solids.append(plank) movingPlank = MovingSolidX(color_palette.BROWN, startX, startY, plankLength, plankThickness, xEnds, False) solids.append(movingPlank) goalWidth = 100 goalHeight = 150 goal = Goal( color_palette.WHITE, [(correctionTerm2 + plankThickness + 7 * plankLength + plankThickness * 2 + plankThickness * 3 + plankLength, waterLevel + plankThickness * 7 + goalHeight, goalWidth, goalHeight)]) solids.append(goal) secretPlatform = Solid( color_palette.BROWN, [(STAGE_WIDTH - secretGapWidth, 110, secretGapWidth, 50)]) solids.append(secretPlatform) solids.append(water) startX = plankThickness + plankLength / 2 startY = int(HEIGHT / 2) character = Character(screen, startX, startY, (255, 215, 0), 50) isPeriodic = False stage = Stage(screen, character, isPeriodic, STAGE_WIDTH, STAGE_HEIGHT, solids) if __name__ == '__main__': stage.DrawStage(1200) input('press anything to exit')
platformSpacing * 5), (STAGE_X_SHIFT + platformSpacing + 400 + 450 + 800 + 600 + platformWidth * 4, groundLevel + platformSpacing * 4, platformWidth, platformSpacing * 4), (STAGE_X_SHIFT + platformSpacing + 400 + 450 + 800 + 600 + platformWidth * 5, groundLevel + platformSpacing * 3, platformWidth, platformSpacing * 3), (STAGE_X_SHIFT + platformSpacing + 400 + 450 + 800 + 600 + platformWidth * 6, groundLevel + platformSpacing * 2, platformWidth, platformSpacing * 2), (STAGE_X_SHIFT + platformSpacing + 400 + 450 + 800 + 600 + platformWidth * 7, groundLevel + platformSpacing * 1, platformWidth, platformSpacing * 1)]) solids.append(stairs) secretPlatform = Solid(RED, [(700, platformSpacing * 12, platformWidth * 5, 50)]) solids.append(secretPlatform) goal = Goal(WHITE, [(STAGE_WIDTH - platformWidth - 50, groundLevel + platformSpacing, platformWidth, platformSpacing)]) solids.append(goal) isPeriodic = False stage = Stage(screen, character, isPeriodic, STAGE_WIDTH, STAGE_HEIGHT, solids) if __name__ == '__main__': stage.DrawStage(800) input('press anything to exit')