コード例 #1
ファイル: ar_model.py プロジェクト: 0ceangypsy/statsmodels
    def fit(self, maxlag=None, method='cmle', ic=None, trend='c',
            transparams=True, start_params=None, solver='lbfgs', maxiter=35,
            full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs):
        Fit the unconditional maximum likelihood of an AR(p) process.

        maxlag : int
            If `ic` is None, then maxlag is the lag length used in fit.  If
            `ic` is specified then maxlag is the highest lag order used to
            select the correct lag order.  If maxlag is None, the default is
        method : str {'cmle', 'mle'}, optional
            cmle - Conditional maximum likelihood using OLS
            mle - Unconditional (exact) maximum likelihood.  See `solver`
            and the Notes.
        ic : str {'aic','bic','hic','t-stat'}
            Criterion used for selecting the optimal lag length.
            aic - Akaike Information Criterion
            bic - Bayes Information Criterion
            t-stat - Based on last lag
            hqic - Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion
            If any of the information criteria are selected, the lag length
            which results in the lowest value is selected.  If t-stat, the
            model starts with maxlag and drops a lag until the highest lag
            has a t-stat that is significant at the 95 % level.
        trend : str {'c','nc'}
            Whether to include a constant or not. 'c' - include constant.
            'nc' - no constant.

        The below can be specified if method is 'mle'

        transparams : bool, optional
            Whether or not to transform the parameters to ensure stationarity.
            Uses the transformation suggested in Jones (1980).
        start_params : array-like, optional
            A first guess on the parameters.  Default is cmle estimates.
        solver : str or None, optional
            Solver to be used if method is 'mle'.  The default is 'lbfgs'
            (limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno).  Other choices
            are 'bfgs', 'newton' (Newton-Raphson), 'nm' (Nelder-Mead),
            'cg' - (conjugate gradient), 'ncg' (non-conjugate gradient),
            and 'powell'.
        maxiter : int, optional
            The maximum number of function evaluations. Default is 35.
        tol : float
            The convergence tolerance.  Default is 1e-08.
        full_output : bool, optional
            If True, all output from solver will be available in
            the Results object's mle_retvals attribute.  Output is dependent
            on the solver.  See Notes for more information.
        disp : bool, optional
            If True, convergence information is output.
        callback : function, optional
            Called after each iteration as callback(xk) where xk is the current
            parameter vector.
            See Notes for keyword arguments that can be passed to fit.

        Jones, R.H. 1980 "Maximum likelihood fitting of ARMA models to time
            series with missing observations."  `Technometrics`.  22.3.

        See also
        method = method.lower()
        if method not in ['cmle', 'yw', 'mle']:
            raise ValueError("Method %s not recognized" % method)
        self.method = method
        self.trend = trend
        self.transparams = transparams
        nobs = len(self.endog)  # overwritten if method is 'cmle'
        endog = self.endog

        if maxlag is None:
            maxlag = int(round(12*(nobs/100.)**(1/4.)))
        k_ar = maxlag  # stays this if ic is None

        # select lag length
        if ic is not None:
            ic = ic.lower()
            if ic not in ['aic', 'bic', 'hqic', 't-stat']:
                raise ValueError("ic option %s not understood" % ic)
            k_ar = self.select_order(k_ar, ic, trend, method)

        self.k_ar = k_ar  # change to what was chosen by ic

        # redo estimation for best lag
        # make LHS
        Y = endog[k_ar:, :]
        # make lagged RHS
        X = self._stackX(k_ar, trend)  # sets self.k_trend
        k_trend = self.k_trend
        self.exog_names = util.make_lag_names(self.endog_names, k_ar, k_trend)
        self.Y = Y
        self.X = X

        if method == "cmle":     # do OLS
            arfit = OLS(Y, X).fit()
            params = arfit.params
            self.nobs = nobs - k_ar
            self.sigma2 = arfit.ssr/arfit.nobs  # needed for predict fcasterr

        elif method == "mle":
            solver = solver.lower()
            self.nobs = nobs
            if start_params is None:
                start_params = OLS(Y, X).fit().params
                if len(start_params) != k_trend + k_ar:
                    raise ValueError("Length of start params is %d. There"
                                     " are %d parameters." %
                                     (len(start_params), k_trend + k_ar))
            start_params = self._invtransparams(start_params)
            if solver == 'lbfgs':
                kwargs.setdefault('pgtol', 1e-8)
                kwargs.setdefault('factr', 1e2)
                kwargs.setdefault('m', 12)
                kwargs.setdefault('approx_grad', True)
            mlefit = super(AR, self).fit(start_params=start_params,
                                         method=solver, maxiter=maxiter,
                                         full_output=full_output, disp=disp,
                                         callback=callback, **kwargs)

            params = mlefit.params
            if self.transparams:
                params = self._transparams(params)
                self.transparams = False  # turn off now for other results

        # don't use yw, because we can't estimate the constant
        #elif method == "yw":
        #    params, omega = yule_walker(endog, order=maxlag,
        #            method="mle", demean=False)
           # how to handle inference after Yule-Walker?
        #    self.params = params #TODO: don't attach here
        #    self.omega = omega

        pinv_exog = np.linalg.pinv(X)
        normalized_cov_params = np.dot(pinv_exog, pinv_exog.T)
        arfit = ARResults(self, params, normalized_cov_params)
        if method == 'mle' and full_output:
            arfit.mle_retvals = mlefit.mle_retvals
            arfit.mle_settings = mlefit.mle_settings
        return ARResultsWrapper(arfit)
コード例 #2
    def fit(self, maxlag=None, method='cmle', ic=None, trend='c',
            transparams=True, start_params=None, solver='lbfgs', maxiter=35,
            full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs):
        Fit the unconditional maximum likelihood of an AR(p) process.

        maxlag : int
            If `ic` is None, then maxlag is the lag length used in fit.  If
            `ic` is specified then maxlag is the highest lag order used to
            select the correct lag order.  If maxlag is None, the default is
        method : str {'cmle', 'mle'}, optional
            cmle - Conditional maximum likelihood using OLS
            mle - Unconditional (exact) maximum likelihood.  See `solver`
            and the Notes.
        ic : str {'aic','bic','hic','t-stat'}
            Criterion used for selecting the optimal lag length.
            aic - Akaike Information Criterion
            bic - Bayes Information Criterion
            t-stat - Based on last lag
            hqic - Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion
            If any of the information criteria are selected, the lag length
            which results in the lowest value is selected.  If t-stat, the
            model starts with maxlag and drops a lag until the highest lag
            has a t-stat that is significant at the 95 % level.
        trend : str {'c','nc'}
            Whether to include a constant or not. 'c' - include constant.
            'nc' - no constant.

        The below can be specified if method is 'mle'

        transparams : bool, optional
            Whether or not to transform the parameters to ensure stationarity.
            Uses the transformation suggested in Jones (1980).
        start_params : array-like, optional
            A first guess on the parameters.  Default is cmle estimates.
        solver : str or None, optional
            Solver to be used if method is 'mle'.  The default is 'lbfgs'
            (limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno).  Other choices
            are 'bfgs', 'newton' (Newton-Raphson), 'nm' (Nelder-Mead),
            'cg' - (conjugate gradient), 'ncg' (non-conjugate gradient),
            and 'powell'.
        maxiter : int, optional
            The maximum number of function evaluations. Default is 35.
        tol : float
            The convergence tolerance.  Default is 1e-08.
        full_output : bool, optional
            If True, all output from solver will be available in
            the Results object's mle_retvals attribute.  Output is dependent
            on the solver.  See Notes for more information.
        disp : bool, optional
            If True, convergence information is output.
        callback : function, optional
            Called after each iteration as callback(xk) where xk is the current
            parameter vector.
            See Notes for keyword arguments that can be passed to fit.

        Jones, R.H. 1980 "Maximum likelihood fitting of ARMA models to time
            series with missing observations."  `Technometrics`.  22.3.

        See also
        method = method.lower()
        if method not in ['cmle', 'yw', 'mle']:
            raise ValueError("Method %s not recognized" % method)
        self.method = method
        self.trend = trend
        self.transparams = transparams
        nobs = len(self.endog)  # overwritten if method is 'cmle'
        endog = self.endog

        if maxlag is None:
            maxlag = int(round(12*(nobs/100.)**(1/4.)))
        k_ar = maxlag  # stays this if ic is None

        # select lag length
        if ic is not None:
            ic = ic.lower()
            if ic not in ['aic', 'bic', 'hqic', 't-stat']:
                raise ValueError("ic option %s not understood" % ic)
            k_ar = self.select_order(k_ar, ic, trend, method)

        self.k_ar = k_ar  # change to what was chosen by ic

        # redo estimation for best lag
        # make LHS
        Y = endog[k_ar:, :]
        # make lagged RHS
        X = self._stackX(k_ar, trend)  # sets self.k_trend
        k_trend = self.k_trend
        self.exog_names = util.make_lag_names(self.endog_names, k_ar, k_trend)
        self.Y = Y
        self.X = X

        if method == "cmle":     # do OLS
            arfit = OLS(Y, X).fit()
            params = arfit.params
            self.nobs = nobs - k_ar
            self.sigma2 = arfit.ssr/arfit.nobs  # needed for predict fcasterr

        elif method == "mle":
            solver = solver.lower()
            self.nobs = nobs
            if start_params is None:
                start_params = OLS(Y, X).fit().params
                if len(start_params) != k_trend + k_ar:
                    raise ValueError("Length of start params is %d. There"
                                     " are %d parameters." %
                                     (len(start_params), k_trend + k_ar))
            start_params = self._invtransparams(start_params)
            if solver == 'lbfgs':
                kwargs.setdefault('pgtol', 1e-8)
                kwargs.setdefault('factr', 1e2)
                kwargs.setdefault('m', 12)
                kwargs.setdefault('approx_grad', True)
            mlefit = super(AR, self).fit(start_params=start_params,
                                         method=solver, maxiter=maxiter,
                                         full_output=full_output, disp=disp,
                                         callback=callback, **kwargs)

            params = mlefit.params
            if self.transparams:
                params = self._transparams(params)
                self.transparams = False  # turn off now for other results

        # don't use yw, because we can't estimate the constant
        #elif method == "yw":
        #    params, omega = yule_walker(endog, order=maxlag,
        #            method="mle", demean=False)
           # how to handle inference after Yule-Walker?
        #    self.params = params #TODO: don't attach here
        #    self.omega = omega

        pinv_exog = np.linalg.pinv(X)
        normalized_cov_params = np.dot(pinv_exog, pinv_exog.T)
        arfit = ARResults(self, params, normalized_cov_params)
        if method == 'mle' and full_output:
            arfit.mle_retvals = mlefit.mle_retvals
            arfit.mle_settings = mlefit.mle_settings
        return ARResultsWrapper(arfit)