コード例 #1
ファイル: sosoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def post(self, packet, payload):
        record = packet.data
        device_id = record['device_id']
        component = record['name']
        gid = record['gid']
        id = '%s-%s-%s' % (device_id, component, gid)
        log.info('====START InsertObservation id=%s' % id)
        log.info('POSTing InsertObservation! try 1 - payload=%s' % payload)
        statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, packet, payload)

        # InsertObservation may fail when Sensor not in SOS
        # Try to do an InsertSensor and try InsertObservation again
        if statuscode == 400:
            log.info('No sensor for station: res=%s, will insert' % res)
            insert_sensor_payload = self.create_insert_sensor_payload(packet)
            log.info('POSTing InsertSensor! - payload=%s' % insert_sensor_payload)
            statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, packet, insert_sensor_payload)
            if statuscode != 200:
                log.warn('FAIL InsertSensor for station: rec=%s res=%s' % (str(packet.data), res))
                log.info('YES InsertSensor OK! id=%s POSTing InsertObservation! try 2' % id)
                statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, packet, payload)
                if statuscode == 200:
                    log.info('YES InsertObservation! try 2 OK!! %s' % id)
                    log.warn('FAIL InsertObservation payload=%s res=%s' % (payload, res))
        elif statuscode == 200:
            log.info('YES inserted Observation! try 1 id=%s' % id)

        log.info('====END InsertObservation id=%s' % id)

        return statuscode, statusmessage, res
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):

        if self.template_file_root is None:
            self.template_file_root = path.join(
                path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), 'statemplates')

        # Template file, to be used as POST body with substituted values
        # TODO use Jinja2 formatting i.s.o. basic string formatting
        self.entities_list = [
            'thing', 'location', 'datastream', 'observation',
            'observedproperty', 'sensor'
        self.entity_templates = {}
        self.sensors = {}
        self.things = {}
        self.locations = {}
        self.observedproperties = {}

        self.base_path = self.path
        self.base_url = 'http://%s:%d%s' % (self.host, self.port, self.path)

        self.http_session = requests.Session()
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):

        # Construct write path
        self.path = '/write?db=%s' % self.database

        # Construct the template line to be used for each data frame
        # e.g. 'joseraw,station=%s,component=%s value=%s %s'
        self.tags_template = None
        if self.tags_map:
            self.tags = self.tags_map.keys()
            self.tags_template = ''
            for tag in self.tags:
                self.tags_template += ',' + tag + '=%s'

        self.geohash_template = None
        if self.geohash_map or self.geohash_wkt_attr:
            self.geohash_template = ',geohash="%s" '

        self.fields = self.fields_map.keys()
        self.fields_template = ' '
        for field in self.fields:
            self.fields_template += field + '=%s'

        # will expand to e.g. joseraw,station=19,component=no2raw value=12345 1434055562000000000
        # tags, fields and timestamp will be filled when creating payload
        self.template_data_line = self.measurement + '%s%s%s\n'
コード例 #4
ファイル: sosoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):
        HttpOutput.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes=FORMAT.record_array)

        # Template file, to be used as POST body with substituted values
        self.insert_sensor_templ_path = '%s/insert-sensor.json' % self.template_file_root
        self.insert_obs_templ_path ='%s/insert-observation.json' % self.template_file_root
        self.proc_desc_templ_path = '%s/procedure-desc.xml' % self.template_file_root
        self.insert_sensor_templ_str = None
        self.insert_obs_templ_str = None
コード例 #5
ファイル: sosoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/sospilot
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):
        HttpOutput.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes=FORMAT.record_array)
        self.content_type = self.cfg.get('content_type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8')
        self.sos_request = self.cfg.get('sos_request', 'insert-observation')

        # Template file, to be used as POST body with substituted values
        self.template_file_ext = self.cfg.get('template_file_ext', 'json')
        self.template_file_root = self.cfg.get('template_file_root', 'sostemplates')
        self.template_file_path = '%s/%s.%s' % (self.template_file_root, self.sos_request, self.template_file_ext)
コード例 #6
ファイル: sosoutput.py プロジェクト: RobertoTjesse/sospilot
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):
        HttpOutput.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes=FORMAT.record_array)
        self.content_type = self.cfg.get('content_type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8')
        self.sos_request = self.cfg.get('sos_request', 'insert-observation')

        # Template file, to be used as POST body with substituted values
        self.template_file_ext = self.cfg.get('template_file_ext', 'json')
        self.template_file_root = self.cfg.get('template_file_root', 'sostemplates')
        self.template_file_path = '%s/%s.%s' % (self.template_file_root, self.sos_request, self.template_file_ext)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):

        # Template file, to be used as POST body with substituted values
        self.insert_sensor_templ_path = '%s/insert-sensor.json' % self.template_file_root
        self.insert_obs_templ_path = '%s/insert-observation.json' % self.template_file_root
        self.proc_desc_templ_path = '%s/procedure-desc.xml' % self.template_file_root
        self.insert_sensor_templ_str = None
        self.insert_obs_templ_str = None
コード例 #8
ファイル: staoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):
        HttpOutput.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes=FORMAT.record_array)

        # Template file, to be used as POST body with substituted values
        # TODO use Jinja2 formatting i.s.o. basic string formatting
        self.entities_list = ['thing', 'datastream', 'observation', 'observedproperty', 'sensor']
        self.entity_templates = {}
        self.sensors = {}
        self.things = {}
        self.observedproperties = {}

        self.base_path = self.path
        self.base_url = 'http://%s:%d%s' % (self.host, self.port, self.path)
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):
        HttpOutput.__init__(self, configdict, section, consumes=FORMAT.record_array)

        # Construct write path
        self.path = '/write?db=%s' % self.database

        # Construct the template line to be used for each data frame
        # We split into separate sub-templates for tags, fields, optional geohashes

        # Optional Tags template
        self.tags_template = None
        if self.tags_map:
            self.tags = self.tags_map.keys()
            self.tags_template = ''
            for tag in self.tags:
                if self.tags_template:
                    # Additional tags
                    self.tags_template += ',' + tag + '=%s'
                    # First or one tag
                    self.tags_template = tag + '=%s'

        # Required Fields template (need at least one field)
        self.fields_template = None
        self.fields = self.fields_map.keys()
        for field in self.fields:
            if self.fields_template:
                # Additional fields
                self.fields_template += ',' + field + '=%s'
                # First or one field
                self.fields_template = field + '=%s'

        # Optional extra geohash as tag template
        if self.geohash_tag:
            self.geohash_tag_template = ',' + self.geohash_tag_name + '=%s'

        # Optional extra geohash as field template
        if self.geohash_field:
            self.geohash_field_template = ',' + self.geohash_field_name + '="%s"'

        # will expand to <measurement>,<tags> <fields>
        # e.g. joseraw,station=19,component=no2raw value=12345,geohash_tag=uvx53kryp 1434055562000000000
        # tags, fields and timestamp will be substituted when creating payload
        self.template_data_line = self.measurement + ',%s %s %d\n'

        self.base_path = self.path
        self.base_url = 'http://%s:%d%s' % (self.host, self.port, self.path)
        self.http_session = requests.Session()
コード例 #10
    def post(self, packet, payload):
        record = packet.data
        device_id = record['device_id']
        component = record['name']
        gid = record['gid']
        id = '%s-%s-%s' % (device_id, component, gid)

        # insert_sensor_payload = self.create_insert_sensor_payload(packet)
        # log.info('POSTing InsertSensor! - payload=%s' % insert_sensor_payload)
        # statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, packet, insert_sensor_payload)
        # return statuscode, statusmessage, res

        log.info('===START - POSTing InsertObservation! try 1 - id = %s', id)
        statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, packet, payload)

        # InsertObservation may fail when Sensor not in SOS
        # Try to do an InsertSensor and try InsertObservation again
        if statuscode == 400:
            log.info('No sensor for station: will insert')
            insert_sensor_payload = self.create_insert_sensor_payload(packet)
            log.info('POSTing InsertSensor!')
            statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(
                self, packet, insert_sensor_payload)
            if statuscode != 200:
                log.warn('FAIL InsertSensor for station: rec=%s res=%s' %
                         (str(packet.data), res))
                    'YES InsertSensor OK! id=%s POSTing InsertObservation! try 2'
                    % id)
                statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(
                    self, packet, payload)
                if statuscode == 200:
                    log.info('YES InsertObservation! try 2 OK!! %s' % id)
                    log.warn('FAIL InsertObservation res=%s' % res)
        elif statuscode == 200:
            log.info('YES inserted Observation! try 1 id=%s' % id)

        # update_sensor_desc_payload = self.create_update_sensor_desc_payload(packet)
        # log.info('POSTing UpdateSensorDescription! - payload=%s' % update_sensor_desc_payload)
        # statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, packet, update_sensor_desc_payload)
        # if statuscode == 200:
        #     log.info('OK UpdateSensorDescription for station: rec=%s res=%s' % (str(packet.data), res))
        # else:
        #     log.warn('FAIL UpdateSensorDescription for station: rec=%s res=%s' % (str(packet.data), res))
        log.info('====END - InsertObservation id=%s' % id)

        return statuscode, statusmessage, res
コード例 #11
ファイル: staoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def post_datastream(self, thing, record):
        # {'device_id': 1, 'name': 'temperature', 'value': 19, 'unit': 'Celsius', 'gid': 50,
        # 'time': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 27, 5, 0, tzinfo=psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=120, name=None)),
        # 'lat': 51.472585, , 'lon': 5.671208, , 'altitude': 210, }
        format_args = dict()
        name = record['name']
        sensor_def = SENSOR_DEFS[name]

        format_args['thing_id'] = thing['@iot.id']

        # Add sensor is not exists for name
        sensor = self.sensors.get(name)
        if not sensor:
            sensor = self.post_sensor(record)
            self.sensors[name] = sensor
        format_args['sensor_id'] = sensor['@iot.id']

        # Add observedproperty is not exists for name
        observedproperty = self.observedproperties.get(name)
        if not observedproperty:
            observedproperty = self.post_observedproperty(record)
            self.observedproperties[name] = observedproperty

        format_args['observedproperty_id'] = observedproperty['@iot.id']
        format_args['station_id'] = record['device_id']
        format_args['name'] = record['name']
        format_args['label'] = sensor_def['label']
        format_args['unit'] = record['unit']

        payload = self.entity_templates['datastream'].format(**format_args)
        self.path = self.base_path + '/Datastreams'
        statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, None, payload)
        datastream = json.loads(res)
        return datastream
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):

        if self.template_file_root is None:
            self.template_file_root = path.join(
                path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), 'sostemplates')

        # Template file, to be used as POST body with substituted values
        self.insert_sensor_templ_path = '%s/insert-sensor.json' % self.template_file_root
        self.update_sensor_desc_templ_path = '%s/update-sensor-desc.json' % self.template_file_root
        self.insert_obs_templ_path = '%s/insert-observation.json' % self.template_file_root
        self.proc_desc_templ_path = '%s/procedure-desc.xml' % self.template_file_root
        self.insert_sensor_templ_str = None
        self.update_sensor_desc_templ_str = None
        self.insert_obs_templ_str = None
コード例 #13
ファイル: staoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def post_observedproperty(self, record):
        format_args = dict()

        format_args['name'] = record['name']
        format_args['unit'] = record['unit']

        payload = self.entity_templates['observedproperty'].format(**format_args)
        self.path = self.base_path + '/ObservedProperties'
        statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, None, payload)
        entity = json.loads(res)
        return entity
コード例 #14
ファイル: staoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def post_sensor(self, record):
        format_args = dict()

        format_args['name'] = record['name']
        format_args['label'] = record['unit']

        payload = self.entity_templates['sensor'].format(**format_args)
        self.path = self.base_path + '/Sensors'
        statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, None, payload)
        entity = json.loads(res)
        return entity
コード例 #15
ファイル: staoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def post_thing(self, record):
        format_args = dict()

        format_args['station_id'] = record['device_id']
        # format_args['station_altitude'] = record['altitude']
        format_args['station_lon'] = record['lon']
        format_args['station_lat'] = record['lat']

        payload = self.entity_templates['thing'].format(**format_args)
        self.path = self.base_path + '/Things'
        statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, None, payload)
        thing = json.loads(res)
        return thing
コード例 #16
ファイル: staoutput.py プロジェクト: Geonovum/smartemission
    def post(self, packet, payload):
        # {'device_id': 1, 'name': 'temperature', 'value': 19, 'unit': 'Celsius', 'gid': 50,
        # 'time': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 27, 5, 0, tzinfo=psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=120, name=None)),
        # 'lat': 51.472585, , 'lon': 5.671208, , 'altitude': 210, }
        record = packet.data
        component = record['name']
        device_id = str(record['device_id'])
        gid = record['gid']
        id = '%s-%s-%s' % (device_id, component, gid)

        log.info('====START POST Observation id=%s' % id)

        statuscode, statusmessage, res = HttpOutput.post(self, packet, payload)

        # Check result
        if statuscode in [200, 201]:
            log.info('YES added Observation! id=%s status=%s' % (id, statusmessage))
            log.warn('FAIL POST Observation status=%d payload=%s res=%s' % (statuscode, payload, res))

        log.info('====END POST Observation id=%s' % id)

        return statuscode, statusmessage, res