def sortSubListsAndMedian(A): sortedList = [] medianList = [] for smallList in A: sortedList.append(sorted(smallList)) medianList.append(statistics.median_low(smallList)) return sortedList, medianList
def update_lims_project_stats(): today = start_date = (today - datetime.timedelta(90)) try: response = limsfm_request( 'layout/project_api', 'get', { 'RFMmax': 1, 'RFMsF1': 'data_sent_date', 'RFMsV1': '>={}/{}'.format(start_date.month, start_date.year), }) if response.status_code == 200: project_stats = {} wait_time_string = (response.json()['data'][0] ['summary_list_wait_time_weeks']) wait_time_list = [int(i) for i in wait_time_string.splitlines()] project_stats['median_wait_time_weeks'] = median_low( wait_time_list ) return project_stats else: return {} except Exception as e: return {}
def stats_helper(list): """ :param list: :return: """ mean = statistics.mean(list) mode = None try: mode = statistics.mode(list) except statistics.StatisticsError: # no unique mode pass return { 'mean': mean, 'variance': statistics.pvariance(list, mu=mean), 'standard_deviation': statistics.pstdev(list, mu=mean), 'median': statistics.median(list), 'median_low': statistics.median_low(list), 'median_high': statistics.median_high(list), 'median_grouped': statistics.median_grouped(list), 'mode': mode }
def get_overall_stats(results_dict): average = statistics.mean(results_dict) median = statistics.median(results_dict) median_low = statistics.median_low(results_dict) median_high = statistics.median_high(results_dict) mode = calc_mode(results_dict) return {'avg': average, 'med': median, 'medlo': median_low, 'medhi': median_high, 'mode': mode}
def create_rating_histogram(ballots, rating_range, chart_title, image_save_path): """ Generates a histogram (bar chart) image from ballot data for the subject rating. """ all_values = list() rating_histogram = {'0': 0} for value in rating_range: rating_histogram[str(value)] = 0 for ballot in ballots: if ballot.subject_rating and str(ballot.subject_rating) in rating_histogram: rating_histogram[str(ballot.subject_rating)] += 1 all_values.append(ballot.subject_rating) else: rating_histogram['0'] += 1 all_values.append(0) total_submissions = 0 for rating in rating_histogram: total_submissions += rating_histogram[rating] sorted_ratings = OrderedDict(sorted(rating_histogram.items(), key=lambda rating_data: int(rating_data[0]))) categories = list() values = list() for rating in sorted_ratings: categories.append(rating) values.append(round(sorted_ratings[rating] / total_submissions * 100)) chart_tick_format = '%d%%' categories_with_none = [x if x != '0' else "None" for x in categories] summary_data = { 'n': total_submissions, 'average': round(mean(all_values), 1), 'median': median_low(all_values) } create_category_bar_chart(image_save_path, categories_with_none, values, summary_data, chart_title, chart_tick_format)
def __init__(self, values): values = [eval(i) for i in values] super().__init__(values) self.min = min(values) self.max = max(values) self.mean = Decimal(mean(values)).quantize(Decimal('.00000')) self.median_low = median_low(values) self.median = median(values) self.median_high = median_high(values)
def quick_sort(mlist, p, r): if p < r: u = statistics.median_low([mlist[p], mlist[r], mlist[int((p + r) / 2)]]) y = mlist.index(u) mlist[y], mlist[r] = mlist[r], mlist[y] q = partition(mlist, p, r) quick_sort(mlist, p, q - 1) quick_sort(mlist, q + 1, r) return mlist
def web_dataset_reader(url): ''' :param url: Input a web address. :return: This algorithm returns a dataseet and its descriptive statistics. Example: >>> url='' >>> import web_dataset_reader_program as wbd >>> print(wbd.web_dataset_reader(url)) >>> . . . ''' from urllib import request as ur import web_skip_header_program as wh import statistics as st highvalue=0 count=0 with ur.urlopen(url) as webpage: first_data=wh.webpage_skip_head(webpage) first_data=first_data.split() dataset=first_data for data in webpage: # This reads the remaining lines of the webpage data=data.decode('utf-8') data=data.split() dataset+=data # For each iteration, the data transformed into # list append to dataset with first_data as its first list # #print(dataset) data_float=dataset for i in range(len(dataset)): data=float(dataset[i]) data_float[i]=float(dataset[i]) # Elements in the list 'dataset' are transformed to # float for additional operations such as min, max, range, sum count+= 1 # This counts the number of elements in the list highvalue =max(highvalue,data) # Zero is assigned to highvalue for its start value. # The data changes for each loop and compared with each element in the list lowvalue = min(data_float) totalvalue =sum(data_float) rangevalue = highvalue - lowvalue #print(count) observation=len(dataset) average=totalvalue/observation mean=st.mean(data_float) median=st.median(data_float) median_high=st.median_high(data_float) median_low=st.median_low(data_float) #mode=st.mode(data_float)# If there is more than one mode, it will return Stat Error stdev=st.pstdev(data_float) variance=st.pvariance(data_float) return print('The Dataset in List form is:\n',data_float,'\n', '=============================================\n',' DIAGNOSTIC ANALYTICS \n', '=============================================\n','The Descriptive Statistics of the Dataset are:', '\nTotal:\t\t{3}\nMaximum:\t{0}\nMinimum:\t{1}\nRange:\t\t{2}\nAverage:\t{5:.2f}\nMedian:\t\t{6}' '\nMedianHigh:\t{7}\nMedian Low:\t{8}\nVariance:\t{10:.2f}\nStd.Dev:\t{9:.2f}\nCounts:\t\t{4}' .format(highvalue,lowvalue,rangevalue,totalvalue,observation,mean,median,median_high, median_low,stdev,variance),'\n','=============================================')
def collectStartingMedians(): global seed for _ in range(100000): random.seed(seed) s.setupSimulation(numNodes=1000, numTasks=100000) loads = [len(x.tasks) for x in s.nodes.values()] # this won't work once the network starts growing # print(sorted(loads)) median = statistics.median_low(loads) with open("data/working/medians.txt", "a") as medians: medians.write(str(median) + "\n") print(median) seed += 1
def connected_components(matrix, author_to_int): #convert matrix to adj_list v = len(matrix) adj_list = convert_matrix_to_adj_list(matrix, v) #using dfs to find connected components metavisited, list_of_ints = [False for _ in range(v)], [] for vertex in range(v): if not metavisited[vertex]: ret = dfs(metavisited, vertex, adj_list) list_of_ints.append(ret[0]) metavisited = ret[1] largest = largest_connected(list_of_ints) max_cc_size, max_cc, sizes = largest[0], largest[1], sorted(largest[2]) #convert ints into authors inverse_author_dict = {v: k for k, v in author_to_int.items()} list_of_strings, max_cc_string = [], [] for cc in list_of_ints: string_cc = [inverse_author_dict[i] for i in cc] if cc == max_cc: max_cc_string = string_cc list_of_strings.append(string_cc) #statistics of cc sizes average = statistics.mean(sizes) median = statistics.median(sizes) median_low = statistics.median_low(sizes) median_high = statistics.median_high(sizes) mode = calc_mode(sizes) #density per connected component d_per_component = density_per_component(list_of_ints, matrix, author_to_int) #saving info into a text file with open('connected_components.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('Connected authors: ' + '\n') for cc in list_of_strings: f.write('\n' + str(len(cc)) + ' ' + str(cc) + '\n') f.write('Density : ' + str(d_per_component[str(cc)]) + '\n') f.write('\n') f.write('Connected components: ' + '\n') for cc in list_of_ints: f.write(str(len(cc)) + ' ' + str(cc) + '\n') f.write('\n') f.write('Number of connected components: ' + str(len(list_of_ints)) + '\n') f.write('Largest component size: ' + str(max_cc_size) + '\n') f.write('Largest connected component: ' + str(max_cc_string) + '\n') f.write('Component sizes: ' + str(sizes) + '\n') f.write('Average component size: ' + str(average) + '\n') f.write('Median: ' + str(median) + '\n') f.write('Low median: ' + str(median_low) + '\n') f.write('High median: ' + str(median_high) + '\n') f.write('Mode: ' + str(mode)) pickle.dump(adj_list, open("adj_list.p", "wb")) pickle.dump(list_of_ints, open("list_of_ints.p", "wb"))
def plotLoads(): s = Simulator() seed = 500 loads = [] for _ in range(20): random.seed(seed) s.setupSimulation(numNodes=1000,numTasks=1000000) loads = loads + [len(x.tasks) for x in s.nodes.values()] seed += 1 n, bins, patches = plt.hist(loads, 25, normed =1 ) plt.xlabel('Tasks Per Node') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.axvline(statistics.median_low(loads), color='r', linestyle='--')
def main(): print(stats.mean(range(6))) print(stats.median(range(6))) print(stats.median_low(range(6))) print(stats.median_high(range(6))) print(stats.median_grouped(range(6))) try: print(stats.mode(range(6))) except Exception as e: print(e) print(stats.mode(list(range(6)) + [3])) print(stats.pstdev(list(range(6)) + [3])) print(stats.stdev(list(range(6)) + [3])) print(stats.pvariance(list(range(6)) + [3])) print(stats.variance(list(range(6)) + [3]))
def read(self): arr = np.array(self.image) nrows, ncols = arr.shape h_blocks = median_low(self.factors(ncols)) v_blocks = median_low(self.factors(nrows)) block_width = ncols // h_blocks block_height = nrows // v_blocks print("Colors\n{}".format("=" * 6)) colors = self.image.getcolors() for num, color_idx in colors: print("{}: {} blocks".format(color_idx, num)) heading = "{}x{} blocks".format(ncols, nrows) print("\n" + heading + "\n" + "=" * len(heading)) print(self.format_portion_blocks(arr, block_width, block_height)) for i in range(0, h_blocks): for j in range(0, v_blocks): heading = "{},{} ({}x{} blocks)".format(i + 1, j + 1, block_width, block_height) print("\n" + heading + "\n" + "=" * len(heading)) p = self.get_portion(arr, i * block_width, j * block_height, block_width, block_height) print(self.format_portion(p))
def select(k, A): bigList = chunks(A, 5) subSorted, medians = sortSubListsAndMedian(bigList) # This can't be done recursively. Stack overflow. # If you get it working that way, please create a pull-request. medianPivot = statistics.median_low(medians) smaller, equal, larger = partition(medianPivot, A) if k <= len(smaller): return select(k, smaller) if k <= (len(smaller) + len(equal)): return medianPivot return select(k - (len(smaller) + len(equal)), larger)
def __init__(self, values, stdDevs): new_values = [] for i in values: if i != '': try: if "." in i: new_values.append(float(i)) else: new_values.append(int(i)) except: pass #already picked up by error checks values = new_values super().__init__(values) self.stDevOutliers = [] standardDeviations = Decimal(stdDevs) if len(values) >= 8: self.pval = mstats.normaltest(array(values))[1] else: self.pval = 100 self.min = min(values) self.max = max(values) self.mean = Decimal(mean(values)).quantize(Decimal('.00000')) self.median_low = median_low(values) self.median = median(values) self.median_high = median_high(values) self.stdev = Decimal(stdev(values)).quantize(Decimal('.00')) self.normDist = 'No' if(self.pval > 0.055): self.normDist = 'Yes' elif self.pval == 100: self.normDist = 'N/A' if self.normDist == 'Yes': outlier_count = 0 for x, value in enumerate(values): if value < (self.mean - standardDeviations * self.stdev) or \ value > (self.mean + standardDeviations * self.stdev): if outlier_count > max_Outliers: self.stDevOutliers = ">%d outliers" % max_Outliers break self.stDevOutliers.append("Row: %d Value: %s" % (x, value)) outlier_count += 1
def fill_missing_attributes( instances ): print( "Filling in missing data...." ) instance_ex = instances[0] attr_medians = []; for idx in range( len(instance_ex) ): attr_median = statistics.median_low([ instance[idx] for instance in instances if instance[idx] != '?' ]) attr_medians.append( attr_median ) filled_instances = [] for instance in instances: if '?' in instance: indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(instance) if x == "?"] # since multiple attributes could be missing for idx in indices: instance[idx] = attr_medians[ idx ] filled_instances.append( instance ) print( "....complete. starting next step...") return filled_instances
def __init__(self, values, stdDevs): standardDeviations = stdDevs new_values = [] for i in values: if i != '': try: new_values.append(float(i)) except: pass #already picked up in error checks values = new_values super().__init__(values) self.stDevOutliers = [] if len(values) >= 8: self.pval = mstats.normaltest(array(values))[1] else: self.pval = 100 if self.mode != 'N/A': self.mode = self.int_to_sci(self.mode) self.min = self.int_to_sci(min(values)) self.max = self.int_to_sci(max(values)) self.mean = self.int_to_sci(mean(values)) self.median_low = self.int_to_sci(median_low(values)) self.median = self.int_to_sci(median(values)) self.median_high = self.int_to_sci(median_high(values)) self.stdev = self.int_to_sci(stdev(values)) self.normDist = 'No' if(self.pval < 0.055): self.normDist = 'Yes' elif(self.pval == 100): self.normDist = 'N/A' if self.normDist == 'Yes': outlier_count = 0 for x, value in enumerate(values): if value < (float(self.mean) - standardDeviations * float(self.stdev)) or \ value > (float(self.mean) + standardDeviations * float(self.stdev)): if outlier_count > max_Outliers: self.stDevOutliers = ">%d outliers" % max_Outliers break self.stDevOutliers.append("Row: %d Value: %s" % (x, value)) outlier_count += 1
import statistics score = [30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90] print(statistics.mean(score)) print(statistics.harmonic_mean(score)) print(statistics.median(score)) print(statistics.median_low(score)) print(statistics.median_high(score)) import time print(time.time()) t = time.time() print(time.ctime(t)) import time now = time.localtime() print("%d년 %d월 %d일" % (now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday)) print("%d:%d;%d" % (now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec)) import time start = time.time() for a in range(1000): print(a) end = time.time() print(end - start) print("안녕하세요.") time.sleep(1)
percent = [ 2.606255012, 1.222935044, 1.283079391, 3.628708901, 6.856455493, 4.911788292, 2.886928629, 0.781876504, 0.962309543, 2.265437049, 6.816359262, 3.688853248, 3.468323978, 5.633520449, 4.530874098, 1.984763432, 0.922213312, 3.327987169, 4.190056135, 5.493183641, 1.864474739, 10.60545309, 2.425821973, 2.726543705, 8.740978348, 6.174819567 ] percent.sort() print(percent) #this ends with error #print(median(percent)) #print(median_low(percent)) #print(median_high(percent)) #this succeeds import statistics print(statistics.median(percent)) print(statistics.median_low(percent)) print(statistics.median_high(percent)) #this also succeeds ##from statistics import * ##print(median(percent)) ##print(median_low(percent)) ##print(median_high(percent))
i2 = 0 for slice2 in range(0,200): ymean = input[slice2] popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, ymean,[1000, 3, 1]) k = func(0,*popt) if k > 800: densmean2[i2] = k i2 = i2 + 1 print 'length of densmap2', len(densmean2) plt.plot(zcoord,densmean,'k.') import statistics print mean(densmean2) print median(densmean2) print statistics.median_low(densmean2) print statistics.median_high(densmean2) #print statistics.mode(densmean2) # <codecell> ## DELETE THIS CELL, IT GIVES ONLY HOW MANY TIMES DOES EACH VALUE OF densmean APPEAR -> NOT USEFUL from collections import Counter c = Counter(densmean) #print densmean #list(c) c += Counter() #print c.most_common() # n least common elements #print c[-3.2638837653955745e-17] #sum(c.values())
def __init__(self, pi, gpio, measurement_time=120): self.pi = pi self.gpio = gpio self.period = 1 / 910 * 1000000 self.tick_high = None self.duty_cycle = None self.duty_scale = 1000 self.list_duty_cycles = [] self.duty_cycle_min = None self.duty_cycle_max = None # self.pi.set_mode(gpio=self.gpio, mode=pigpio.INPUT) # self.cb = self.pi.callback(user_gpio=self.gpio, edge=pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, func=self.cbf) print('{}{}{}'.format('Starting measurements for: ', measurement_time, ' seconds.')) print('----------------------------------------------------------') time.sleep(measurement_time) #stop callback before sorting list to avoid getting added new elements unintended # self.cb.cancel() time.sleep(1) self.list_duty_cycles = sorted(self.list_duty_cycles) #some analyzis of the dc values sorted_set = list(sorted(set(self.list_duty_cycles))) print('{} {}'.format('Ascending sorted distinct duty cycle values:', sorted_set)) print('----------------------------------------------------------') differences_list = [ sorted_set[i + 1] - sorted_set[i] for i in range(len(sorted_set) - 1) ] rounded_differences_list = [ round(differences_list[i], 2) for i in range(len(differences_list) - 1) ] counted_sorted_list = collections.Counter(rounded_differences_list) print('{} {}'.format( 'Ascending counted, sorted and rounded distinct differences between duty cycle values:', counted_sorted_list)) print('----------------------------------------------------------') #Median and median_high/median_low are chosen, because the biggest #and smallest values are needed, and not an avarage of the smallest #and biggest values of the selection. # print('{} {}'.format('Smallest 250 values:', self.list_duty_cycles[:250])) self.duty_cycle_min = statistics.median_high( self.list_duty_cycles[:20]) print('----------------------------------------------------------') print('{} {}'.format('Biggest 250 values:', self.list_duty_cycles[-250:])) self.duty_cycle_max = statistics.median_low( self.list_duty_cycles[-20:]) print('----------------------------------------------------------') print('duty_cycle_min:', round(self.duty_cycle_min, 2)) print('duty_cycle_max:', round(self.duty_cycle_max, 2))
import statistics N, K = list(map(int, input().split())) park = [] for i in range(N): park_row = list(map(int, input().split())) park.append(park_row) ans = 10 ** 9 if N - K == 0: ans_list = [] for i in park: for j in i: ans_list.append(j) ans = statistics.median_low(ans_list) else: for i in range(0, N-K + 1): for j in range(0, N-K+1): area = [l[i:K+i] for l in park[j:K+j]] flat_area = sum(area, []) temp = statistics.median_low(flat_area) if ans > temp: ans = temp print(int(ans))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dane = np.loadtxt("MDR_RR_TB_burden_estimates_2020-10-29.csv", delimiter=',', skiprows=1, usecols=12) # print(dane) print(np.max(dane)) print(dane.max()) print(np.median(dane)) dane1 = np.loadtxt("Wzrost.csv", delimiter=',', skiprows=0) # print(dane1) print("odchylenie standardowe:", st.stdev(dane1)) print("odchylenie standardowe 2", st.pstdev(dane1)) print("median high:", st.median_high(dane1)) print("median low:", st.median_low(dane1)) print("pstdev:", st.pstdev(dane1)) print("stdev:", st.stdev(dane1)) print("pvariance:", st.pvariance(dane1)) print("variance:", st.variance(dane1)) print("mode:", st.mode(dane1)) print(sc.ttest_1samp(dane, 0)) df = pd.read_csv("brain_size.csv", delimiter=";", skiprows=0) # print(df) print(np.mean(df['VIQ'])) print(df['Gender'].value_counts()) X = np.arange(0, len(df.index))
''' import math from itertools import groupby import statistics from collections import OrderedDict with open("", "r") as infile, open("solution.txt", "w") as outfile: cases = int(infile.readline()) for case in range(0, cases): counter = 0 stringamount = int(infile.readline()) string = [] for s in range(0, stringamount): s = infile.readline().strip() string.append(["".join(grp) for num, grp in groupby(s)]) for numb in range(0, len(string[0])): temp = [] if len(string[0]) != len(string[1]): counter = "Fegla Won" break for num in range(0, stringamount): temp.append(string[num][numb]) if temp[0][0] != temp[1][0]: counter = "Fegla Won" break temp2 = [] for thing in temp: temp2.append(len(thing)) median = statistics.median_low(temp2) for number in temp2: counter += abs(number - median) outfile.write("Case #" + str(case + 1) + ": " + str(counter) + "\n")
try: from statistics import median_low, mean, stdev except ImportError: from simplestats import median_low, mean, stdev SCORESHEET_FUNCTION_NAMES = "sum mean min max stdev median".split(" ") SCORESHEET_FUNCTION_LOOKUP = { 'min': lambda x: round(min(x), 0), 'max': lambda x: round(max(x), 0), 'sum': sum, 'mean': mean, 'stdev': stdev, 'median': lambda x: round(median_low(x), 0), } DATE_INPUT_FORMATS = ('%d/%m/%Y', ) DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS = ('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', ) # SIGNALBOX USER_PROFILE_FIELDS = [ # this is the list of possible fields in the user profile # list in the order in which they should appear in the form # note, you can't simply add fields here - they must also be # defined on the UserProfile model. 'landline', 'mobile', 'site',
seh=3j+3+2.3j print(seh) print(type(seh)) my_name='Akinwsnde Atanda' print(my_name) saw=user.append(3) print(saw) def Take_home(hours, tax): monthly_pay=4*hours*15.10 tax_deduct=monthly_pay*(tax/100) Net_pay=monthly_pay-tax_deduct return Net_pay Wande=Take_home(20,16.5) print('$',Wande) import statistics statistics.mean(user) statistics.median(user) statistics.median_low(user) statistics.pstdev(user)
async def on_response_received( self, message: ResponseMessage, test_original_message: Optional[AppendEntriesMessage] = None, ): original_message = None if self._server._outstanding_index is not None: if in self._server._outstanding_index: original_message = self._server._outstanding_index[] num_entries = len(original_message.entries) else: logger.warn(f"Can't find message id: {}") return self, None else: num_entries = 0 if test_original_message: original_message = test_original_message num_entries = len(test_original_message.entries) # Was the last AppendEntries good? if not message.response: # No, so lets back up the log for this node if num_entries == 0: # Need to backup by at least 1 num_entries = 1 # Get the next log entry to send to the client. previousIndex = max(0, self._nextIndex[message.sender] - 1) else: # Get the next log entry to send to the client. previousIndex = original_message.prev_log_index logger.debug( f"Backing up {message.sender} by {num_entries} to {previousIndex}" ) self._nextIndex[message.sender] = previousIndex return self, None else: if num_entries > 0 and original_message: if message.role == ResponseMessage.Role.FOLLOWER: # The last append was good so increase their index. self._matchIndex[message.sender] = ( original_message.prev_log_index + num_entries) self._nextIndex[message.sender] = max( self._nextIndex[message.sender], self._matchIndex[message.sender] + 1, ) logger.debug(f"Advanced {message.sender} by {num_entries}") elif message.role == ResponseMessage.Role.LEARNER: self._learnerIndex[message.sender] = ( original_message.prev_log_index + num_entries) self._nextIndex[message.sender] = max( self._nextIndex[message.sender], self._learnerIndex[message.sender] + 1, ) logger.debug( f"Learner: Advanced {message.sender} by {num_entries}") new_commit_index = statistics.median_low( self._matchIndex.values()) if (self._server._log[new_commit_index].term == self._server._currentTerm and new_commit_index > self._server._commitIndex): self._server._commitIndex = new_commit_index async with self._server._condition: self._server._condition.notify_all() return self, None
def createTedMetaFile(path, metaDataLocation, laughDataLocation): #the file that stores the laugh meta data lf = open(laughDataLocation, "w") #the file that stores all the meta data for the files wf = open(metaDataLocation, "w") wf.writelines("Number of files: " + str(len(os.listdir(path))) + " minus broken files\n\n") numFiles = 0 firstLaughs = [] firstLaughsPercent = [] laughCounters = [0] avgLaughCount = 0 highestLaughs = 0 linesToWrite = [] numWithoutLaughs = 0 metadataCollection = [] posLengths = [] negLengths = [] for filename in os.listdir(path): fileToCheck = path + filename md = getMetaDataForFile(fileToCheck) metadataCollection.append(md) if != "": numFiles += 1 linesToWrite.append(md.toString() + "\n") if md.firstLaughAt != -1: firstLaughs.append(md.firstLaughAt) firstLaughsPercent.append(md.firstLaughAt / md.wordCount) posLengths.append(md.wordCount) else: numWithoutLaughs += 1 negLengths.append(md.wordCount) if md.numLaughs > highestLaughs: for i in range(md.numLaughs - highestLaughs): laughCounters.append(0) highestLaughs = md.numLaughs laughCounters[md.numLaughs] += 1 avgLaughCount += md.numLaughs linesToWrite.sort() firstLaughs.sort() firstLaughsPercent.sort() negLengths.sort() posLengths.sort() lf.writelines("Number with laughs: " + str(numFiles - numWithoutLaughs) + "\n") lf.writelines("Number without Laughs: " + str(numWithoutLaughs) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Average Laugh Count: " + str(avgLaughCount / (numFiles - numWithoutLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("Average Laugh Location: " + str(statistics.mean(firstLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("Average Laugh Location by Percent: " + str(statistics.mean(firstLaughsPercent)) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("standard deviation of first laugh location: " + str(statistics.stdev(firstLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("standard deviation of first laugh percent : " + str(statistics.stdev(firstLaughsPercent)) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Median Low Laugh Location: " + str(statistics.median_low(firstLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("Median Low Laugh Location by Percent: " + str(statistics.median_low(firstLaughsPercent)) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Laugh Counts: \n") for i in range(len(laughCounters)): lf.writelines(" " + str(i) + ": " + str(laughCounters[i]) + "\n") lf.writelines("\nLaugh Locations: \n") for fl in firstLaughs: lf.writelines(" " + str(fl)) lf.writelines("\nLaugh Locations by percent down: \n") for fl in firstLaughsPercent: lf.writelines(" " + str(fl)) lf.writelines("\nWord count for non laugh scripts\n") for line in negLengths: lf.writelines(" " + str(line)) for line in linesToWrite: wf.writelines(line) wf.close lf.close lengths = posLengths + negLengths lengths.sort() return (metadataCollection, lengths)
def update_event(self, inp=-1): self.set_output_val(0, statistics.median_low(self.input(0)))
import statistics lista1 = [3,5,3,12,13,3,7,8] lista2 = [3,3,3,5,7,8,12,13] print(statistics.median(lista1)) print(lista1) print(statistics.median_low(lista1)) print(statistics.median(lista2)) print(lista2) print(statistics.median_low(lista2)) print(statistics.median_high(lista1)) print(lista2[(statistics.median_high(lista2))]) l2 = ["bla", "aga"] l2[0] = 0 print(l2)
# using Python statistics functions import statistics import csv import array # simple statistics operations sample_data1 = [1, 3, 5, 7] sample_data2 = [2, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 3] # TODO: Use the mean function - calculates an average value print(statistics.mean(sample_data1)) # TODO: Use the different median functions print(statistics.median(sample_data1)) print(statistics.median_high(sample_data1)) print(statistics.median_low(sample_data1)) print(statistics.median_grouped(sample_data1)) # TODO: The mode function indicates which data item occurs # most frequently print(statistics.mode(sample_data2)) # Read data from a CSV file and calculate statistics def readData(): with open("StockQuotes.csv") as dataFile: data = array.array('f', []) reader = csv.reader(dataFile) curLine = 0 for row in reader:
scipy.stats.gmean(y) print( f'Вычисление геометрического среднего с помощью scipy.stats.gmean(): {scipy.stats.gmean(y)}' ) #Медиана n = len(x) if n % 2: median_ = sorted(x)[round(0.5 * (n - 1))] else: x_ord, index = sorted(x), round(0.5 * n) median_ = 0.5 * (x_ord[index - 1] + x_ord[index]) print(f'Расчет медианы: {median_}') median_2 = statistics.median(x) print(f'Расчет медианы с помощью statistics.median(): {median_2}') statistics.median_low(x[:-1]) print( f'Расчет медианы с помощью statistics.median_low: {statistics.median_low(x[:-1])}' ) statistics.median_high(x[:-1]) print( f'Расчет медианы с помощью statistics.median_high {statistics.median_high(x[:-1])}' ) median_2 = np.median(y) print(f'Расчет медианы с помощью np.median: {median_2}') #Мода u = [2, 3, 2, 8, 12] mode_ = max((u.count(item), item) for item in set(u))[1] print(f'Вычисление моды: {mode_}') mode_2 = statistics.mode(u)
''' Created on 2016. 12. 8. @author: lsh ''' import statistics as sta data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] print(sta.mean(data)) print(sta.median(data)) print(sta.median_low(data)) print(sta.median_high(data)) print(sta.pvariance(data)) print(sta.pstdev(data)) print(sta.variance(data)) print(sta.stdev(data))
import statistics as st x = [3,1.5,4.5,6.75,2.25,5.75,2.25] print("_________Question1__________") print(st.mean(x)) print(st.harmonic_mean(x)) print(st.median(x)) print(st.median_low(x)) print(st.median_high(x)) print(st.median_grouped(x)) print(st.mode(x)) print(st.pstdev(x)) print(st.pvariance(x)) print(st.stdev(x)) print(st.variance(x)) print("_________Question2__________") import random print(random.random()) print(random.randrange(10)) print(random.choice(["Ali","Khalid","Hussam"])) print(random.sample(range(1000),10)) print(random.choice("Orange Academy")) y = [1,5,8,9,2,4] random.shuffle(y) print(y)
import statistics #Data data = ([5,10,15,20,25,30,35]) print("data =",data) #AVERAGES AND MEASURES OF CENTRAL LOCATION: #Arithmetic mean of data: print("data mean =", statistics.mean(data)) #Middle value (median) of data: print("data median =",statistics.median(data)) #Low median: is always a member of the data set. When the number of data points is odd the middle value is returned. When it is even, #the smaller of the two data points is returned: print("data low median =",statistics.median_low(data)) #Example with a dataset with even number of data points: print("even data set = ", (1,3,5,7)) print("even data set low median =",statistics.median_low([1,3,5,7])) #Median high: when the number of points in the data set is odd, this function will return the middle value. When the number of data points #is even, it will return the highest of the two middle points. print("data high median =",statistics.median_high(data)) #Example with a dataset with even number of data points: print("even data set high median =",statistics.median_high([1,3,5,7])) #MEASURES OF SPREAD: #Sample standard deviation print("data standard deviation =", statistics.stdev(data)) #Variance
def median_low(self): return stats.median_low(self.values())
import statistics from sys import stdin message = stdin.readline().strip() N = len(message) rc = [] for i in range(1, N + 1): if N % i == 0: rc.append(i) N_rc = len(rc) if N_rc % 2 == 1: r = statistics.median(rc) c = statistics.median(rc) else: r = statistics.median_low(rc) c = statistics.median_high(rc) matrix = [[0 for _ in range(r)] for _ in range(c)] for i in range(c): for j in range(r): matrix[i][j] = message[(i * r) + j] for i in range(r): for j in range(c): print(matrix[j][i], end="")
m2 = {} l1 = [] l2 = [] while n <= end: c += 1 h = intHash32(n) #Extract left most 12 bits x1 = (h >> 20) & 0xfff m1[x1] = 1 z1 = m - len(m1) #Linear counting formula u1 = int(m * math.log(float(m) / float(z1))) e1 = abs(100*float(u1 - c)/float(c)) l1.append(e1) print("%d %d %d %f" % (n, c, u1, e1)) #Extract right most 12 bits x2 = h & 0xfff m2[x2] = 1 z2 = m - len(m2) u2 = int(m * math.log(float(m) / float(z2))) e2 = abs(100*float(u2 - c)/float(c)) l2.append(e2) print("%d %d %d %f" % (n, c, u2, e2)) n += 1 print("Left 12 bits error: min=%f max=%f avg=%f median=%f median_low=%f median_high=%f" % (min(l1), max(l1), stat.mean(l1), stat.median(l1), stat.median_low(l1), stat.median_high(l1))) print("Right 12 bits error: min=%f max=%f avg=%f median=%f median_low=%f median_high=%f" % (min(l2), max(l2), stat.mean(l2), stat.median(l2), stat.median_low(l2), stat.median_high(l2)))
import statistics data = [14, 3, 11, 133, 4] result = statistics.median_low(data) print(result)
print("Arithmetischer Mittelwert: ", statistics.mean(probe1)) # Mitterlwert = mean = Summe der Werte geteilt durch ihre Anzahl print("Harmonischer Mittelwert: ", statistics.harmonic_mean(probe1)) # harmonischer Mitterlwert = mean = Summe der Werte geteilt durch ihre Kehrwerte print() # Median # Mitte der Zahlenmenge print("Median: ", statistics.median(probe1)) probe2 = [5, 2, 4, 17, 3] print("Median: ", statistics.median(probe2)) print() # Unterer Median # Mitte der Zahlenmenge, low wertet nach unteren Wert ab print("Unterer Median: ", statistics.median_low(probe1)) print("Unterer Median: ", statistics.median_low(probe2)) print() # Oberer Median # Mitte der Zahlenmenge, high wertet nach oberen Wert auf print("Oberer Median: ", statistics.median_high(probe1)) print("Oberer Median: ", statistics.median_high(probe2)) print() # Tupel, Werte eines Dictionary probe3 = (5, 2, 4, 17) print("aus Tupel: ", statistics.mean(probe3)) probe4 = {'D': 5, 'NL': 2, 'CH': 4, 'F': 17} print("aus Dictionary: ", statistics.mean(probe4.values()))
def ptable(headers, *rows, max_width=200, str=str, str_by_type={}, justification=()): """ Make an easily readable table. :param headers: iterable of header values :param rows: iterables of column contents (must all be the same length as headers) :param max_width: maximum number of columns for the table (including margins and separators) :param str: function to convert items to strings :param str_by_type: dictionary mapping types to custom str functions to be used for those types used in preference over default str except for headers which always use default str :return: a string containing the table """ headers = [str(h).split("\n") for h in headers] rows = [[(str_by_type.get(type(c)) or str)(c).split("\n") for c in row] for row in rows] assert len(set(len(row) for row in rows) | {len(headers)} ) == 1, "headers and rows must have same number of columns" # 2 chars padding on the left, 3 between each column, 2 on the right available_width = max_width - 2 - (len(headers) - 1) * 3 - 2 assert available_width >= len( headers ), "must provide enough width for at least one character per column" # use the max and median widths of each column to see if any need to be squeezed to fit the overall max_width col_width_maxes = [] col_width_medians = [] # zip(*rows) transposes to columns # zip_longest in case there are no rows for header, col in zip_longest(headers, zip(*rows), fillvalue=()): widths = [max(len(line) for line in r) for r in col] widths.append(max(len(line) for line in header)) col_width_maxes.append(max(widths)) col_width_medians.append(median_low(widths)) col_widths = col_width_maxes if sum(col_width_maxes) > available_width: # reduce the column with the greatest difference between max and median width by one repeatedly until it fits diffs = { i: d for i, d in enumerate( mx - md for mx, md in zip(col_width_maxes, col_width_medians)) } to_chop = defaultdict(int) while sum(col_width_maxes) - sum(to_chop.values()) > available_width: i, _ = max(diffs.items(), key=itemgetter(1)) diffs[i] -= 1 to_chop[i] += 1 for i, tc in to_chop.items(): col_widths[i] -= tc headers = [_squeeze(h, col_widths[i]) for i, h in enumerate(headers)] rows = [[_squeeze(c, col_widths[i]) for i, c in enumerate(row)] for row in rows] # recalculate the max width after the squeeze and use the lesser of that and the current width to avoid # whitespace at the end of wrapped lines for i, (header, col) in enumerate( zip_longest(headers, zip(*rows), fillvalue=())): widths = [max(len(line) for line in r) for r in col] widths.append(max(len(line) for line in header)) col_widths[i] = min(col_widths[i], max(widths)) out = "" header_height = max(len(h) for h in headers) for header in headers: header.extend([""] * (header_height - len(header))) for line in zip(*headers): out += "| {} |\n".format(" | ".join( just(col_line, col_widths[i]) for i, (just, col_line) in enumerate( zip_longest(justification, line, fillvalue=ljust)))) out += "|" for just, cw in zip_longest(justification, col_widths, fillvalue=ljust): # markdown justification markers l = ":" if just in (ljust, cjust) else " " r = ":" if just in (cjust, rjust) else " " out += "{}{}{}|".format(l, "-" * cw, r) out += "\n" for row in rows: row_height = max(len(c) for c in row) for col in row: col.extend([""] * (row_height - len(col))) for line in zip(*row): out += "| {} |\n".format(" | ".join( just(col_line, col_widths[i]) for i, (just, col_line) in enumerate( zip_longest(justification, line, fillvalue=ljust)))) return out
__author__ = 'luowen' """ the statisic demo """ import statistics list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] midNum = statistics.mean(list1) print(midNum) # get the average data of list1 medianNum = statistics.median(list1) print(medianNum) # get median data of list1 medianNumLow = statistics.median_low(list1) print(medianNumLow) # get median lower data of list1 medianNumHigh = statistics.median_high(list1) print(medianNumHigh) # get median hight data of list1 medianNumGroup = statistics.median_grouped(list1, 10) print(medianNumGroup) # get detail information from
def solve(nums): x = st.median_low(nums) return sum(abs(x - n) for n in nums)
def runTrials( strategy, homogeneity, workMeasurement, networkSize, jobSize, churn, adaptationRate, maxSybil, sybilThreshold, numSuccessors, ): global seed """ if seed < 13545: seed += variables.trials return """ times = [] idealTimes = [] medianLoads = [] stdDevs = [] workPerTickList = [] hardestWorkers = [] inputs = "{:<15} {:<15} {:<15} {:5d} {:8d} {:8.6f} {: 4d} {: 4d} {: 4.2f} {: 4d} {:6d}".format( strategy, homogeneity, workMeasurement, networkSize, jobSize, churn, adaptationRate, maxSybil, sybilThreshold, numSuccessors, seed, ) with open("data/working/results" + start + ".txt", "a") as f: f.write(inputs) f.write("\n") print(inputs) for _ in range(variables.trials): random.seed(seed) s.setupSimulation( strategy=strategy, homogeneity=homogeneity, workMeasurement=workMeasurement, numNodes=networkSize, numTasks=jobSize, churnRate=churn, adaptationRate=adaptationRate, maxSybil=maxSybil, sybilThreshold=sybilThreshold, numSuccessors=numSuccessors, ) loads = [len(x.tasks) for x in s.nodes.values()] # this won't work once the network starts growing # print(sorted(loads)) medianNumStartingTasks = statistics.median_low(loads) medianLoads.append(medianNumStartingTasks) stdDevOfLoad = statistics.pstdev(loads) stdDevs.append(stdDevOfLoad) # variance # variance over time idealTime = s.perfectTime idealTimes.append(idealTime) """ x = s.nodeIDs y = [len(s.nodes[q].tasks) for q in s.nodeIDs] plt.plot(x,y, 'ro') """ numTicks, hardestWorker = s.simulate() times.append(numTicks) hardestWorkers.append(hardestWorker) slownessFactor = numTicks / idealTime averageWorkPerTick = jobSize / numTicks workPerTickList.append(averageWorkPerTick) results = "{:8d} {:8.3f} {:7.3f} {:6d} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:8d}".format( numTicks, idealTime, slownessFactor, medianNumStartingTasks, stdDevOfLoad, averageWorkPerTick, hardestWorker ) with open("data/working/results" + start + ".txt", "a") as f: f.write(results) f.write("\n") print(results) seed += 1 avgTicks = sum(times) / len(times) avgIdealTime = sum(idealTimes) / len(idealTimes) avgSlowness = avgTicks / avgIdealTime avgMedianLoad = sum(medianLoads) / len(medianLoads) # stdOfMedians = statistics.pstdev(medianLoads) avgStdDev = sum(stdDevs) / len(stdDevs) avgAvgWorkPerTick = sum(workPerTickList) / len(workPerTickList) avgHardestWork = sum(hardestWorkers) / len(hardestWorkers) outputs = "{:10.2f} {:8.3f} {:7.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.2f} {:8.2f}".format( avgTicks, avgIdealTime, avgSlowness, avgMedianLoad, avgStdDev, avgAvgWorkPerTick, avgHardestWork ) with open("data/working/averages" + start + ".txt", "a") as averages: averages.write(inputs + " " + outputs + "\n")
category, evaluation=True) test_loader =, batch_size=1, num_workers=0, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, pin_memory=True) pointsList_train = [] pointsList_test = [] for ind, data in enumerate(train_loader): conditioned_input = data['points_tgt'] print("object id:", ind + 1, "sample points:", conditioned_input.shape[1]) pointsList_train.append(conditioned_input.shape[1]) print(stat.median_low(pointsList_train)) num_bins = 50 fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ind, data in enumerate(test_loader): conditioned_input = data['points_tgt'] print("object id:", ind + 1, "sample points:", conditioned_input.shape[1]) pointsList_test.append(conditioned_input.shape[1]) # the histogram of the data n, bins, patches = ax.hist([pointsList_train, pointsList_test], num_bins, histtype='bar', label=['train', 'test'],
print(len(x),len(y)) peak = 49.9378768165 + 1399.2004138 #print(statistics.mean(y)) #print(statistics.stdev(y)) for val in y: if val >peak: z.append(val) print(len(z)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np spread = z flier_high = [statistics.median_high(z)] flier_low = [statistics.median_low(z)] print(flier_high, flier_low) data = np.concatenate((spread, flier_high, flier_low), 0) plt.boxplot(data,1) plt.figure() ''' for i in range(1,len(x)): x[i-1] = float(x[i])-float(x[i-1]) ll = [] mm = []
import statistics data = [14, 3, 11, 133, 4] print(statistics.median_low(data))
# question1 import statistics import cubed list = [1, 22, 79, 12, 6, 40, 208] print(statistics.median_low(list)) #question2 result = cubed.func(input("数字を入力:")) print(result)
# Lets see about Statistics module in python # statistics module provides the functions to mathematical statistics of numeric data. # statistics.median_low( ) = Used to return a low middle value from the list. # NOTE: In case there are two mean then it is used to print the low median value. # Here is the example program for statistics.median_low( ) import statistics List = [1, 3, 6, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 25, 32] LowMedian = statistics.median_low(List) print('\nList value is :\n', List) print('\nLow Median value of the List is :', LowMedian)
def createTedMetaFile(path, laughDataLocation): #the file that stores the laugh meta data lf = open(laughDataLocation, "w") numFiles = 0 firstLaughs = [] firstLaughsPercent = [] laughCounters = [0] avgLaughCount = 0 highestLaughs = 0 linesToWrite = [] numWithoutLaughs = 0 metadataCollection = [] totalParas = 0 totalWords = 0 posLengths = [] negLengths = [] for filename in os.listdir(path): fileToCheck = path+filename md = getMetaDataForFile(fileToCheck) metadataCollection.append(md) if != "": numFiles += 1 linesToWrite.append(md.toString() + "\n") if md.firstLaughAt != -1: firstLaughs.append(md.firstLaughAt) firstLaughsPercent.append(md.firstLaughAt/md.wordCount) posLengths.append(md.wordCount) else: numWithoutLaughs += 1 negLengths.append(md.wordCount) if md.numLaughs > highestLaughs: for i in range(md.numLaughs - highestLaughs): laughCounters.append(0) highestLaughs = md.numLaughs laughCounters[md.numLaughs] += 1 avgLaughCount += md.numLaughs totalParas += md.paraCount totalWords += md.wordCount linesToWrite.sort() firstLaughs.sort() firstLaughsPercent.sort() negLengths.sort() posLengths.sort() lf.writelines("Number of files with laughs: " + str(numFiles - numWithoutLaughs) + "\n") lf.writelines("Number of files without Laughs: " + str(numWithoutLaughs) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Average Paragraphs: " + str(totalParas/numFiles) + "\n") lf.writelines("Average Words: " + str(totalWords/numFiles) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Total Paragraphs: " + str(totalParas) + "\n") lf.writelines("Total Words: " + str(totalWords) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Total Laugh Count: " + str(avgLaughCount) + "\n") lf.writelines("Average Laugh Count (only for files with laughter): " + str(avgLaughCount/(numFiles - numWithoutLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("Average Laugh Location: " + str(statistics.mean(firstLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("Average Laugh Location by Percent: " + str(statistics.mean(firstLaughsPercent)) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("standard deviation of first laugh location: " + str(statistics.stdev(firstLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("standard deviation of first laugh percent : " + str(statistics.stdev(firstLaughsPercent)) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Median Low Laugh Location: " + str(statistics.median_low(firstLaughs)) + "\n") lf.writelines("Median Low Laugh Location by Percent: " + str(statistics.median_low(firstLaughsPercent)) + "\n\n") lf.writelines("Laugh Counts: \n") for i in range(len(laughCounters)): lf.writelines(" " + str(i) + ": " + str(laughCounters[i]) + "\n") lf.writelines("\nLaugh Locations: \n") for fl in firstLaughs: lf.writelines(" " + str(fl)) lf.writelines("\nLaugh Locations by percent down: \n") for fl in firstLaughsPercent: lf.writelines(" " + str(fl)) lf.writelines("\nWord count for non laugh scripts\n") for line in negLengths: lf.writelines(" " + str(line)) lf.close lengths = posLengths + negLengths lengths.sort() return (metadataCollection, lengths)
# Input : arr[] = {13.5, 14.5, 14.8, 15.2, 16.1} # Output : 14.7707 # ============================================================================= #harmonic mean print("Harmonic Mean") print(statistics.harmonic_mean([2.5, 3, 10])) print("Median") #median print(statistics.median([1, 3, 4, 5])) #median high print(statistics.median_high([1, 3, 5, 7])) #median high print(statistics.median_low([1, 3, 5, 7])) print("Statistics Grouped Median...") print(statistics.median_grouped([52, 52, 53, 54])) #mode print(statistics.mode(["red", "blue", "blue", "red", "green", "red", "red"])) print(statistics.mode([1, 1, 2, 2, 2])) data = [4, 5, 7, 1, 3, 6, 7] print(statistics.stdev(data)) print(statistics.variance(data)) import numpy as np #std a = np.array([[0.10, 0.14, 0.18], [0.01, 0.112, 0.018]])