コード例 #1
def calc(expr):
    "Processes an expression written in Polish notation from left to right"
    # Create Stack objects for the operators and operands
    operatorStack = Stack()
    operandStack = Stack()
    # Split expression into a list (temporary)
    expr = expr.split()
    for token in expr:
        # Check if the token is an operator
        if token in ["+", "-", "*", "/"]:
            pendingOperand = False
        # Check if the operand is a valid number
        elif is_number(token):
            operand = token
            # Check if a calculation should be done
            if pendingOperand == True:
                while operandStack.height() != 0:
                    operand_1 = operandStack.pop()
                    operator = operatorStack.pop()
                    # print("Evaluating " + str(operand_1) + " " + operator + " " + str(operand))
                    operand = evaluate(operator, operand_1, operand)
            # Push the number to the operand stack
            pendingOperand = True
        else:  # Default if the token is not a operator or cannot be a float
            print(str(token) + " is not a valid token.")
    # Return result
    return operandStack.pop()