def spell_haste(sn, level, ch, victim, target): # RT haste spell */ if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn) or victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_HASTE) or (victim.is_npc() and state_checks.IS_SET(victim.off_flags,merc.OFF_FAST)): if victim == ch: ch.send("You can't move any faster! \n") else: handler_game.act("$N is already moving as fast as $E can.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_SLOW): if not handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table["slow"]): if victim != ch: ch.send("Spell failed.\n") victim.send("You feel momentarily faster.\n") return handler_game.act("$n is moving less slowly.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level if victim == ch: af.duration = level // 2 else: af.duration = level // 4 af.location = merc.APPLY_DEX af.modifier = 1 + (level >= 18) + (level >= 25) + (level >= 32) af.bitvector = merc.AFF_HASTE victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel yourself moving more quickly.\n") handler_game.act("$n is moving more quickly.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) if ch != victim: ch.send("Ok.\n")
def spell_change_sex(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn): if victim == ch: ch.send("You've already been changed.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N has already had $s(?) sex changed.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if handler_magic.saves_spell(level, victim, merc.DAM_OTHER): return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = 2 * level af.location = merc.APPLY_SEX while af.modifier == 0: af.modifier = random.randint(0, 2) - af.bitvector = 0 victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel different.\n") handler_game.act("$n doesn't look like $mself anymore...", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM)
def spell_slow(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn) or victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_SLOW): if victim == ch: ch.send("You can't move any slower! \n") else: handler_game.act("$N can't get any slower than that.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if handler_magic.saves_spell(level, victim, merc.DAM_OTHER) or state_checks.IS_SET(victim.imm_flags, merc.IMM_MAGIC): if victim != ch: ch.send("Nothing seemed to happen.\n") victim.send("You feel momentarily lethargic.\n") return if victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_HASTE): if not handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table['haste']): if victim != ch: ch.send("Spell failed.\n") victim.send("You feel momentarily slower.\n") return handler_game.act("$n is moving less quickly.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = level // 2 af.location = merc.APPLY_DEX af.modifier = -1 - (level >= 18) - (level >= 25) - (level >= 32) af.bitvector = merc.AFF_SLOW victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel yourself slowing d o w n...\n") handler_game.act("$n starts to move in slow motion.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM)
def spell_bless(sn, level, ch, victim, target): # deal with the object case first */ if target == merc.TARGET_ITEM: obj = victim if obj.flags.bless: handler_game.act("$p is already blessed.", ch, obj, send_to=merc.TO_CHAR) return if obj.flags.evil: paf = state_checks.affect_find(obj.affected, "curse") level = obj.level if paf: level = paf.level if not handler_magic.saves_dispel(level, level, 0): if paf: obj.affect_remove(paf) handler_game.act("$p glows a pale blue.", ch, obj, None, merc.TO_ALL) obj.extra_bits = state_checks.REMOVE_BIT(obj.extra_flags, merc.ITEM_EVIL) return else: handler_game.act("The evil of $p is too powerful for you to overcome.", ch, obj, send_to=merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_OBJECT af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = 6 + level af.location = merc.APPLY_SAVES af.modifier = -1 af.bitvector = merc.ITEM_BLESS obj.affect_add(af) handler_game.act("$p glows with a holy aura.", ch, obj, send_to=merc.TO_ALL) if obj.wear_loc != merc.WEAR_NONE: ch.saving_throw = ch.saving_throw - 1 return # character target */ if victim.position == merc.POS_FIGHTING or state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn): if victim == ch: ch.send("You are already blessed.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N already has divine favor.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = 6 + level af.location = merc.APPLY_HITROLL af.modifier = level // 8 af.bitvector = 0 victim.affect_add(af) af.location = merc.APPLY_SAVING_SPELL af.modifier = 0 - level // 8 victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel righteous.\n") if ch is not victim: handler_game.act("You grant $N the favor of your god.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR)
def spell_dispel_magic(sn, level, ch, victim, target): # modified for enhanced use */ if handler_magic.saves_spell(level, victim, merc.DAM_OTHER): victim.send("You feel a brief tingling sensation.\n") ch.send("You failed.\n") return spells = { 'armor': None, 'bless': None, 'blindness': '$n is no longer blinded', 'calm': '$n no longer looks so peaceful...', 'change sex': '$n looks more like $mself again.', 'charm person': '$n regains $s free will.', 'chill touch': '$n looks warmer', 'curse': None, 'detect evil': None, 'detect good': None, 'detect hidden': None, 'detect invis': None, 'detect magic': None, 'faerie fire': "$n's outline fades", 'fly': '$n falls to the ground! ', 'frenzy': "$n no longer looks so wild.", 'giant strength': "$n no longer looks so mighty.", 'haste': '$n is no longer moving so quickly', 'infravision': None, 'invis': '$n fades into existence.', 'mass invis': '$n fades into existence', 'pass door': None, 'protection evil': None, 'protection good': None, 'sanctuary': "The white aura around $n's body vanishes.", 'shield': 'The shield protecting $n vanishes', 'sleep': None, 'slow': '$n is no longer moving so slowly.', 'stone skin': "$n's skin regains its normal texture.", 'weaken': "$n looks stronger." } for k, v in spells.items(): if handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table[k]): if v: handler_game.act(v, victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) found = True if victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_SANCTUARY) and not handler_magic.saves_dispel( level, victim.level, -1) and not state_checks.is_affected( victim, const.skill_table["sanctuary"]): state_checks.REMOVE_BIT(victim.affected_by, merc.AFF_SANCTUARY) handler_game.act("The white aura around $n's body vanishes.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) found = True if found: ch.send("Ok.\n") else: ch.send("Spell failed.\n")
def spell_frenzy(sn, level, ch, victim, target): # RT clerical berserking spell */ if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn) or victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_BERSERK): if victim == ch: ch.send("You are already in a frenzy.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N is already in a frenzy.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if state_checks.is_affected(victim, const.skill_table['calm']): if victim == ch: ch.send("Why don't you just relax for a while?\n") else: handler_game.act("$N doesn't look like $e wants to fight anymore.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if (ch.is_good() and not state_checks.IS_GOOD(victim)) or \ (state_checks.IS_NEUTRAL(ch) and not state_checks.IS_NEUTRAL(victim)) or \ (ch.is_evil() and not state_checks.IS_EVIL(victim)): handler_game.act("Your god doesn't seem to like $N", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = level // 3 af.modifier = level // 6 af.bitvector = 0 af.location = merc.APPLY_HITROLL victim.affect_add(af) af.location = merc.APPLY_DAMROLL victim.affect_add(af) af.modifier = 10 * (level // 12) af.location = merc.APPLY_AC victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You are filled with holy wrath! \n") handler_game.act("$n gets a wild look in $s eyes! ", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM)
def check_dispel(dis_level, victim, skill): from const import skill_table if state_checks.is_affected(victim, skill): for af in victim.affected[:]: if af.type == skill: if not saves_dispel(dis_level, af.level, af.duration): victim.affect_strip(skill) if skill.msg_off: victim.send(skill_table[].msg_off + "\n") return True else: af.level -= 1 return False
def spell_cure_blindness(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if not state_checks.is_affected(victim, const.skill_table['blindness']): if victim == ch: ch.send("You aren't blind.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N doesn't appear to be blinded.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table['blindness']): victim.send("Your vision returns!\n") handler_game.act("$n is no longer blinded.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) else: ch.send("Spell failed.\n")
def check_dispel(dis_level, victim, skill): from const import skill_table if state_checks.is_affected(victim, skill): for af in victim.affected[:]: if af.type == skill: if not saves_dispel(dis_level,af.level,af.duration): victim.affect_strip(skill) if skill.msg_off: victim.send(skill_table[].msg_off + "\n") return True else: af.level -= 1 return False
def spell_cure_poison(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if not state_checks.is_affected(victim, const.skill_table['poison']): if victim == ch: ch.send("You aren't poisoned.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N doesn't appear to be poisoned.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table['poison']): victim.send("A warm feeling runs through your body.\n") handler_game.act("$n looks much better.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) return ch.send("Spell failed.\n")
def spell_weaken(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn) or handler_magic.saves_spell(level, victim, merc.DAM_OTHER): return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = level // 2 af.location = merc.APPLY_STR af.modifier = -1 * (level // 5) af.bitvector = merc.AFF_WEAKEN victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel your strength slip away.\n") handler_game.act("$n looks tired and weak.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM)
def spell_cure_disease(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if not state_checks.is_affected(victim, const.skill_table['plague']): if victim == ch: ch.send("You aren't ill.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N doesn't appear to be diseased.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table['plague']): victim.send("Your sores vanish.\n") handler_game.act("$n looks relieved as $s sores vanish.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) return ch.send("Spell failed.\n")
def spell_weaken(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn) or handler_magic.saves_spell( level, victim, merc.DAM_OTHER): return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = level // 2 af.location = merc.APPLY_STR af.modifier = -1 * (level // 5) af.bitvector = merc.AFF_WEAKEN victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel your strength slip away.\n") handler_game.act("$n looks tired and weak.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM)
def spell_giant_strength(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn): if victim == ch: ch.send("You are already as strong as you can get! \n") else: handler_game.act("$N can't get any stronger.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = level af.location = merc.APPLY_STR af.modifier = 1 + (level >= 18) + (level >= 25) + (level >= 32) af.bitvector = 0 victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("Your muscles surge with heightened power! \n") handler_game.act("$n's muscles surge with heightened power.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM)
def spell_stone_skin(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(ch, sn): if victim == ch: ch.send("Your skin is already as hard as a rock.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N is already as hard as can be.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = level af.location = merc.APPLY_AC af.modifier = -40 af.bitvector = 0 victim.affect_add(af) handler_game.act("$n's skin turns to stone.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) victim.send("Your skin turns to stone.\n")
def spell_shield(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn): if victim == ch: ch.send("You are already shielded from harm.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N is already protected by a shield.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = 8 + level af.location = merc.APPLY_AC af.modifier = -20 af.bitvector = 0 victim.affect_add(af) handler_game.act("$n is surrounded by a force shield.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) victim.send("You are surrounded by a force shield.\n") return
def spell_armor(sn, level, ch, victim, target): if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn): if victim == ch: ch.send("You are already armored.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N is already armored.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = 24 af.modifier = -20 af.location = merc.APPLY_AC af.bitvector = 0 victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel someone protecting you.\n") if ch is not victim: handler_game.act("$N is protected by your magic.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR)
def spell_haste(sn, level, ch, victim, target): # RT haste spell */ if state_checks.is_affected(victim, sn) or victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_HASTE) or (victim.is_npc() and state_checks.IS_SET( victim.off_flags, merc.OFF_FAST)): if victim == ch: ch.send("You can't move any faster! \n") else: handler_game.act("$N is already moving as fast as $E can.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return if victim.is_affected(merc.AFF_SLOW): if not handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table["slow"]): if victim != ch: ch.send("Spell failed.\n") victim.send("You feel momentarily faster.\n") return handler_game.act("$n is moving less slowly.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level if victim == ch: af.duration = level // 2 else: af.duration = level // 4 af.location = merc.APPLY_DEX af.modifier = 1 + (level >= 18) + (level >= 25) + (level >= 32) af.bitvector = merc.AFF_HASTE victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel yourself moving more quickly.\n") handler_game.act("$n is moving more quickly.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) if ch != victim: ch.send("Ok.\n")
def do_berserk(ch, argument): chance = ch.get_skill('berserk') if chance == 0 or (ch.is_npc() and not ch.off_flags.is_set(merc.OFF_BERSERK)) \ or (not ch.is_npc() and ch.level < const.skill_table['berserk'].skill_level[]): ch.send("You turn red in the face, but nothing happens.\n") return if ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_BERSERK) or state_checks.is_affected(ch, 'berserk') or state_checks.is_affected(ch, "frenzy"): ch.send("You get a little madder.\n") return if ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_CALM): ch.send("You're feeling to mellow to berserk.\n") return if ch.mana < 50: ch.send("You can't get up enough energy.\n") return # modifiers # fighting if ch.position == merc.POS_FIGHTING: chance += 10 # damage -- below 50% of hp helps, above hurts hp_percent = 100 * ch.hit // ch.max_hit chance += 25 - hp_percent // 2 if random.randint(1, 99) < chance: state_checks.WAIT_STATE(ch, merc.PULSE_VIOLENCE) ch.mana -= 50 ch.move //= 2 # heal a little damage ch.hit += ch.level * 2 ch.hit = min(ch.hit, ch.max_hit) ch.send("Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!\n") handler_game.act("$n gets a wild look in $s eyes.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) if not ch.is_npc(): if ch.is_pc(): ch.check_improve( 'berserk', True, 2) af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = 'berserk' af.level = ch.level af.duration = game_utils.number_fuzzy(ch.level // 8) af.modifier = max(1, ch.level // 5) af.bitvector = merc.AFF_BERSERK af.location = merc.APPLY_HITROLL ch.affect_add(af) af.location = merc.APPLY_DAMROLL ch.affect_add(af) af.modifier = max(10, 10 * (ch.level // 5)) af.location = merc.APPLY_AC ch.affect_add(af) else: state_checks.WAIT_STATE(ch, 3 * merc.PULSE_VIOLENCE) ch.mana -= 25 ch.move //= 2 ch.send("Your pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.\n") if not ch.is_npc(): if ch.is_pc(): ch.check_improve('berserk', False, 2)
def spell_dispel_magic(sn, level, ch, victim, target): # modified for enhanced use */ if handler_magic.saves_spell(level, victim, merc.DAM_OTHER): victim.send("You feel a brief tingling sensation.\n") ch.send("You failed.\n") return spells = {'armor': None, 'bless': None, 'blindness': '$n is no longer blinded', 'calm': '$n no longer looks so peaceful...', 'change sex': '$n looks more like $mself again.', 'charm person': '$n regains $s free will.', 'chill touch': '$n looks warmer', 'curse': None, 'detect evil': None, 'detect good': None, 'detect hidden': None, 'detect invis': None, 'detect magic': None, 'faerie fire': "$n's outline fades", 'fly': '$n falls to the ground! ', 'frenzy': "$n no longer looks so wild.", 'giant strength': "$n no longer looks so mighty.", 'haste': '$n is no longer moving so quickly', 'infravision': None, 'invis': '$n fades into existence.', 'mass invis': '$n fades into existence', 'pass door': None, 'protection evil': None, 'protection good': None, 'sanctuary': "The white aura around $n's body vanishes.", 'shield': 'The shield protecting $n vanishes', 'sleep': None, 'slow': '$n is no longer moving so slowly.', 'stone skin': "$n's skin regains its normal texture.", 'weaken': "$n looks stronger."} for k, v in spells.items(): if handler_magic.check_dispel(level, victim, const.skill_table[k]): if v: handler_game.act(v, victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) found = True if victim.is_affected( merc.AFF_SANCTUARY) and not handler_magic.saves_dispel(level, victim.level, -1) and not state_checks.is_affected(victim, const.skill_table[ "sanctuary"]): state_checks.REMOVE_BIT(victim.affected_by, merc.AFF_SANCTUARY) handler_game.act("The white aura around $n's body vanishes.", victim, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) found = True if found: ch.send("Ok.\n") else: ch.send("Spell failed.\n")
def do_berserk(ch, argument): chance = ch.get_skill('berserk') if chance == 0 or (ch.is_npc() and not ch.off_flags.is_set(merc.OFF_BERSERK)) \ or (not ch.is_npc() and ch.level < const.skill_table['berserk'].skill_level[]): ch.send("You turn red in the face, but nothing happens.\n") return if ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_BERSERK) or state_checks.is_affected( ch, 'berserk') or state_checks.is_affected(ch, "frenzy"): ch.send("You get a little madder.\n") return if ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_CALM): ch.send("You're feeling to mellow to berserk.\n") return if ch.mana < 50: ch.send("You can't get up enough energy.\n") return # modifiers # fighting if ch.position == merc.POS_FIGHTING: chance += 10 # damage -- below 50% of hp helps, above hurts hp_percent = 100 * ch.hit // ch.max_hit chance += 25 - hp_percent // 2 if random.randint(1, 99) < chance: state_checks.WAIT_STATE(ch, merc.PULSE_VIOLENCE) ch.mana -= 50 ch.move //= 2 # heal a little damage ch.hit += ch.level * 2 ch.hit = min(ch.hit, ch.max_hit) ch.send("Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!\n") handler_game.act("$n gets a wild look in $s eyes.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) if not ch.is_npc(): if ch.is_pc(): ch.check_improve('berserk', True, 2) af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = 'berserk' af.level = ch.level af.duration = game_utils.number_fuzzy(ch.level // 8) af.modifier = max(1, ch.level // 5) af.bitvector = merc.AFF_BERSERK af.location = merc.APPLY_HITROLL ch.affect_add(af) af.location = merc.APPLY_DAMROLL ch.affect_add(af) af.modifier = max(10, 10 * (ch.level // 5)) af.location = merc.APPLY_AC ch.affect_add(af) else: state_checks.WAIT_STATE(ch, 3 * merc.PULSE_VIOLENCE) ch.mana -= 25 ch.move //= 2 ch.send("Your pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.\n") if not ch.is_npc(): if ch.is_pc(): ch.check_improve('berserk', False, 2)
def char_update(): # update save counter */ global save_number save_number += 1 if save_number > 29: save_number = 0 ch_quit = [] id_list = [instance_id for instance_id in instance.characters.keys()] for character_id in id_list: ch = instance.characters[character_id] if ch.timer > 30: ch_quit.append(ch) if ch.position >= merc.POS_STUNNED: # check to see if we need to go home */ if ch.is_npc() and and != instance.area_templates[] \ and not ch.desc and not ch.fighting\ and not ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_CHARM) and random.randint(1, 99) < 5: handler_game.act("$n wanders on home.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.extract(True) id_list.remove(character_id) continue if ch.hit < ch.max_hit: ch.hit += hit_gain(ch) else: ch.hit = ch.max_hit if ch.mana < ch.max_mana: ch.mana += mana_gain(ch) else: ch.mana = ch.max_mana if ch.move < ch.max_move: ch.move += move_gain(ch) else: ch.move = ch.max_move if ch.position == merc.POS_STUNNED: fight.update_pos(ch) if not ch.is_npc() and ch.level < merc.LEVEL_IMMORTAL: item = ch.get_eq('light') if item and item.item_type == merc.ITEM_LIGHT and item.value[2] > 0: item.value[2] -= 1 if item.value[2] == 0 and ch.in_room is not None: ch.in_room.available_light -= 1 handler_game.act("$p goes out.", ch, item, None, merc.TO_ROOM) handler_game.act("$p flickers and goes out.", ch, item, None, merc.TO_CHAR) item.extract() elif item.value[2] <= 5 and ch.in_room: handler_game.act("$p flickers.", ch, item, None, merc.TO_CHAR) if ch.is_immortal(): ch.timer = 0 ch.timer += 1 if ch.timer >= 12: if not ch.was_in_room and ch.in_room: ch.was_in_room = ch.in_room if ch.fighting: fight.stop_fighting(ch, True) handler_game.act("$n disappears into the void.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.send("You disappear into the void.\n") if ch.level > 1: limbo_id = instance.instances_by_room[ merc.ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO][0] limbo = instance.rooms[limbo_id] ch.in_room.get(ch) limbo.put(ch) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_DRUNK, -1) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_FULL, -4 if ch.size > merc.SIZE_MEDIUM else -2) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_THIRST, -1) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_HUNGER, -2 if ch.size > merc.SIZE_MEDIUM else -1) for paf in ch.affected[:]: if paf.duration > 0: paf.duration -= 1 if random.randint(0, 4) == 0 and paf.level > 0: paf.level -= 1 # spell strength fades with time */ elif paf.duration < 0: pass else: # multiple affects. don't send the spelldown msg multi = [ a for a in ch.affected if a.type == paf.type and a is not paf and a.duration > 0 ] if not multi and paf.type and const.skill_table[ paf.type].msg_off: ch.send(const.skill_table[paf.type].msg_off + "\n") ch.affect_remove(paf) # # * Careful with the damages here, # * MUST NOT refer to ch after damage taken, # * as it may be lethal damage (on NPC). # */ if state_checks.is_affected(ch, 'plague') and ch: if ch.in_room is None: continue handler_game.act( "$n writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from $s skin.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.send("You writhe in agony from the plague.\n") af = [a for a in ch.affected if af.type == 'plague'][:1] if not af: ch.affected_by.rem_bit(merc.AFF_PLAGUE) continue if af.level == 1: continue plague = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() plague.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS plague.type = 'plague' plague.level = af.level - 1 plague.duration = random.randint(1, 2 * plague.level) plague.location = merc.APPLY_STR plague.modifier = -5 plague.bitvector = merc.AFF_PLAGUE for vch_id in ch.in_room.people[:]: vch = instance.characters[vch_id] if not handler_magic.saves_spell(plague.level - 2, vch, merc.DAM_DISEASE) and not vch.is_immmortal() \ and not vch.is_affected(merc.AFF_PLAGUE) and random.randint(0, 4) == 0: vch.send("You feel hot and feverish.\n") handler_game.act("$n shivers and looks very ill.", vch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) vch.affect_join(plague) dam = min(ch.level, af.level // 5 + 1) ch.mana -= dam ch.move -= dam fight.damage(ch, ch, dam, 'plague', merc.DAM_DISEASE, False) elif ch.is_affected( merc.AFF_POISON) and ch and not ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_SLOW): poison = state_checks.affect_find(ch.affected, 'poison') if poison: handler_game.act("$n shivers and suffers.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.send("You shiver and suffer.\n") fight.damage(ch, ch, poison.level // 10 + 1, 'poison', merc.DAM_POISON, False) elif ch.position == merc.POS_INCAP and random.randint(0, 1) == 0: fight.damage(ch, ch, 1, merc.TYPE_UNDEFINED, merc.DAM_NONE, False) elif ch.position == merc.POS_MORTAL: fight.damage(ch, ch, 1, merc.TYPE_UNDEFINED, merc.DAM_NONE, False) # # * Autosave and autoquit. # * Check that these chars still exist. # */ for ch in instance.characters.values(): if not ch.is_npc() and ch.desc and save_number == 28: for ch in ch_quit[:]: ch.do_quit("")
def spell_bless(sn, level, ch, victim, target): # deal with the object case first */ if target == merc.TARGET_ITEM: obj = victim if obj.flags.bless: handler_game.act("$p is already blessed.", ch, obj, send_to=merc.TO_CHAR) return if obj.flags.evil: paf = state_checks.affect_find(obj.affected, "curse") level = obj.level if paf: level = paf.level if not handler_magic.saves_dispel(level, level, 0): if paf: obj.affect_remove(paf) handler_game.act("$p glows a pale blue.", ch, obj, None, merc.TO_ALL) obj.extra_bits = state_checks.REMOVE_BIT( obj.extra_flags, merc.ITEM_EVIL) return else: handler_game.act( "The evil of $p is too powerful for you to overcome.", ch, obj, send_to=merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_OBJECT af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = 6 + level af.location = merc.APPLY_SAVES af.modifier = -1 af.bitvector = merc.ITEM_BLESS obj.affect_add(af) handler_game.act("$p glows with a holy aura.", ch, obj, send_to=merc.TO_ALL) if obj.wear_loc != merc.WEAR_NONE: ch.saving_throw = ch.saving_throw - 1 return # character target */ if victim.position == merc.POS_FIGHTING or state_checks.is_affected( victim, sn): if victim == ch: ch.send("You are already blessed.\n") else: handler_game.act("$N already has divine favor.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR) return af = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() af.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS af.type = sn af.level = level af.duration = 6 + level af.location = merc.APPLY_HITROLL af.modifier = level // 8 af.bitvector = 0 victim.affect_add(af) af.location = merc.APPLY_SAVING_SPELL af.modifier = 0 - level // 8 victim.affect_add(af) victim.send("You feel righteous.\n") if ch is not victim: handler_game.act("You grant $N the favor of your god.", ch, None, victim, merc.TO_CHAR)
def char_update(): # update save counter */ global save_number save_number += 1 if save_number > 29: save_number = 0 ch_quit = [] id_list = [instance_id for instance_id in instance.characters.keys()] for character_id in id_list: ch = instance.characters[character_id] if ch.timer > 30: ch_quit.append(ch) if ch.position >= merc.POS_STUNNED: # check to see if we need to go home */ if ch.is_npc() and and != instance.area_templates[] \ and not ch.desc and not ch.fighting\ and not ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_CHARM) and random.randint(1, 99) < 5: handler_game.act("$n wanders on home.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.extract(True) id_list.remove(character_id) continue if ch.hit < ch.max_hit: ch.hit += hit_gain(ch) else: ch.hit = ch.max_hit if ch.mana < ch.max_mana: ch.mana += mana_gain(ch) else: ch.mana = ch.max_mana if ch.move < ch.max_move: ch.move += move_gain(ch) else: ch.move = ch.max_move if ch.position == merc.POS_STUNNED: fight.update_pos(ch) if not ch.is_npc() and ch.level < merc.LEVEL_IMMORTAL: item = ch.get_eq('light') if item and item.item_type == merc.ITEM_LIGHT and item.value[2] > 0: item.value[2] -= 1 if item.value[2] == 0 and ch.in_room is not None: ch.in_room.available_light -= 1 handler_game.act("$p goes out.", ch, item, None, merc.TO_ROOM) handler_game.act("$p flickers and goes out.", ch, item, None, merc.TO_CHAR) item.extract() elif item.value[2] <= 5 and ch.in_room: handler_game.act("$p flickers.", ch, item, None, merc.TO_CHAR) if ch.is_immortal(): ch.timer = 0 ch.timer += 1 if ch.timer >= 12: if not ch.was_in_room and ch.in_room: ch.was_in_room = ch.in_room if ch.fighting: fight.stop_fighting(ch, True) handler_game.act("$n disappears into the void.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.send("You disappear into the void.\n") if ch.level > 1: limbo_id = instance.instances_by_room[merc.ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO][0] limbo = instance.rooms[limbo_id] ch.in_room.get(ch) limbo.put(ch) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_DRUNK, -1) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_FULL, -4 if ch.size > merc.SIZE_MEDIUM else -2) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_THIRST, -1) gain_condition(ch, merc.COND_HUNGER, -2 if ch.size > merc.SIZE_MEDIUM else -1) for paf in ch.affected[:]: if paf.duration > 0: paf.duration -= 1 if random.randint(0, 4) == 0 and paf.level > 0: paf.level -= 1 # spell strength fades with time */ elif paf.duration < 0: pass else: # multiple affects. don't send the spelldown msg multi = [a for a in ch.affected if a.type == paf.type and a is not paf and a.duration > 0] if not multi and paf.type and const.skill_table[paf.type].msg_off: ch.send(const.skill_table[paf.type].msg_off + "\n") ch.affect_remove(paf) # # * Careful with the damages here, # * MUST NOT refer to ch after damage taken, # * as it may be lethal damage (on NPC). # */ if state_checks.is_affected(ch, 'plague') and ch: if ch.in_room is None: continue handler_game.act("$n writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from $s skin.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.send("You writhe in agony from the plague.\n") af = [a for a in ch.affected if af.type == 'plague'][:1] if not af: ch.affected_by.rem_bit(merc.AFF_PLAGUE) continue if af.level == 1: continue plague = handler_game.AFFECT_DATA() plague.where = merc.TO_AFFECTS plague.type = 'plague' plague.level = af.level - 1 plague.duration = random.randint(1, 2 * plague.level) plague.location = merc.APPLY_STR plague.modifier = -5 plague.bitvector = merc.AFF_PLAGUE for vch_id in ch.in_room.people[:]: vch = instance.characters[vch_id] if not handler_magic.saves_spell(plague.level - 2, vch, merc.DAM_DISEASE) and not vch.is_immmortal() \ and not vch.is_affected(merc.AFF_PLAGUE) and random.randint(0, 4) == 0: vch.send("You feel hot and feverish.\n") handler_game.act("$n shivers and looks very ill.", vch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) vch.affect_join(plague) dam = min(ch.level, af.level // 5 + 1) ch.mana -= dam ch.move -= dam fight.damage(ch, ch, dam, 'plague', merc.DAM_DISEASE, False) elif ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_POISON) and ch and not ch.is_affected(merc.AFF_SLOW): poison = state_checks.affect_find(ch.affected, 'poison') if poison: handler_game.act("$n shivers and suffers.", ch, None, None, merc.TO_ROOM) ch.send("You shiver and suffer.\n") fight.damage(ch, ch, poison.level // 10 + 1, 'poison', merc.DAM_POISON, False) elif ch.position == merc.POS_INCAP and random.randint(0, 1) == 0: fight.damage(ch, ch, 1, merc.TYPE_UNDEFINED, merc.DAM_NONE, False) elif ch.position == merc.POS_MORTAL: fight.damage(ch, ch, 1, merc.TYPE_UNDEFINED, merc.DAM_NONE, False) # # * Autosave and autoquit. # * Check that these chars still exist. # */ for ch in instance.characters.values(): if not ch.is_npc() and ch.desc and save_number == 28: for ch in ch_quit[:]: ch.do_quit("")