コード例 #1
def train_autoEncoder(trainData, testData, trainDataLabel, testDataLabel, 
                      n_visible, n_hidden, learning_rates, callback, 
                      corruption_levels, activation, training_epochs, legend,
                      normalize, generate_attr_vec_callback, total, layer_no, 

    if len(corruption_levels) != len(n_hidden):
        raise Exception("corruption level not provided for each layer...will use default")

    if len(learning_rates) != len(n_hidden):
        raise Exception("learning rates not provided for each layer...will use default")
    legend.append("SAE %d layers" % len(n_hidden))    
    sample = sparse.csc_matrix(name='s', dtype='float32') 
    label = sparse.csc_matrix(name='l', dtype='float32')      
    x = sparse.csc_matrix(name='x', dtype='float32')  
    y = sparse.csc_matrix(name='y', dtype='float32')  

    corruption_level = T.scalar('corruption')  # % of corruption to use
    learning_rate = T.scalar('lr')  # learning rate to use

    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30))

    #bhid_value = numpy.zeros(n_hidden, dtype=theano.config.floatX)                           
    W = None
    b = None
    if params is not None:    
        W = params['W']
        if len(params['b']) == len(params['W']):
            b = params['b']
    sda = SdA(numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, n_ins=n_visible,
              hidden_layers_sizes=n_hidden, input=x, label=y,
              activation=activation, W=W, b=b)
                  #activation=activation, b=bhid_value)
    '''cost, updates = sda.get_cost_updates(corruption_level=corruption_level,

    # this is the function that theano will call to optimize the cost
    # function.
    train_da = theano.function([sample, label], cost, updates=updates,
         givens={x: sample,
                 y: label})
    pretraining_fns = sda.pretraining_functions(sample, label, learning_rate, 
    if normalize:
        def normalize_data(data):
            # normalize data
            inputArray = numpy.array(data)
            minValue = inputArray.flatten().min()
            maxValue = inputArray.flatten().max()    
            inputArray = (inputArray - float(minValue))/(float(maxValue - minValue))
            return inputArray
        trainData = normalize_data(trainData)
        testData = normalize_data(testData)
    #sampleMatrix = generate_feature(trainData, total, generate_attr_vec_callback)
    for idx, fn in enumerate(pretraining_fns):
        print "training layer #%s" % str(idx)                
        for i in range(0, training_epochs):
            for sample in trainData:
                sampleMatrix = generate_feature([sample], total, generate_attr_vec_callback)
                error = fn(sampleMatrix, sampleMatrix, 
                           corruption_levels[idx], learning_rates[idx])
            print "error train cost: " + str(error)

    sampleMatrix = generate_feature(trainData, total, generate_attr_vec_callback)
    errorVector = sda.get_reconstruction_errors(sampleMatrix.tocsc())   

    testMatrix = generate_feature(testData, total, generate_attr_vec_callback)
    errorVectorTest = sda.get_reconstruction_errors(testMatrix.tocsc())    
    # plot without before feature learning
    plot_transformed_vectors(testMatrix.toarray(), testDataLabel, title="before feature learning")

    def find_avg_error(errorMatrix):
        error = errorMatrix
        sqrdErrorMatrix = numpy.dot(error, numpy.transpose(error))
        return numpy.diag(sqrdErrorMatrix)

    print "error train: " + str(math.sqrt(sum(find_avg_error(errorVector))))
    print "error test: " + str(math.sqrt(sum(find_avg_error(errorVectorTest))))
    # look at individual errors:
    callback(sda, trainData, trainDataLabel, testData, 
             testDataLabel, generate_attr_vec_callback, legend, total)

    transformSample = sda.get_hidden_values(sampleMatrix.tocsc())
    transformTest = sda.get_hidden_values(testMatrix.tocsc())
    return transformSample.eval(), transformTest.eval()