コード例 #1
        # We loop through all blocks we may have missed since the last
        # block defined above
        while (block_number - last_block) > 0:
            last_block += 1

            # Get full block
            block = rpc.get_block(last_block)
            #Match witness from block to witness from list and increase block production count of that witness
            for witness in watch_accounts:
                if block["witness"] == witness:
                    count[witness] = count[witness] + 1
        print("{:^17} {:^17} {:^17} {:^17}".format("witness","produced","missed","reliability"))
        for witness in watch_accounts:
            #Gets missed block count from blockchain(for each witness)
            witness_info = rpc.get_witness_by_account(witness)
            missed_count = witness_info["total_missed"]            
            #outputs statistics if produced more than 50 blocks
            if count[witness]>50:
                reliability = count[witness]/(count[witness] + missed_count)*100
                print("{:^17} {:^17} {:^17} {:^17}".format(witness,count[witness],missed_count,reliability))

        # Sleep for one block