        if print_target:
            host = aconf.host

            # Print the port if it's not the default of 22.
            if aconf.port != 22:

                # Check if this is an IPv6 address, as that is printed in a different format.
                if Utils.is_ipv6_address(aconf.host):
                    host = '[%s]:%d' % (aconf.host, aconf.port)
                    host = '%s:%d' % (aconf.host, aconf.port)

            out.good('(gen) target: {}'. format(host))
        if client_audit:
            out.good('(gen) client IP: {}'.format(client_host))
        if len(header) > 0:
            out.info('(gen) header: ' + '\n'.join(header))
        if banner is not None:
            banner_line = '(gen) banner: {}'.format(banner)
            if sshv == 1 or banner.protocol[0] == 1:
                out.fail('(gen) protocol SSH1 enabled')

            if not banner.valid_ascii:
                # NOTE: RFC 4253, Section 4.2
                out.warn('(gen) banner contains non-printable ASCII')

            software = Software.parse(banner)
            if software is not None:
                out.good('(gen) software: {}'.format(software))
            software = None
        output_compatibility(out, algs, client_audit)
        if kex is not None:
            compressions = [x for x in kex.server.compression if x != 'none']
            if len(compressions) > 0:
                cmptxt = 'enabled ({})'.format(', '.join(compressions))
                cmptxt = 'disabled'
            out.good('(gen) compression: {}'.format(cmptxt))
    if not out.is_section_empty() and not aconf.json:  # Print output when it exists and JSON output isn't requested.
        out.head('# general')
    maxlen = algs.maxlen + 1
    output_security(out, banner, client_audit, maxlen, aconf.json)
    # Filled in by output_algorithms() with unidentified algs.
    unknown_algorithms: List[str] = []
    if pkm is not None:
        adb = SSH1_KexDB.ALGORITHMS
        ciphers = pkm.supported_ciphers
        auths = pkm.supported_authentications
        title, atype = 'SSH1 host-key algorithms', 'key'
        program_retval = output_algorithms(out, title, adb, atype, ['ssh-rsa1'], unknown_algorithms, aconf.json, program_retval, maxlen)
        title, atype = 'SSH1 encryption algorithms (ciphers)', 'enc'
        program_retval = output_algorithms(out, title, adb, atype, ciphers, unknown_algorithms, aconf.json, program_retval, maxlen)
        title, atype = 'SSH1 authentication types', 'aut'
        program_retval = output_algorithms(out, title, adb, atype, auths, unknown_algorithms, aconf.json, program_retval, maxlen)
    if kex is not None:
        adb = SSH2_KexDB.ALGORITHMS
        title, atype = 'key exchange algorithms', 'kex'
        program_retval = output_algorithms(out, title, adb, atype, kex.kex_algorithms, unknown_algorithms, aconf.json, program_retval, maxlen, kex.dh_modulus_sizes())
        title, atype = 'host-key algorithms', 'key'
        program_retval = output_algorithms(out, title, adb, atype, kex.key_algorithms, unknown_algorithms, aconf.json, program_retval, maxlen, kex.rsa_key_sizes())
        title, atype = 'encryption algorithms (ciphers)', 'enc'
        program_retval = output_algorithms(out, title, adb, atype, kex.server.encryption, unknown_algorithms, aconf.json, program_retval, maxlen)
        title, atype = 'message authentication code algorithms', 'mac'
        program_retval = output_algorithms(out, title, adb, atype, kex.server.mac, unknown_algorithms, aconf.json, program_retval, maxlen)
    output_fingerprints(out, algs, aconf.json)
    perfect_config = output_recommendations(out, algs, software, aconf.json, maxlen)
    output_info(out, software, client_audit, not perfect_config, aconf.json)

    if aconf.json:
        # Build & write the JSON struct.
        out.info(json.dumps(build_struct(aconf.host + ":" + str(aconf.port), banner, kex=kex, client_host=client_host), indent=4 if aconf.json_print_indent else None, sort_keys=True))
    elif len(unknown_algorithms) > 0:  # If we encountered any unknown algorithms, ask the user to report them.
        out.warn("\n\n!!! WARNING: unknown algorithm(s) found!: %s.  Please email the full output above to the maintainer ([email protected]), or create a Github issue at <https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit/issues>.\n" % ','.join(unknown_algorithms))

    return program_retval
コード例 #15
def output_recommendations(out: OutputBuffer, algs: Algorithms, software: Optional[Software], is_json_output: bool, padlen: int = 0) -> bool:

    ret = True
    # PuTTY's algorithms cannot be modified, so there's no point in issuing recommendations.
    if (software is not None) and (software.product == Product.PuTTY):
        max_vuln_version = 0.0
        max_cvssv2_severity = 0.0
        # Search the CVE database for the most recent vulnerable version and the max CVSSv2 score.
        for cve_list in VersionVulnerabilityDB.CVE['PuTTY']:
            vuln_version = float(cve_list[1])
            cvssv2_severity = cve_list[4]

            if vuln_version > max_vuln_version:
                max_vuln_version = vuln_version
            if cvssv2_severity > max_cvssv2_severity:
                max_cvssv2_severity = cvssv2_severity

        fn = out.warn
        if max_cvssv2_severity > 8.0:
            fn = out.fail

        # Assuming that PuTTY versions will always increment by 0.01, we can calculate the first safe version by adding 0.01 to the latest vulnerable version.
        current_version = float(software.version)
        upgrade_to_version = max_vuln_version + 0.01
        if current_version < upgrade_to_version:
            out.head('# recommendations')
            fn('(rec) Upgrade to PuTTY v%.2f' % upgrade_to_version)
            ret = False
        return ret

    for_server = True
    with out:
        software, alg_rec = algs.get_recommendations(software, for_server)
        for sshv in range(2, 0, -1):
            if sshv not in alg_rec:
            for alg_type in ['kex', 'key', 'enc', 'mac']:
                if alg_type not in alg_rec[sshv]:
                for action in ['del', 'add', 'chg']:
                    if action not in alg_rec[sshv][alg_type]:
                    for name in alg_rec[sshv][alg_type][action]:
                        p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name))
                        chg_additional_info = ''
                        if action == 'del':
                            an, sg, fn = 'remove', '-', out.warn
                            ret = False
                            if alg_rec[sshv][alg_type][action][name] >= 10:
                                fn = out.fail
                        elif action == 'add':
                            an, sg, fn = 'append', '+', out.good
                        elif action == 'chg':
                            an, sg, fn = 'change', '!', out.fail
                            ret = False
                            chg_additional_info = ' (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger)'
                        b = '(SSH{})'.format(sshv) if sshv == 1 else ''
                        fm = '(rec) {0}{1}{2}-- {3} algorithm to {4}{5} {6}'
                        fn(fm.format(sg, name, p, alg_type, an, chg_additional_info, b))
    if not out.is_section_empty() and not is_json_output:
        if software is not None:
            title = '(for {})'.format(software.display(False))
            title = ''
        out.head('# algorithm recommendations {}'.format(title))
        out.flush_section(sort_section=True)  # Sort the output so that it is always stable (needed for repeatable testing).
    return ret
コード例 #16
def output_fingerprints(out: OutputBuffer, algs: Algorithms, is_json_output: bool) -> None:
    with out:
        fps = []
        if algs.ssh1kex is not None:
            name = 'ssh-rsa1'
            fp = Fingerprint(algs.ssh1kex.host_key_fingerprint_data)
            # bits = algs.ssh1kex.host_key_bits
            fps.append((name, fp))
        if algs.ssh2kex is not None:
            host_keys = algs.ssh2kex.host_keys()
            for host_key_type in algs.ssh2kex.host_keys():
                if host_keys[host_key_type] is None:

                fp = Fingerprint(host_keys[host_key_type])

                # Workaround for Python's order-indifference in dicts.  We might get a random RSA type (ssh-rsa, rsa-sha2-256, or rsa-sha2-512), so running the tool against the same server three times may give three different host key types here.  So if we have any RSA type, we will simply hard-code it to 'ssh-rsa'.
                if host_key_type in HostKeyTest.RSA_FAMILY:
                    host_key_type = 'ssh-rsa'

                # Skip over certificate host types (or we would return invalid fingerprints).
                if '-cert-' not in host_key_type:
                    fps.append((host_key_type, fp))
        # Similarly, the host keys can be processed in random order due to Python's order-indifference in dicts.  So we sort this list before printing; this makes automated testing possible.
        fps = sorted(fps)
        for fpp in fps:
            name, fp = fpp
            out.good('(fin) {}: {}'.format(name, fp.sha256))

            # Output the MD5 hash too if verbose mode is enabled.
            if out.verbose:
                out.info('(fin) {}: {} -- [info] do not rely on MD5 fingerprints for server identification; it is insecure for this use case'.format(name, fp.md5))

    if not out.is_section_empty() and not is_json_output:
        out.head('# fingerprints')
コード例 #17
def main() -> int:
    out = OutputBuffer()
    aconf = process_commandline(out, sys.argv[1:], usage)

    # If we're on Windows, but the colorama module could not be imported, print a warning if we're in verbose mode.
    if (sys.platform == 'win32') and ('colorama' not in sys.modules):
        out.v("WARNING: colorama module not found.  Colorized output will be disabled.", write_now=True)

    # If we're outputting JSON, turn off colors and ensure 'info' level messages go through.
    if aconf.json:
        out.json = True
        out.use_colors = False

    if aconf.manual:
        # If the colorama module was not be imported, turn off colors in order
        # to output a plain text version of the man page.
        if (sys.platform == 'win32') and ('colorama' not in sys.modules):
            out.use_colors = False
        retval = windows_manual(out)

    if aconf.lookup != '':
        retval = algorithm_lookup(out, aconf.lookup)

    # If multiple targets were specified...
    if len(aconf.target_list) > 0:
        ret = exitcodes.GOOD

        # If JSON output is desired, each target's results will be reported in its own list entry.
        if aconf.json:
            print('[', end='')

        # Loop through each target in the list.
        target_servers = []
        for _, target in enumerate(aconf.target_list):
            host, port = Utils.parse_host_and_port(target, default_port=22)
            target_servers.append((host, port))

        # A ranked list of return codes.  Those with higher indices will take precedence over lower ones.  For example, if three servers are scanned, yielding WARNING, GOOD, and UNKNOWN_ERROR, the overall result will be UNKNOWN_ERROR, since its index is the highest.  Errors have highest priority, followed by failures, then warnings.
        ranked_return_codes = [exitcodes.GOOD, exitcodes.WARNING, exitcodes.FAILURE, exitcodes.CONNECTION_ERROR, exitcodes.UNKNOWN_ERROR]

        # Queue all worker threads.
        num_target_servers = len(target_servers)
        num_processed = 0
        out.v("Scanning %u targets with %s%u threads..." % (num_target_servers, '(at most) ' if aconf.threads > num_target_servers else '',  aconf.threads), write_now=True)
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=aconf.threads) as executor:
            future_to_server = {executor.submit(target_worker_thread, target_server[0], target_server[1], aconf): target_server for target_server in target_servers}
            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_server):
                worker_ret, worker_output = future.result()

                # If this worker's return code is ranked higher that what we've cached so far, update our cache.
                if ranked_return_codes.index(worker_ret) > ranked_return_codes.index(ret):
                    ret = worker_ret

                # print("Worker for %s:%d returned %d: [%s]" % (target_server[0], target_server[1], worker_ret, worker_output))
                print(worker_output, end='' if aconf.json else "\n")

                # Don't print a delimiter after the last target was handled.
                num_processed += 1
                if num_processed < num_target_servers:
                    if aconf.json:
                        print(", ", end='')
                        print(("-" * 80) + "\n")

        if aconf.json:

    else:  # Just a scan against a single target.
        ret = audit(out, aconf)

    return ret