コード例 #1
def docker_dps():
    print("Now, lets download, process and save each one.")
    make_content = DockerStart(blobs=1, manifests=1, manifest_lists=1)
    download_content = ConcurrentRunner(DownloadContent())
    process = ProcessContent()
    save_stage = SaveContent()
    print_end = PrintStage()
    stages = [make_content, download_content, process, save_stage, print_end]

    print("Well, that may not have been what we intended...")
    print("The manifest lists are all DPS, but manifests and blobs aren't.")
        "This is because each item only passes through the pipeline once,"
        " manifests and blobs were created in the ProcessContent stage, which "
        "simulates seeing this content in a manifest list file.")
        "To solve this problem, we can just repeat the stages a couple times to"
        " handle the nested content as well.")
    make_content = DockerStart(blobs=1, manifests=1, manifest_lists=1)
    download_content = ConcurrentRunner(DownloadContent())
    process = ProcessContent()
    save_stage = SaveContent()
    print_end = PrintStage()
    stages = [
        make_content, download_content, process, save_stage, download_content,
        process, save_stage, download_content, process, save_stage, print_end
    print("Hooray! That did it.")
コード例 #2
def docker_concurrent_wait_groups():
    print("So, how can we make our concurrency work better, reduce memory, "
          "and not mess up our many-to-many relationships?")
    print("Since StageGroups are treated as regular Stages, we can use the "
          "ConcurrentRunner with a whole group.")
    print("We also know that nested content is created from content higher up "
          "in the heirarchy. So, related content can be kept separate, running "
          " inside of a stage group, allowing the wait stage to only wait on the "
          " content that we know will be related.")
    print("We just need to shift our stages around a little.")
    make_content = DockerStart(blobs=1, manifests=1, manifest_lists=1)
    download_content = ConcurrentRunner(DownloadContent())
    process = ProcessContent()
    save_stage = SaveContent()
    handle_content = StageGroup([download_content, process, save_stage])
    wait_stage = WaitUntilComplete()
    relate_content = ContentRelations()
    content_stream = ConcurrentRunner(
        StageGroup([handle_content, handle_content, handle_content, wait_stage, relate_content])
    print_end = PrintStage()
    stages = [make_content, content_stream, print_end]
    print("We still had to do some waiting, but items were able to pass through in chuncks, "
          "rather than all at once.")
コード例 #3
def docker_manymany_problem():
        "We have another step, and it presents a problem. Each of these content types"
        " are related to each other. To make matters more difficult, they have"
        " many-to-many relationships. This is a problem for our current setup because"
        " each item streams through individually.")
        "To demo the problem, I've written a mock many-to-many that is used by the "
        "ContentRelations Stage. All it does is let us know if both of the objects we "
        "are trying to fake relate have already been fake saved to the db.")
        "Sometimes, we will get lucky and objects just happen to pass through in the right "
        "order, but most of the many-to-many writes will fail.")
    make_content = DockerStart(blobs=1, manifests=1, manifest_lists=1)
    download_content = ConcurrentRunner(DownloadContent())
    process = ProcessContent()
    save_stage = SaveContent()
    handle_content = StageGroup([download_content, process, save_stage])
    relate_content = ContentRelations()
    print_end = PrintStage()
    stages = [
        make_content, handle_content, handle_content, handle_content,
        relate_content, print_end
コード例 #4
def hello_world_demo():
    Here, we use create 2 simple stages, and show that they work together.
    # pass "hello" and "world" into out_q.
    heya = HelloStage()
    print_stuff = PrintStage()
    stages = [heya, print_stuff]
コード例 #5
def concurrent_runner_demo():
        "Each fake download takes time. We can improve performance by fake downloading"
        " more than one blob at a time. To do this, use the ConcurrentRunner Stage to wrap"
        " your download stage.")
    make_blobs = DockerStart(blobs=3)
    download_blobs = ConcurrentRunner(DownloadContent())
    print_them = PrintStage()
    stages = [make_blobs, download_blobs, print_them]
コード例 #6
def docker_dl_intro():
        "Just like in the runner and concurrent runner demos, we need to download files."
    make_content = DockerStart(blobs=1, manifests=1, manifest_lists=1)
    print_and_pass = PrintAndPassStage()
    download_content = DownloadContent()
    print_end = PrintStage()
    stages = [make_content, print_and_pass, download_content, print_end]
コード例 #7
def stage_group_demo():
    Stage groups are treated as Stages, and creates an inner pipeline of its own.
    print("Stage Group demo.")
        "Stage groups can help you to abstract groups that are used together.")
    heya = HelloStage(sleep=True)
    print_stuff = PrintStage()
    stages = [heya, print_stuff]
    stage_group = StageGroup(stages)
    run_pipeline([stage_group, stage_group])
コード例 #8
def wait_demo():
    print("Wait demo.")
    print("Wait stages can make sure that tasks are ready to be executed.")
    print("Notice that the order is changed from the stage_group_demo.")
    heya = HelloStage(sleep=True)
    print_stuff = PrintStage()
    wait = WaitUntilComplete()
    stages = [heya, wait, print_stuff]
    stage_group = StageGroup(stages)
    run_pipeline([stage_group, stage_group])
コード例 #9
def runner_demo():
    So far, each stage we created is only run 1 at a time. asyncio allows us to run all of the
    stages at once, but at any time, only 1 instance of each stage is running.

    For stages that use a lot of io, it is useful to run many instances of a stage concurrently.
    To do this, we use a Runner Stage.
    print("Make a few fake blobs, and then fake download them in serial.")
    print("To simulate io, I've put a sleep statement in download.")
    make_blobs = DockerStart(blobs=3)
    download_blobs = DownloadContent()
    print_them = PrintStage()
    stages = [make_blobs, download_blobs, print_them]
コード例 #10
def docker_manymany_solution():
    print("So, how can we ensure that all the models are saved before we try to write "
          "a many-to-many relationship?")
    print("Let's start with the easy way, but it's not ideal.")
    print("Just add a new custom Stage, WaitUntilComplete.")
    print("Now, all the writes should work.")
    make_content = DockerStart(blobs=1, manifests=1, manifest_lists=1)
    download_content = ConcurrentRunner(DownloadContent())
    process = ProcessContent()
    save_stage = SaveContent()
    handle_content = StageGroup([download_content, process, save_stage])
    wait_stage = WaitUntilComplete()
    relate_content = ContentRelations()
    print_end = PrintStage()
    stages = [make_content, handle_content, handle_content, handle_content,
              wait_stage, relate_content, print_end]
    print("... Unfortunately, every single content stayed in memory until the whole task "
          "completed. This pattern limits works against good asynchronous design.")
コード例 #11
def docker_grouped_dps():
        "Can that be simpler? Yup, let's group the repeated stage into a group."
        "The results should be exactly the same, though possibly in a different order."
    make_content = DockerStart(blobs=1, manifests=1, manifest_lists=1)
    download_content = ConcurrentRunner(DownloadContent())
    process = ProcessContent()
    save_stage = SaveContent()
    handle_content = StageGroup([download_content, process, save_stage])
    print_end = PrintStage()
    stages = [
        make_content, handle_content, handle_content, handle_content, print_end
        "If you thought 'Why not just loop?', I had the same thought. See `apx_1_loops.py`."