def get_httptrace_test_url(request: Request) -> Response: return Response( headers={"resp-data": str(request.headers.get("User-Data"))}, content="my content")
async def listing(calling: str, request: Request): """Listing of calls made by the given telephone number. :param calling: *required. Calling number. Example 38121123456 :param request: from: *required. Start of the listing period. Example: 2019-04-03T12:34:56.00Z to: *required. End of the listing period. Example: 2019-04-03T12:34:56.00Z :return: - 200 Listing generated, even if empty. - Headers - Content-type: application/json - Body { "calling": "381211234567", "calls": [ { "calling": "381211234567", "called": "38164111222333", "start": "2019-05-23T21:03:33.30Z", "duration": "350", "rounded": "355", "price": "0.4", "cost": "2.367" } ] } """ from_str = request.query_params.get('from') to_str = request.query_params.get('to') response_body = { 'calling': calling, 'calls': [] } try: datetime_from = dateutil.parser.parse(from_str).replace(tzinfo=None) datetime_to = dateutil.parser.parse(to_str).replace(tzinfo=None) async with app.postgres.acquire() as con: records = await con.fetch( LISTING, int(calling), datetime_from, datetime_to ) for record in records: record = dict(record) record['start'] = record['start'].isoformat() + 'Z' response_body['calls'].append(record) json_body = json.dumps(response_body) response = Response( content=json_body, status_code=200, headers={ "Content-type": "application/json" } ) except Exception: json_body = json.dumps(response_body) response = Response( content=json_body, status_code=200, headers={ "Content-type": "application/json" } ) return response
async def asgi(receive, send): response = Response("hello, world", media_type="text/plain") await response(receive, send)
async def app(scope, receive, send): if scope["path"] == "/": response = Response("hello, world", media_type="text/plain") else: response = RedirectResponse("/") await response(scope, receive, send)
from decimal import Decimal import dateutil import pandas as pd from pydantic.error_wrappers import ValidationError as pydanticValidationError from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.responses import Response from api.models import CallData, CallDataInResponse, InvoiceData from api.queries import ADD_CALLS_RECORD, GET_INVOICE_RECORD_BY_ID, LISTING, GET_FINANCIAL_REPORTS_SUM, \ GET_FINANCIAL_REPORTS_REMAINING from api.utils import invoice_generation from api.utils.cost_calculation_py import calculate_cost from . import app ERROR_400 = Response(content='{"message": "Incorrect input"}', status_code=400, headers={"Content-type": "application/json"}) ERROR_404 = Response(content='{"message": "No in DB"}', status_code=404, headers={"Content-type": "application/json"}) MAX_PREFIX_SIZE = 9 def get_call_stats_from_csv(dataframe, time, calling): rows = pd.DataFrame() calling = str(calling) for i in range(MAX_PREFIX_SIZE, 0, -1): rows = dataframe.loc[dataframe.prefix == int(calling[:i])] if not rows.empty: rows = rows.loc[(rows.startDate <= time)].sort_values('startDate').tail(1) break if rows.empty:
async def to_http_response(self, obj: t.Union[FileLike, bytes]) -> Response: if isinstance(obj, bytes): obj = FileLike(bytes_=obj) return Response(t.cast(BytesIO,, media_type=self._mime_type)
def test_head_method(): app = Response("hello, world", media_type="text/plain") client = TestClient(app) response = client.head("/") assert response.text == ""
def expose_metrics(): return Response(generate_latest(), headers=_HEADERS)
def expose_metrics_multiprocess(): registry = CollectorRegistry() multiprocess.MultiProcessCollector(registry) return Response(generate_latest(registry), headers=_HEADERS)
async def tile( z: int, x: int, y: int, scale: int = Query(2, gt=0, lt=4), format: Optional[TileType] = None, layer_params=Depends(self.layer_dependency), image_params: ImageParams = Depends(), feature_type: str = Query( None, title="Feature type (Only for Vector)", regex="^(point)|(polygon)$", ), ): """Handle /tiles requests.""" timings = [] headers: Dict[str, str] = {} tilesize = scale * 256 if format and format in [TileType.pbf, TileType.mvt]: tilesize = (tilesize if feature_type and feature_type == "feature" else 128) with Timer() as t: async with self.reader( self.src_path) as src_dst: # type: ignore # Adapt options for each reader type kwargs = self._get_options(src_dst, layer_params.kwargs) if self.nodata is not None: kwargs["nodata"] = self.nodata tile_data = await src_dst.tile( x, y, z, tilesize=tilesize,, **kwargs, ) bandnames = kwargs.get("bands", kwargs.get( "assets", None)) or [ f"{ix + 1}" for ix in range(tile_data.count) ] dst_colormap = getattr(src_dst, "colormap", None) timings.append(("dataread", round(t.elapsed * 1000, 2))) if format and format in [TileType.pbf, TileType.mvt]: if not pixels_encoder: raise HTTPException( status_code=500, detail= "rio-tiler-mvt not found, please do pip install rio-viz['mvt']", ) if not feature_type: raise HTTPException( status_code=500, detail="missing feature_type for vector tile.", ) _mvt_encoder = partial(run_in_threadpool, pixels_encoder) with Timer() as t: content = await _mvt_encoder(, tile_data.mask, bandnames, feature_type=feature_type, ) # type: ignore timings.append(("format", round(t.elapsed * 1000, 2))) else: if not format: format = TileType.jpeg if tile_data.mask.all( ) else TileType.png with Timer() as t: image = tile_data.post_process( in_range=image_params.rescale_range, color_formula=image_params.color_formula, ) timings.append(("postprocess", round(t.elapsed * 1000, 2))) with Timer() as t: content = image.render( img_format=format.driver, colormap=image_params.colormap or dst_colormap, **format.profile, ) timings.append(("format", round(t.from_start * 1000, 2))) headers["Server-Timing"] = ", ".join( [f"{name};dur={time}" for (name, time) in timings]) return Response(content, media_type=format.mimetype, headers=headers)
def get_processtype(entity_id, request: Request): db = return Response(content=db['processtypes'].get(entity_id))
def app(scope): headers = {} return Response(content="hi", headers=headers, media_type="text/html")
def app(scope): return Response(status_code=204)
def get_lab(entity_id, request: Request): db = return Response(content=db['labs'].get(entity_id))
def get_role(entity_id, request: Request): db = return Response(content=db['roles'].get(entity_id))
async def solve_dependencies( *, request: Union[Request, WebSocket], dependant: Dependant, body: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], FormData]] = None, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks = None, response: Response = None, dependency_overrides_provider: Any = None, dependency_cache: Dict[Tuple[Callable, Tuple[str]], Any] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[ErrorWrapper], Optional[BackgroundTasks], Response, Dict[Tuple[Callable, Tuple[str]], Any], ]: values: Dict[str, Any] = {} errors: List[ErrorWrapper] = [] response = response or Response( # type: ignore content=None, status_code=None, headers=None, media_type=None, background=None) dependency_cache = dependency_cache or {} sub_dependant: Dependant for sub_dependant in dependant.dependencies: = cast(Callable, sub_dependant.cache_key = cast(Tuple[Callable, Tuple[str]], sub_dependant.cache_key) call = use_sub_dependant = sub_dependant if (dependency_overrides_provider and dependency_overrides_provider.dependency_overrides): original_call = call = getattr(dependency_overrides_provider, "dependency_overrides", {}).get(original_call, original_call) use_path: str = sub_dependant.path # type: ignore use_sub_dependant = get_dependant( path=use_path, call=call,, security_scopes=sub_dependant.security_scopes, ) solved_result = await solve_dependencies( request=request, dependant=use_sub_dependant, body=body, background_tasks=background_tasks, response=response, dependency_overrides_provider=dependency_overrides_provider, dependency_cache=dependency_cache, ) sub_values, sub_errors, background_tasks, sub_response, sub_dependency_cache = ( solved_result) sub_response = cast(Response, sub_response) response.headers.raw.extend(sub_response.headers.raw) if sub_response.status_code: response.status_code = sub_response.status_code dependency_cache.update(sub_dependency_cache) if sub_errors: errors.extend(sub_errors) continue if sub_dependant.use_cache and sub_dependant.cache_key in dependency_cache: solved = dependency_cache[sub_dependant.cache_key] elif is_coroutine_callable(call): solved = await call(**sub_values) else: solved = await run_in_threadpool(call, **sub_values) if is not None: values[] = solved if sub_dependant.cache_key not in dependency_cache: dependency_cache[sub_dependant.cache_key] = solved path_values, path_errors = request_params_to_args(dependant.path_params, request.path_params) query_values, query_errors = request_params_to_args( dependant.query_params, request.query_params) header_values, header_errors = request_params_to_args( dependant.header_params, request.headers) cookie_values, cookie_errors = request_params_to_args( dependant.cookie_params, request.cookies) values.update(path_values) values.update(query_values) values.update(header_values) values.update(cookie_values) errors += path_errors + query_errors + header_errors + cookie_errors if dependant.body_params: body_values, body_errors = await request_body_to_args( # type: ignore # body_params checked above required_params=dependant.body_params, received_body=body) values.update(body_values) errors.extend(body_errors) if dependant.request_param_name and isinstance(request, Request): values[dependant.request_param_name] = request elif dependant.websocket_param_name and isinstance(request, WebSocket): values[dependant.websocket_param_name] = request if dependant.background_tasks_param_name: if background_tasks is None: background_tasks = BackgroundTasks() values[dependant.background_tasks_param_name] = background_tasks if dependant.response_param_name: values[dependant.response_param_name] = response if dependant.security_scopes_param_name: values[dependant.security_scopes_param_name] = SecurityScopes( scopes=dependant.security_scopes) return values, errors, background_tasks, response, dependency_cache
async def put_role(entity_id, request: Request): body = await request.body()['roles'][entity_id] = body return Response(content=body)
def delete_item( item_uuid: UUID, current_user: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user) ) -> Response: services.item.delete_item(current_user, item_uuid) return Response(status_code=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
async def app(scope, receive, send): headers = {"x-header-1": "123", "x-header-2": "456"} response = Response("hello, world", media_type="text/plain", headers=headers) response.headers["x-header-2"] = "789" await response(scope, receive, send)
def http_exception(self, request: Request, exc: HTTPException) -> Response: if exc.status_code in {204, 304}: return Response(b"", status_code=exc.status_code) return PlainTextResponse(exc.detail, status_code=exc.status_code)
async def app(scope, receive, send): response = Response(b"xxxxx", media_type="image/png") await response(scope, receive, send)
async def message(body: Message): res = await proceed_custom(body) return Response(status_code=res.status_code)
async def remove(*, id: str): employee_remove = await employee_service.remove_employee(employee_id=id) status_code = 204 if employee_remove == 1 else 404 return Response(status_code=status_code)
async def preflight_handler(request: Request, rest_of_path: str) -> Response: response = Response() response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = '*' response.headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '600' return response
async def switch_call(data: dict): """Register details of a call that was made and calcualte the cost of the call. - Request data: { "calling": "381211234567", "called": "38164111222333", "start": "2019-05-23T21:03:33.30Z", "duration": "450" } :param data: :return: - 200 Call accepted - Headers - Content-type: application/json - Body { "calling": "381211234567", "called": "38164111222333", "start": "2019-05-23T21:03:33.30Z", "duration": "350", "rounded": "355", "price": "0.4", "cost": "2.367" } - 400 Incorrect input - Headers - Content-type: application/json - Body { "message": "Incorrect input" } - 400 Incorrect input - Headers - Content-type: application/json - Body { "message": "Error occurred" } """ try: call_object = CallData(**data) call_stats = get_call_stats_from_csv( calling=call_object.called, time=call_object.start.isoformat() + 'Z', dataframe=app.df ) if not call_stats: return ERROR_400 cost = calculate_cost( initial=int(call_stats["initial"]), duration=int(call_object.duration), increment=int(call_stats["increment"]), rate=float(call_stats["price"]) ) rounded = math.ceil((int(call_stats["initial"]) + int(call_object.duration)) / \ int(call_stats["increment"])) * int(call_stats["increment"]) call_object.price = call_stats["price"] call_object.cost = cost call_object.rounded = rounded async with app.postgres.acquire() as con: await con.execute( ADD_CALLS_RECORD, int(call_object.calling), int(call_object.called), call_object.start.replace(tzinfo=None), call_object.duration, call_object.rounded, float(call_object.price), float(call_object.cost) ) # = str(row.inserted_id) # response = {key: str(v) for key, v in call_object.dict().items()} response = call_object.dict() except pydanticValidationError: response = Response( content='{"message": "Incorrect input"}', status_code=400, headers={ "Content-type": "application/json" } ) except Exception as e: raise e # response = Response( # content='{"message": "Error occurred"}', # status_code=400, # headers={ # "Content-type": "application/json" # } # ) return response
def get_segmentation_map(file: bytes = File(...)): '''Get segmentation maps from image file''' segmented_image = get_segments(model, file) bytes_io = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') return Response(bytes_io.getvalue(), media_type="image/png")
def app(scope): return Response(b"", status_code=123)
async def home(): return Response('/')
async def asgi(receive, send): response = Response(b"xxxxx", media_type="image/png") await response(receive, send)
def metrics(request: Request) -> Response: return Response(generate_latest(REGISTRY), media_type=CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST)