def __init__(self, args=None, vocab=None, pretrain=None, model_file=None, use_cuda=False): self.use_cuda = use_cuda if model_file is not None: # load everything from file self.load(pretrain, model_file) else: assert all(var is not None for var in [args, vocab, pretrain]) # build model from scratch self.args = args self.vocab = vocab self.model = Parser(args, vocab, emb_matrix=pretrain.emb) self.parameters = [ p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ] if self.use_cuda: self.model.cuda() else: self.model.cpu() self.optimizer = utils.get_optimizer(self.args['optim'], self.parameters, self.args['lr'], betas=(0.9, self.args['beta2']), eps=1e-6)
def load(self, pretrain, filename): try: checkpoint = torch.load(filename, lambda storage, loc: storage) except BaseException: print("Cannot load model from {}".format(filename)) exit() self.args = checkpoint['config'] self.vocab = MultiVocab.load_state_dict(checkpoint['vocab']) self.model = Parser(self.args, self.vocab, emb_matrix=pretrain.emb) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False)
class Trainer(BaseTrainer): """ A trainer for training models. """ def __init__(self, args=None, vocab=None, pretrain=None, model_file=None, use_cuda=False): self.use_cuda = use_cuda if model_file is not None: # load everything from file self.load(pretrain, model_file) else: assert all(var is not None for var in [args, vocab, pretrain]) # build model from scratch self.args = args self.vocab = vocab self.model = Parser(args, vocab, emb_matrix=pretrain.emb) self.parameters = [ p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ] if self.use_cuda: self.model.cuda() else: self.model.cpu() self.optimizer = utils.get_optimizer(self.args['optim'], self.parameters, self.args['lr'], betas=(0.9, self.args['beta2']), eps=1e-6) def update(self, batch, eval=False): inputs, orig_idx, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens = unpack_batch( batch, self.use_cuda) word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel = inputs if eval: self.model.eval() else: self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss, _ = self.model(word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens) loss_val = if eval: return loss_val loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.args['max_grad_norm']) self.optimizer.step() return loss_val def predict(self, batch, unsort=True): inputs, orig_idx, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens = unpack_batch( batch, self.use_cuda) word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel = inputs self.model.eval() batch_size = word.size(0) _, preds = self.model(word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens) head_seqs = [ chuliu_edmonds_one_root(adj[:l, :l])[1:] for adj, l in zip(preds[0], sentlens) ] # remove attachment for the root deprel_seqs = [ self.vocab['deprel'].unmap( [preds[1][i][j + 1][h] for j, h in enumerate(hs)]) for i, hs in enumerate(head_seqs) ] pred_tokens = [[[str(head_seqs[i][j]), deprel_seqs[i][j]] for j in range(sentlens[i] - 1)] for i in range(batch_size)] if unsort: pred_tokens = utils.unsort(pred_tokens, orig_idx) return pred_tokens def save(self, filename, skip_modules=True): model_state = self.model.state_dict() # skip saving modules like pretrained embeddings, because they are large and will be saved in a separate file if skip_modules: skipped = [ k for k in model_state.keys() if k.split('.')[0] in self.model.unsaved_modules ] for k in skipped: del model_state[k] params = { 'model': model_state, 'vocab': self.vocab.state_dict(), 'config': self.args } try:, filename) print("model saved to {}".format(filename)) except BaseException: print("[Warning: Saving failed... continuing anyway.]") def load(self, pretrain, filename): try: checkpoint = torch.load(filename, lambda storage, loc: storage) except BaseException: print("Cannot load model from {}".format(filename)) exit() self.args = checkpoint['config'] self.vocab = MultiVocab.load_state_dict(checkpoint['vocab']) self.model = Parser(self.args, self.vocab, emb_matrix=pretrain.emb) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False)
class Trainer(BaseTrainer): """ A trainer for training models. """ def __init__(self, args=None, vocab=None, pretrain=None, model_file=None, use_cuda=False, weight_decay=0): self.use_cuda = use_cuda if model_file is not None: # load everything from file self.load(pretrain, model_file) else: assert all(var is not None for var in [args, vocab, pretrain]) # build model from scratch self.args = args self.vocab = vocab self.model = Parser(args, vocab, emb_matrix=pretrain.emb) self.parameters = [ p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ] if self.use_cuda: self.model.cuda() else: self.model.cpu() self.optimizer = utils.get_optimizer(self.args['optim'], self.parameters, self.args['lr'], betas=(self.args['beta1'], self.args['beta2']), weight_decay=self.args['wdecay']) def update(self, batch, eval=False): inputs, orig_idx, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens = unpack_batch( batch, self.use_cuda) word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel = inputs if eval: self.model.eval() else: self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss, _ = self.model(word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens) loss_val = if eval: return loss_val loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.args['max_grad_norm']) self.optimizer.step() return loss_val def predict(self, batch, unsort=True): inputs, orig_idx, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens = unpack_batch( batch, self.use_cuda) word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel = inputs self.model.eval() batch_size = word.size(0) _, preds = self.model(word, word_mask, wordchars, wordchars_mask, upos, xpos, ufeats, pretrained, lemma, head, deprel, word_orig_idx, sentlens, wordlens) head_seqs = [ chuliu_edmonds_one_root(adj[:l, :l])[1:] for adj, l in zip(preds[0], sentlens) ] # remove attachment for the root deprel_seqs = [ self.vocab['deprel'].unmap( [preds[1][i][j + 1][h] for j, h in enumerate(hs)]) for i, hs in enumerate(head_seqs) ] pred_tokens = [[[str(head_seqs[i][j]), deprel_seqs[i][j]] for j in range(sentlens[i] - 1)] for i in range(batch_size)] if unsort: pred_tokens = utils.unsort(pred_tokens, orig_idx) return pred_tokens def init_from_lm(self, lm_model, freeze: bool = True, m_names=[ 'word_emb', 'lemma_emb', 'upos_emb', 'xpos_emb', 'ufeats_emb', 'charmodel', 'trans_char', 'trans_char', 'trans_pretrained', 'lstm_forward', 'lstm_backward' ]): """ Initialize the paramters from a pretrained langauge model. lm_model: LSTMBiLM object freeze: bool (optional) if True, the initialized paramters are freezed and will be from the optimizer's param group m_names: List[str] (optional) a list of module names to initialize """ for m in m_names: if hasattr(self.model, m): print('Initilizing {}'.format(m)) if not hasattr(lm_model, m): raise ValueError( 'pretrained language model does not have attribute {}'. format(m)) module = getattr(self.model, m) copy_weights(getattr(lm_model, m), module) if freeze: freeze_net(module) else: print('Skipping {}'.format(m)) self.parameters = [ p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ] self.optimizer = utils.get_optimizer(self.args['optim'], self.parameters, self.args['lr'], betas=(self.args['beta1'], self.args['beta2']), weight_decay=self.args['wdecay']) def unfreeze(self, layer_id, lr): """ Unfreeze a LSTM layer or the input layer layer_id: int if layer_id >= 0, unfreeze the corresponding LSTM layer otherwise unfreeze the input layer lr: float the learning rate to use for the unfrozen parameters """ if layer_id < -1: raise ValueError('Invalid layer_id') uf_params = [] uf_pnames = [] if layer_id >= 0: p_names = [ s.format(layer_id) for s in [ 'lstm_forward.weight_hh_l{}', 'lstm_forward.weight_hh_l{}_raw', 'lstm_forward.weight_ih_l{}', 'lstm_forward.bias_hh_l{}', 'lstm_forward.bias_ih_l{}', 'lstm_backward.weight_hh_l{}', 'lstm_backward.weight_hh_l{}_raw', 'lstm_backward.weight_ih_l{}', 'lstm_backward.bias_hh_l{}', 'lstm_backward.bias_ih_l{}' ] ] for p_name, p in self.model.named_parameters(): if p_name in p_names: p.requires_grad = True uf_params.append(p) uf_pnames.append(p_name) else: m_names = [ 'word_emb', 'lemma_emb', 'upos_emb', 'xpos_emb', 'ufeats_emb', 'charmodel', 'trans_char', 'trans_char', 'trans_pretrained' ] for m_name in m_names: if hasattr(self.model, m_name): module = getattr(self.model, m_name) for p_name, p in module.named_parameters(): p.requires_grad = True uf_params.append(p) uf_pnames.append(m_name + '.' + p_name) print() print('Adding params {} with lr {}'.format(uf_pnames, lr)) print() self.optimizer.add_param_group({ 'params': uf_params, 'lr': lr, }) def save(self, filename, skip_modules=True): model_state = self.model.state_dict() # skip saving modules like pretrained embeddings, because they are large and will be saved in a separate file if skip_modules: skipped = [ k for k in model_state.keys() if k.split('.')[0] in self.model.unsaved_modules ] for k in skipped: del model_state[k] params = { 'model': model_state, 'vocab': self.vocab.state_dict(), 'config': self.args } try:, filename) print("model saved to {}".format(filename)) except BaseException: print("[Warning: Saving failed... continuing anyway.]") def load(self, pretrain, filename): try: checkpoint = torch.load(filename, lambda storage, loc: storage) except BaseException: print("Cannot load model from {}".format(filename)) sys.exit(1) self.args = checkpoint['config'] self.vocab = MultiVocab.load_state_dict(checkpoint['vocab']) self.model = Parser(self.args, self.vocab, emb_matrix=pretrain.emb) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False)