コード例 #1
def peek(user_id, action, game_state, target_name):
    user_map = UserMap()
    role_map = {
        's': "the Seer",
        'w': "a wolf",
        'v': "a vanilla villa",
        'a': "the Angel"

    target_id = user_map.get(name=target_name)

    user_name = user_map.get(user_id)

    if not status.player_in_game(game_state, user_id):
        return False, RESPONSE['noop']

    if not status.is_player_alive(game_state, user_id):
        return False, RESPONSE['dead_villa']

    #if status.get_current_round(game_state) != 'night':
    #    return False, RESPONSE['noop']

    if status.player_role(game_state, user_id) != 's':
        return False, RESPONSE['not_seer']

    target_role = status.player_role(game_state, target_id)
    target_str = RESPONSE['peek']

    return True, target_name + "'s role is " + role_map[target_role]
コード例 #2
def make_end_round_str(g, alert=None, game_over=None):
    g - game state
    alert - string of any alerts
    game_over - string of role that won, if game is over.
    round_end_str = ''

    if alert:
        round_end_str += alert

    if game_over:
        if game_over == 'w':
            # werewolves won
            round_end_str += "\n Game Over. Werewolves wins.\n"

        elif game_over == 'v':
            # village wins
            round_end_str += "\n Game Over. Village wins.\n"

        # Display list of players and their roles
        round_end_str += '\n'.join(
                [u.get(user_id=p_id) + "%s | *%s*." % (u.get(user_id=p_id), player_role(g, p_id))
                    for p_id in players_in_game(g)])

    return round_end_str
コード例 #3
def message_everyone_roles(g):
    for every player in game.
    DM them their roles.

    u = UserMap()
    # player_role(g, player_id)

    all_alive = [(u.get(user_id=p_id, DM=True), player_role(g, p_id))
                for p_id in players_in_game(g)
                    if is_player_alive(g, p_id)]


    for im, role in all_alive:
        if role=='v':
            nice=" Plain Villager"
        elif role=='w':
            nice=" Werewolf. *Awoooo!*"
        elif role=='s':
            nice=" Seer."
        elif role=='b':
            nice=" Bodyguard."
        send_message(nice, channel=im)
コード例 #4
    def kill():
        # 1) Make sure player who made the command
        # is in the game
        if not player_in_game(g,user_id):
            return False, 'Not allowed.'
        # 1a) is a werewolf
        # Only werewolf can use kill. (for now)
        if player_role(g, user_id) != 'w':
            return False, 'Not allowed.'
        # 1c) is alive
        if not is_player_alive(g, user_id):
            return False, 'Dead wolves can not kill.'
        # 2) Kill command only valid at night.
        if get_current_round(g) != 'night':
            return False, 'Not allowed.'
        # 3) Target must be in game.
        if not player_in_game(g, target_id):
            return False, 'Not allowed.'
        # 4) Target must be alive.
        if not is_player_alive(g, target_id):
            return False, 'Not allowed.'

        return True, '' # no message
コード例 #5
 def player_role_string(player_id, game_state):
     return user_map.get(user_id=player_id) + "%s | %s" % (user_map.get(user_id=player_id), status.player_role(game_state, player_id))
コード例 #6
    def _player_tuple(player_id, game_state):

        return (user_map.get(user_id=player_id, DM=True), status.player_role(game_state, player_id))