def _get_irf_plot_config(names, impcol, rescol): nrows = ncols = k = len(names) if impcol is not None and rescol is not None: # plot one impulse-response pair nrows = ncols = 1 j = util.get_index(names, impcol) i = util.get_index(names, rescol) to_plot = [(j, i, 0, 0)] elif impcol is not None: # plot impacts of impulse in one variable ncols = 1 j = util.get_index(names, impcol) to_plot = [(j, i, i, 0) for i in range(k)] elif rescol is not None: # plot only things having impact on particular variable ncols = 1 i = util.get_index(names, rescol) to_plot = [(j, i, j, 0) for j in range(k)] else: # plot everything to_plot = [(j, i, i, j) for i in range(k) for j in range(k)] return nrows, ncols, to_plot
def get_eq_index(self, name): "Return integer position of requested equation name" return util.get_index(self.names, name)
def a_test_causality(self, caused, causing=None, kind='f', signif=0.05): if not (0 < signif < 1): raise ValueError("signif has to be between 0 and 1") allowed_types = (string_types, int) if isinstance(caused, allowed_types): caused = [caused] if not all(isinstance(c, allowed_types) for c in caused): raise TypeError("caused has to be of type string or int (or a " "sequence of these types).") caused = [self.names[c] if type(c) == int else c for c in caused] caused_ind = [util.get_index(self.names, c) for c in caused] if causing is not None: if isinstance(causing, allowed_types): causing = [causing] if not all(isinstance(c, allowed_types) for c in causing): raise TypeError("causing has to be of type string or int (or " "a sequence of these types) or None.") causing = [self.names[c] if type(c) == int else c for c in causing] causing_ind = [util.get_index(self.names, c) for c in causing] if causing is None: causing_ind = [i for i in range(self.neqs) if i not in caused_ind] causing = [self.names[c] for c in caused_ind] k, p = self.neqs, self.k_ar # number of restrictions num_restr = len(causing) * len(caused) * p num_det_terms = self.k_exog # Make restriction matrix C = np.zeros((num_restr, k * num_det_terms + k ** 2 * p), dtype=float) cols_det = k * num_det_terms row = 0 for j in range(p): for ing_ind in causing_ind: for ed_ind in caused_ind: C[row, cols_det + ed_ind + k * ing_ind + k ** 2 * j] = 1 row += 1 # Lutkepohl 3.6.5 Cb =, vec(self.params.T)) middle = scipy.linalg.inv(chain_dot(C, self.cov_params, C.T)) # wald statistic lam_wald = statistic = chain_dot(Cb, middle, Cb) if kind.lower() == 'wald': df = num_restr dist = stats.chi2(df) elif kind.lower() == 'f': statistic = lam_wald / num_restr df = (num_restr, k * self.df_resid) dist = stats.f(*df) else: raise Exception('kind %s not recognized' % kind) pvalue = dist.sf(statistic) crit_value = dist.ppf(1 - signif) # print(pvalue) # print("---====--") return pvalue, CausalityTestResults(causing, caused, statistic, crit_value, pvalue, df, signif, test="granger", method=kind)