コード例 #1
def check_virtual_points(virtual_points, connecting_points, center_point, vol,
                         sampling, global_direction, alpha):
    Given a set of virtual points, the algorithm will check in the next two 
    slices for connecting points. If there is a connecting point, the virtual 
    point will change the virtual point into a connecting point. Otherwise the 
    virtual point will be removed.

    look_for_bifurcation = False

    #Create two temporary slices
    slice_i_plus_1, center_point_i_plus_1, global_direction_i_plus_1, unused, unused, \
    unused, unused = centerline_tracking.get_slice(vol, sampling, center_point,global_direction,look_for_bifurcation, alpha)
    slice_i_plus_2, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused = \
    centerline_tracking.get_slice(vol, sampling, center_point_i_plus_1, global_direction_i_plus_1, look_for_bifurcation, alpha)

    #Find points in this slice
    pointset_slice_i_plus_1 = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice_i_plus_1)
    pointset_slice_i_plus_2 = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice_i_plus_2)

    #Check whether the virtual points return connecting points.
    new_connecting_points_1, still_virtual_points = find_connecting_points( \
    virtual_points, pointset_slice_i_plus_1)
    new_connecting_points_2, removed_virtual_points = find_connecting_points( \
    still_virtual_points, pointset_slice_i_plus_2)

    #Add the new connecting points to the existing list of connection points

    return connecting_points, slice_i_plus_1
コード例 #2
def amount_of_nodes(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction,
    Given a center point and direction the algorithm will create a slice and 
    filter the found points. Based on the filtered points, the amount of 
    expected nodes are calculated    

    look_for_bifurcation = False
    alpha = 1

    #create the slice
    slice, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused = \
    centerline_tracking.get_slice(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, \
    look_for_bifurcation, alpha)

    #detect points
    points_in_slice = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice)

    #filter points
        filtered_points = stentPoints2d.cluster_points(points_in_slice,
                                                       Point(128, 128))
    except AssertionError:
        filtered_points = points_in_slice

    #if filtering was succesful
    if filtered_points:
        expected_amount_of_nodes = len(filtered_points) / 2
        expected_amount_of_nodes = len(points_in_slice) / 2

    return expected_amount_of_nodes, filtered_points
コード例 #3
def check_for_nodes(connecting_points, slice_i_plus_1):
    Given a set of stent points, the algorithm checks whether there are any 
    duplicates. A duplicate would mean that that point was found by two stent 
    points and could therefore be a node. An additional check is done to check 
    whether there are no connecting points above the potential node. If this is 
    the case, than the point is not a node.

    #Pointset to store 2D nodes
    point_nodes = Pointset(2)

    #Pointset to store point which need to be removed
    point_remove = Pointset(2)

    #points in slice_i_plus_1
    points_check = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice_i_plus_1)

    #For every connecting point
    for i in range(len(connecting_points)):
        for j in range(len(connecting_points)):

            #if points are the same
            if connecting_points[i].Distance(
                    connecting_points[j]) <= 3 and i != j:

                #check if this point would find a connecting point
                point = Pointset(2)
                node_check, unused = find_connecting_points(
                    point, points_check)

                #Only add node once.
                if not node_check:
                    if not point_nodes:
                            (connecting_points[i] + connecting_points[j]) / 2)
                    elif point_nodes.Contains(connecting_points[i]) == False:
                            (connecting_points[i] + connecting_points[j]) / 2)

                    #The connecting points need to be removed later

    return point_nodes, point_remove
コード例 #4
def initial_center_point(vol, seed_points_i, seed_points_i_plus_1, sampling,
                         origin, alpha):
    Given two seed points, the algorithm will create the first center point
    and the global direction

    #Set global direction
    global_direction = seed_points_i_plus_1 - seed_points_i
    global_direction = Point(global_direction[2], global_direction[1], \

    #Create slice
    slice, unused, unused, unused, vec1, vec2, unused = \
    centerline_tracking.get_slice(vol, sampling, seed_points_i, global_direction, False, alpha)

    #Search points and filter
    point_in_slice = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice)
        filtered = stentPoints2d.cluster_points(point_in_slice,
                                                Point(128, 128))
    except AssertionError:
        filtered = []

    #Calculate new center and transform to 3d
    if filtered:
        center_point_2d = stentPoints2d.fit_cirlce(filtered)
        better_center_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(
            seed_points_i, vec1, vec2, center_point_2d)
        #If not too far, use better center.
        if better_center_3d.Distance(seed_points_i) > 10:
            center_point = better_center_3d
            center_point = seed_points_i
        center_point = seed_points_i

    return center_point, global_direction
コード例 #5
def get_slice(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction,
              look_for_bifurcation, alpha):
    Given two center points and the direction of the stent, the algorithm will 
    first create a slice on the second center point. A new center point is 
    calculated on this slice, which is used to find a local direction. The 
    local direction is used to update the global direction with weigthing
    factor alpha (where 0 is following the local direction and 1 the global 
    direction). Using this new direction a slice is created on the first center

    vec1 = Point(1, 0, 0)
    vec2 = Point(0, 1, 0)

    #Set second center point as rotation point
    rotation_point = Point(center_point[2], center_point[1],
                           center_point[0]) + global_direction

    #Create the slice using the global direction
    slice, vec1, vec2 = slice_from_volume(vol, sampling, global_direction,
                                          rotation_point, vec1, vec2)

    #Search for points in this slice and filter these with the clustering method
    points_in_slice = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice)

        points_in_slice_filtered = stentPoints2d.cluster_points(points_in_slice, \
    except AssertionError:
        points_in_slice_filtered = []

    #if filtering did not succeed the unfiltered points are used
    if not points_in_slice_filtered:
        points_in_slice_filtered = points_in_slice
        succeeded = False
        succeeded = True

    #if looking for bifurcation than the radius has to be calculated
    if succeeded and look_for_bifurcation:

        center_point_with_radius = stentPoints2d.fit_cirlce( \

        #convert 2d center point to 3d for the event that the bifurcation
        #is found
        center_point_3d_with_radius = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point( \
        Point(rotation_point[2], rotation_point[1], rotation_point[0]), vec1, vec2, center_point_with_radius)

        #Convert pointset into point
        center_point_3d_with_radius = Point(center_point_3d_with_radius[0])

        #Give the 3d center point the radius as attribute
        center_point_3d_with_radius.r = center_point_with_radius.r

        center_point_3d_with_radius = Point(0, 0, 0)
        center_point_3d_with_radius.r = []

    #Now the local direction of the stent has to be found. Note that it is not
    #done when the chopstick filtering did not succeed.
    if succeeded:
        better_center_point = stentPoints2d.converge_to_centre(points_in_slice_filtered, \
        better_center_point = Point(0, 0), []

    #If no better center point has been found, there is no need to update global
    if better_center_point[0] == Point(0, 0):
        updated_direction = global_direction
        better_center_point_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(\
        Point(rotation_point[2], rotation_point[1], rotation_point[0]), \
        vec1, vec2, better_center_point[0])

        #Change pointset into a point
        better_center_point_3d = Point(better_center_point_3d[0])

        #local direction (from starting center point to the better center point)
        local_direction = Point(better_center_point_3d[2]-center_point[2], \
        better_center_point_3d[1]-center_point[1], better_center_point_3d[0] \

        #calculate updated direction
        updated_direction = ((1 - alpha) * local_direction +
                             alpha * global_direction).Normalize()

    #Now a new slice can be created using the first center point as rotation point.
    rotation_point = Point(center_point[2], center_point[1], center_point[0])

    slice, vec1, vec2 = slice_from_volume(vol, sampling, updated_direction,
                                          rotation_point, vec1, vec2)

    #Change order
    rotation_point = Point(center_point[0], center_point[1], center_point[2])

    #return new center point
    new_center_point = center_point + Point(updated_direction[2], \
    updated_direction[1], updated_direction[0])

    return slice, new_center_point, updated_direction, rotation_point, vec1, vec2, \
コード例 #6
def connecting_stent_points(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation, \
    average_radius, direction, expected_amount_of_nodes, points_in_slice, found_bifurcation, alpha, ring):
    This algorithm uses the earlier stated functions in order to connect points
    and define nodes. 

    #Nodes that are found for the current direction
    node_points_direction = Pointset(3)

    #Other pointsets to store points
    center_points = Pointset(3)
    stent_points = Pointset(3)
    node_points = Pointset(5)

    #Set round to 0 for the case that the amount of nodes criterion is not met.
    round = 0

    new_starting_positions = []

    #connecting points
    while len(node_points_direction) < expected_amount_of_nodes and round < 12:

        #Get slice
        slice, center_point, global_direction, rotation_point, vec1, vec2, \
        center_point_3d_with_radius = centerline_tracking.get_slice(vol, sampling, \
        center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation, alpha)

        #If looking for the bifurcation, check radius
        if look_for_bifurcation and direction == 1:
            if not found_bifurcation:
                average_radius, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions \
                = check_for_possible_bifurcation(average_radius, center_point_3d_with_radius, \
                rotation_point, found_bifurcation, global_direction)
            new_starting_positions = []

        #Find points
        points_in_next_slice = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice)

        #Find connecting points. Change not connecting points into virtual points
        connecting_points, virtual_points = find_connecting_points(points_in_slice, \

        #Check if virtual points should be converted into connecting points
        connecting_points, temp_slice = check_virtual_points(virtual_points, \
        connecting_points, center_point, vol, sampling,  global_direction, alpha)

        #Check for nodes
        point_nodes_2d, point_remove = check_for_nodes(connecting_points,

        #If nodes are found, these points should be deleted from the connecting points list
        connecting_points = delete_nodes_from_list(connecting_points,

        #Convert 2d points into 3d points
        connecting_points_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(center_point, vec1,\
        vec2, connecting_points)
        point_nodes_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(center_point, vec1, vec2,\

        #Add 3d points to their list
        for i in range(len(point_nodes_3d)):
                Point(point_nodes_3d[i][0], point_nodes_3d[i][1],
                      point_nodes_3d[i][2], ring, direction))

        #Set connecting points as new base points
        points_in_slice = connecting_points

        #Next round
        round = round + 1

        #If there are three nodes found, do first one more run.
        if len(node_points_direction) > 2:
            diff = 10 - round
            if diff > 0:
                round = round + diff

        if round == 12:
            new_nodes = additional_nodes(connecting_points_3d)
            for i in range(len(new_nodes)):
                    Point(new_nodes[i][0], new_nodes[i][1], new_nodes[i][2],
                          ring, direction))

    return center_points, stent_points, node_points, global_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, ring