packet_import_to_db(filename[0],filename[1]) #支持多进程,此处等待数据库写入完成 if commonlib.IsSupportMutiThread() != 0: httpmutithread.httpThreadReadEndSet(1) httpmutithread.threadwait() flag = True while flag: print "数据准备完成" print '请选择你需要的功能点,输入数字进行选择' print '1、输出一段时间内url的访问记录' print '2、在报文中查找关键字' print '3、退出' choice = str(raw_input()) if choice == '1': cmdStr = url_make_cmdStr(dbTableName) statistics.url_Statistics(dbTableName,cmdStr) elif choice == '2': keyword = str(raw_input('请输入关键字 : ')) n = str(raw_input('请输入需要打印的记录的条数 :')) #这里需要对参数n的有效性做校验 statistics.keyword_statistcis(dbTableName,keyword,string.atoi(n)) else : break
#print 'this pcap file have been saved in DB' print 'pcap文件已经记录在数据库中,直接读取数据库数据' #print 'this pcap file pcap packet from %s to %s'%(timeformat_sec_to_date(firsttime),timeformat_sec_to_date(lasttime)) else: print '读取pcap文件到数据库中,请稍等' packet_import_to_db(filename[0], filename[1]) #支持多进程,此处等待数据库写入完成 if commonlib.IsSupportMutiThread() != 0: httpmutithread.httpThreadReadEndSet(1) httpmutithread.threadwait() flag = True while flag: print "数据准备完成" print '请选择你需要的功能点,输入数字进行选择' print '1、输出一段时间内url的访问记录' print '2、在报文中查找关键字' print '3、退出' choice = str(raw_input()) if choice == '1': cmdStr = url_make_cmdStr(dbTableName) statistics.url_Statistics(dbTableName, cmdStr) elif choice == '2': keyword = str(raw_input('请输入关键字 : ')) n = str(raw_input('请输入需要打印的记录的条数 :')) #这里需要对参数n的有效性做校验 statistics.keyword_statistcis(dbTableName, keyword, string.atoi(n)) else: break
flag = True while flag: print 'please select which function you want' print '1.sort the url record between time' print '2.find the keyword in http packet' print '3.exit' choice = str(raw_input()) if choice == '1': cmdStr = url_make_cmdStr() statistics.url_Statistics(filename,cmdStr) elif choice == '2': keyword = str(raw_input('please input the keyword ')) n = str(raw_input('please input the print item num ')) statistics.keyword_statistcis(filename,keyword,string.atoi(n)) else : break ======= firsttime = 0 lasttime = 0 tabel_line = {} #数据库行存储结构 def packet_import_to_db(): not_ip_packet = 0 #记录抓取的报文中非ip包的个数 not_tcp_packet = 0 #记录抓取的报文中非tcp包的个数 f = open('F:/python/http-pcap2.pcap','rb')