def test_user_navbar(self, application: str, ff_browser: webdriver.Firefox): ''' check that there is user profile button ''' test_clean_DB() # remove previous inserts in case there are any ff_browser.get(application + "/logout") # logout connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) #insert normal user cur = connection.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (t_username, t_firstname, t_lastname, encryptPassword(t_password), 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, "")) connection.commit() connection.close() #connect to user ff_browser.get(application + "/login") elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("username") elem.send_keys(t_username) elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("password") elem.send_keys(t_password) elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("submit") elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("user_link") assert elem.text == "My Profile"
def test_admin_navbar(self, application: str, ff_browser: webdriver.Firefox): ''' check if Control Panel moves the admin to the right route ''' test_clean_DB() # remove previous inserts in case there are any ff_browser.get(application + "/logout") # logout connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) #insert admin user cur = connection.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (t_username, t_firstname, t_lastname, encryptPassword(t_password), 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "")) connection.commit() connection.close() #connect to admin user ff_browser.get(application + "/login") elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("username") elem.send_keys(t_username) elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("password") elem.send_keys(t_password) elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("submit") elem = ff_browser.find_element_by_name("control_panel_link") assert ff_browser.current_url == application + "/controlpanel"
def updatePassword(userUpdate): # Connect to database and check if user exists con = sqlite3.connect(current_app.config['DB_NAME']) # Prepare the query sqlQueryUpdateUser = "******" # Run the query to get user data con.execute(sqlQueryUpdateUser,(encryptPassword(userUpdate.getPassword()), userUpdate.getUsername())) # Commit the changes con.commit() # Close the connection to the database con.close()
def db_prepare_manage_fac(): global instID, facID # Prepare the institution db_name = "database.db" # connect to db to prepare it before testing con = sqlite3.connect(db_name) cursor = con.cursor() # Check if institution exists sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Institutions WHERE InstitutionName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (institution_test, )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If institution does not exists create it if record == None: sqtInsertInst = "INSERT INTO Institutions (InstitutionName) VALUES (?)" cursor.execute(sqtInsertInst, (institution_test, )) instID = cursor.lastrowid else: instID = record[0] # Check if faculty exists sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Faculties WHERE FacultyName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (faculty_test, )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If faculty does not exists create it if record == None: sqlInsertFac = "INSERT INTO Faculties (FacultyName) VALUES (?)" cursor.execute(sqlInsertFac, (faculty_test, )) facID = cursor.lastrowid else: facID = record[0] # Check if institution and faculty exists in FacIn table sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM FacIn WHERE InstitutionID = (?) AND FacultyID = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (instID, facID)) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If institution and faculty does not exists create it if record == None: sqtInsertInstFac = "INSERT INTO FacIn VALUES (?, ?)" con.execute(sqtInsertInstFac, (instID, facID)) # Check if user exists in Users table sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (username_test, )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If user does not exists create it if record == None: sqtInsertUser = "******" con.execute(sqtInsertUser, (username_test, "test1", "test1", encryptPassword(password_test), instID, facID, 2, "")) # Commit the changes in users table con.commit() #---------------------------------------------------------------- yield db_name # Check if user exists sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (username_test, )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If user exists delete the user from DB if record != None: sqlDelete = "DELETE FROM Users WHERE UserName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlDelete, (username_test, )) # Check if institution and faculty exists in FacIn table sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM FacIn WHERE InstitutionID = (?) AND FacultyID = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (instID, facID)) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If faculty in institution exists delete it if record != None: sqtDelInstFac = "DELETE FROM FacIn WHERE InstitutionID = (?) AND FacultyID = (?)" con.execute(sqtDelInstFac, (instID, facID)) # Check if faculty exists sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Faculties WHERE FacultyName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (faculty_test, )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If faculty exists delete it if record != None: sqlDelFac = "DELETE FROM Faculties WHERE FacultyID = (?)" con.execute(sqlDelFac, (facID, )) # Check if institution exists sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Institutions WHERE InstitutionName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (institution_test, )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If institution exists create it if record != None: sqtDelInst = "DELETE FROM Institutions WHERE InstitutionID = (?)" con.execute(sqtDelInst, (instID, )) # Check if additional faculty exists sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Faculties WHERE FacultyName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (newFacTest, )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # If faculty exists create it if record != None: sqtDelInst = "DELETE FROM Faculties WHERE FacultyID = (?)" con.execute(sqtDelInst, (record[0], )) # Commit the changes in users table con.commit() # CLose connection to DB con.close()
def register(): # Load all institutions institutions = [] con = sqlite3.connect(current_app.config['DB_NAME']) # Preprare query sqlQueryInstitutions = "SELECT * FROM Institutions" # Run the query and save result sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryInstitutions) # Run over the lines of the result and append to list for line in sqlRes: institutions.append([line[0], line[1]]) # Close the connection to the database con.close() # Check if user already logged in if ('username' in session): return redirect('/') # If method post selected then register the user if (request.method == "POST"): # connect to db and check if username taken con = sqlite3.connect(current_app.config['DB_NAME']) sqlQueryCheckExist = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName = (?)" sqlRes = con.execute(sqlQueryCheckExist, (request.form["username"], )) record = sqlRes.fetchone() # Create user object newUser = User(request.form["username"], request.form["fName"], request.form["lName"], request.form["password"], request.form["institution"], request.form["faculty"], request.form["year"], email=request.form["email"]) # Check if the user is not already registered! if (record == None): # Validate the user valMessage = newUser.validateUser() valMessage = valMessage.replace('\n', '<br>') valMessage = Markup(valMessage) # Check if user is valid if (valMessage != ""): return render_template('register.html', massage=valMessage, institutions=institutions) # Insert the user into the table of users sqlQueryRegister = "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?)" con.execute( sqlQueryRegister, (newUser.getUsername(), newUser.getFName(), newUser.getLName(), encryptPassword(newUser.getPassword()), newUser.getInstitutionID(), newUser.getFacultyID(), newUser.getStudyYear(), newUser.getEmail())) # Commit the changes in users table con.commit() # Create message massage = "User registered successfully!" # Add the user into the session variable session['username'] = newUser.getUsername() else: massage = "Username already taken please choose another!" return render_template('register.html', massage=massage, institutions=institutions) # Close the database connection con.close() return redirect('/') # Load and prepare the page else: return render_template('register.html', massage="Please register", institutions=institutions)
def init(): with sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) as con: # setup con.execute("DELETE FROM Faculties") con.execute("DELETE FROM Institutions") con.execute("DELETE FROM Lecturers") con.execute("DELETE FROM Courses") con.execute("DELETE FROM Files") con.execute("DELETE FROM Files") con.execute("DELETE FROM FacIn") con.execute("DELETE FROM Users") con.execute("DELETE FROM Notification") # 1) con.execute("INSERT INTO Institutions VALUES (?, ?)", (1, "A")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Faculties VALUES (?, ?)", (11, "math")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Lecturers VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (1111, "Moshe", 11, 1)) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Courses VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (111, "Calculus", 1111, 2021) ) con.execute("INSERT INTO FacIn VALUES (?, ?)", (1, 11)) # 2) con.execute("INSERT INTO Faculties VALUES (?, ?)", (22, "art")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Institutions VALUES (?, ?)", (2, "B")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Lecturers VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (2222, "Sarah", 22, 2)) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Courses VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (222, "study of drawing", 2222, 2021), ) con.execute("INSERT INTO FacIn VALUES (?, ?)", (2, 22)) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( "admin", "nadmin", "ladmin", encryptPassword("admin"), 1, 11, 2021, 1, 0, "*****@*****.**", ), ) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( "user1", "userone", "ulnone", encryptPassword("userone"), 1, 11, 2021, 0, 0, "[email protected]", ), ) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( "user2", "usertwo", "ulntwo", encryptPassword("usertwo"), 2, 22, 2021, 0, 0, "[email protected]", ), ) con.execute("INSERT INTO Types(Type) VALUES (?) ", ("Lecture",)) con.execute("INSERT INTO Types(Type) VALUES (?) ", ("Lab",)) con.execute("INSERT INTO Types(Type) VALUES (?) ", ("Exam",)) os.mkdir("storage") os.mkdir("storage/backup")
def init(): with sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) as con: # setup con.execute("DELETE FROM Faculties") con.execute("DELETE FROM OldFiles") con.execute("DELETE FROM Institutions") con.execute("DELETE FROM Lecturers") con.execute("DELETE FROM Courses") con.execute("DELETE FROM Files") con.execute("DELETE FROM FacIn") con.execute("DELETE FROM Users") con.execute("DELETE FROM Notification") con.execute("DELETE FROM Reports") # 1) con.execute("INSERT INTO Institutions VALUES (?, ?)", (1, "A")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Faculties VALUES (?, ?)", (11, "math")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Lecturers VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (1111, "Moshe", 11, 1)) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Courses VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (111, "Calculus", 1111, 2021) ) con.execute("INSERT INTO FacIn VALUES (?, ?)", (1, 11)) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Files VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( 1, "user1", "F1.txt", "title-math", "special number", date(2021, 1, 1), date(2021, 1, 1), 1, 11, 111, 1, "Lecture", ), ) # 2) con.execute("INSERT INTO Faculties VALUES (?, ?)", (22, "art")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Institutions VALUES (?, ?)", (2, "B")) con.execute("INSERT INTO Lecturers VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (2222, "Sarah", 22, 2)) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Courses VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (222, "study of drawing", 2222, 2021), ) con.execute("INSERT INTO FacIn VALUES (?, ?)", (2, 22)) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Files VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( 2, "Moshe", "F2.txt", "titile-sokal", "sokal-affair", date(2021, 1, 1), date(2021, 1, 1), 2, 22, 222, 1, "Lecture", ), ) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( "admin", "nadmin", "ladmin", encryptPassword("admin"), 1, 11, 2021, 1, 0, "*****@*****.**", ), ) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( "user1", "userone", "ulnone", encryptPassword("userone"), 1, 11, 2021, 0, 0, "[email protected]", ), ) con.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( "user2", "usertwo", "ulntwo", encryptPassword("usertwo"), 2, 22, 2021, 0, 0, "[email protected]", ), ) con.execute("INSERT INTO Types(Type) VALUES (?) ", ("Lecture",)) con.execute("INSERT INTO Types(Type) VALUES (?) ", ("Lab",)) con.execute("INSERT INTO Types(Type) VALUES (?) ", ("Exam",)) try: os.mkdir("storage") except FileExistsError as e: pass try: os.mkdir(os.path.join("storage","backup")) except FileExistsError as e: pass shutil.copy("Tests/test_storage_1/1.txt", "storage/1.txt") shutil.copy("Tests/test_storage_1/2.txt", "storage/2.txt")