def genObject_MarkingSpecification(data=None): from stix.extensions.marking.terms_of_use_marking import TermsOfUseMarkingStructure objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() try: objTOU.terms_of_use = open('tou.txt').read() except: objTOU.terms_of_use = None from stix.extensions.marking.simple_marking import SimpleMarkingStructure objSimpleMarkingStructure = SimpleMarkingStructure() objSimpleMarkingStructure.statement = data['source'][ "stix.extensions.marking.simple_marking.SimpleMarkingStructure.statement"] from stix.extensions.marking.tlp import TLPMarkingStructure objTLP = TLPMarkingStructure() objTLP.color = data['source'][ 'stix.extensions.marking.tlp.TLPMarkingStructure.color'] from stix.data_marking import MarkingSpecification objMarkingSpecification = MarkingSpecification() objMarkingSpecification.idref = None objMarkingSpecification.version = None objMarkingSpecification.marking_structures = [] objMarkingSpecification.marking_structures.append( objSimpleMarkingStructure) objMarkingSpecification.marking_structures.append(objTLP) objMarkingSpecification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) ### Externally Modified # objMarkingSpecification.controlled_structure = None return (objMarkingSpecification)
def _make_marking_specification_statement(self, key, value, controlled_structure=None): simple_marking_structres = SimpleMarkingStructure() statement = '%s: %s' % (key, value) simple_marking_structres.statement = statement marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.marking_structures = simple_marking_structres marking_specification.controlled_structure = controlled_structure return marking_specification
def generate_simple_markings(handling_markings): handling_list = list() for item in handling_markings: simple_structure = SimpleMarkingStructure(item['statement']) if not item.get("marking_model_name", None) is None: simple_structure.marking_model_name = item["marking_model_name"] handling_list.append(simple_structure) return handling_list
def append_handling(edge_object, handling_markings): if getattr(edge_object.obj, "handling", None) is None: edge_object.obj.handling = make_handling(edge_object.ty) else: purge_old_handling_caveats(edge_object) for handling in handling_markings: handling_caveat = SimpleMarkingStructure(handling) handling_caveat.marking_model_name = HANDLING_CAVEAT edge_object.obj.handling.markings[0].marking_structures.append(handling_caveat)
def build_stix( input_dict ): # setup stix document stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.description = "Incident report for " + input_dict['organization'] stix_header.add_package_intent ("Incident") # Add handling requirements if needed if input_dict['sensitive'] == "True": mark = SimpleMarkingStructure() mark.statement = "Sensitive" mark_spec = MarkingSpecification() mark_spec.marking_structures.append(mark) stix_header.handling = Marking(mark_spec) stix_package.stix_header = stix_header # add incident and confidence incident = Incident() incident.description = input_dict['description'] incident.confidence = input_dict['confidence'] # add incident reporter incident.reporter = InformationSource() incident.reporter.description = "Person who reported the incident" incident.reporter.time = Time() incident.reporter.time.produced_time = datetime.strptime(input_dict['timestamp'], "%Y-%m-%d") # when they submitted it incident.reporter.identity = Identity() = input_dict['submitter'] # incident time is a complex object with support for a bunch of different "when stuff happened" items incident.time = incidentTime() incident.title = "Breach of " + input_dict['organization'] incident.time.incident_discovery = datetime.strptime(input_dict['timestamp'], "%Y-%m-%d") # when they submitted it # add the impact impact = ImpactAssessment() impact.add_effect(input_dict['damage']) incident.impact_assessment = impact #Add the thing that was stolen jewels = AffectedAsset() jewels.type_ = input_dict['asset'] incident.add_affected_asset (jewels) # add the victim incident.add_victim (input_dict['organization']) stix_package.add_incident(incident) return stix_package
def _marking(self): """Define the TLP marking and the inheritance.""" marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = self.pulse["TLP"].upper() marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../../descendant-or-self::node() | ../../../../descendant-or-self::node()/@*" simple = SimpleMarkingStructure() simple.statement = "Automated ingest from AlienVault OTX." marking_specification.marking_structures.append(simple) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) return handling
def _marking(): """Define the TLP marking and the inheritance.""" marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = SETTINGS['stix']['tlp'] marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = SETTINGS[ 'stix']['controlled_structure'] simple = SimpleMarkingStructure() simple.statement = SETTINGS['stix']['statement'] marking_specification.marking_structures.append(simple) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) return handling
def _marking(): """Define the TLP marking and the inheritance.""" marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = SETTINGS['stix']['tlp'] marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = SETTINGS['stix'][ 'controlled_structure'] simple = SimpleMarkingStructure() simple.statement = SETTINGS['stix']['statement'] marking_specification.marking_structures.append(simple) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) return handling
def marking(): """Define the TLP marking and the inheritence.""" marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../../descendant"\ "-or-self::node() | ../../../../descendant-or-self::node()/@*" simple = SimpleMarkingStructure() simple.statement = HNDL_ST marking_specification.marking_structures.append(simple) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) return handling
def _marking(): """Define the TLP marking and the inheritance.""" marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../../descendant"\ "-or-self::node() | ../../../../descendant-or-self::node()/@*" simple = SimpleMarkingStructure() simple.statement = HNDL_ST marking_specification.marking_structures.append(simple) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) return handling
def main(): # get args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser ( description = "Parse a given CSV from Shadowserver and output STIX XML to stdout" , formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument("--infile","-f", help="input CSV with bot data", default = "bots.csv") args = parser.parse_args() # setup stix document stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = "Bot Server IP addresses" stix_header.description = "IP addresses connecting to bot control servers at a given port" stix_header.add_package_intent ("Indicators - Watchlist") # add marking mark = Marking() markspec = MarkingSpecification() markstruct = SimpleMarkingStructure() markstruct.statement = "Usage of this information, including integration into security mechanisms implies agreement with the Shadowserver Terms of Service available at" markspec.marking_structures.append(markstruct) mark.add_marking(markspec) stix_header.handling = mark # include author info stix_header.information_source = InformationSource() stix_header.information_source.time = Time() stix_header.information_source.time.produced_time = ToolInformationList()"ShadowBotnetIP-STIXParser") stix_header.information_source.identity = Identity() = "MITRE STIX Team" stix_header.information_source.add_role(VocabString("Format Transformer")) src = InformationSource() src.description = "" srcident = Identity() = "" src.identity = srcident src.add_role(VocabString("Originating Publisher")) stix_header.information_source.add_contributing_source(src) stix_package.stix_header = stix_header # add TTP for overall indicators bot_ttp = TTP() bot_ttp.title = 'Botnet C2' bot_ttp.resources = Resource() bot_ttp.resources.infrastructure = Infrastructure() bot_ttp.resources.infrastructure.title = 'Botnet C2' stix_package.add_ttp(bot_ttp) # read input data fd = open (args.infile, "rb") infile = csv.DictReader(fd) for row in infile: # split indicators out, may be 1..n with positional storage, same port and channel, inconsistent delims domain = row['Domain'].split() country = row['Country'].split() region = row['Region'].split('|') state = row['State'].split('|') asn = row['ASN'].split() asname = row['AS Name'].split() asdesc = row['AS Description'].split('|') index = 0 for ip in row['IP Address'].split(): indicator = Indicator() indicator.title = "IP indicator for " + row['Channel'] indicator.description = "Bot connecting to control server" # point to overall TTP indicator.add_indicated_ttp(TTP(idref=bot_ttp.id_)) # add our IP and port sock = SocketAddress() sock.ip_address = ip # add sighting sight = Sighting() sight.timestamp = "" obs = Observable(item=sock.ip_address) obsref = Observable(idref=obs.id_) sight.related_observables.append(obsref) indicator.sightings.append(sight) stix_package.add_observable(obs) # add pattern for indicator sock_pattern = SocketAddress() sock_pattern.ip_address = ip port = Port() port.port_value = row['Port'] sock_pattern.port = port sock_pattern.ip_address.condition= "Equals" sock_pattern.port.port_value.condition= "Equals" indicator.add_object(sock_pattern) stix_package.add_indicator(indicator) # add domain domain_obj = DomainName() domain_obj.value = domain[index] domain_obj.add_related(sock.ip_address,"Resolved_To", inline=False) stix_package.add_observable(domain_obj) # add whois obs whois_obj = WhoisEntry() registrar = WhoisRegistrar() = asname[index] registrar.address = state[index] + region[index] + country[index] whois_obj.registrar_info = registrar whois_obj.add_related(sock.ip_address,"Characterizes", inline=False) stix_package.add_observable(whois_obj) # add ASN obj asn_obj = AutonomousSystem() = asname[index] asn_obj.number = asn[index] asn_obj.handle = "AS" + str(asn[index]) asn_obj.add_related(sock.ip_address,"Contains", inline=False) stix_package.add_observable(asn_obj) # iterate index = index + 1 print stix_package.to_xml()
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') stixObj = None ### Input Check if srcObj == None or data == None: #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return (False) ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() objIndicator = Indicator() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() listOBS = [] ### Parsing IP Address sAddr = data[sKey]['attrib']['ipAddr'] if len(sAddr) > 0: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_source = True objAddr.address_value = sAddr objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals' if isIPv4(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv4-addr' elif isIPv6(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv6-addr' else: continue obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) objAddr = None obsAddr.sighting_count = 1 obsAddr.title = 'IP: ' + sAddr sDscrpt = 'IPv4' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " sDscrpt += "isSource: True | " obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsAddr) obsAddr = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") ### Parsing Domain sDomain = data[sKey]['attrib']['domain'] if len(sDomain) > 0: objDomain = DomainName() objDomain.value = sDomain objDomain.value.condition = 'Equals' if isFQDN(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'FQDN' elif isTLD(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'TLD' else: continue obsDomain = Observable(objDomain) objDomain = None obsDomain.sighting_count = 1 obsDomain.title = 'Domain: ' + sDomain sDscrpt = 'Domain: ' + sDomain + " | " sDscrpt += "isFQDN: True | " obsDomain.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsDomain) obsDomain = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") #Parser URI sURI = data[sKey]['attrib']['URI'] if len(sURI) > 0: objURI = URI() objURI.value = sURI objURI.value.condition = 'Equals' objURI.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL obsURI = Observable(objURI) objURI = None obsURI.sighting_count = 1 obsURI.title = 'URI: ' + sURI sDscrpt = 'URI: ' + sURI + " | " sDscrpt += "Type: URL | " obsURI.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsURI) obsURI = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") #Parser File Hash sHash = data[sKey]['attrib']['hash'] if len(sHash) > 0: objFile = File() sFileName = data[sKey]['attrib']['fileName'] if len(sFileName) > 0: objFile.file_name = sFileName objFile.file_format = sFileName.split('.')[1] objFile.add_hash(Hash(sHash, exact=True)) obsFile = Observable(objFile) objFile = None obsFile.sighting_count = 1 obsFile.title = 'File: ' + sFileName sDscrpt = 'FileName: ' + sFileName + " | " sDscrpt += "FileHash: " + sHash + " | " obsFile.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsFile) obsFile = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.observables = listOBS objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' #Parsing Producer sProducer = srcObj.Domain if len(sProducer) > 0: objIndicator.set_producer_identity(sProducer) objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['dateVF']) objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) ### Old Title / Description Generator #objIndicator.title = data[sKey]['attrib']['title']; #objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + data[sKey]['attrib']['dscrpt'] + "]]>"; ### Generate Indicator Title based on availbe data sTitle = 'ZeuS Tracker (' + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'status'] + ')| ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['title'] if len(sAddr) > 0: sAddLine = "This IP address has been identified as malicious" if len(sDomain) > 0: sAddLine = "This domain has been identified as malicious" if len(sAddLine) > 0: sTitle = sTitle + " | " + sAddLine if len(srcObj.Domain) > 0: sTitle = sTitle + " by " + srcObj.Domain else: sTitle = sTitle + "." if len(sTitle) > 0: objIndicator.title = sTitle #Generate Indicator Description based on availbe data sDscrpt = "" if len(sAddr) > 0: sAddLine = "This IP address " + sAddr if len(sDomain) > 0: sAddLine = "This domain " + sDomain if len(sAddr) > 0 and len(sDomain) > 0: sAddLine = "This domain " + sDomain + " (" + sAddr + ")" if len(sAddLine) > 0: sDscrpt = sDscrpt + sAddLine sDscrpt = sDscrpt + " has been identified as malicious" if len(srcObj.Domain) > 0: sDscrpt = sDscrpt + " by " + srcObj.Domain else: sDscrpt = sDscrpt + "." sDscrpt = sDscrpt + ". For more detailed infomation about this indicator go to [CAUTION!!Read-URL-Before-Click] [" + data[ sKey]['attrib']['link'] + "]." if len(sDscrpt) > 0: objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" #Parse TTP objMalware = MalwareInstance() objMalware.add_name("ZeuS") objMalware.add_name("Zbot") objMalware.add_name("Zeus") objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan") objMalware.short_description = "Zeus, ZeuS, or Zbot is Trojan horse computer malware effects Microsoft Windows operating system" objMalware.description = "Zeus, ZeuS, or Zbot is Trojan horse computer malware that runs on computers running under versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. While it is capable of being used to carry out many malicious and criminal tasks, it is often used to steal banking information by man-in-the-browser keystroke logging and form grabbing. It is also used to install the CryptoLocker ransomware.[1] Zeus is spread mainly through drive-by downloads and phishing schemes. (2014(" objTTP = TTP(title="ZeuS") objTTP.behavior = Behavior() objTTP.behavior.add_malware_instance(objMalware) objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(objTTP) #objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(TTP(idref=objTTP.id_)) #stix_package.add_ttp(objTTP) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) objIndicator = None ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = sProducer + " | " + sTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_header = None ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) return (stix_package)
def build_stix( input_dict ): # setup stix document stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.description = "TTP " + input_dict['title'] # Add handling requirements if needed if input_dict['marking']: mark = SimpleMarkingStructure() mark.statement = input_dict['marking'] mark_spec = MarkingSpecification() mark_spec.marking_structures.append(mark) stix_header.handling = Marking(mark_spec) stix_package.stix_header = stix_header report = Report() if input_dict['incidents']: for each in input_dict['incidents'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from incidents where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_incident(buildIncident(result)) if input_dict['ttps']: for each in input_dict['ttps'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from ttps where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_ttp(buildTtp(result)) if input_dict['indicators']: for each in input_dict['indicators'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from indicators where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_indicator(buildIndicator(result)) if input_dict['observables']: for each in input_dict['observables'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from observables where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_observable(buildObservable(result)) if input_dict['threatActors']: for each in input_dict['threatActors'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from threatActors where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_threat_actor(buildThreatActor(result)) if input_dict['targets']: for each in input_dict['targets'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from targets where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_exploit_target(buildTarget(result)) if input_dict['coas']: for each in input_dict['coas'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from coas where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_course_of_action(buildCoa(result)) if input_dict['campaigns']: for each in input_dict['campaigns'].split(','): result = query_db('select * from campaigns where id = ?', [each], one=True) report.add_campaign(buildCampaign(result)) stix_package.add_report(report) return stix_package
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') stixObj = None ### Input Check if srcObj == None or data == None: #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return (False) ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() objIndicator = Indicator() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() listOBS = [] oObsSrcData = genObsSrcData(srcObj, data[sKey]) ### Parsing IP Address sAddr = data[sKey]['attrib']['ip'] if len(sAddr) > 0: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_destination = True objAddr.address_value = sAddr objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals' if isIPv4(sAddr): objAddr.type = 'ipv4-addr' elif isIPv6(sAddr): objAddr.type = 'ipv6-addr' else: continue obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) objAddr = None obsAddr.sighting_count = 1 oObsSrcData.sighting_count = 1 obsAddr.observable_source.append(oObsSrcData) sTitle = 'IP: ' + sAddr obsAddr.title = sTitle sDscpt = 'ipv4-addr' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " sDscpt += "is_destination: True | " if data[sKey]['attrib']['first']: sDscpt += "firstSeen: " + data[sKey]['attrib']['first'] + " | " if data[sKey]['attrib']['last']: sDscpt += "lastSeen: " + data[sKey]['attrib']['last'] + " | " obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsAddr) obsAddr = None ### Parsing Network Address sAddr = data[sKey]['attrib']['inetnum'] if sAddr: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_destination = True sAddrNet = sAddr.split("-") objAddr.address_value = sAddrNet[0].strip( ) + "##comma##" + sAddrNet[1].strip() objAddr.address_value.condition = 'InclusiveBetween' objAddr.category = 'ipv4-net' obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) objAddr = None obsAddr.sighting_count = 1 oObsSrcData.sighting_count = 1 obsAddr.observable_source.append(oObsSrcData) sTitle = 'NETWORK_range: ' + sAddr obsAddr.title = sTitle sDscpt = 'ipv4-net' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " if data[sKey]['attrib']['netname']: sDscpt += 'netName' + ': ' + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'netname'] + " | " obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsAddr) obsAddr = None ### Parsing Email Address sEMAIL = data[sKey]['attrib']['email'] if sEMAIL: objEmail = EmailAddress() #objEmail.is_source = True objEmail.address_value = sEMAIL objEmail.address_value.condition = 'Equals' objEmail.category = 'e-mail' obsEmail = Observable(objEmail) objEmail = None obsEmail.sighting_count = 1 oObsSrcData.sighting_count = 1 if len(data[sKey]['attrib']['source']) > 0: = data[sKey]['attrib']['source'] obsEmail.observable_source.append(oObsSrcData) sTitle = 'REGISTRAR_email: ' + sEMAIL obsEmail.title = sTitle sDscrpt = 'REGISTRAR_email: ' + sEMAIL if data[sKey]['attrib']['descr']: sDscrpt += " | REGISTRAR_name: " + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'descr'] + " | " obsEmail.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsEmail) obsEmail = None ### Parsing Domain sDomain = data[sKey]['attrib']['domain'] if len(sDomain) > 0: objDomain = DomainName() objDomain.value = sDomain objDomain.value.condition = 'Equals' objDomain.is_destination = True if isFQDN(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'FQDN' elif isTLD(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'TLD' else: continue obsDomain = Observable(objDomain) objDomain = None obsDomain.sighting_count = 1 oObsSrcData.sighting_count = 1 obsDomain.observable_source.append(oObsSrcData) obsDomain.title = 'Domain: ' + sDomain sDscpt = 'Domain: ' + sDomain + " | " sDscpt += "isDestination: True | " if data[sKey]['attrib']['first']: sDscpt += "firstSeen: " + data[sKey]['attrib']['first'] + " | " if data[sKey]['attrib']['last']: sDscpt += "lastSeen: " + data[sKey]['attrib']['last'] + " | " #if obsDomain.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsDomain) obsDomain = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") #Parser URI sURI = data[sKey]['attrib']['url'] if len(sURI) > 0: objURI = URI() objURI.value = sURI objURI.value.condition = 'Equals' objURI.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL obsURI = Observable(objURI) objURI = None obsURI.sighting_count = 1 oObsSrcData.sighting_count = 1 obsURI.observable_source.append(oObsSrcData) obsURI.title = 'URI: ' + sURI sDscpt = 'URI: ' + sURI + " | " sDscpt += "Type: URL | " obsURI.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsURI) obsURI = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") sDscrpt = None sCntry_code = None sCntry_name = None sRgstra_email = None sRgstra_name = None # add Phishing Email Target # add Phishing email Details phishtank_ID if data[sKey]['attrib']['country']: sCntry_code = data[sKey]['attrib']['country'] if sCntry_code in dictCC2CN: sCntry_name = dictCC2CN[sCntry_code] if data[sKey]['attrib']['email'] > 0: sRgstra_email = data[sKey]['attrib']['email'] if data[sKey]['attrib']['descr']: sRgstra_name = data[sKey]['attrib']['descr'] sDscrpt = " has identified this " if isIPv4(data[sKey]['attrib']['domain']): sDscrpt += "ip address " + data[sKey]['attrib']['domain'] + " " else: sDscrpt += "domain " + data[sKey]['attrib']['domain'] + " " sDscrpt += "as malicious " if data[sKey]['attrib']['target']: sDscrpt += "and uses phishing email(s) targeting " + data[sKey][ 'attrib']['target'] + " users with " else: sDscrpt += "and sent out " sDscrpt += "email containg this url <-Do Not Connect-> {" + data[sKey][ 'attrib']['url'] + "} <-Do Not Connect-> link. " if data[sKey]['attrib']['phishtank']: sDscrpt += "For more detail on the specific phisihing email use this phishtank ID [" + data[ sKey]['attrib']['phishtank'] + "]. " if sCntry_code: sDscrpt += " This url appears to originated in " + sCntry_code if sCntry_name: sDscrpt += " (" + sCntry_name + ")" if sCntry_code and (sRgstra_email or sRgstra_name): sDscrpt += " and is " if sRgstra_email: sDscrpt += "register to " + sRgstra_email if sRgstra_email and sRgstra_name: sDscrpt += " of " + sRgstra_name elif sRgstra_name: sDscrpt += "register to " + sRgstra_name sDscrpt += "." if sCntry_code or sRgstra_email or sRgstra_name: objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" sTitle = 'Phishing ID:' + sKey + " " if data[sKey]['attrib']["target"]: sTitle += "Target: " + data[sKey]['attrib']["target"] + " " if data[sKey]['attrib']["url"]: sTitle += "URL: " + data[sKey]['attrib']["url"] + " " objIndicator.title = sTitle ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' objIndicator.observables = listOBS #Parsing Producer sProducer = srcObj.Domain if len(sProducer) > 0: objIndicator.set_producer_identity(sProducer) objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['first']) objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) objIndicator = None ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() #sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = sProducer + " | " + srcObj.srcTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_header = None ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) return (stix_package)
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') stixObj = None ### Input Check if srcObj == None or data == None: #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return (False) ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() objIndicator = Indicator() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() listOBS = [] ### Parsing Domain sDomain = data[sKey]['attrib']['domain'] if len(sDomain) > 0: objDomain = DomainName() objDomain.value = sDomain objDomain.value.condition = 'Equals' if isFQDN(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'FQDN' elif isTLD(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'TLD' else: continue obsDomain = Observable(objDomain) objDomain = None obsDomain.sighting_count = 1 obsDomain.title = 'Domain: ' + sDomain sDscrpt = 'Domain: ' + sDomain + " | " sDscrpt += "isFQDN: True | " obsDomain.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsDomain) obsDomain = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' objIndicator.observables = listOBS #Parsing Producer infoSrc = InformationSource(identity=Identity(name=srcObj.Domain)) infoSrc.add_contributing_source(data[sKey]['attrib']['ref']) if len(srcObj.Domain) > 0: objIndicator.producer = infoSrc if data[sKey]['attrib']['lstDateVF']: objIndicator.set_produced_time( data[sKey]['attrib']['lstDateVF'][0]) objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) ### Generate Indicator Title based on availbe data lstContainng = [] lstIs = [] sTitle = 'This domain ' + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'domain'] + ' has been identified as malicious' if len(data[sKey]['attrib']['ref']): sTitle += ' by ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['ref'] if len(data[sKey]['attrib']['type']) > 0: sTitle += ', via this vector [' + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'type'] + '].' else: sTitle += '.' objIndicator.title = sTitle ### Generate Indicator Description based on availbe data sDscrpt = ' site has added this domain ' + data[sKey][ 'attrib']['domain'] sDscrpt += ' to recommend block list.' sDscrpt += ' This site has been identified as malicious' sDscrpt += ' by ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['ref'] sDscrpt += ' and was still attive on the following dates ' + str( data[sKey]['attrib']['lstDateVF']) + "." objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" #Parse TTP objMalware = MalwareInstance() objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan") ttpTitle = data[sKey]['attrib']['type'] objTTP = TTP(title=ttpTitle) objTTP.behavior = Behavior() objTTP.behavior.add_malware_instance(objMalware) objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(objTTP) #objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(TTP(idref=objTTP.id_)) #stix_package.add_ttp(objTTP) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) objIndicator = None ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = srcObj.Domain + " | " + sTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_header = None ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) return (stix_package)
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') stixObj = None ### Input Check if srcObj == None or data == None: #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return (False) ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() objIndicator = Indicator() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() listOBS = [] oObsSrcData = genObsSrcData(srcObj, data[sKey]) ### Parsing IP Address sAddr = sKey if len(sAddr) > 0: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_source = True objAddr.address_value = sAddr objAddr.address_value.condition = 'InclusiveBetween' objAddr.category = 'ipv4-net' obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) objAddr = None obsAddr.sighting_count = int(data[sKey]['attrib']['Attacks']) oObsSrcData.sighting_count = int(data[sKey]['attrib']['Attacks']) obsAddr.observable_source.append(oObsSrcData) sTitle = 'NETWORK_range: ' + sAddr obsAddr.title = sTitle sDscpt = 'ipv4-net' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " sDscpt += "is_source: True | " sDscpt += "Attack_Count: " + data[sKey]['attrib']['Attacks'] + " | " sDscpt += "Attack_DateRange: " + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'dateRange'] + " | " obsAddr.description = sDscpt listOBS.append(obsAddr) obsAddr = None ### Parsing Registrar Information if data[sKey]['attrib']['email']: objEmail = EmailAddress() objEmail.address_value = data[sKey]['attrib']['email'] objEmail.address_value.condition = 'Equals' objEmail.category = 'e-mail' objWhoisReg = WhoisRegistrar() if len(data[sKey]['attrib']['Name']) > 1: = data[sKey]['attrib']['Name'] objWhoisReg.email_address = objEmail objEmail = None objWhois = WhoisEntry() objWhois.registrar_info = objWhoisReg obsWhois = Observable(objWhois) #print obsWhois.id_ objWhois = None obsWhois.sighting_count = 1 sTitle = 'REGISTRAR_email: ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['email'] if len(data[sKey]['attrib']['Name']) > 0: sTitle += " | REGISTRAR_name: " + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'Name'] + " | " obsWhois.title = sTitle obsWhois.description = sTitle listOBS.append(obsWhois) obsWhois = None sDscrpt = None sCntry_code = None sCntry_name = None sRgstra_email = None sRgstra_name = None if len(data[sKey]['attrib']['Country']) > 0: sCntry_code = data[sKey]['attrib']['Country'] if sCntry_code in dictCC2CN: sCntry_name = dictCC2CN[sCntry_code] if 'email' in data[sKey]['attrib']: sRgstra_email = data[sKey]['attrib']['email'] if len(data[sKey]['attrib']['Name']) > 0: sRgstra_name = data[sKey]['attrib']['Name'] sDscrpt = "This IP block appears to have " if sCntry_code: sDscrpt += "originated in " + sCntry_code if sCntry_name: sDscrpt += "(" + sCntry_name + ")" if sCntry_code and (sRgstra_email or sRgstra_name): sDscrpt += " and is " if sRgstra_email: sDscrpt += "register to " + sRgstra_email if sRgstra_email and sRgstra_name: sDscrpt += " of " + sRgstra_name elif sRgstra_name: sDscrpt += "register to " + sRgstra_name sDscrpt += "." if sCntry_code or sRgstra_email or sRgstra_name: objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" objIndicator.title = sAddr.replace('##comma##', ' - ') + " | " + srcObj.pkgTitle ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' objIndicator.observables = listOBS #Parsing Producer sProducer = srcObj.Domain if len(sProducer) > 0: objIndicator.set_producer_identity(sProducer) objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['dateVF']) objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) objIndicator = None ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() #sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = sProducer + " | " + srcObj.srcTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_header = None ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) return (stix_package)
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') ### Input Check if srcObj is None or data is None: # TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return False ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() listOBS = [] ### Parsing IP Address sAddr = data[sKey]['attrib']['ipAddr'] if sAddr: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_source = True objAddr.address_value = sAddr objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals' if isIPv4(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv4-addr' elif isIPv6(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv6-addr' else: continue obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) obsAddr.sighting_count = 1 obsAddr.title = 'IP: ' + sAddr sDscrpt = 'IPv4' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " sDscrpt += "isSource: True | " obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsAddr) objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") ### Parsing Domain sDomain = data[sKey]['attrib']['domain'] if sDomain: objDomain = DomainName() objDomain.value = sDomain objDomain.value.condition = 'Equals' if isFQDN(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'FQDN' elif isTLD(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'TLD' else: continue obsDomain = Observable(objDomain) obsDomain.sighting_count = 1 obsDomain.title = 'Domain: ' + sDomain sDscrpt = 'Domain: ' + sDomain + " | " sDscrpt += "isFQDN: True | " obsDomain.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsDomain) objIndicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") # Parser File Hash # sHash = data[sKey]['attrib']['hash']; # if len(sHash) > 0: # objFile = File() # sFileName = data[sKey]['attrib']['fileName'] # if len(sFileName) > 0: # objFile.file_name = sFileName # objFile.file_format = sFileName.split('.')[1] # objFile.add_hash(Hash(sHash, exact=True)) # obsFile = Observable(objFile) # objFile = None; # obsFile.sighting_count = 1 # obsFile.title = 'File: ' + sFileName # sDscrpt = 'FileName: ' + sFileName + " | " # sDscrpt += "FileHash: " + sHash + " | " # obsFile.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" # listOBS.append(obsFile) # obsFile = None; # objIndicator.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.observables = listOBS objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' #Parsing Producer sProducer = srcObj.Domain if len(srcObj.Domain) > 0: objIndicator.set_producer_identity(srcObj.Domain) if data[sKey]['attrib']['dateVF']: objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['dateVF']) objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) ### Old Title / Description Generator #objIndicator.title = data[sKey]['attrib']['title']; #objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + data[sKey]['attrib']['dscrpt'] + "]]>"; ### Generate Indicator Title based on availbe data sTitle = 'Feodo Tracker: ' if sAddr: sAddLine = "This IP address has been identified as malicious" if sDomain: sAddLine = "This domain has been identified as malicious" if len(sAddLine) > 0: sTitle += " | " + sAddLine if len(srcObj.Domain) > 0: sTitle += " by " + srcObj.Domain else: sTitle += "." if len(sTitle) > 0: objIndicator.title = sTitle #Generate Indicator Description based on availbe data sDscrpt = "" if sAddr: sAddLine = "This IP address " + sAddr if sDomain: sAddLine = "This domain " + sDomain if sAddr and sDomain: sAddLine = "This domain " + sDomain + " (" + sAddr + ")" if len(sAddLine) > 0: sDscrpt += sAddLine sDscrpt += " has been identified as malicious" if len(srcObj.Domain) > 0: sDscrpt += " by " + srcObj.Domain else: sDscrpt += "." sDscrpt = sDscrpt + ". For more detailed infomation about this indicator go to [CAUTION!!Read-URL-Before-Click] [" + \ data[sKey]['attrib']['link'] + "]." if len(sDscrpt) > 0: objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" #Parse TTP objMalware = MalwareInstance() objMalware.add_name("Cridex") objMalware.add_name("Bugat") objMalware.add_name("Dridex") objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan") objMalware.short_description = "Feodo (also known as Cridex or Bugat) is a Trojan used to commit ebanking fraud and steal sensitive information from the victims computer, such as credit card details or credentials" sDscrpt = "Feodo (also known as Cridex or Bugat) is a Trojan used to commit ebanking fraud and steal sensitive information from the victims computer, such as credit card details or credentials. At the moment, Feodo Tracker is tracking four versions of Feodo, and they are labeled by Feodo Tracker as version A, version B, version C and version D:\n" sDscrpt += "\n" sDscrpt += " Version A: Hosted on compromised webservers running an nginx proxy on port 8080 TCP forwarding all botnet traffic to a tier 2 proxy node. Botnet traffic usually directly hits these hosts on port 8080 TCP without using a domain name.\n" sDscrpt += " Version B: Hosted on servers rented and operated by cybercriminals for the exclusive purpose of hosting a Feodo botnet controller. Usually taking advantage of a domain name within ccTLD .ru. Botnet traffic usually hits these domain names using port 80 TCP.\n" sDscrpt += " Version C: Successor of Feodo, completely different code. Hosted on the same botnet infrastructure as Version A (compromised webservers, nginx on port 8080 TCP or port 7779 TCP, no domain names) but using a different URL structure. This Version is also known as Geodo.\n" sDscrpt += " Version D: Successor of Cridex. This version is also known as Dridex\n" objMalware.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" objTTP = TTP(title="Feodo") objTTP.behavior = Behavior() objTTP.behavior.add_malware_instance(objMalware) objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(objTTP) #objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(TTP(idref=objTTP.id_)) #stix_package.add_ttp(objTTP) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = srcObj.Domain + " | " + sTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) return stix_package
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') stixObj = None ### Input Check if srcObj == None or data == None: #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return (False) ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() objIndicator = Indicator() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() listOBS = [] ### Parsing IP Address for sAddr in data[sKey]['attrib']['ipAddrList']: if len(sAddr) > 0: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_destination = True objAddr.address_value = sAddr #objAddr.address_value.operator = 'Equals' objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals' if isIPv4(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv4-addr' elif isIPv6(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv6-addr' else: continue obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) objAddr = None obsAddr.sighting_count = 1 obsAddr.title = 'IP: ' + sAddr sDscrpt = 'IPv4' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " sDscrpt += "isDestination: True | " obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsAddr) obsAddr = None ### Parsing Port Number sPort = data[sKey]['attrib']['ipPort'] if len(sPort) > 0: objPort = Port() objPort.port_value = int(sPort) objPort.port_value.condition = 'Equals' sProtocol = data[sKey]['attrib']['ipProt'] if len(sProtocol) > 0: objPort.layer4_protocol = sProtocol.upper() obsPort = Observable(objPort) objPort = None obsPort.sighting_count = 1 obsPort.title = 'Port: ' + sPort sDscrpt = 'PortNumber' + ': ' + sPort + " | " sDscrpt += "Protocol: " + sProtocol.upper() + " | " obsPort.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsPort) ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' objIndicator.observables = listOBS from stix.extensions.test_mechanism.snort_test_mechanism import SnortTestMechanism from stix.common import InformationSource, Identity testMech = SnortTestMechanism() testMech.rules = [data[sKey]['attrib']['rule']] testMech.efficacy = "Unknown" infoSrc = InformationSource(identity=Identity(name=srcObj.Domain)) infoSrc.add_contributing_source("") infoSrc.add_contributing_source("") infoSrc.add_contributing_source("") infoSrc.add_contributing_source("") testMech.producer = infoSrc lstRef = data[sKey]['attrib']['reference'].split('|') testMech.producer.references = lstRef objIndicator.test_mechanisms = [testMech] #Parsing Producer sProducer = srcObj.Domain if len(sProducer) > 0: objIndicator.set_producer_identity(sProducer) #objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['dateVF']); objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) ### Title / Description Generator objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) sTitle = "sid:" + data[sKey]['attrib']['sid'] + " | " sTitle += data[sKey]['attrib']['msg'] + " | " sTitle += "rev:" + data[sKey]['attrib']['rev'] objIndicator.title = sTitle sDscrpt = "SNORT Rule by Emergingthreats | " + data[sKey]['attrib'][ 'rule'] objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" #Parse TTP objMalware = MalwareInstance() nameList = data[sKey]['attrib']['flowbits'] if len(nameList) > 0: nameList = nameList.split("|") for sName in nameList: sName = sName.split(",")[1] objMalware.add_name(sName) #objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan") objMalware.short_description = data[sKey]['attrib']['msg'] ttpTitle = data[sKey]['attrib']['classtype'] + " | " + data[sKey][ 'attrib']['msg'] objTTP = TTP(title=ttpTitle) objTTP.behavior = Behavior() objTTP.behavior.add_malware_instance(objMalware) objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(objTTP) #objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(TTP(idref=objTTP.id_)) #stix_package.add_ttp(objTTP) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) objIndicator = None ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = sProducer + " | " + sTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_header = None ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) return (stix_package)
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') stixObj = None ### Input Check if srcObj == None or data == None: #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return (False) ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() objIndicator = Indicator() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() listOBS = [] ### Parsing IP Address sAddr = data[sKey]['attrib']['ipAddr'] if len(sAddr) > 0: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_destination = True objAddr.address_value = sAddr objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals' if isIPv4(sAddr): objAddr.category = objAddr.CAT_IPV4 elif isIPv6(sAddr): objAddr.category = objAddr.CAT_IPV6 else: continue obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) objAddr = None obsAddr.sighting_count = 1 obsAddr.title = 'IP: ' + sAddr sDscrpt = 'IPv4' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " sDscrpt += "isDestination: True | " obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsAddr) obsAddr = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") ### Parsing Domain sDomain = data[sKey]['attrib']['domain'] if len(sDomain) > 0: objDomain = DomainName() objDomain.value = sDomain objDomain.value.condition = 'Equals' if isFQDN(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'FQDN' elif isTLD(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'TLD' else: continue obsDomain = Observable(objDomain) objDomain = None obsDomain.sighting_count = 1 obsDomain.title = 'Domain: ' + sDomain sDscrpt = 'Domain: ' + sDomain + " | " sDscrpt += "isFQDN: True | " obsDomain.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsDomain) obsDomain = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") #Parser URI sURI = data[sKey]['attrib']['title'] if len(sURI) > 0: objURI = URI() objURI.value = sURI objURI.value.condition = 'Equals' objURI.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL obsURI = Observable(objURI) objURI = None obsURI.sighting_count = 1 obsURI.title = 'URI: ' + sURI sDscrpt = 'URI: ' + sURI + " | " sDscrpt += "Type: URL | " obsURI.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsURI) obsURI = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.observables = listOBS objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' #Parsing Producer sProducer = srcObj.Domain if len(sProducer) > 0: objIndicator.set_producer_identity(sProducer) objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['dateVF']) objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['dateDL']) ### Generate Indicator Title based on availbe data sTitle = 'C2C Site: ' + sURI objIndicator.title = sTitle #Generate Indicator Description based on availbe data sDscrpt = "" if len(sAddr) > 0: sAddLine = "This IP address " + sAddr if len(sDomain) > 0: sAddLine = "This domain " + sDomain if len(sAddr) > 0 and len(sDomain) > 0: sAddLine = "This domain " + sDomain + " (" + sAddr + ")" if len(sAddLine) > 0: sDscrpt += sAddLine sDscrpt = sDscrpt + " has been identified as a command and control site for " + data[ sKey]['attrib']['dscrpt'] + ' malware' if len(srcObj.Domain) > 0: sDscrpt = sDscrpt + " by " + srcObj.Domain else: sDscrpt = sDscrpt + "." sDscrpt = sDscrpt + ". For more detailed infomation about this indicator go to [CAUTION!!Read-URL-Before-Click] [" + data[ sKey]['attrib']['link'] + "]." if len(sDscrpt) > 0: objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" pass #Parse TTP sType = data[sKey]['attrib']['dscrpt'] if len(sType) > 0: objMalware = MalwareInstance() objMalware.add_name(sType) objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan") objMalware.short_description = "" objMalware.description = "" objTTP = TTP(title=sType) objTTP.behavior = Behavior() objTTP.behavior.add_malware_instance(objMalware) objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(objTTP) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) objIndicator = None ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = sProducer + " | " + sTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_header = None ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) return (stix_package)
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data): sTxt = "Called... " sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()') stixObj = None ### Input Check if srcObj == None or data == None: #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object return (False) ### Generate NameSpace id tags STIX_NAMESPACE = {"": "opensource"} OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "opensource") stix_set_id_namespace(STIX_NAMESPACE) obs_set_id_namespace(OBS_NAMESPACE) ### Building STIX Wrapper stix_package = STIXPackage() objIndicator = Indicator() ### Bulid Object Data for sKey in data: objIndicator = Indicator() # if 'indicator' in data[sKey]['meta']['IDs']: # objIndicator.id_ = data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].key # else: # data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].update({objIndicator.id_:'indicator'}) listOBS = [] ### Parsing IP Address sAddr = data[sKey]['attrib']['IP Address'] if sAddr: objAddr = Address() objAddr.is_source = True objAddr.address_value = sAddr objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals' if isIPv4(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv4-addr' elif isIPv6(sAddr): objAddr.category = 'ipv6-addr' else: continue obsAddr = Observable(objAddr) # if 'address"' in data[sKey]['meta']['IDs']: # obsAddr.id_ = data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].key # else: # data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].update({objIndicator.id_:'address'}) objAddr = None obsAddr.sighting_count = 1 obsAddr.title = 'IP: ' + sAddr sDscrpt = 'IPv4' + ': ' + sAddr + " | " sDscrpt += "isSource: True | " obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsAddr) obsAddr = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") ### Parsing Domain sDomain = data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname'] if sDomain: objDomain = DomainName() objDomain.value = sDomain objDomain.value.condition = 'Equals' if isFQDN(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'FQDN' elif isTLD(sDomain): objDomain.type = 'TLD' else: continue obsDomain = Observable(objDomain) # if 'domain' in data[sKey]['meta']['IDs']: # obsDomain.id_ = data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].key # else: # data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].update({obsDomain.id_:'domain'}) objDomain = None obsDomain.sighting_count = 1 obsDomain.title = 'Domain: ' + sDomain sDscrpt = 'Domain: ' + sDomain + " | " sDscrpt += "isFQDN: True | " obsDomain.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsDomain) obsDomain = None objIndicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") ### Parsing Port Number sPortList = data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports'] for item in sPortList: if sPortList[item]: objPort = Port() sPort = sPortList[item] objPort.port_value = int(sPort) objPort.port_value.condition = 'Equals' objPort.layer4_protocol = 'TCP' obsPort = Observable(objPort) objPort = None obsPort.sighting_count = 1 obsPort.title = 'Port: ' + str(sPort) sDscrpt = 'PortNumber: ' + str(sPort) + " | " sDscrpt += "Protocol: TCP | " obsPort.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" listOBS.append(obsPort) ### Add Generated observable to Indicator objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR' objIndicator.observables = listOBS #Parsing Producer infoSrc = InformationSource(identity=Identity(name=srcObj.Domain)) #infoSrc.add_contributing_source(data[sKey]['attrib']['ref']) objIndicator.producer = infoSrc # if data[sKey]['attrib']['lstDateVF']: # objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['lstDateVF'][0]); objIndicator.set_received_time(data[sKey]['meta']['dateDL']) ### Generate Indicator Title based on availbe data lstContainng = [] lstIs = [] sTitle = ' This' if data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname']: sTitle += ' domain ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname'] else: sTitle += ' ipAddress ' + sKey sTitle += ' has been identified as a TOR network "Exit Point" router' objIndicator.title = sTitle ### Generate Indicator Description based on availbe data sDscrpt = ' has identified this' if data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname']: sDscrpt += ' domain ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname'] else: sDscrpt += ' ipAddress ' + sKey # sDscrpt += ' with a router name of "' + data[sKey]['attrib']['Router Name'] + '"' # if data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['ORPort']: # sDscrpt += ' using ORPort: ' + str(data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['ORPort']) # if data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['DirPort']: # sDscrpt += ' and DirPort: ' + str(data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['DirPort']) sDscrpt += ' as a TOR network "Exit Point" router' if data[sKey]['attrib']['Country Code']: sCntry_code = data[sKey]['attrib']['Country Code'] if sCntry_code in dictCC2CN: sCntry_name = dictCC2CN[sCntry_code] sDscrpt += ', which appears to be located in ' + sCntry_name sDscrpt += '. \n\n RawData: ' + str(data[sKey]['attrib']) objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>" #Parse TTP # objMalware = MalwareInstance() # objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan") # ttpTitle = data[sKey]['attrib']['type'] # objTTP = TTP(title=ttpTitle) # objTTP.behavior = Behavior() # objTTP.behavior.add_malware_instance(objMalware) # objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(objTTP) #objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(TTP(idref=objTTP.id_)) #stix_package.add_ttp(objTTP) stix_package.add_indicator(objIndicator) objIndicator = None ### STIX Package Meta Data stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>" ### Understanding markings marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure() classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(classLevel) tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()" objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure() sTOU = open('tou.txt').read() objTOU.terms_of_use = srcObj.Domain + " | " + sTOU marking_specification.marking_structures.append(objTOU) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) stix_header.handling = handling stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_header = None ### Generate STIX XML File locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml' sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile) # locDataFile = 'db_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json' # sndFile_Dict2JSON(data,locDataFile); # data = None return (stix_package)