def reviewGrade(cid): if request.method == 'POST': radio = request.form['radio'] if radio == '√': db1 = get_db() cur1 = db1.cursor() cur1.execute( 'update studentCourse set scoreReviewStatus=%s where cid=%s', ('审核完毕', cid)) db1.commit() cur1.execute( 'select email from user where id in (select sid from studentCourse where cid = %s)', (cid)) emails = get_results(cur1) email_list = [] for email in emails: if email['email'] is not '': email_list.append(email['email']) cur1.execute('select cname from course where cid = %s', (cid)) mesg = '同学你所选的课程——{}的课程成绩已经审核完毕,请查看' send_email(mesg.format(get_results(cur1)[0]['cname']), email_list) else: feedback = request.form['feedback'] db2 = get_db() cur2 = db2.cursor() cur2.execute( 'update studentCourse set scoreReviewStatus=%s where cid=%s', (feedback, cid)) db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select sid ,name,dailyScore,finalExamScore,score,scoreReviewStatus from student,studentCourse where cid=%s and', (cid)) scores = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/reviewGrade.html', scores=scores)
def setPercent(cid): tid = session['id'] db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'SELECT sid,name,school,major FROM student,studentCourse WHERE and cid = %s and tid=%s', (cid, tid)) students = get_results(cur) if request.method == 'POST': tid = session['id'] dailyScoreRatio = request.form['dailyScoreRatio'] a = 100 - int(dailyScoreRatio) dailyScoreRatioDesc = "平时成绩(" + dailyScoreRatio + "%),期末成绩(" + str( a) + "%)" db = get_db() db.cursor().execute( 'update course set dailyScoreRatio=%s,dailyScoreRatioDesc=%s where cid=%s', (dailyScoreRatio, dailyScoreRatioDesc, cid)) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('info.importScore', cid=cid)) db1 = get_db() cur1 = db1.cursor() cur1.execute('select distinct dailyScoreRatio from course where cid=%s', (cid)) per = get_results(cur1) db1.commit() return redirect(url_for('info.importScore', cid=cid))
def courseAnalysis(cid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() fail = course_fail(cid) count = course_count2(cid) cur.execute( 'SELECT id, name, dailyScore, finalExamScore, score FROM studentCourse JOIN student ON id = sid WHERE cid = %s', (cid)) students = get_results(cur) cur.execute('SELECT cid,cname FROM course WHERE cid = %s', (cid)) course = get_results(cur) cur.execute( 'SELECT avg(score), max(score), min(score) FROM studentCourse JOIN student ON id = sid WHERE cid = %s', (cid)) score = get_results(cur) db.commit() return render_template('info/teacher2.html', students=students, course=course, score=score, fail=fail, count=count)
def index(): id = session['id'] db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() if request.method == 'POST': coursetype = request.form['coursetype'] courseyear = request.form['courseyear'] courseterm = request.form['courseterm'] cur.execute( 'SELECT coursetype, cname, tname, courseyear, courseterm, coursepoint, score, gpa ' 'FROM studentCourse sc JOIN course c where sc.cid = c.cid and ' 'coursetype = %s and courseyear = %s and courseterm = %s and sid=%s', (coursetype, courseyear, courseterm, id)) courselist = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/index.html', courses=courselist) cur.execute( 'SELECT coursetype, cname, tname, courseyear, courseterm, coursepoint, score, gpa ' 'FROM studentCourse sc JOIN course c where sc.cid = c.cid and ' 'sid=%s', (id)) courselist = get_results(cur) if len(courselist) is 0: abort(404, "Student id {0} doesn't have Course score.".format(id)) total_rank = {} total_rank['avg_coursetype'] = avg_coursetype(id) total_rank['total_point'] = total_point(id) total_rank['total_avg_gpa'] = total_avg_gpa(id) return render_template('info/index.html', courses=courselist, scores=total_rank)
def worst_subject(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() i = cur.execute('select score, gpa, course.cid cid, course.cname cname from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid and score <= 70 order by gpa limit 3', (sid)) if i != 0: worse_subject = get_results(cur) else: cur.execute('select score, gpa, course.cid cid, course.cname cname from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid order by gpa limit 1', (sid)) worse_subject = get_results(cur) return worse_subject
def score_distribution(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('select count(*) 小于60 from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid and score < 60', (sid)) score_distribution = get_results(cur) cur.execute('select count(*) 60至70 from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid and score >= 60 and score < 70', (sid)) score_distribution.extend(get_results(cur)) cur.execute('select count(*) 70至80 from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid and score >= 70 and score < 80', (sid)) score_distribution.extend(get_results(cur)) cur.execute('select count(*) 80至90 from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid and score >= 80 and score < 90', (sid)) score_distribution.extend(get_results(cur)) cur.execute('select count(*) 90至100 from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid and score >= 90', (sid)) score_distribution.extend(get_results(cur)) return score_distribution
def exportScoreList(cid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() sio = BytesIO() workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook( sio, {'in_memory': True}) # xlwt.Workbook(encoding='ascii') # 写到IO中 cur.execute('select * from course where cid = %s' % cid) course = get_results(cur)[0] filename = '%s_%s_%s' % (course['cname'], course['courseyear'], course['courseterm']) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(name=filename) # worksheet.merge_range(0, 0, 0, 5, 'aaa') # 合并单元格 # worksheet.write(11, 2, '=SUM(1:10)') # 增加公式 # worksheet.set_default_row(35) # 设置默认行高 style1 = workbook.add_format({ 'font_size': '11', 'align': 'center', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'bold': True }) # 设置风格 'bg_color': '#34A0FF', style2 = workbook.add_format({ 'font_size': '11', 'align': 'center', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'bold': False }) # 'font_color': '#217346' worksheet.set_column('A:H', None, style2) worksheet.set_column(0, 7, 20) # 设置列宽 title = ['学号', '姓名', '学院', '专业', '平时成绩', '期末成绩', '最终成绩', '成绩状态'] worksheet.write_row('A1', title, style1) cur.execute( 'select sid, name, school, major, dailyScore, finalExamScore, score, studentExamStatus from student, studentCourse ' 'where sid = id and cid = %s', (cid)) scores = get_results(cur) i = 0 for score in scores: data = [ score['sid'], score['name'], score['school'], score['major'], score['dailyScore'], score['finalExamScore'], score['score'], score['studentExamStatus'] ] worksheet.write_row('A' + str(i + 2), data) i = i + 1 workbook.close() # 将byte流再从头读取,之前已经写到最后一个byte了 resp = sio.getvalue() # 通过getvalue函数读取IO流 sio.close() # 关闭IO流 orderdata = [resp, filename.encode().decode('latin1')] return orderdata
def course_count(cid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('select count(*) count from studentCourse where cid = %s', (cid)) course_count = get_results(cur) return course_count
def course_avg(cid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('select avg(score) avg from studentCourse where cid = %s', (cid)) course_avg = get_results(cur) return course_avg
def showProposal(): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() id = g.user['id'] cur.execute('select DISTINCT cname,raisedTime,score, reason, reply,is_checked_by_teacher, is_checked_by_dean from proposal, course,studentCourse where course.cid = studentCourse.cid and proposal.cid=course.cid and proposal.sid = studentCourse.sid and proposal.sid = %s', id) proposals = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/showProposal.html', proposals = proposals)
def login(): """Log in a registered user by adding the user id to the session.""" if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() error = None cur.execute( 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = %s', (username,) ) #user = cur.fetchone() user = get_results(cur) if len(user) is 0: error = 'Incorrect username.' elif not check_password_hash(user[0]['password'], password): error = 'Incorrect password.' if error is None: # store the user id in a new session and return to the index session.clear() session['id'] = user[0]['id'] session['username'] = user[0]['username'] session['auth'] = user[0]['auth'] return redirect(url_for('info.index')) flash(error) return render_template('auth/login.html')
def showProposal(): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() id = g.user['id'] cur.execute('select * from proposal where sid = %s', id) proposals = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/showProposal.html', proposals=proposals)
def proposal(): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'SELECT distinct course.cid, cname' ' FROM studentCourse JOIN course' ' WHERE sid = %s', (g.user['id'])) courses = get_results(cur) db.commit() if request.method == 'POST': cid = request.form['course'] reason = request.form['reason'] error = None if not cid: error = 'Course name is required.' elif not reason: error = 'Reason is required' if error is not None: flash(error) else: db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO proposal(sid, cid, reason)' 'values(%s, %s, %s)', (g.user['id'], cid, reason)) db.commit() flash('成功提交!') return redirect(url_for('info.showProposal')) return render_template('info/proposal.html', courses=courses)
def total_point(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('select sum(coursepoint) totalpoint from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid', (sid)) total_point = get_results(cur) point = total_point return point
def scoreMain(cid): id = session['id'] db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'SELECT sid,name,school,major,dailyScore,finalExamScore,score,studentExamStatus FROM student,studentCourse WHERE and cid = %s and tid=%s', (cid, id)) courses = get_results(cur) cur.execute( 'select courseyear,courseterm,cname,dailyScoreRatioDesc from course where cid = %s', (cid)) info = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/scoreMain.html', courses=courses, cid=cid, info=info)
def create(): if request.method == 'POST': cname = request.form['cname'] score = request.form['score'] gpa = request.form['gpa'] error = None if not cname: error = 'Course name is required.' elif not score: error = 'Score is required' if error is not None: flash(error) else: db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM course WHERE cname = %s ', (cname)) course = get_results(cur) if len(course) is 0: error = 'Course do not exist' flash(error) db.execute( 'INSERT INTO studentCourse (sid, cid, score, gpa)' ' VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s)', (g.user['id'], course['cid'], score, gpa)) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('info.index')) return render_template('info/create.html')
def total_avg_gpa(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select sum(sc)/sum(coursepoint) avggpa from (select gpa*coursepoint sc, coursepoint from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid) as s', (sid)) total_avg_gpa = get_results(cur) return total_avg_gpa
def student_rank(cid, sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select rank() over(order by score desc) rnk from (select * from studentCourse where cid = %s) as s where sid = %s', (cid, sid)) student_rank = get_results(cur) return student_rank
def course_info(cid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select avg(score) avg, max(score) max, count(score > 85 or null)/ count(*) good from studentCourse where cid = %s', (cid)) course_info = get_results(cur) return course_info
def course_fail(cid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select round((count(score<60 or null)) /count(score) *100 , 2) fail from studentCourse JOIN student ON id = sid where cid = %s',(cid) ) course_fail = get_results(cur) return course_fail
def courseclass_gpa_rank(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select ANY_VALUE(sum(gpa*coursepoint)/sum( coursepoint)) gp, ANY_VALUE(sum(coursepoint)) ttpoint, courseclass from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid group by courseclass', (sid)) courseclass_gpa_rank = get_results(cur) return courseclass_gpa_rank
def term_avg_gpa(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select ANY_VALUE(sum(gpa*coursepoint)/sum( coursepoint)) gp,courseyear,courseterm from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid group by courseyear,courseterm', (sid)) term_avg_gpa = get_results(cur) return term_avg_gpa
def avg_coursetype(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select avg(gpa) gpa, coursetype, sum(coursepoint) coursepoint from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and course.cid = studentCourse.cid group by coursetype', (sid)) avg_coursetype = get_results(cur) return avg_coursetype
def load_logged_in_user(): id = session.get('id') if id is None: g.user = None else: cur = get_db().cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = %s', (id)) g.user = get_results(cur)[0]
def course_involve(sid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select course.cid, cname from course, studentCourse where sid = %s and studentCourse.cid = course.cid', (sid)) course_involve = get_results(cur) return course_involve
def reviewGrade(cid): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select sid ,name,dailyScore,finalExamScore,score,status from student,studentCourse where cid=%s and', (cid)) scores = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/reviewGrade.html', scores=scores)
def review(): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select cid,cname,coursetype,coursepoint,courseyear,courseterm,coursevolume,name from course,teacher' ) courses = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/review.html', courses=courses)
def updateScore(): id=session['id'] db =get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('select cid,cname,coursetype,coursepoint,coursevolume from course,teacher ' 'where and',(id)) courses = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/updateScore.html', courses=courses)
def updateScore(): id = session['id'] db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select distinct course.cid,cname,coursetype,coursepoint,courseyear,courseterm,coursevolume,dailyScoreRatioDesc,scoreType,scoreReviewStatus from course,teacher,studentCourse where and and and studentCourse.cid=course.cid', (id)) courses = get_results(cur) return render_template('info/updateScore.html', courses=courses)
def seeScore(cid): tid = session['id'] db = get_db() cur1 = db.cursor() cur1.execute( 'select sid ,name,dailyScore,finalExamScore,score,scoreReviewStatus from student,studentCourse where cid=%s and', (cid)) scores = get_results(cur1) db.commit() return render_template('info/seeScore.html', scores=scores)