コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, illustrate=True):
        self.used_input_modes = set()
        self.photon_number = 0
        self.global_input_state = PhotonicState()

        self.detected_modes = set()

        self.illustrate = illustrate
        if self.illustrate:
            self.circuit_illustrator = CircuitIllustrator()

        self.elements = defaultdict(list)
        self.element_layers = 0
コード例 #2
    def _evolve_element(self, state, element):
        evolves state through an element which applies some linear optical
        unitary transformation
        new_state = PhotonicState()

        # find which modes the element acts on
        element_modes = element.acting_modes
        for in_modes, in_amp in state.items():

            # find which modes in the input state will interfere
            intf_in_modes = tuple(i for i in in_modes if i in element_modes)
            # ... and which ones will not
            non_intf_modes = tuple(i for i in in_modes if i not in element_modes)

            # create the function which will calculate our permanents etc.
            get_amp = create_get_amp_from_in_modes(element.global_unitary(self.N), intf_in_modes)
            in_norm = self.fock_norm(intf_in_modes) # input state normalisation factor

            n_int = len(intf_in_modes) # number of interfering photons
            # find out where interfering photons could end up
            for intf_out_modes in combinations_with_replacement(element_modes, n_int):
                out_amp = get_amp(intf_out_modes)
                out_modes = tuple(sorted(non_intf_modes + intf_out_modes))
                # only save non-zero amplitudes
                if abs(out_amp) ** 2 > self.state_threshold:
                    out_norm = self.fock_norm(intf_out_modes)
                    new_state[out_modes] += in_amp * out_amp * ((in_norm * out_norm) ** (-0.5))
                    # delete terms where interference causes amplitude to become zero
                    if abs(new_state[out_modes]) ** 2 < self.state_threshold:
                        del new_state[out_modes]
        return new_state
コード例 #3
 def add_input_photons(self, modes, photon_numbers=None):
     add fock states to the input state
     If photon_numbers is None, assumes that all 'modes' contain
     a single photon.
     Otherwise, modes and photon_numbers should be the same length 
     and photon_numbers gives the occupancy of the respective mode
     if photon_numbers is None:
         for mode in modes:
             state = PhotonicState({(mode,) : 1})
         state = PhotonicState(
             {(mode,)*n : 1 for mode, n in zip(modes, photon_numbers)})
コード例 #4
    def add_input_state(self, state):
        add a state to the input state
        state = PhotonicState(state)

        if not state.is_fixed_photon_number():
            raise Exception('state is not fixed photon number')


        photon_number = state.photon_number
        state_modes = state.modes
        if not self.used_input_modes.isdisjoint(state_modes):
            raise Exception('some input modes are already occupied')

        self.photon_number += photon_number

        # tensor product the new input state with the existing input state
        if len(self.global_input_state) == 0:
            self.global_input_state = state 
            new_input_state = PhotonicState()
            for modes, amp in self.global_input_state.items():
                for added_modes, added_amp in state.items():
                    new_modes = tuple(sorted(modes + added_modes))
                    new_input_state[new_modes] = amp * added_amp

            self.global_input_state = new_input_state

        if self.illustrate:
コード例 #5
 def _evolve_phaseshift_element(self, state, element):
     Applies a phase shift to the state by multiplying each term's amplitude
     by the appropriate phase
     new_state = PhotonicState()
     for in_modes, in_amp in state.items():
         phases = element.global_U(N).diagonal()
         phase_shift = np.prod([phases[i] for i in in_modes])
         new_state[in_modes] = phase_shift * in_amp 
     return new_state
コード例 #6
 def calculate_state_amplitudes(self, outcomes, reduce_state=False):
     input_state = self.circuit.global_input_state
     output_state = PhotonicState()
     for out_modes in outcomes:
         out_norm = self.fock_norm(out_modes)
         get_amp = create_get_amp_from_out_modes(self.U, out_modes)
         for in_modes, in_amp in input_state.items():
             amp = get_amp(in_modes)
             if abs(amp)**2 > self.state_threshold:
                 in_norm = self.fock_norm(in_modes)
                 if reduce_state:
                     modes = self.reduce_modes(out_modes)
                     modes = out_modes
                 output_state[modes] += in_amp * amp * ((in_norm * out_norm) ** (-0.5))
                 if abs(output_state[modes]) ** 2 < self.state_threshold:
                     del output_state[modes]
     return output_state
コード例 #7
    def _evolve_swap_element(self, state, element):
        evolve state through a Swap element. 

        this relabels the terms in the state according to the Swap element
        we are applying
        new_state = PhotonicState()
        for in_modes, amp in state.items():
            out_modes = []
            for in_mode in in_modes:
                offset_in_mode = in_mode - element.offset 
                if offset_in_mode in element.in_modes:
                    index = element.in_modes.index(offset_in_mode)
                    out_mode = element.out_modes[index] + element.offset
                    out_mode = in_mode 
            new_state[tuple(sorted(out_modes))] = amp 
        return new_state
コード例 #8
class Circuit:
    Class for describing photonic circuits. It will store information
    about the optical elements of the circuit and the input state.
    It is also integrated with the CircuitIllustrator class 
    to provide a simple way of drawing the circuit contained.
    def __init__(self, illustrate=True):
        self.used_input_modes = set()
        self.photon_number = 0
        self.global_input_state = PhotonicState()

        self.detected_modes = set()

        self.illustrate = illustrate
        if self.illustrate:
            self.circuit_illustrator = CircuitIllustrator()

        self.elements = defaultdict(list)
        self.element_layers = 0

    def N(self):
        number of modes in the whole circuit
        N = 0
        for modes in self.global_input_state.keys():
            N = max(N, max(modes)+1)
        for layer in range(self.element_layers):
            for element in self.elements[layer]:
                N = max(N, element.offset + element.n)
        return N

    def U(self):
        gives the unitary of the whole circuit
        N = self.N
        U = np.eye(N, dtype=complex)
        for layer in range(self.element_layers):
            layer_elements = self.elements[layer]
            for element in layer_elements:
                U = element.global_unitary(N) @ U
        return U

    def _illustrate_input_state(self, state):
        # TODO: something more cool for input states in superposition
        state_modes = state.modes
        for mode in state_modes: 

    def add_input_state(self, state):
        add a state to the input state
        state = PhotonicState(state)

        if not state.is_fixed_photon_number():
            raise Exception('state is not fixed photon number')


        photon_number = state.photon_number
        state_modes = state.modes
        if not self.used_input_modes.isdisjoint(state_modes):
            raise Exception('some input modes are already occupied')

        self.photon_number += photon_number

        # tensor product the new input state with the existing input state
        if len(self.global_input_state) == 0:
            self.global_input_state = state 
            new_input_state = PhotonicState()
            for modes, amp in self.global_input_state.items():
                for added_modes, added_amp in state.items():
                    new_modes = tuple(sorted(modes + added_modes))
                    new_input_state[new_modes] = amp * added_amp

            self.global_input_state = new_input_state

        if self.illustrate:

    def add_input_states(self, states):
        add multiple input state
        for state in states:

    def add_input_photons(self, modes, photon_numbers=None):
        add fock states to the input state
        If photon_numbers is None, assumes that all 'modes' contain
        a single photon.
        Otherwise, modes and photon_numbers should be the same length 
        and photon_numbers gives the occupancy of the respective mode
        if photon_numbers is None:
            for mode in modes:
                state = PhotonicState({(mode,) : 1})
            state = PhotonicState(
                {(mode,)*n : 1 for mode, n in zip(modes, photon_numbers)})

    def _illustrate_optical_element(self, optical_element, modes):
        adds the appropriate components to the circuit_illustrator class
        if isinstance(optical_element, PhaseShift):
        elif isinstance(optical_element, OpticalUnitary):
            label = optical_element.label
            self.circuit_illustrator.add_box(modes, label)
        elif isinstance(optical_element, Swap):
            mode_starts = optical_element.in_modes
            mode_ends = optical_element.out_modes
            route_offset = optical_element.offset
                mode_ends, route_offset)
            raise Exception('illustration not implemented for this element')
    def add_optical_layer(self, *optical_elements):
        add a layer of optical elements

        optical_elements should all be instances of an OpticalElement class
        if no 'offset' is specified for the optical element, it will be placed 
        directly below the previously element (or at the top of the circuit).
        offset = 0
        for optical_element in optical_elements:

            optical_element = copy(optical_element)

            if not isinstance(optical_element, OpticalElement):
                raise Exception('all objects must be an OpticalElement')

            if optical_element.offset is None:
                optical_element.offset = offset
                if optical_element.offset < offset:
                    # advance to a new layer if element overlaps with 
                    # previous elements in the layer
                    self.element_layers += 1

            top_mode = optical_element.offset
            offset = top_mode + optical_element.n
            modes = range(top_mode, offset)


            if self.illustrate:
                self._illustrate_optical_element(optical_element, modes)
        self.element_layers += 1

    def add_detectors(self, modes):
        add detectors to the 'modes' specified
        if self.illustrate:
            for mode in modes:

    def gen_detector_patterns(self, detected_photons):
        generate all the possible detector patterns for a given number
        of 'detected_photons'
        n_det = len(self.detected_modes)
        for modes in combinations_with_replacement(range(n_det), detected_photons):
            pattern = np.zeros(n_det, dtype=int)
            np.add.at(pattern, np.asarray(modes), 1)
            yield pattern

    def gen_constrained_detector_patterns(self, det_group_sizes, photon_numbers=None,
        pass in two lists describing how many detectors are in each group and how
        many photons each group needs to detect in total

        n_det = len(self.detected_modes)

        if photon_numbers is None:
            photon_numbers = [1] * len(det_group_sizes)

        if sum(photon_numbers) > self.photon_number:
            raise Exception('more photons than in state')

        if sum(det_group_sizes) != n_det:
            raise Exception('group sizes do not cover all detectors')

        det_groups = dict()
        mode = 0
        for size, n in zip(det_group_sizes, photon_numbers):
            group = tuple(range(mode, mode+size))
            det_groups[group] = n
            mode += size

        if not only_single_click:
            group_gen = combinations_with_replacement
            group_gen = combinations 

        for groups_modes in product(*(
            group_gen(group, photons) 
                for group, photons in det_groups.items())):

            modes = tuple(i for m in groups_modes for i in m)
            pattern = np.zeros(n_det, dtype=int)
            np.add.at(pattern, np.asarray(modes), 1)
            yield pattern

    def draw(self, extend_output_modes=2):
        draw the circuit.
        returns a matplotlib fig, ax 

        extended_output_modes: length of the path to draw for the non
        detected modes at the end of the circuit.
        if not self.illustrate:
            raise Exception('circuit illustration disabled')
        remaining_modes = self.circuit_illustrator.active_modes
        if len(remaining_modes) > 0:
            self.circuit_illustrator.add_route(remaining_modes, width=extend_output_modes)
        return self.circuit_illustrator.draw()