def get_psd(data, rate, win_size): ### Demo cells: 583 (strong periodicity) and 48 (low periodicity) pcf = pipe.load_pcf(r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200625') neurons = [583, 49] rate = 1/5 # samples per centimeter fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(neurons), 3, sharex='col') for i, neuron in enumerate(neurons): data = pcf.bin_avg_activity[neuron] psd, freqs = psd_array_multitaper(data, rate, adaptive=True, normalization='full') # Plot activity ax[i, 0].plot(np.arange(0, 400, 5), data) ax[i, 0].set_ylabel(f'mean dF/F') # Plot frequencies ax[i, 1].plot(freqs, psd) ax[i, 1].set_ylabel(f'PSD') # Plot periods ax[i, 2].plot(1/freqs, psd) ax[i, 2].set_ylabel(f'PSD') ax[0, 0].set_title(f'Spatial activity map') ax[0, 1].set_title(f'Frequency power density') ax[0, 2].set_title(f'Period power density') ax[1, 0].set_xlabel(f'VR position [cm]') ax[1, 1].set_xlabel(f'Frequency [1/cm]') ax[1, 2].set_xlabel(f'Period [cm]') plt.tight_layout()
def load_all_pc_data(root): """ Loads spatial activity map (pcf.bin_avg_activity) and place cell data (pcf.place_cells) of all PCF objects in the root directory tree. :param root: str, directory that holds all PCF objects to be loaded :return: bin_avg_act; np.array with shape (n_neurons, n_bins) holding spatial activity maps of all neurons pc; list with length n_place_cells holding data (indices, place fields) of all place cells """ file_list = [] for step in os.walk(root): pcf_files = glob(step[0]+r'\pcf_results*') if len(pcf_files) > 0: pcf_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(max(pcf_files, key=os.path.getmtime)))[0] file_list.append((step[0], pcf_file)) file_list.reverse() print(f'Found {len(file_list)} PCF files. Start loading...') bin_avg_act = None pc = None for file in file_list: curr_pcf = pipe.load_pcf(file[0], file[1]) if bin_avg_act is None: bin_avg_act = deepcopy(curr_pcf.bin_avg_activity) else: idx_offset = bin_avg_act.shape[0] try: bin_avg_act = np.vstack((bin_avg_act, curr_pcf.bin_avg_activity)) except ValueError: print(f'Couldnt add place cells from {file[0]} because bin number did not add up.') continue # skip the rest of the loop if pc is None: pc = deepcopy(curr_pcf.place_cells) else: # Place cell index has to be offset by the amount of cells already in the array curr_pc_offset = [] for i in curr_pcf.place_cells: i = list(i) i[0] = i[0] + idx_offset curr_pc_offset.append(tuple(i)) pc.extend(curr_pc_offset) return bin_avg_act, pc
#%% simple data #%% #r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch2\M19\20191121b\N2', roots = [ r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200318', r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200319', r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200320', r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200321', r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200322', r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200323' ] pcf_list = [None] * len(roots) for idx, root in enumerate(roots): pcf_list[idx] = pipe.load_pcf(root) #%% combine all pcf objects into one big one and plot place cells root = r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data' #%% spatial information functions all_sess_si = [] # for root in roots: # if root == r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch2\M25\20191204\N1\pcf_results_nobadtrials.pickle': # with open(root, 'rb') as file: # pcf = pickle.load(file) # else: # pcf = pipe.load_pcf(root) for pcf in pcf_list:
np.savetxt( r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\batch_processing\cell_alignments\spikerate_pc.txt', spikerate_pc, fmt='%.4f', delimiter='\t') np.savetxt( r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\batch_processing\cell_alignments\spikerate_non_pc.txt', spikerate_non_pc, fmt='%.4f', delimiter='\t') #%% Load pcf files into a dict for better indexing pcf_dict = {} for root in roots: pcf = pipe.load_pcf(root) pcf_dict[pcf.params['session']] = pcf with open( r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch2\M19\20191204\N2\pcf_results.pickle', 'rb') as file: pcf_dict['20191204'] = pickle.load(file) #%% load alignment files and store data in a DataFrame alignment_root = r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch2\batch_analysis' alignment_paths = glob(alignment_root + r'\pc_alignment*.txt') sess_list = [path.split(os.path.sep)[-2] for path in roots] # load alignment files and enter data into a data frame with columns (data, glob_id, session, sess_id, pc_sess) single_rows = []
import standard_pipeline.place_cell_pipeline as pipe import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt session = r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200627' window_size = (2, 4) # Load PCF pcf = pipe.load_pcf(session) # Set RZ borders if pcf.params['novel']: zone_borders = np.array([[9, 19], [34, 44], [59, 69], [84, 94]]) else: zone_borders = np.array([[-6, 4], [26, 36], [58, 68], [90, 100]]) # Find frame count of valve openings df_hit_list = [] df_miss_list = [] for trial_idx, trial in enumerate(pcf.behavior): # Recover frames where the mouse was not moving and get frame indices frame_idx = np.where(np.nan_to_num(trial[:, 3], nan=1) == 1)[0] valve_idx = np.where(trial[:, 6] == 1)[0] # Check if any reward zone was without reward for idx, zone in enumerate(zone_borders): zone_data = trial[np.logical_and(zone[0] < trial[:, 1], trial[:, 1] < zone[1]), :] if sum(zone_data[:, 6]) == 0: df_miss_list.append(pd.DataFrame({'trial': [trial_idx], 'zone':[idx]})) # For every valve opening, get the index of the next frame and save it for later alignment
def run_gui(path=None, data=None): """ Loads PCF or CNMF data object from a provided path and loads the CaImAn GUI for component inspection. This GUI was tweaked to not require any storage-intensive mmap files, but can therefore not show individual frames. :param path: optional str, directory of the PCF or CNMF object from which component data should be loaded. If None and data=None, a window prompt will open to select a directory where to look for a CNMF/PCF file. :param data: optional, data in form of an already loaded cnm object can be provided directly :return: """ try: cv2.setNumThreads(1) except: print('Open CV is naturally single threaded') try: if __IPYTHON__: # print(1) # this is used for debugging purposes only. allows to reload classes # when changed get_ipython().magic('load_ext autoreload') get_ipython().magic('autoreload 2') except NameError: print('Not launched under iPython') def make_color_img(img, gain=255, min_max=None, out_type=np.uint8): if min_max is None: min_ = img.min() max_ = img.max() else: min_, max_ = min_max img = (img - min_) / (max_ - min_) * gain img = img.astype(out_type) img = np.dstack([img] * 3) return img ### FIND DATA ### if data is None: # different conditions on file loading (not necessary if data was already provided) if path is None: # if no path has been given, open a window prompt to select a directory F = FileDialog() # load object saved by CNMF path = F.getExistingDirectory( caption='Select folder from which to load a PCF or CNMF file') try: # first try to get CNMF data from a PCF object (should be most up-to-date) cnm_obj = pipe.load_pcf(path).cnmf except FileNotFoundError: try: cnm_obj = pipe.load_cnmf(path) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( f'Could not find data to load in {path}!') else: cnm_obj = data # movie NOT NEEDED IN VERSION WITHOUT MMAP FILE # if not os.path.exists(cnm_obj.mmap_file): # M = FileDialog() # cnm_obj.mmap_file = M.getOpenFileName(caption='Load memory mapped file', filter='*.mmap')[0] # # if fpath[-3:] == 'nwb': # mov = cm.load(cnm_obj.mmap_file, var_name_hdf5='acquisition/TwoPhotonSeries') # else: # mov = cm.load(cnm_obj.mmap_file) estimates = cnm_obj.estimates params_obj = cnm_obj.params # min_mov = np.min(mov) # max_mov = np.max(mov) if not hasattr(estimates, 'Cn'): if not os.path.exists(cnm_obj.mmap_file): M = FileDialog() cnm_obj.mmap_file = M.getOpenFileName( caption='Load memory mapped file', filter='*.mmap')[0] mov = cm.load(cnm_obj.mmap_file) estimates.Cn = cm.local_correlations(mov, swap_dim=False) Cn = estimates.Cn # min_mov_denoise = np.min(estimates.A)*estimates.C.min() # max_mov_denoise = np.max(estimates.A)*estimates.C.max() background_num = -1 neuron_selected = False nr_index = 0 min_background = np.min(estimates.b, axis=0) * np.min(estimates.f, axis=1) max_background = np.max(estimates.b, axis=0) * np.max(estimates.f, axis=1) if not hasattr(estimates, 'accepted_list'): # if estimates.discarded_components.A.shape[-1] > 0: # estimates.restore_discarded_components() estimates.accepted_list = np.array([], estimates.rejected_list = np.array([], estimates.img_components = estimates.A.toarray().reshape( (estimates.dims[0], estimates.dims[1], -1), order='F').transpose([2, 0, 1]) estimates.cms = np.array([ scipy.ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(comp) for comp in estimates.img_components ]) estimates.idx_components = np.arange( estimates.idx_components_bad = np.array([]) estimates.background_image = make_color_img(estimates.Cn) # Generate image data estimates.img_components /= estimates.img_components.max( axis=(1, 2))[:, None, None] estimates.img_components *= 255 estimates.img_components = estimates.img_components.astype(np.uint8) def draw_contours_overall(md): if md is "reset": draw_contours() elif md is "neurons": if neuron_selected is True: #if a specific neuron has been selected, only one contour should be changed while thrshcomp_line is changing if nr_index is 0: #if user does not start to move through the frames draw_contours_update(estimates.background_image, img) draw_contours_update(comp2_scaled, img2) else: # NEVER CALLED IN THIS VERSION WITHOUT MMAP SINCE NR_INDEX NEVER CHANGES (NO NR_VLINE) draw_contours_update(raw_mov_scaled, img) draw_contours_update(frame_denoise_scaled, img2) else: #if no specific neuron has been selected, all the contours are changing draw_contours() else: #md is "background": return def draw_contours(): global thrshcomp_line, estimates, img bkgr_contours = estimates.background_image.copy() if len(estimates.idx_components) > 0: contours = [ cv2.findContours( cv2.threshold(img,, 255, 0)[1], cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[0] for img in estimates.img_components[estimates.idx_components] ] SNRs = np.array(estimates.r_values) iidd = np.array(estimates.idx_components) idx1 = np.where(SNRs[iidd] < 0.1)[0] idx2 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.1) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.25))[0] idx3 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.25) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.5))[0] idx4 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.5) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.75))[0] idx5 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.75) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.9))[0] idx6 = np.where(SNRs[iidd] >= 0.9)[0] cv2.drawContours(bkgr_contours, sum([contours[jj] for jj in idx1], []), -1, (255, 0, 0), 1) cv2.drawContours(bkgr_contours, sum([contours[jj] for jj in idx2], []), -1, (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.drawContours(bkgr_contours, sum([contours[jj] for jj in idx3], []), -1, (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.drawContours(bkgr_contours, sum([contours[jj] for jj in idx4], []), -1, (255, 255, 0), 1) cv2.drawContours(bkgr_contours, sum([contours[jj] for jj in idx5], []), -1, (255, 0, 255), 1) cv2.drawContours(bkgr_contours, sum([contours[jj] for jj in idx6], []), -1, (0, 255, 255), 1) img.setImage(bkgr_contours, autoLevels=False) # pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='row-major') def draw_contours_update(cf, im): global thrshcomp_line, estimates curFrame = cf.copy() if len(estimates.idx_components) > 0: contours = [ cv2.findContours( cv2.threshold(img,, 255, 0)[1], cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[0] for img in estimates.img_components[estimates.idx_components] ] SNRs = np.array(estimates.r_values) iidd = np.array(estimates.idx_components) idx1 = np.where(SNRs[iidd] < 0.1)[0] idx2 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.1) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.25))[0] idx3 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.25) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.5))[0] idx4 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.5) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.75))[0] idx5 = np.where((SNRs[iidd] >= 0.75) & (SNRs[iidd] < 0.9))[0] idx6 = np.where(SNRs[iidd] >= 0.9)[0] if min_dist_comp in idx1: cv2.drawContours(curFrame, contours[min_dist_comp], -1, (255, 0, 0), 1) if min_dist_comp in idx2: cv2.drawContours(curFrame, contours[min_dist_comp], -1, (0, 255, 0), 1) if min_dist_comp in idx3: cv2.drawContours(curFrame, contours[min_dist_comp], -1, (0, 0, 255), 1) if min_dist_comp in idx4: cv2.drawContours(curFrame, contours[min_dist_comp], -1, (255, 255, 0), 1) if min_dist_comp in idx5: cv2.drawContours(curFrame, contours[min_dist_comp], -1, (255, 0, 255), 1) if min_dist_comp in idx6: cv2.drawContours(curFrame, contours[min_dist_comp], -1, (0, 255, 255), 1) im.setImage(curFrame, autoLevels=False) #%% START BUILDING THE APPLICATION WINDOW # Always start by initializing Qt (only once per application) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) # Define a top-level widget to hold everything w = QtGui.QWidget() # Create some widgets to be placed inside btn = QtGui.QPushButton('press me') text = QtGui.QLineEdit('enter text') # Histogram controller (win) win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() win.setMaximumWidth(300) win.setMinimumWidth(200) hist = pg.HistogramLUTItem() # Contrast/color control win.addItem(hist) # Plotting windows p1 = pg.PlotWidget( ) # raw movie window (top-mid), all contours are drawn here p2 = pg.PlotWidget( ) # trace window (bottom-mid), calcium trace of the selected component p3 = pg.PlotWidget( ) # denoised movie window (top-right), only selected contour is drawn here # parameter table for online evaluation and mode change t = ParameterTree() # parameter table for neuron selection/sorting t_action = ParameterTree() action_layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() ## Create a grid layout to manage the widgets size and position layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() w.setLayout(layout) # A plot area (ViewBox + axes) for displaying the image #p1 = win.addPlot(title="Image here") # Item for displaying image data img = pg.ImageItem() p1.addItem(img) img2 = pg.ImageItem() p3.addItem(img2) hist.setImageItem(img) # Draggable line for setting isocurve level thrshcomp_line = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=True, pen='g') hist.vb.addItem(thrshcomp_line) hist.vb.setMouseEnabled(y=False) # makes user interaction a little easier thrshcomp_line.setValue(100) thrshcomp_line.setZValue(1000) # bring iso line above contrast controls ## Add widgets to the layout in their proper positions layout.addWidget(win, 1, 0) # histogram layout.addWidget(p3, 0, 2) # denoised movie layout.addWidget(t, 0, 0) # upper-right table layout.addWidget(t_action, 1, 2) # bottom-right table layout.addWidget(p1, 0, 1) # raw movie layout.addWidget(p2, 1, 1) # calcium trace window #enable only horizontal zoom for the traces component p2.setMouseEnabled(x=True, y=False) ## Display the widget as a new window ## Start the Qt event loop app.exec_() draw_contours() hist.setLevels(estimates.background_image.min(), estimates.background_image.max()) # Another plot area for displaying ROI data #win.nextRow() #p2 = win.addPlot(colspan=2) p2.setMaximumHeight(250) #win.resize(800, 800) # set position and scale of image img.scale(1, 1) # img.translate(-50, 0) # zoom to fit image p1.autoRange() mode = "reset" p2.setTitle("mode: %s" % (mode)) thrshcomp_line.sigDragged.connect(lambda: draw_contours_overall(mode)) def imageHoverEvent(event): #Show the position, pixel, and value under the mouse cursor. global x, y, i, j, val pos = event.pos() i, j = pos.y(), pos.x() i = int(np.clip(i, 0, estimates.background_image.shape[0] - 1)) j = int(np.clip(j, 0, estimates.background_image.shape[1] - 1)) val = estimates.background_image[i, j, 0] ppos = img.mapToParent(pos) x, y = ppos.x(), ppos.y() # Monkey-patch the image to use our custom hover function. # This is generally discouraged (you should subclass ImageItem instead), # but it works for a very simple use like this. img.hoverEvent = imageHoverEvent def mouseClickEvent(event): global mode global x, y, i, j, val pos = img.mapFromScene(event.pos()) x = int(pos.x()) y = int(pos.y()) if x < 0 or x > mov.shape[1] or y < 0 or y > mov.shape[2]: # if the user click outside of the movie, do nothing and jump out of the function return i, j = pos.y(), pos.x() i = int(np.clip(i, 0, estimates.background_image.shape[0] - 1)) j = int(np.clip(j, 0, estimates.background_image.shape[1] - 1)) val = estimates.background_image[i, j, 0] if mode is "neurons": show_neurons_clicked() p1.mousePressEvent = mouseClickEvent #A general rule in Qt is that if you override one mouse event handler, you must override all of them. def release(event): pass p1.mouseReleaseEvent = release def move(event): pass p1.mouseMoveEvent = move ## PARAMS params = [{ 'name': 'min_cnn_thr', 'type': 'float', 'value': 0.99, 'limits': (0, 1), 'step': 0.01 }, { 'name': 'cnn_lowest', 'type': 'float', 'value': 0.1, 'limits': (0, 1), 'step': 0.01 }, { 'name': 'rval_thr', 'type': 'float', 'value': 0.85, 'limits': (-1, 1), 'step': 0.01 }, { 'name': 'rval_lowest', 'type': 'float', 'value': -1, 'limits': (-1, 1), 'step': 0.01 }, { 'name': 'min_SNR', 'type': 'float', 'value': 2, 'limits': (0, 20), 'step': 0.1 }, { 'name': 'SNR_lowest', 'type': 'float', 'value': 0, 'limits': (0, 20), 'step': 0.1 }, { 'name': 'RESET', 'type': 'action' }, { 'name': 'SHOW BACKGROUND', 'type': 'action' }, { 'name': 'SHOW NEURONS', 'type': 'action' }] ## Create tree of Parameter objects pars = Parameter.create(name='params', type='group', children=params) params_action = [{ 'name': 'Filter components', 'type': 'bool', 'value': True, 'tip': "Filter components" }, { 'name': 'View components', 'type': 'list', 'values': ['All', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Unassigned'], 'value': 'All' }, { 'name': 'ADD GROUP', 'type': 'action' }, { 'name': 'REMOVE GROUP', 'type': 'action' }, { 'name': 'ADD SINGLE', 'type': 'action' }, { 'name': 'REMOVE SINGLE', 'type': 'action' }, { 'name': 'SAVE OBJECT', 'type': 'action' }] pars_action = Parameter.create(name='params_action', type='group', children=params_action) t_action.setParameters(pars_action, showTop=False) t_action.setWindowTitle('Parameter Action') def reset_button(): global mode mode = "reset" p2.setTitle("mode: %s" % (mode)) #clear the upper right image zeros = np.asarray([[0] * 80 for _ in range(60)]) img2.setImage(make_color_img(zeros), autoLevels=False) draw_contours() pars.param('RESET').sigActivated.connect(reset_button) def show_background_button(): global bg_vline, min_background, max_background, background_num global mode, background_first_frame_scaled #clear thhe upper right image zeros = np.asarray([[0] * 80 for _ in range(60)]) img2.setImage(make_color_img(zeros), autoLevels=False) background_num = (background_num + 1) % estimates.f.shape[0] mode = "background" p2.setTitle("mode: %s %d" % (mode, background_num)) # display the first frame of the background background_first_frame = estimates.b[:, background_num].reshape( estimates.dims, order='F') min_background_first_frame = np.min(background_first_frame) max_background_first_frame = np.max(background_first_frame) background_first_frame_scaled = make_color_img( background_first_frame, min_max=(min_background_first_frame, max_background_first_frame)) img.setImage(background_first_frame_scaled, autoLevels=False) # draw the trace and the infinite line trace_background = estimates.f[background_num] p2.plot(trace_background, clear=True) bg_vline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=True) p2.addItem(bg_vline, ignoreBounds=True) bg_vline.setValue(0) bg_vline.sigPositionChanged.connect(show_background_update) def show_background_update(): global bg_index, min_background, max_background, background_scaled bg_index = int(bg_vline.value()) if bg_index > -1 and bg_index < estimates.f.shape[-1]: # upper left component scrolls through the frames of the background background = estimates.b[:, background_num].dot( estimates.f[background_num, bg_index]).reshape(estimates.dims, order='F') background_scaled = make_color_img( background, min_max=(min_background[background_num], max_background[background_num])) img.setImage(background_scaled, autoLevels=False) pars.param('SHOW BACKGROUND').sigActivated.connect(show_background_button) def show_neurons_button(): global mode, neuron_selected mode = "neurons" neuron_selected = False p2.setTitle("mode: %s" % (mode)) #clear the upper right image zeros = np.asarray([[0] * 80 for _ in range(60)]) img2.setImage(make_color_img(zeros), autoLevels=False) def show_neurons_clicked(): global nr_index global x, y, i, j, val, min_dist_comp, contour_single, neuron_selected, comp2_scaled neuron_selected = True distances = np.sum( ((x, y) - estimates.cms[estimates.idx_components])**2, axis=1)**0.5 min_dist_comp = np.argmin(distances) contour_all = [ cv2.threshold(img,, 255, 0)[1] for img in estimates.img_components[estimates.idx_components] ] contour_single = contour_all[min_dist_comp] # draw the traces (lower left component) estimates.components_to_plot = estimates.idx_components[min_dist_comp] p2.plot(estimates.C[estimates.components_to_plot] + estimates.YrA[estimates.components_to_plot], clear=True) # plot img (upper left component) img.setImage(estimates.background_image, autoLevels=False) draw_contours_update(estimates.background_image, img) # plot img2 (upper right component) comp2 = np.multiply(estimates.Cn, contour_single > 0) comp2_scaled = make_color_img(comp2, min_max=(np.min(comp2), np.max(comp2))) img2.setImage(comp2_scaled, autoLevels=False) draw_contours_update(comp2_scaled, img2) # set title for the upper two components p3.setTitle("pos: (%0.1f, %0.1f) component: %d value: %g dist:%f" % (x, y, estimates.components_to_plot, val, distances[min_dist_comp])) p1.setTitle("pos: (%0.1f, %0.1f) component: %d value: %g dist:%f" % (x, y, estimates.components_to_plot, val, distances[min_dist_comp])) # draw the infinite line (INACTIVE IN THIS VERSION WITHOUT MMAP FILES) # nr_vline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=True) # p2.addItem(nr_vline, ignoreBounds=True) # nr_vline.setValue(0) # nr_vline.sigPositionChanged.connect(show_neurons_update) nr_index = 0 def show_neurons_update(): # NOT CALLED IN THIS VERSION global nr_index, frame_denoise_scaled, estimates, raw_mov_scaled global min_mov, max_mov, min_mov_denoise, max_mov_denoise if neuron_selected is False: return nr_index = int(nr_vline.value()) if nr_index > 0 and nr_index < mov[:, 0, 0].shape[0]: # upper left component scrolls through the raw movie raw_mov = mov[nr_index, :, :] raw_mov_scaled = make_color_img(raw_mov, min_max=(min_mov, max_mov)) img.setImage(raw_mov_scaled, autoLevels=False) draw_contours_update(raw_mov_scaled, img) # upper right component scrolls through the denoised movie frame_denoise = estimates.A[:, estimates.idx_components].dot( estimates.C[estimates.idx_components, nr_index]).reshape(estimates.dims, order='F') frame_denoise_scaled = make_color_img(frame_denoise, min_max=(min_mov_denoise, max_mov_denoise)) img2.setImage(frame_denoise_scaled, autoLevels=False) draw_contours_update(frame_denoise_scaled, img2) pars.param('SHOW NEURONS').sigActivated.connect(show_neurons_button) def add_group(): estimates.accepted_list = np.union1d(estimates.accepted_list, estimates.idx_components) estimates.rejected_list = np.setdiff1d(estimates.rejected_list, estimates.idx_components) change(None, None) pars_action.param('ADD GROUP').sigActivated.connect(add_group) def remove_group(): estimates.rejected_list = np.union1d(estimates.rejected_list, estimates.idx_components) estimates.accepted_list = np.setdiff1d(estimates.accepted_list, estimates.idx_components) change(None, None) pars_action.param('REMOVE GROUP').sigActivated.connect(remove_group) def add_single(): estimates.accepted_list = np.union1d(estimates.accepted_list, estimates.components_to_plot) estimates.rejected_list = np.setdiff1d(estimates.rejected_list, estimates.components_to_plot) change(None, None) pars_action.param('ADD SINGLE').sigActivated.connect(add_single) def remove_single(): estimates.rejected_list = np.union1d(estimates.rejected_list, estimates.components_to_plot) estimates.accepted_list = np.setdiff1d(estimates.accepted_list, estimates.components_to_plot) change(None, None) pars_action.param('REMOVE SINGLE').sigActivated.connect(remove_single) def save_object(): print('Saving') ffll = F.getSaveFileName(filter='*.hdf5') print(ffll[0]) cnm_obj.estimates = estimates[0]) pars_action.param('SAVE OBJECT').sigActivated.connect(save_object) def action_pars_activated(param, changes): change(None, None) pars_action.sigTreeStateChanged.connect(action_pars_activated) ## If anything changes in the tree, print a message def change(param, changes): global estimates, pars, pars_action set_par = pars.getValues() if pars_action.param('Filter components').value(): for keyy in set_par.keys(): params_obj.quality.update({keyy: set_par[keyy][0]}) else: params_obj.quality.update({ 'cnn_lowest': .1, 'min_cnn_thr': 0.99, 'rval_thr': 0.85, 'rval_lowest': -1, 'min_SNR': 2, 'SNR_lowest': 0 }) estimates.filter_components( mov, params_obj, dview=None, select_mode=pars_action.param('View components').value()) if mode is "background": return else: draw_contours() pars.sigTreeStateChanged.connect(change) change(None, None) # set params to default t.setParameters(pars, showTop=False) t.setWindowTitle('Parameter Quality') ## END PARAMS ## Display the widget as a new window ## Start the Qt event loop app.exit(app.exec_())
'place_thresh': 0.25, # threshold of being considered for place fields, calculated # from difference between max and baseline dF/F 'min_pf_size': 15, # minimum size in cm for a place field (should be 15-20 cm) 'fluo_infield': 7, # factor above which the mean DF/F in the place field should lie vs. outside the field 'trans_time': 0.2, # fraction of the (unbinned!) signal while the mouse is located in # the place field that should consist of significant transients 'track_length': 400, # length in cm of the virtual reality corridor 'split_size': 50} # size in frames of bootstrapping segments # Load CNM object cnm = pipe.load_cnmf(root) # Initialize PCF object with the raw data (CNM object) and the parameter dict pcf = pc.PlaceCellFinder(cnm, pcf_params) old_pcf = pipe.load_pcf(root, 'pcf_results_save.pickle') # If necessary, perform Peters spike prediction pcf.cnmf.estimates.spikes = old_pcf.cnmf.estimates.spikes pcf.cnmf.estimates.spikes = predict_spikes(pcf.cnmf.estimates.F_dff) # split traces into trials pcf.split_traces_into_trials() # Import behavior and align traces to it, while removing resting frames pcf.import_behavior_and_align_traces() pcf.params['resting_removed'] = True pcf.bin_activity_to_vr(remove_resting=pcf.params['resting_removed']) # # create significant-transient-only traces pcf.create_transient_only_traces()
def random(): # Load data pcf = pipe.load_pcf(r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200511') # Neurons as samples, position bins as features raw_data = pcf.bin_avg_activity pc_idx = [x[0] for x in pcf.place_cells] labels = np.zeros(len(raw_data)) labels[pc_idx] = 1 # Standardize (z-score) data data = raw_data-np.mean(raw_data, axis=0)/np.std(raw_data, axis=0) # perform PCA (input as shape (n_samples, n_features) score, evectors, evals = pca(data) # plot the eigenvalues plot_eigenvalues(evals, limit=False) # plot variance explained plot_variance_explained(np.cumsum(evals)/np.sum(evals), cutoff=0.95) # visualize weights of the n-th principal component n_comp = 1 plt.figure() for i in range(n_comp): plt.plot(weights[i], label=f'Comp {i+1}', linewidth=2) for zone in pcf.params['zone_borders']: plt.axvspan(zone[0], zone[1], color='red', alpha=0.1) plt.legend() perform_PCA(data, labels, 2, plot=True) # built-in PCA pca_model = PCA(n_components=80) # Initializes PCA out = # Performs PCA scores = pca_model.transform(data) weights = pca_model.components_ # Plot first three components df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack((scores.T, labels)).T) df.rename(columns=str, inplace=True) df.rename(columns={'80': 'labels'}, inplace=True) pio.renderers.default = 'browser' fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x='0', y='1', z='2', color='labels') def perform_PCA(data, labels, n_comp, plot=False): pca_model = PCA(n_components=80) # Initializes PCA # Performs PCA scores = pca_model.transform(data) nrows = 3 ncols = 3 if plot: fig, ax= plt.subplots(nrows, ncols) i = 0 for row in range(nrows): for col in range(ncols): ax[row, col].scatter(x=scores[:, i], y=scores[:, i+1], s=10, c=labels) ax[row, col].set_xlabel(f'Component {i+1}') ax[row, col].set_ylabel(f'Component {i+2}') i += 1 # Plot PCA component with overlaying histogram plot_pc_with_hist(-score, evectors, (0, 1), labels, pcf.params) # t-SNE fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3) perplexities = [5, 30, 50, 75, 100, 500] count = 0 for row in range(2): for col in range(3): pca_mod = PCA(n_components=50) pca_results = pca_mod.fit_transform(data) tsne_mod = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=perplexities[count], n_iter=5000) embed = tsne_mod.fit_transform(pca_results) ax[row, col].scatter(x=embed[:, 0], y=embed[:, 1], c=labels) ax[row, col].set_xlabel('Component 1') ax[row, col].set_ylabel('Component 2') ax[row, col].set_title(f'Perplexity {perplexities[count]}') count += 1 # 3D for perp in perplexities: tsne_mod = TSNE(n_components=3, perplexity=perp, n_iter=5000) embed = tsne_mod.fit_transform(data) df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack((embed.T, labels)).T) df.rename(columns=str, inplace=True) df.rename(columns={'3': 'labels'}, inplace=True) pio.renderers.default = 'browser' fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x='0', y='1', z='2', color='labels')
plt.yticks(fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0,105) plt.xlabel('VR position', fontsize=22) plt.ylabel('Licked in bin [%]', fontsize=22) plt.tight_layout() ax = plt.gca() ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) #%% normalize data import standard_pipeline.place_cell_pipeline as pipe import statsmodels.api as sm # Load example session pcf = pipe.load_pcf(r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\M41\20200627') # Get dF/F from mobile frames for example neuron neuron = 369 all_mask = np.concatenate(pcf.params["resting_mask"]) # merge all trials all_act = np.concatenate(pcf.session_spikes[neuron]) # merge all trials trace = all_act[all_mask] # plotting plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(2,3,1) sm.qqplot(trace, ax=ax, line="s") ax.set_title("Peters spike prediction") ax = plt.subplot(2,3,4) sm.qqplot(trace, ax=ax, line="45")
def get_simple_data(root, filepath=r'W:\Neurophysiology-Storage1\Wahl\Hendrik\PhD\Data\Batch3\batch_processing\simple_data.pickle', overwrite=False, session_range=None, norm_range=None, norm_fields=None): """ Calculates simple data points (meaning one datapoint per session/mouse, like place cell ratio, avg spike rate, max PVC slope) for all PCF objects in the root tree. Results are saved as a pickle file at filepath. :param root: str, directory that holds PCF objects to be analysed :param filepath: str, file path of the results pickle object (must include extension). :param overwrite: bool flag whether an existing pickle object should be extended or overwritten. :return: """ file_list = [] for step in os.walk(root): pcf_file = glob(step[0] + '\\pcf_result*') if len(pcf_file) > 0: file_list.append(max(pcf_file, key=os.path.getmtime)) print(f'Found {len(file_list)} PCF files. Starting to load data...') if os.path.isfile(filepath) and overwrite is False: df = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep='\t', index_col=0, parse_dates=['session']) extend_df = True print('Extending existing file...') row_list = [] else: df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(0, len(file_list)), columns=('mouse', 'session', 'n_cells', 'n_place_cells', 'ratio', 'mean_spikerate', 'median_spikerate', 'pvc_slope', 'min_pvc', 'sec_peak_ratio', 'spikerate_dist', 'pvc_curve')) extend_df = False print('Creating new file...') date_format = '%Y%m%d' for idx, file in enumerate(file_list): # check if the current session is already in the DataFrame if extend_df: curr_mouse = file.split(sep=os.sep)[-3] curr_session = file.split(sep=os.sep)[-2] if len(df.loc[(df['mouse'] == curr_mouse) & (df['session'] == curr_session)]) > 0: continue if session_range is not None: sess = int(file.split(sep=os.sep)[-2]) if sess < session_range[0] or sess > session_range[1]: continue pcf = pipe.load_pcf(os.path.dirname(file), os.path.basename(file)) pcf.params['mouse'] = pcf.params['root'].split(os.sep)[-2] if len(pcf.params['mouse']) > 3: pcf.params['mouse'] = pcf.params['mouse'][-3:] pcf.params['session'] = pcf.params['root'].split(os.sep)[-1] # Get average spike rate in Hz of all neurons spike_dist = np.nansum(pcf.cnmf.estimates.spikes, axis=1) / (pcf.cnmf.estimates.spikes.shape[1]/['fr']) avg_spike_rate = np.mean(spike_dist) median_spike_rate = np.median(spike_dist) # Analyse PVC curve of that session (minimum slope and height of second peak) try: # pvc_curve = pvc.pvc_curve(pcf.bin_avg_activity, max_delta_bins=150) curve = np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), 'pvc.npy')) except FileNotFoundError: curve = pvc.pvc_curve(np.transpose(pcf.bin_avg_activity, (1, 0)), plot=False)[0] min_slope = -min(np.diff(curve[:20])) try: second_peak = curve[argrelextrema(curve, np.greater)[0][0]]/curve[argrelextrema(curve, np.less)[0][0]] except IndexError: second_peak = np.nan if extend_df: row_list.append(pd.DataFrame({'mouse': pcf.params['mouse'], 'session': pcf.params['session'], 'n_cells': pcf.cnmf.estimates.F_dff.shape[0], 'n_place_cells': len(pcf.place_cells), 'ratio': (len(pcf.place_cells)/pcf.cnmf.estimates.F_dff.shape[0])*100, 'mean_spikerate': avg_spike_rate, 'median_spikerate': median_spike_rate, 'spikerate_dist': spike_dist, 'pvc_curve': curve, 'pvc_slope': min_slope, 'min_pvc': min(curve[:20]), 'sec_peak_ratio': second_peak})) else: # Parse data of this session into the dataframe df.loc[idx]['mouse'] = pcf.params['mouse'] df.loc[idx]['session'] = pcf.params['session'] df.loc[idx]['n_cells'] = pcf.cnmf.estimates.F_dff.shape[0] df.loc[idx]['n_place_cells'] = len(pcf.place_cells) df.loc[idx]['ratio'] = (len(pcf.place_cells)/pcf.cnmf.estimates.F_dff.shape[0])*100 df.loc[idx]['spikerate_dist'] = spike_dist df.loc[idx]['pvc_curve'] = curve df.loc[idx]['mean_spikerate'] = avg_spike_rate df.loc[idx]['median_spikerate'] = median_spike_rate df.loc[idx]['pvc_slope'] = min_slope df.loc[idx]['min_pvc'] = min(curve[:20]) df.loc[idx]['sec_peak_ratio'] = second_peak df.dropna(subset=['mouse'], inplace=True) # Set correct datatypes for columns df.session = df.session.astype(np.int64) df.n_cells = df.n_cells.astype(np.int64) df.n_place_cells = df.n_place_cells.astype(np.int64) df.ratio = df.ratio.astype(np.float64) df.mean_spikerate = df.mean_spikerate.astype(np.float64) df.median_spikerate = df.median_spikerate.astype(np.float64) df.pvc_slope = df.pvc_slope.astype(np.float64) df.min_pvc = df.min_pvc.astype(np.float64) df.sec_peak_ratio = df.sec_peak_ratio.astype(np.float64) # give sessions a continuous id for plotting df['session_id'] = -1 for id, session in enumerate(sorted(df['session'].unique())): df.loc[df['session'] == session, 'session_id'] = id df['sess_norm'] = df['session'].astype(int) - min(df['session'].astype(int)) # assign groups to mice stroke = ['M32', 'M40', 'M41'] df['group'] = np.nan for mouse in df.mouse.unique(): if mouse in stroke: df.loc[df.mouse == mouse, 'group'] = 'lesion' else: df.loc[df.mouse == mouse, 'group'] = 'control' # normalize data if norm_fields is None: norm_fields = ['n_cells', 'n_place_cells', 'ratio', 'mean_spikerate', 'median_spikerate', 'pvc_slope', 'min_pvc', 'sec_peak_ratio'] if norm_range is not None: for field in norm_fields: # Find indices of correct rows (pre-stroke sessions for the specific animal) df[field + '_norm'] = -1.0 for mouse in df.mouse.unique(): norm_factor = df.loc[(df.mouse == mouse) & ((df.session >= norm_range[0]) & (df.session <= norm_range[1])), field].mean() df.loc[df.mouse == mouse, field+'_norm'] = df.loc[df.mouse == mouse, field] / norm_factor # add behavioral performance data behav_data = performance.load_performance_data(roots=[root], norm_date='20200824', stroke=df['mouse'][0]) df = combine_simple_with_behav(df, behav_data) df.sort_values(by=['mouse', 'session'], inplace=True) # order rows for mice and session dates df.to_pickle(filepath) # save dataframe as pickle return df